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Sep 23, 2024
Chapter 5

Prioritization and Benefits of Recommended Research Needs

Publication: State of the Art and Research Needs in Design for Tornadoes to Improve Community Resilience: Structural Engineering Institute Workshop Report

5.1 Prioritization of Research Needs by Workshop Participants

Following the breakout sessions, the workshop participants reconvened into a single group and reviewed the combined recommended research needs from the breakout sessions. Table 4-1 summarizes these research needs by breakout session.

5.2 Summary Overview of Priority Research Needs, Activity Costs, and Time Requirements

After discussion of the breakout sessions’ recommended research needs, the WSC combined similar research needs and identified an overall list of needs. Then, the workshop participants identified the priority research needs and determined the order of urgency (Table 5-1). The table lists the priority research needs in order of priority and their estimated costs and times. Section 5.3, Summaries of Research Priority Needs, describes these needs in greater detail. These summaries include a description, estimated cost, estimated time, measurement science challenges and potential solutions, stakeholders and roles, and impacts on standardization and application in practice. Sections 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 describe the comprehensive budget and schedule, interrelationships among research activities, and their benefits.
Table 5-1. Workshop Priority Research Needs, as Voted on by the Workshop Participants.
No.Priority Research NeedsEstimated CostEstimated Time Period
1Residential Building Performance Requirements to Achieve Community Level Resilience GoalsHighLong
2Tornado-Borne DebrisModerateModerate
3Improved Characterization of Tornado Flow FieldsHighLong
4MRI and Target Reliabilities for Tornado Winds vs. Straight-Line WindsModerateModerate
5Improvement of Tornado Windspeed Estimation MethodsHighLong
6Standards for Tornado SimulationsModerateModerate
7Tornado Effects on Building Internal Pressures for DesignModerateModerate
8Existing Buildings Standards for Evaluation and Retrofit for WindHighLong
9Combining the Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Change with External Pressure CoefficientsHighLong
10Tornado Storm Shelter Design Standards for Mechanical ComponentsLowShort
The WSC provided the cost estimates, based upon its members’ knowledge of the costs of similar research efforts. Estimated costs for each research topic are provided using one of the following ranges: less than $1,000,000 (low cost); $1,000,000–$3,000,000 (moderate cost); and more than $3,000,000 (high cost).
Similarly, the WSC estimated the time requirements to properly address each research topic, based on member experience with comparable research efforts. Estimates are provided using the following time-period ranges: 1–2 years (short time period), 2–5 years (moderate time period), and 5–10 years (long time period).
Some of the research needs identified in the individual breakout sessions were similar in scope. For that reason, the WSC combined similar research needs into those listed in Table 5-1. These research needs were then prioritized based on the combined votes received from the workshop participants. The following summarizes how these research needs were combined. The breakout session and research need from these breakout groups are noted, using the letter, for example (A), indicated in Table 4-1.
Residential Building Performance Requirements to Achieve Community Level Resilience Goals: This research need combines the top research needs identified in the Design of Residential Structures breakout session, (A) and (B), and is reflective of a research need identified by the Design of Tornado Shelters and Safe Room breakout session, (M) and discussions from Tornado Effects on Non-building Structures and Beyond ASCE/SEI 7-22 breakout session.
Tornado-Borne Debris: This research need was identified in Design Using ASCE/SEI 7-22, (E), and the Design of Tornado Shelters and Safe Rooms, (C), (J), and (K), breakout sessions. The WSC combined these needs into the overall general topic.
Improved Characterization of Tornado Flow Fields: This research need was the top research need identified in the Tornado Climatology and Near-Surface Wind Characteristics breakout session, (A), and was a research need identified by the Tornado-Structure Interaction breakout session, (C).
MRI and Target Reliabilities for Tornado Winds vs. Straight-Line Winds: This was the top research need identified in the Design Using ASCE/SEI 7-22, (A), and the Design of Tornado Shelters and Safe Rooms, (A), breakout sessions.
Improvement of Tornado Windspeed Estimation Methods: This research need was identified in the Tornado Climatology and Near-Surface Wind Characteristics breakout session (C).
Standards for Tornado Simulators: This research need was the top need identified in the Tornado-Structure Interaction breakout session, (A).
Tornado Effects on Building Internal Pressures for Design: The WSC combined the research needs identified by the Design Using ASCE/SEI 7-22, (B), and the Tornado Effects on Non-building Structures and Beyond ASCE/SEI 7-22, (D), sessions.
Existing Buildings Standards for Evaluation and Retrofit for Wind: This research need was identified in the Design of Residential Structures breakout session, (G).
Combining the Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Change with External Pressure Coefficients: The Tornado-Structure Interaction breakout session identified this research need and felt strongly about the need for this change to the current design practice. The need was also identified in the Tornado Effects on Non-building Structures and Beyond ASCE/SEI 7-22, (F), breakout session.
Tornado Storm Shelter Design Standards for Mechanical Components: This research need was identified in the Design of Tornado Shelters and Safe Rooms breakout session, (E).

5.3 Summaries of Research Priority Needs

The WSC developed the following in-depth summaries of the priority research needs identified in Section 5.2. They include a description, estimated cost, estimated time, measurement science challenges and potential solutions, stakeholders and roles, and impacts on standardization and application in practice.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 1:Residential Building Performance Requirements to Achieve Community Level Resilience Goals
Description: The vast majority of buildings in U.S. communities are residential wood frame often exceeding 90%. Community resilience is defined as the ability to plan, prepare for, and adapt to hazards and conditions to rapidly recover from natural hazard events (Presidential Policy Directive 21, 2014). Rapid return to functionality of these wood frame and other types of residential buildings is a condition necessary for a community to be resilient to tornadoes, however, currently codes or standards are lacking to achieve the necessary performance of these types of structures. The objective of this research priority is to quantify the relationship between individual building performance and community-level resilience goals for tornado hazard and use that information to identify the levels of performance residential buildings need to be designed for, to achieve those community resilience goals. These performance levels will be used directly in the development of resulting codes and standards, and construction and retrofitting guidance documents.
The community models needed to support the process described above are complex and have interdependencies between all physical and socio-economic systems in a community. Thus, this approach should consider damage and loss of functionality to key community components, including residential buildings, businesses, schools, hospitals, and the supporting infrastructure (roads; bridges; and the power, water, sewer, and communications networks), and the effect on households and the ability of social institutions to perform their functions. Also, a means by which to translate this damage to the built environment into the impact on the local population and economy is needed. Additionally, because tornado loading is now considered in the building code, a specific, targeted approach to improving residential housing resilience is needed that includes the inclusion of residential buildings in current codes and standards.
NIST Special Publication 1190, Community Resilience Planning Guide for Building and Infrastructure Systems: Volume 1 (NIST 2014) and NIST Special Publication 1190GB-16, Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems: A Playbook (NIST 2020) (referred to collectively as NIST CRPG) should be treated as the guiding documents for the hazard intensity levels, and this research need should not focus directly on design code levels but rather on the community resilience levels a community agrees to during its planning process. The specific tasks envisioned as part of this robust effort to connect community goals to individual building performance include (1) reviewing of the NIST CRPG and related community engagement workshops to better understand community goals; (2) using existing models including but not limited to INCOR or HAZUS, develop a suite of community level models that can be used as archetypical to systematically quantify the building performance to community relationship described earlier; (3) perform validation of models from existing tornado field studies; and (4) develop design and construction standards, guides, and retrofitting guidance documents. While Tasks (1), (2), and (3) are dependent and linear, Task (4) could be started immediately and refined as the other Tasks are completed. These tasks are expanded upon in the Appendix.
Estimated Cost: $4,000,000 to $7,000,000
(1) $300,000 to $500,000
(2) $2,000,000 to $3,000,000
(3) $500,000 to $1,000,000
(4) $1,000,000 to $2,000,000
Estimated Time: 4 to 5 years total
(1) 1 year
(2) 2 years
(3) 3 years
(4) 3–6 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengePotential Solutions
The number of building typesMaking sure that 80% are covered and the most critical
Community-level goals vary, so ensuring the ability to have full coverage across ranges of performance or functionalityAll in the methodology: making sure that parameters exist that can be adjusted without simulations needed to verify at the design or implementation level, which requires lots of background work
Complex network redundancy of lifeline systems (power, water, etc.)Integrated discussions with community public works, planning department, and utility providers
Residential design and construction are not regulated the same way as commercial buildings and structures; residential design requirements vary greatlyCollaboration with design professionals and residential home builders and sellers on co-benefits of improved design and construction
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsApply the models throughout subprojects described based on community resilience and analytical modeling expertise; Collaborate with industry participants to ensure modeling is accurate based on existing and potential improvements to design and planning.
IndustryProvide expertise in what is possible and what is not throughout for design and construction; Provide insight and guidance/expertise on community goals and objectives.
AdvisoryProvide guidance for all tasks and projects.
Standards OrganizationsSetting community resilience benchmarks; develop residential design standards for new and retrofit for tornados.
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Development of illustrative examples and then a prestandard is key to application in practice. Utilizing NIST CRPG as the guiding documents to provide community goal levels and identifying the specific structural engineering actions that provide a necessary, but not always sufficient, condition to achieve them will be needed in this process. The process of standardization should begin with a prestandard, followed by a standard. The main challenge is that, historically, standards are for individual facilities so the aforementioned process of disaggregating community-level goals into individual facility performance is critical and it is noted that there are significant associated uncertainties, which must be propagated through the models.
Develop design standards and code requirements for building performance for high wind events that consider the full load path. Recognizing that wood frame and other construction types of residential buildings are prevalent throughout communities and are the most impacted structures during a tornado is important, but they also may require special consideration because of their risk category in US building codes. Imagine model code provisions for communities and jurisdictions to use to improve residential resilience to tornadoes for lower-level events (EF0–EF2).
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 2:Tornado-Borne Debris
Description: Debris lofted and transported in tornadoes has been widely documented to be a significant contributor to tornado-induced damage. The types of debris range in size from gravel to automobiles and whole roof structures. The debris includes both restrained (e.g., building components from damaged buildings) and non-restrained types (e.g., roof gravel, automobiles). Quantifying the debris hazard requires:
A debris initiation model (structure fragility) for both restrained and unrestrained debris;
A trajectory model to transport the debris;
A wind field model for use with the trajectory model;
A model to score debris impacts, velocities, and debris orientation; and
A probabilistic tornado hazard model.
The Electric Power Research Industry funded the development of a tornado missile hazard model (TORMIS) in the 1970s, which the nuclear power industry in North America still uses. The TORMIS model does not include a structure fragility model but simply injects building components into the tornado wind field at a prescribed wind speed.
Models for these five components have been published in the literature, and hurricane-windborne debris models have been developed, but an all-encompassing probabilistic based tornado-borne debris model has not been developed. Such a model could be developed by either private industry or universities.
Estimated Cost: $1,500,000 to $3,000,000
Estimated Time: 2 to 3 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solution
Quantification of model debris types, associated wind field characteristics, and/or tornado damage investigationsDefer to ASTM International E1996 Table 2 (ASTM 2020) and RG 1.76 Piggyback off existing hurricane-windborne debris models
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsDevelop probabilistic based tornado debris hazard model
IndustryDevelop probabilistic based tornado debris hazard model
Standards OrganizationsDevelop final test standards to meet the requirements of the tornado-borne debris studies; implementation of debris provisions
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Risk-consistent tornado debris requirements specified in various national standards, and
ASTM E1996 and ASTM E1886 (ASTM 2019) equivalent standards for tornado missiles.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 3:Improved Characterization of Tornado Flow Fields
Description: In situ observations remain desired to expand understanding and characterization of tornado flows. Characterization of flow fields and links with the associated response of buildings and other structures is likely fundamental to many other research topics listed in this section. Specifically, four-dimensional characterization (x, y, z, t) in high resolution (< 1 s, core vortex diameter) is highly desirable. The Tornado Climatology and Near-Surface Wind Characteristics breakout group suggested collection of “footprints” of tornado observations at all scales of motion (i.e., storm scales to turbulence scales) to capture potentially relevant flow field characteristics. Improved characterization of flow fields is also important in experimental facilities as tornado characteristics vary in time and space and these detailed measurements are needed to accurately measure loads. The call for improved characterization includes (1) an increase in measurement campaigns and (2) the study, development, and advancement of innovative technologies to characterize tornadic wind flow.
As observing technology and forecasting techniques continue to improve, assuming an increasing success rate at observing tornadoes is reasonable. However, the many logistical difficulties, particularly those related to life safety, cost, and the transience of tornadoes, will likely remain a barrier to more efficient data collection. This goal will likely remain at the forefront of tornado science research in perpetuity as the engineering community seeks to characterize the near-surface flow field more completely in tornadoes.
Estimated Cost: > $3,000,000
Estimated Time: 5 to 10 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
Difficulty in data collection is primarily due to inherent danger, small time and space scales, and prohibitive costDevelopment of new or existing technologies to collect high-resolution tornadic wind data
Continued development and improvement of wind speed estimation techniques (see Research Need No. 5)
Sampling of other vortex phenomena with strong analogs to tornadoes (e.g., dust devils)
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsProposal development and subsequent research projects geared toward data collection in tornadoes and subsequent data analysisDevelopment of methods to translate newly collected data and existing data from all observational platforms to improve simulation and modeling of tornadic wind fields through experimental and numerical platforms
IndustryProvide guidance on what, if any, tornado wind field characteristics may be critical to inform design of buildings and other structures, especially in tornado-prone regions
Standards OrganizationsProvide guidance on what data are needed to inform tornado-related codes and standards and avenues to transform the data into engineering practice
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Collection and subsequent characterization of tornado wind fields are likely to have wide-ranging impacts for standardization and application in practice. Wind engineering has traditionally relied upon data in the field to validate rigorous experimental simulation (i.e., wind tunnels). Experiments are conducted and used in both standardization and subsequent practice.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 4:MRI and Target Reliabilities for Tornado Winds vs. Straight-Line Winds
Description: The current tornado load provisions are based on the same target reliabilities as for straight-line winds, which based on the reliability analyses performed by Li et al. (2024). These target reliabilities are from the first row of Table 1.3-1 in Chapter 1 of ASCE/SEI 7-22, nominally for ductile failure. However, the workshop showed that practicing engineers often do not know this rationale for target reliability. Additionally, the commentary of ASCE/SEI 7-22 currently does not provide this information regarding the derivation of tornado loads. Perhaps the “sudden failure” or the fourth row of Table 1.3-1 might be appropriate.
Due to the small size of tornadoes as compared with weather phenomena causing straight-line winds, the probability of a building being hit directly by a tornado is already very low. Therefore, matching reliability levels of tornado loads to straight-line winds result in the design for low-level tornado events.
Designers and owners of buildings classified as essential facilities may be required to design for a direct hit of a particular tornado severity, which probabilistically would require a much higher reliability level than required for straight-line winds. As such, current provisions in Chapter 32 of ASCE/SEI 7-22 are not intended for this type of design.
This research priority involves study of the target reliabilities required to enable designers to design for a direct hit of a tornado of a particular intensity. Approaches may include requiring a target reliability for a non-ductile failure mode, according to Table 1.3-1 in ASCE/SEI 7-22. Alternatively, a thorough reexamination of the paradigm used for target reliabilities of Risk Category III and IV buildings when considering tornado loads can be undertaken. For example, a community-level approach may be taken for the design of essential facilities to ensure that a community can continue to function even with the extremely low likelihood of direct tornado impact on such buildings.
Furthermore, revisions to the commentary of ASCE/SEI 7-22 should be undertaken to provide designers with the rationale for the tornado load provisions in Chapter 32.
Estimated Cost: $1,000,000 to $3,000,000
Estimated Time: 2 to 6 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
Moving from a probabilistic paradigm of reliability to one of designing for an “inevitability” of severe loading for essential facilitiesActive stakeholder engagement among industry experts, building owners, local governments, and emergency services
Full load and resistance factor design (LRFD) study using direct simulations to explicitly model tornado structure variability, which cannot be accounted for using standard LRFD modeling methods
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsDevelop a framework for assessing target reliability for individual structures or a community-level approach
IndustryProvide feedback on proposed approach
Standards OrganizationsIncorporate outcomes into standards; endorse innovative approaches that are proposed; educate engineers, building owners, and the public on how the standards are used and their intent (what will they achieve)
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Provides clarity on what type of tornado events are currently captured in the ASCE/SEI 7-22 provisions,
Provides options for design of essential facilities for a direct hit for a tornado, and
Provides confirmation of the correct target reliability.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 5:Improvement of Tornado Windspeed Estimation Methods
Description: Given the difficulty in collecting measurements of the tornado wind field, the need for research to improve existing and develop new methods and techniques of wind speed estimation, largely from damage to the built and natural environment, is emphasized. Wind speed estimation from damage will be the only way tornado wind speeds are derived in nearly all tornadoes for research purposes.
Methods and techniques include (1) remote sensing advances, including satellite, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles, and other technologies; (2) improved forensic analysis, including experimental testing and numerical and probabilistic modeling to assess response of the built and natural environment to tornadic wind loading; (3) studies that integrate and compare all available tornado wind speed estimations; and (4) artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, especially for very large, already existing data sets, which are plentiful. Utilization of methods will expand understanding of each method's strengths and weaknesses, will bolster confidence in the accuracy and error ranges and potential bias associated with these estimates, and will allow for modifications and improvements to the individual methods with time. Examples of areas where improved methods may be useful are in the analysis of tree and crop fall patterns, debris patterns, and other analyses that may involve very large numbers of data points. Methods that could streamline these processes such that these analyses could be readily used to inform initial tornado intensity estimates for public consumption, and for various other research-related purposes, are needed.
Estimated Cost: > $3,000,000
Estimated Time: 5 to 10 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
Lack of field measurements to validate estimationsSee Research Need No. 3
Coordination and cooperation among interested partiesFormal integration of university researchers, NOAA/National Weather Service leadership, researchers, and the industry to improve wind speed estimation that benefits research and operations
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research Organizations/IndustryFor universities/research organizations (which include NOAA/National Weather Service) and industry, the primary role is to define a list of goals/objectives associated with post-storm damage assessment, from which tornado wind speed estimation is born. From there, a formal integration of all stakeholders should be done through a research center or something similar. This will allow methods and techniques of wind speed estimation to gain widespread accessibility and use.
Standards OrganizationsThe ASCE/SEI Wind Speed Estimation Committee has been created to manage this research topic. The need for that committee to serve as a “home” for additional studies that integrate and compare all available tornado wind speed estimations and to share new information with other appropriate standards (e.g., ASCE/SEI 7-22, ASCE/SEI 49-21) is emphasized.
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
A standard committee has already been formed for this purpose. Impacts, such as the use of new and improved methods, should be easily incorporated and used by the practicing engineers in forensic analyses and other related areas.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 6:Standards for Tornado Simulations
Description: To ensure that measurements of various straight-line wind-induced loads and pressures made in boundary layer wind tunnels are acceptable for use in design, a wind tunnel facility and the software used in the facility must meet minimum standards as given in ASCE/SEI 49-21. As more tornado simulators come online and more experiments are performed in these simulators, for use in the design of structures and in informing loading standards, these facilities must meet minimum standards. Developing a standard for tornado simulation facilities is more challenging than for boundary layer wind tunnels owing to the additional complexity associated with measurements of wind speeds in the nonstationary translating tornado and the wandering of a translating tornado and with measuring the atmospheric pressure within the tornado. The short duration of the tornado event coupled with the wandering of the tornado requires that each experiment be repeated many times to obtain statistically valid results, with the number of simulations used varying from facility to facility.
The problem is further complicated by the lack of full-scale data upon which to benchmark the model tornado characteristics and by scaling issues, which are currently not well-defined.
Estimated Cost: $1,000,000 to $3,000,000
Estimated Time: 3 to 5 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
Complexity of vortex generated and associated measurementBegin with ASCE/SEI 49-21 and add people working with tornado simulators to develop the best practices document
Lack of full-scale data to validateSee Research Need No. 3
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsJoin committees designed to develop standards
IndustryJoin committees designed to develop standards
Standards OrganizationsFacilitate the development of the standard; provide funding and facilities for meetings
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Ensures tornado loads developed by tornado simulators meet minimum requirements and can be used with confidence.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 7:Tornado Effects on Building Internal Pressures for Design
Description: Non-tornadic winds create internal pressure inside of buildings because of the airflow to and from the building through openings in the building envelope. The APC affects the magnitude of this internal pressure. The atmospheric pressure is significantly lower in the center of the tornado than it is farther away from the center. While the internal pressure is still a function of the external pressure, the relative size of the tornado with respect to the building can be important. The tornado size effect also plays a significant role in estimating additional loads acting on the building due to the APC within the tornado and complicates the computation of internal/external pressures (see Research Need No. 9). The effect of the APC within a tornado is currently handled through the internal pressure coefficient alone in ASCE/SEI 7-22 and does not account for building size relative to tornado size.
A similar situation exists for “sealed” structures such as tanks and requires further investigation and quantification of the appropriate internal pressure coefficient.
The myriad combinations of tornado sizes, intensities, structure sizes, building aspect ratios, porosities, and orientations essentially require the use of a simulation model that can incorporate these parameters and subsequently frame the problem from a structural reliability point of view.
Estimated Cost: $1,000,000 to $3,000,000
Estimated Time: 3 to 5 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
Multitude of variablesSimulation models
Quantifying the definition of a “sealed” envelopeApply varying sizes or percentages of vents to a sealed envelope
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsTornado simulations and analysis, probabilistic simulations
IndustryAnalysis, probabilistic simulations, reliability studies
Standards OrganizationsIncorporate recommendations in the appropriate standards
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Provides appropriate tornadic internal pressure coefficients for various building envelopes.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 8:Existing Buildings Standards for Evaluation and Retrofit for Wind
Description: Most buildings at risk of damage and loss of functionality from tornado loading will not be new construction but existing buildings. The tornado provisions added to the ASCE/SEI 7-22 design standard for Risk Category III and IV structures are likely not satisfied by most existing buildings in the United States, nor do people realize that they can design for a higher wind load if their community desires better resilience against wind hazards such as tornadoes. In addition, most jurisdictions may not have a comprehensive understanding of and/or availability to check capacities of existing structures given the complexities associated with as-built construction, material deterioration, and older noncompliant structures from past editions of codes and standards and, in some cases, before standards were adopted.
The research topic proposed here would be a tornado version of the current ASCE/SEI 41. This is proposed to be a two-phase project, with the first phase involving research of evaluation methodologies and the second being the development of retrofit guidelines for wind.
Phase 1: The project to build out a robust method for evaluation of existing structures will require research into assessing building stock in situ and non-destructively. This will focus on evaluation methods to determine if retrofit is needed and the optimal strategies.
Phase 2: The retrofitting guideline project will focus on three key topics and may need to be separated by types of structure, for example, Risk Category II, including single family residential, versus Risk Categories III and IV, and so on. The first topics will be providing common approaches and details for a continuous vertical load path. The second concerns a calculation methodology for all building types to make sure that the failure plane is not altered through some type of systematic check or overstrength rule. The third involves the management of a detailed database with appropriate review.
Estimated Cost: Phase 1: $1,500,000 to $2,000,000
Phase 2: $3,000,000 to $4,000,000
Estimated Time: Phase 1: 3 years
Phase 2: 5 years (can overlap by 1 to 1.5 years)
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengePotential Solutions
The number of structure types with each having unique characteristicsSome type of open source or open contribution algorithm where an ASCE/SEI subcommittee reviews contributions and then adds them as they develop over time
Wind is more of a component/connection design process than earthquake making it less generalizedThis may be resolved by the aforementioned method: contributions from the engineering community in providing problems and related calculations to build a free online database
Time to implementationStart with a prestandard for wind evaluation/retrofit and then create a prestandard for tornado evaluation/retrofit
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsUniversities will conduct the modeling and can participate in initial designs based on industry guidance and help populate the standards committee
IndustryProvide oversight of designs and retrofits to ensure (new) compliance and populate most of the standards committee
AdvisoryProvide recommendations to ensure standards documentation is sufficient and not too vague and can be implemented by engineers
Standards OrganizationsThis could be a project managed by a membership organization but should include university researchers and an industry advisory group
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
This will provide a method/approach that engineers can use to analyze and retrofit existing buildings and other structures to (1) provide the design engineer guidance to evaluate and retrofit projects involving existing buildings for modern wind and tornado loads and (2) provide building owners and communities the ability to design for a desired EF rating (or other) with a focus on community resilience.
Additional impact: A result of this project could be providing design engineers with the capability to retrofit existing buildings to accommodate a particular EF-scale event. For example, an owner could want a building envelope project to be able to resist an EF2 tornado. This project could provide the steps required to ensure compatibility of the new building envelope with the existing MWFRS system.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 9:Combining the Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Change with External Pressure Coefficients
Description: Components and cladding and main wind force resisting system loads in tornadoes result from both the direct action of the wind speeds and the effects of the APC within the tornado. The effective loads are strongly influenced by the porosity of the building, with more porous buildings reducing the effects of the APC. Pressures measured on model buildings in tornado simulators inherently include the combined effects of the wind speed–induced loads and those associated with the APC. Significant issues are associated with separating the APC loads from the wind-induced loads because the translating tornadoes in simulators tend to wander, thus each experiment is slightly different. Due to this, determining where the center of the tornado was during the experiment is very difficult, and the pressure distribution within the tornado is not known precisely. Furthermore, the wandering effect results in rapid local variations in the APC-induced loads due to the variation about the “mean” track.
Some tornado simulator experimentalists believe that separating the two load effects should not be attempted and simulation results should be used to define the tornado loads in ASCE/SEI 7-22. Other experimentalists believe that such an approach is not necessary, and the problem can be addressed using other methods. While likely more accurate, the countless combinations of tornado size, intensity, translation speeds, and building sizes and orientations present a perhaps insurmountable problem.
The current approach of separating the two load effects using relatively simple models is much more amenable to incorporation into a load-and-resistance model for determining structural reliability/annual failure probabilities matching those specified in Chapter 1 of ASCE/SEI 7-22. Ideally, some type of hybrid analytical-experimental models could be developed to address the differing approaches.
Estimated Cost: $5,000,00 to $10,000,000
Estimated Time: 5 to 10 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
A large number of experiments is requiredCoordination among multiple organizations and universities; possible development of a unified committee to standardize efforts
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsExperimental studies, hazard model development, reliability studies
IndustryAnalytical models, hazard model development, reliability studies; evaluation of new loading in practice
Standards OrganizationsImplementation of loads in the appropriate standards
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Improved loading requirements for tornado-resistant design.
Workshop Research Priority Summary
Research Need No. 10:Tornado Storm Shelter Design Standards for Mechanical Components
Description: Several issues are related to the design of mechanical components for tornado storm shelters that are not well understood and in need of research. In the meantime, the ASHRAE standards for straight-line winds are used even though they are likely not appropriate for tornadoes. Specific needs include research on tornado loads and development of pressure test methods for tornadic wind on louvers, dampers, ducts, and air exiting ducts or openings.
Estimated Cost: $500,000 to $1,000,000
Estimated Time: 1 to 3 years
Measurement Science Challenges and Potential Solutions
ChallengesPotential Solutions
Validation of assumed laminar flow for tornado conditionsWind tunnel testing and/or computational fluid dynamics analysis
Competing needs between design for structural performance and energy efficiencyIdentification and prioritization of system performance requirements that can support optimization between storm shelter structural design requirements and mechanical system design for energy efficiency
Stakeholders and Roles
Universities/Research OrganizationsExperimental and/or numerical studies
IndustryDevelopment of standardized pressure test methods for mechanical system components (e.g., ASTM)
Standards OrganizationsRequirements for tornado loads on mechanical systems for incorporation into ICC 500
Impacts on Standardization and Application in Practice
Guidance for storm shelter designers where none exist today for design of expensive mechanical components.

5.4 Proposed Program Budget and Schedule for First 10 Years

Based on the priority research summaries provided in Section 5.3, Table 5-2 summarizes the proposed program budget and schedule for the first 10 years. The WSC made efforts to identify where, and which research efforts depend on or need subsequent efforts. Section 5.5 explains these relationships in more detail.
Table 5-2. Proposed Program Budget and Schedule for the First 10 Years (Amounts in Thousands of Dollars).
Rank No.Priority Research NeedsYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Total
1Residential Building Performance Requirements to Achieve Community Level Resilience Goals           
 (1) Review of the NIST CRPG$500         $500
 (2) Community modeling suite $1,500$1,500       $3,000
 (3) Validation studies   $500$500     $1,000
 (4) Design guides and standards$335$333$333$333$333$333    $2,000
2Tornado Borne Debris$1,000$1,000$1,000       $3,000
3Improved Characterization of Tornado Flow Fields$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$3,000
4MRI and Target Reliabilities for Tornado vs. Straight-line wind$500$500$500$500$500$500    $3,000
5Improvement of Tornado Windspeed Estimation Methods$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$300$3,000
6Standards for Tornado Simulations$600$600$600$600$600     $3,000
7Tornado Effects on Building Internal Pressures for Design$600$600$600$600$600     $3,000
8Existing Building Standards for Evaluation and Retrofit for Wind           
 (1) Phase I$667$667$666       $2,000
 (2) Phase II $800$800$800$800$800    $4,000
9Combine Atmospheric Pressure Change with External Pressure Coefficients$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$10,000
10Tornado Strom Shelter Design Standards for Mechanical Components$334$333$333       $1,000
Total Research Estimated Coast$6,136$7,933$7,932$4,933$4,933$3,233$1,600$1,600$1,600$1,600$41,500

5.5 Interrelationship of Research Activities

Tables 5-1 and 5-2 list the top 10 identified research needs from the workshop. Each of these research needs seeks to improve the built environment through development of standards and techniques that will allow the practicing structural engineer to better determine the tornadic wind loading and the effects caused by tornado wind events, which are required for the structural design of their projects. Consequently, completion of certain research needs will depend on the status, development, and perhaps completion of other research needs. The WSC offers the following commentary regarding the likely interrelationships of the research needs:
Short/Moderate-Term Needs: Research Need No. 2 (Tornado-Borne Debris) can proceed immediately with input during its completion from Research Need No. 10 (Tornado Storm Shelter Design Standards for Mechanical Components), which should start concurrently with or prior to Research Need No. 2. Completion of either of these research needs will require communication with the findings of Research Need No. 7 (Tornado Effects on Building Internal Pressures for Design).
Moderate/Long-Term Needs: Research Need No. 1 (Community Resilience Goals for Tiers of Functionality) is an overarching need for all the research needs identified, and as such must start immediately and will receive input as each of the research needs are completed. Research Needs No. 3 (Improved Characterization of Tornado Flow Fields), No. 4 (MRI and Target Reliabilities for Tornado Winds vs. Straight-Line Winds), No. 5 (Improvement of Tornado Windspeed Estimation Methods), and No. 6 (Standards for Tornado Simulations) will help define the tornado hazard to be used in the design of structures to inform the resilience goals of Research Need No. 1. Research Needs No. 7 (Tornado Effects on Building Internal Pressures for Design) and No. 9 (Combining the Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Change with External Pressure Coefficients) will help clarify the required design loading for structures. Research Need No. 8 (Existing Buildings Standards for Evaluation and Retrofit for Wind) will provide guidance for the retrofit of existing buildings to resist wind and tornado loading. Each of the needs should be initiated soon to inform the community goals needed to complete the overarching aspects of Research Need No. 1.

5.6 Benefits of Implementing Research Activities for Tornado Design

The benefits of the recommended research program include the following:
Development of illustrative examples used for community resilience planning for tornado events followed by a prestandard is key to application in practice. Utilizing NIST CRPG as the guiding documents to provide community goal levels and identifying the specific structural engineering actions that provide a necessary, but not always sufficient, condition to achieve them will be needed in this process. The process of standardization should begin with a prestandard, followed by a standard.
Development of design standards and code requirements for residential performance for tornadic wind events that consider the full load path. This should include the adoption of best practices and education for home builders and homeowners. Imagine model code provisions for communities and jurisdictions to use to improve residential resilience to tornadoes for the lower-level events (EF0–EF2).
Risk-consistent tornado debris requirements specified in various national standards similar to ASTM E1996 and ASTM E1886 equivalent standards for straight-line windborne debris design.
Collection and subsequent characterization of tornado wind fields, which are likely to have wide-ranging impacts for standardization and application in practice. Wind engineering has traditionally relied upon field data to validate the rigorous experimental simulations that are carried out and used in both standardization and subsequent practice. This will provide clarity on what type of tornado events the ASCE/SEI 7-22 provisions currently capture and confirm the correct target reliabilities are being utilized for these provisions.
Provision of guidelines for design of essential facilities for a direct hit for a tornado.
A standards document that will facilitate and ensure the use of tornado simulations to define the loads experienced on a structure during a tornadic event are appropriate and can be used with confidence in the design process.
Provision of pressure coefficients to use in the design process that match the physical loadings experienced in an actual event. The development of the wind retrofit standard will provide a method/approach that engineers can use to analyze and retrofit existing buildings and other structures to (1) provide the design engineer guidance on evaluating and retrofitting existing buildings for modern wind and tornado loads and (2) provide building owners and communities the ability to design for a desired EF rating (or other) with a focus on community resilience.
Guidance for storm shelter designers where none exists today for design of critical mechanical components.
For the nation, implementation of the proposed research program will yield the following major benefits:
Reduction in the traumatic life loss, injury, damage, and economic impacts when tornadic events occur;
Rapid recovery and restoration of physical communities and economic activities following a significant tornadic event; and
Reduced initial investments required to achieve risk-consistent design and construction of buildings subjected to tornadic events.
Development of further tornado wind speed estimation, tornado pressure coefficients, and guidance for considering community resilience for tornadic events will enable the development of more resilient communities and help prevent the economic loss and loss of life in tornadic events.


ASCE. 2022. Minimum design loads and associated criteria for buildings and other structures. ASCE/SEI 7-22. Reston, VA: ASCE.
ASTM. 2019. Standard test method for performance of exterior windows, curtain walls, doors, and impact protective systems impacted by missile(s) and exposed to cyclic pressure differentials. ASTM E1886. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM.
ASTM. 2020. Standard specification for performance of exterior windows, curtain walls, doors, and impact protective systems impacted by windborne debris in hurricanes. ASTM E1996. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM.
Li, Y., B. R. Ellingwood, P. J. Vickery, S. Banik, et al. 2024. “Development of tornado load criteria for ASCE 7-22.” J. Struct. Eng. Submitted.
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). 2014. Vol. 1 of Community resilience planning guide for buildings and infrastructure systems. NIST Special Publication 1190. Gaithersburg, MD: NIST.
NIST. 2020. Community resilience planning guide for buildings and infrastructure systems: A playbook. NIST Special Publication 1190GB-1. Gaithersburg, MD: NIST.

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Published In

homepage Books cover image
State of the Art and Research Needs in Design for Tornadoes to Improve Community Resilience: Structural Engineering Institute Workshop Report
Pages: 43 - 64
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7844-8582-8


Published online: Sep 23, 2024


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Donald Scott, P.E., S.E.
Jennifer Goupil, P.E., S.E.
Alex Griffin, P.E., S.E.
Frank Lombardo, Ph.D., EIT
John van de Lindt, Ph.D.
Peter Vickery, Ph.D., P.E.

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