May 16, 2024

Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis and Modeling Advances: Connecting Climate Resilience, Socio-Environmental Systems, and Holistic Watershed Management

Publication: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024


After the release of the ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice (MOP) No. 150: Total Maximum Daily Load Development and Implementation: Models, Methods, and Resources in 2022, the EWRI TMDL Analysis and Modeling Task Committee (TC) continues its work to advance the state-of-the-practice in TMDL development and implementation planning and address emerging issues. The committee is documenting its work in a special collection of papers in the Journal of Environmental Engineering. This paper reports progresses on nine papers addressing various TMDL issues/topics: (1) watershed models to predict climate change impacts, (2) advanced surface water quality modeling, (3) integration of the climate assessment modules in TMDL models, (4) advances in watershed and receiving water models for simulating PFAS, (5) advances in modeling best management practices and green infrastructure for TMDL implementation planning, (6) harmful algae bloom predictive approaches, (7) incorporation of social aspects and stakeholder participations in TMDL modeling, (8) overcoming data scarcity, and (9) survey of TMDL community. All the papers except #6 have been authored by the TC members. Paper 6, an external paper submitted and accepted in the collection, replaces the committee paper on the topic as it overlaps and meets the committee objectives. The committee has plans to write more papers and summarize all in a book to be a guidance document supplementing the ASCE MOP 150.

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Go to World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024
Pages: 1639 - 1652


Published online: May 16, 2024


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Deva K. Borah [email protected]
1Senior Engineer, Dept. of Public Works, City of Chesapeake, Chesapeake, VA. Email: [email protected]
Harry X. Zhang [email protected]
2Research Program Manager on Integrated Water and Stormwater, Water Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. Email: [email protected]
Xiaobo Chao [email protected]
3Senior Research Scientist, NCCHE, Univ. of Mississippi, University, MS. Email: [email protected]
Saurav Kumar [email protected]
4Assistant Professor, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ. Email: [email protected]
Nigel W. T. Quinn [email protected]
5Research Group Leader, Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Email: [email protected]
6Stantec Engineering Services Company, Seattle, WA. Email: [email protected]

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