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Technical Papers
Jul 22, 2021

Evaluating Transport Formulations for Application to Nearshore Berms

Publication: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 147, Issue 6


Dredged sediment is commonly placed as a submerged nearshore berm to nourish the beach or to dissipate high-energy waves, but the lifespan of such features is not easily predicted by existing methods. This paper presents a simple technique for generating order-of-magnitude estimates of the sediment transport rate of nearshore berms using offshore hindcast wave characteristics transformed to the nearshore. Total longshore transport for the entire nearshore region is calculated using eight published longshore transport equations (e.g., CERC equation and Kamphuis equation), which were evaluated for their relative performance. Because nearshore placements occupy only a portion of the cross-shore profile, the total longshore transport rate is scaled by an empirically-based fraction between 0 and 1, which is determined by the nearshore berm’s position in nondimensional space. The cross-shore transport rate is calculated independently using the near-bed orbital velocity from stream-function wave theory. The longshore and cross-shore transport rates are then superimposed to generate a total transport rate for the nearshore berm’s constructed footprint. The total transport rates were calculated at 11 historical nearshore berms and evaluated based on accuracy, inclusion of relevant coastal processes, and sensitivity to input parameters. The recommended total transport rate technique resulted in an average percent error magnitude of 72% and a maximum percent error magnitude of 167% at the historical placement locations. This technique is recommended for generating rapid, order-of-magnitude estimates of nearshore berm deflation rates for project design, particularly in scenarios when application of a full numerical model is prohibitive.


Placing dredged sediment in the nearshore as a submerged mound or elongated bar is a common practice for the beneficial use of dredged sediment. This type of nearshore nourishment is called a nearshore berm and can be considered a soft submerged breakwater. These features are categorized as either active or stable (McLellan et al. 1990; Hands and Allison 1991). Active feeder berms are placed in the shallow nearshore area to promote shoreline advance on the lee side of the berm by temporarily supplying sediment to the littoral system and by creating a calmer wave climate suitable for the deposition of longshore-transported sediment (van Duin et al. 2004). Stable berms are placed in deeper water to protect the shoreline by breaking high-energy storm waves; these berms are expected to maintain most of their original volume over longer timescales.
Numerical models, physical models, and field monitoring contribute to the present understanding of nearshore berms (Brutsché et al. 2019), but key questions remain concerning the transport of placed sediment and the shoreline response to nearshore nourishment (Huisman et al. 2019). To create design guidance for active feeder berms, prior studies have devoted considerable attention to the likelihood of sediment mobility following placement in the nearshore (e.g., Ahrens and Hands 1998; McLellan et al. 1990; Hands and Allison 1991; McFall et al. 2016; Priestas et al. 2019; McFall et al. 2021). In contrast, few authors attempt to predict the rate of placed sediment movement, although a recent study by Gijsman et al. (2019) suggests that berm longevity may be correlated with nourishment concentration (i.e., placement volume per unit beach length), placement depth, and natural bar migration rates. In addition, new results from Hudson et al. (“Sediment mobility, closure depth, and the littoral system–Oregon and Washington coast.” in prep., ERDC/CHL CHETN, Vicksburg, MS: US Army Corps of Engineers) indicate that the rate of volume removal from a nearshore placement at the mouth of the Columbia River could be accurately calculated by balancing near-bed, wave-driven transport with downslope diffusion.
Longshore transport has been observed to dominate nearshore berm deflation in both laboratory experiments (Smith et al. 2015; Bryant and McFall 2016; Smith et al. 2017) and field observations (e.g., Vilano Beach, FL, Brutsché et al. 2019; Chetco Inlet, OR, Gailani et al. 2019; Perdido Key, FL, Brutsché et al. 2015; and Terschelling, the Netherlands, Hoekstra et al. 1997, Spanhoff et al. 1997). Cross-shore transport may also remove placed sediment from its original location, particularly during storm events (Bodge 1994; Otay 1995; Brutsché et al. 2014). This report investigates whether a simple technique based on a combination of longshore and cross-shore transport can be used to estimate nearshore berm deflation rates. Such a technique would be particularly useful when designing placement plans involving split-hull hopper dredges (McFall et al. 2017) or bottom dumping scows (Young et al. 2020). In these scenarios, an order-of-magnitude estimate of postplacement sediment transport rates could provide information about the spatial density and frequency of vessel placements required to achieve a target berm shape and thickness. In addition, the ability to approximate berm deflation rates would provide information about the frequency at which a given site can be reused for dredged sediment placement.

Transport Equations

The literature presents numerous attempts to derive semiempirical relationships between the longshore transport rate Qy and various wave and beach parameters. Among the best-known methods is the CERC equation (USACE 1984, 2008), which calculates Qy from wave height and breaker angle under the assumption that the longshore transport rate should scale with the longshore component of wave energy. Although CERC is a widely applied longshore transport equation, questions persist about the universal applicability of its scaling coefficient K, as well as the omission of several important parameters including grain size, beach geometry, and breaker type (Bodge and Kraus 1991; Schoonees and Theron 1993; Schoonees 2000; Pilkey and Cooper 2002; Puleo 2010).
Subsequent studies attempt to circumvent these limitations by introducing new parameters into the longshore transport calculations and/or deriving new expressions to replace the constant-valued scaling coefficient. For example, experimental results from Kamphuis and Readshaw (1978, hereafter KR78) suggest that the scaling coefficient is linearly related to the Iribarren number ξ, which differentiates between spilling, plunging, and collapsing breaker types. A later dimensional analysis by Kamphuis (1991, hereafter K91) determined that longshore transport should be a function of wave steepness, beach slope, grain size, and wave angle, leading to a new formula for Qy. Bayram et al. (2007, hereafter B07) derived another transport formula based on the theory that sediment is suspended by orbital wave energy but transported by any superimposed longshore current (Inman and Bagnold 1963). This longshore current may be generated by wind, tides, or waves, but it is estimated from local wave conditions if detailed site measurements are unavailable. Mil-Homens et al. (2013) later tested the CERC, K91, and B07 equations against new field and experimental data and proposed modifications to improve the equations’ performance. The modified K91 equation (hereafter MHK) is similar in form to the original equation but has updated exponents. The transport coefficient from the original B07 equation was likewise updated with a polynomial fit (abbreviated MHB) to enhance its representation of the validation dataset.
More recently, van Rijn (2014, hereafter VR14) noted that previous longshore transport formulations are valid for a limited range of grain sizes. Using a process-based numerical model validated against a large field dataset, a new formula was developed with broad applicability to sand, gravel, and shingle beaches. In addition, a swell correction factor was introduced to account for the significant variations in transport under wind versus swell wave conditions. Shaeri et al. (2020, hereafter S20) subsequently derived a new longshore transport formula using dimensional analysis and an extensive dataset. This equation was designed to use a small quantity of easily accessible input parameters and to be applicable across a wide range of beach types and wave conditions. The form of this equation is similar to the K91 and VR14 equations but eliminated the dependence on beach slope, which is not easily estimated and can change seasonally. The full forms of all eight longshore transport equations (CERC, KR78, K91, B07, MHB, MHK, VR14, and S20) are provided in Table 1. For further information on the strengths and limitations of each formula, the reader is directed to the detailed reviews by Bayram et al. (2007), Smith et al. (2009), and Shaeri et al. (2020).
Table 1. Summary of longshore transport equations
CERCCERC equation with constant KQy=Kρwg0.5Hb2.5sin(2θb)16γb0.5(ρsρw)(1a)
KR78Kamphuis and Readshaw (1978) K-formulaAs above, except K=0.7mHb/L0
K91Kamphuis (1991) equationQy=2.27Hb2Tp1.5m0.75d500.25sin0.6(2θb)(ρsρw)(1a)
MHKMil-Homens et al. (2013) modifications to Kamphuis (1991) equationQy=1.49Hb2.75Tp0.89m0.86d500.69sin0.5(2θb)(ρsρw)(1a)
B07Bayram et al. (2007) equation
Qy=εFbV¯(ρsρw)(1a)gws, where
Fb=18(ρwgHb2)ghbcos(θb), V¯=5πγbgA3/2sin(θb)32cf,
A=94(ws2g)1/3, and ε=(9+4HbwsTp)105
MHBMil-Homens et al. (2013) modifications to Bayram et al. (2007)
As above, except Fb=ρwg3/2Hb2.5cos(θb)21.75γb
and ε=(786,000(HbL0)1.283+1672.2)1
VR14van Rijn (2014) equation
where Ksw=max[1,min{1.5,1.510(Hb/L00.01)}]
S20Shaeri et al. (2020) dimensionless transport equationQyTpHb3=3×104(1a)ρwρsρw(HbL0)0.9(Hbd50)0.2sin0.5(2θb)
Note: (1) fractional powers of the sine function are calculated as the magnitude of the argument times the sign of the angle. For example, sin0.6(2θb) is calculated as sin0.6(2|θb|) · sgn(θb), where sgn is the signum function; (2) the fall speed ws is calculated using the method of Hallermeier (1981); and (3) the subscript y indicates that transport is parallel to the y-axis, which is the longshore direction (see Fig. 1).
Several field studies have also observed cross-shore advection and diffusion of nearshore berms (e.g., Andrassy 1991; Bodge 1994; Otay 1995; Ojeda et al. 2008; Marinho et al. 2018). Whereas the longshore transport is predominantly driven by the wave-induced longshore current, the cross-shore transport is the result of waves and undertow (Dean and Dalrymple 2004). Numerous cross-shore transport models have been developed using the Bagnold (1963) assumption that sediment transport is proportional to the local rate of energy dissipation (Soulsby 1997; Ribberink 1998). Bailard (1981) used this energetics transport model to develop a widely used equation based on the cross-shore near-bed velocity, which has been adapted for application to nearshore berms by Douglass (1995), Chen and Dodd (2019), and Hudson et al. (in prep.). The cited examples relate the cross-shore sediment transport rate to the wave asymmetry and downslope transport. Near-bed velocity values capturing the wave asymmetry can be estimated through a variety of methods (e.g., Stokes second-order wave theory or stream-function wave theory). The present study uses stream function near-bed velocities (Dean 1974) to avoid the erroneous wave trough velocities that can appear in shallow water when using approximations for Stokes second-order wave theory. Estimates for cross-shore and alongshore sediment transport are combined to estimate the total volume of sediment removed from nearshore berms.


Model Overview

Throughout this paper, berm deflation is defined as the removal of sediment from a control volume delimited by the original placement footprint (Fig. 1). As in previous studies, it is assumed that transport removes sediment from the control volume but cannot add new sediment (Johnson and Work 2005), such that a reversal in transport direction cannot generate berm “reinflation.” It is clear that this assumption simplifies the dynamics of sediment transport in the nearshore region. For example, Andrassy (1991) and Barnard et al. (2009) both report brief periods of sediment accumulation within a longer trend of berm deflation. Nevertheless, the simplification is reasonable considering that the nearshore berm is a significant perturbation to the beach profile that will deflate as the profile equilibrates.
Fig. 1. Definition sketch of model geometry. The control volume for the calculations, which is taken as the initial berm footprint, is displayed as a gray box. The vector field indicates sediment transport away from the control volume at some instant in time. It is assumed that the berm acts exclusively as a sediment source, so zero sediment is added to the control volume at the upcurrent boundaries.
Considering the experimental results that identified longshore transport as the dominant deflation direction (Smith et al. 2015; Bryant and McFall 2016; Smith et al. 2017), this study evaluates the utility of several longshore transport formulations for predicting nearshore berm deflation. However, because various field studies note advection and/or diffusion in the cross-shore direction (e.g., Andrassy 1991; Bodge 1994; Otay 1995; Ojeda et al. 2008; Marinho et al. 2018), a cross-shore transport component is also included in the calculations. The longshore and cross-shore components are treated as orthogonal vectors which are calculated independently and then superimposed to produce a total deflation rate. To distinguish between longshore and cross-shore motion, the subscript y indicates transport parallel to the y-axis (the longshore direction), and the subscript x indicates transport parallel to the x-axis (the cross-shore direction; see Fig. 1).
All methods investigated focus on transport from waves and wave-induced current. Tidal currents are excluded from this analysis to evaluate the feasibility of applying transport equations with minimal input to provide a first-order estimate of a nearshore berm’s deflation rate. Application of these techniques adjacent to tidal inlets is cautioned. In addition, although wave refraction around the edge of nearshore berms can cause a focusing of wave energy and induce localized shoreline erosion, most nearshore berms are constructed as shore-parallel linear features to mitigate wave focusing and maximize wave attenuation benefits for a larger stretch of shoreline (McLellan et al. 1990; Priestas et al. 2019). Setup currents generated by breaking waves have been observed to transport water shoreward to the lee side of the nearshore berm, inducing a flow alongshore on the lee side, and then return offshore at the ends of the berm (van Duin et al. 2004). In some examples, the nearshore placements are segmented with gaps to allow for return flow (e.g., Fort Myers Beach, FL; Brutsché et al. 2014). Such circulation patterns are not explicitly quantified in the present methodology, but are implicitly incorporated because increased wave breaking at the berm crest increases the circulation current and the longshore transport.

Longshore Transport Calculations

Calculation of berm deflation via the longshore transport equations in Table 1 requires two sets of inputs. First, it is necessary to define several time-invariant parameters, including the depth and cross-shore position of the berm at mean water level (hcrest and xcrest, respectively), the landward and seaward positions of initial sediment placement (xL and xS), the diameter d50 of the placed sediment, and an estimate of the beach slope m at the site. Second, the model is driven by time series values of the offshore significant wave height H0(t), wave direction θ0(t), and peak period Tp(t). For this study, these were obtained from the closest Wave Information Study (WIS; Hubertz 1992) station, which supplies a hindcast of all required values at 1-hourly intervals for a user-specified interval between 1980 and 2014. All calculations maintain the WIS timestep of Δt = 1 h.
The offshore WIS data are transformed into nearshore values using the following procedure. At each timestep, the breaker height Hb(t) is calculated as
and the breaking depth hb(t) is calculated from the breaker index γb = Hb/hb = 0.78 (Komar and Gaughan 1972). Wavelengths at hb and the WIS station depth h0 are then calculated from the dispersion equation as
using the numerical approximation of Hunt (1979). The offshore wave direction is rotated into a shore-normal coordinate system following the convention of McFall et al. (2016). The shore-normal breaker angle θb(t) is calculated using Snell’s law:
Examples of the raw WIS time series and its transformation to nearshore values are shown in Figs. 2(a–c). The nearshore characteristics are then applied to the longshore transport rate equations shown in Table 1. When performing these calculations, the density of water (ρw = 1,025 kg/m3), density of sediment (ρs = 2,650 kg/m3), porosity (a = 0.4), friction coefficient (cf = 0.005), and CERC coefficient (K = 0.4) are treated as universal constants rather than varying between sites.
Fig. 2. Example of intermediate calculations from Newport Beach, CA. (a) Peak wave period Tp from the WIS station nearest the placement site. (b) Significant wave height H0 at the WIS station and transformed to breaker height Hb using Eq. (1). (c) Wave direction θ0 relative to shore normal at the WIS station and transformed to direction at breaking θb using Eq. (3). (d) Total volumetric longshore transport Qy calculated using the equation of Shaeri et al. (2020). The values of Qy from the other equations in Table 1 are qualitatively similar but vary in magnitude. Here Qy is positive when transport is in the positive y-direction, as shown in Fig. 1. (e) The percentage of total Qy which occurs between the landward and seaward boundaries of the placement footprint. (f) Instantaneous volumetric berm deflation rate due to longshore transport, which is calculated by multiplying the total magnitude Qy with the fraction of total transport at the berm [Eq. (7)]. (g) Instantaneous volumetric deflation rate due to cross-shore transport, calculated using Eq. (11).
The volumetric longshore transport rate Qy(t) represents the total longshore transport over the entire nearshore region; i.e., Qy(t)=xqy(x,t)dx, where qy represents the cross-shore variation in longshore transport. The magnitude of total longshore transport Qy will exceed the berm’s volumetric longshore deflation rate because the nearshore berm only fills a portion of the cross-shore littoral zone. The raw values of Qy calculated from Table 1 must therefore be scaled by some fraction between 0 and 1 to avoid producing an overestimate of the deflation rate. To estimate the fraction of Qy which transports sediment out of the control volume, the proposed method utilizes a compilation of experimental cross-shore transport profiles from Bodge and Dean (1987) and Smith et al. (2009). These datasets were selected because they offer complete spatial coverage between the still-water shoreline at x = 0 and the experimental breaker position xb. To allow for direct comparison of data at varying spatial scales, all experimental profiles were nondimensionalized as:
A representative longshore transport profile q^y(x^) was then produced by averaging the individual datasets [Fig. 3(a)]. Because x^q^ydx^=1, integrating q^y between the landward and seaward control volume boundaries will produce the desired fraction for scaling Qy.
Fig. 3. (a) Representative longshore transport profile based on experimental data from Bodge and Dean (1987) and Smith et al. (2009). The cross-shore coordinate is normalized under various wave height scenarios where (b) the predetermined depth at breaking (hb) exceeds the water depth above the nearshore berm and shifts the breaker position xb to a location within the control volume; (c) the berm relief is insufficient to induce breaking, and xb corresponds to the position of hb on a linear beach profile; or (d) the position of hb on a linear beach profile places xb offshore of the placed sediment.
Before using q^y(x^) at any particular field site, it is necessary to determine the location of the placed sediment in nondimensional space. As described in the previous section, the depth at breaking hb(t) varies at 1-h intervals; consequently, the breaker position xb (and, therefore, the nearshore berm’s nondimensional location) is also time-dependent. To accommodate scenarios in which a full bathymetric profile is unavailable, the beach profile landward and seaward of the placed sediment is represented by the line
where hcrestpre is depth at the crest position prior to nearshore berm placement. For xL < x < xS, the berm is assumed to be triangular with its peak at the point (xcrest, hcrest). Then, at each WIS timestep, the breaker position xb(t) is assigned to the seaward-most occurrence of hb(t), which may on the seaward side of the berm [Fig. 3(b)] or at some other location in the nearshore region [Figs. 3(c and d)] depending on the berm’s geometric parameters. The nondimensional landward and seaward limits of the control volume are then calculated as
where xL and xS are the dimensional distances between the mean-water-level shoreline and the landward and seaward boundaries of sediment placement.
Having determined x^L and x^S, the berm’s instantaneous deflation rate is given by
that is, the product of the raw Qy-value and the fraction of longshore transport within the control volume. Taking the absolute value prevents reversals in the longshore transport direction from reinflating the nearshore berm. An example of using Eq. (7) is shown in Figs. 2(d–f).

Cross-shore Transport Calculations

The cross-shore deflation component is calculated using a modified method from Dronkers (2016), which was derived from the earlier results of Bailard (1981). This energetics-based transport model was selected based on the work of Thornton et al. (1996) and Gallagher et al. (1998), who used the Bailard (1981) model to explain the cross-shore migration of the offshore bar at Duck, NC. In unmodified form, the per-unit-width net bedload transport at a distance x from the shoreline is calculated as
Following the sign convention in Fig. 1, the first term represents the gravity-driven offshore transport, and the second term represents the wave-driven onshore transport. In Eq. (8), α and λ are empirical parameters, m = Δhx is the beach slope, ucr is the critical velocity for sediment motion, and uw(x, t) is the near-bed horizontal orbital velocity, which has maximum magnitude uwmax. Angular brackets 〈 〉 indicate averaging over a wave period. The transport direction of 〈q〉 is assumed parallel to the local wave angle θ and consequently contains both a longshore and a cross-shore component if |θ| > 0. To avoid double-counting the longshore transport when the results are superimposed, the present study modifies Eq. (8) into
where θcrest is the wave direction at the crest of the nearshore berm. As an additional modification, a critical velocity scaling term (1 − κ) with κ=min[ucr/uwmax,1] has been introduced in Eq. (9) to prevent overprediction of transport during low-energy wave conditions. Hudson et al. (in prep.) recently validated Eq. (9) for a series of placements at the Columbia River mouth and found that α = 3 × 10−5 and λ = 1.7 were optimal parameter values. These values are within the range of values cited in Dronkers (2016) and are retained as constants in the present study.
To implement Eq. (9) in the model, the offshore WIS wave height H0(t) is transformed to Hcrest(t) at the berm crest using the conservation of energy flux and Snell’s law (e.g., Komar 1998). Stream function wave theory is then used to determine the near-bed velocity uw(xcrest, t). Although expressions for the maximum and minimum values of uw are provided by Ahrens and Hands (1998), a closed-form equation for uw is not available. Instead, tabulated values of the stream function near-bed velocity from Dean (1974) were digitized for use in the transport model. For each 1-h model timestep, the phase-resolved velocity was selected from among the 40 cases in the table based on values of hcrest/L0(t) and Hcrest(t)/L0(t) (see Fig. 4 for examples). The wave-averaged values 〈|uw|2 uw〉 and 〈|uw|3〉 were then calculated from uw. Meanwhile, the critical velocity for sediment motion is calculated as
following the method of Ahrens and Hands (1998).
Fig. 4. Examples of near-bed orbital velocity as tabulated by Dean (1974) for various combinations of hcrest/L0 and Hcrest/L0, where the “crest” subscript indicates wave properties at the crest of the nearshore berm. Following the sign convention in Fig. 1, negative values of uw are towards the shore. The orbital velocity is selected from a total of 40 cases spanning 2 × 10−3hcrest/L0 ≤ 2 and 4 × 10−4Hcrest/L0 ≤ 1.8 × 10−1, which encompasses the range of physically realistic values.
The volumetric cross-shore deflation rate for the nearshore berm is expressed as
where Δy is the length of the nearshore berm in the shore-parallel direction. Eq. (11) is labeled the “D16” method in the results. As in Eq. (7), the absolute value reflects the assumption that the nearshore berm is exclusively a sediment source, and a reversal in transport cannot reinflate the berm. Example output of Eq. (11) is shown in Fig. 2(g). Finally, the total predicted volume loss from the berm over some duration of interest is obtained by time-integrating the total volumetric transport rate:

Historical Projects

The deflation estimation techniques are evaluated using monitoring results from 11 historical nearshore berms along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts of the United States (Fig. 5). These sites span a range of wave conditions and placement geometries to permit testing across a variety of nearshore berm scenarios. Measurements from several additional nearshore placements in the United States were omitted from this study because the placement locations were several kilometers offshore (e.g., Dam Neck, VA, Mobile, AL, and Brunswick, GA; see Priestas et al. 2019), making wave-induced longshore transport inapplicable, or because the placed sediment did not form an identifiable mound on the seabed (e.g., 2018 placement at South Padre Island, TX; Figlus et al. 2021).
Fig. 5. Map of the United States showing the location of nearshore placements used for model validation.
(Basemap from ArcGIS World Light Gray Base, map data Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community.)
A summary of geometric parameters from each location is displayed in Table 2. Whenever possible, Table 2 directly records the values reported in the original publication. If an author reported a range of values, the average is used to produce a single representative measurement for the entire berm. At several sites, depth was reported relative to a datum other than local mean sea level (MSL). Water depth hcrest above the berm was therefore corrected to its MSL value using the nearest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) benchmark. All descriptions of depth in this manuscript are relative to the local MSL datum unless otherwise noted. Beach slope was rarely reported and is ambiguously defined for a nonplanar bathymetric profile. Beach slope was therefore defined as hcrestpre/xcrest, where hcrestpre is the depth at the future crest position prior to placement. A brief description of the sites evaluated in this study is given chronologically in the following paragraphs. The sites are further summarized by Fig. 6, which displays the distribution of calculated breaker positions relative to the landward boundary of each historical placement.
Fig. 6. Distribution of predicted wave breaking location, normalized by the landward position of the control volume. Site numbers correspond to Fig. 5. The gray-shaded region indicates the cross-shore footprint of the nearshore berm. Because the model assumes that the longshore transport zone terminates at 2xb, waves which break to the left of the dashed black line are assumed to generate zero berm deflation in the longshore direction. Note that the Ocean Beach histogram is based on wave conditions and geometry for the first placement only.
Table 2. Summary of parameters for validation sites
 FireNewPortFt. MyersPerdidoSouthSilverNewportOcean BeachCoosNorth
Parameters used for deflation rate prediction
Monitoring start15-Jun-8713-Aug-7628-Jul-921-Oct-091-Oct-914-Jan-8929-Dec-881-Nov-928-Jun-052-Jun-0611-Jul-071-Jan-8821-Sep-2018
Monitoring end15-Dec-8716-Sep-761-Jul-931-May-131-Nov-9314-May-901-Nov-901-May-9514-May-0625-May-0711-Dec-071-Jan-8920-Nov-2018
WIS station #631206328463439732957316473020831078310283066830668306683031NOAA 46248
WIS depth (m)25181752036848467393939131181
Shoreline angle255248198298259173342303666318
d50 (mm)0.400.490.400.160.300.
xL (m)250110530807009102001505005005002,4001,870
xcrest (m)3001705601308251,0702454006005105102,9501,880
xS (m)3902407302001,1501,2204005901,2001,2001,3003,5003,300
hcrest (m)
hcrestpre (m)
Beach slope0.0190.0210.0120.0130.0070.0080.0240.0230.0190.0200.0200.0080.007
Δy (m)2,3002159101,6003,7501,220360900800800800480120
Measurements used for validation only
Vinit (m3)3.1 × 1052.7 × 1041.2 × 1051.7 × 1053.0 × 1061.3 × 1051.2 × 1059.8 × 1053.4 × 1052.6 × 1054.1 × 1056.9 × 1053.8 × 104
Vend (m3)9.9 × 1046.7 × 1035.2 × 1041.0 × 1053.0 × 1062.6 × 1042.1 × 1047.0 × 1051.6 × 1052.6 × 1054.0 × 105 1.3 × 104
Qberm (m3/day)1180600200500200150300490090360410
New River Inlet, North Carolina: In August 1976, a nearshore berm was constructed between the 2.5 and 4.5 m depth contours southwest of New River Inlet (Schwartz and Musialowski 1977). The sediment was placed in mounds which coalesced to form a linear feature spanning a 215-m length of shoreline. The crest was approximately 170 m offshore with an initial depth at crest of hcrest = 1.1 m. Schwartz and Musialowski (1977) report that 75% of placed sediment was removed from the initial berm footprint within 34 days of placement. Because the New River Inlet project predates the earliest WIS hindcast values, longshore transport at this location was calculated using August and September WIS data for each year between 1980 and 2014. The results were then averaged to estimate the transport rate during the 1976 monitoring period. During the 35 years of WIS hindcast data, the mean value of H0 in August and September was 0.8 m, and the maximum was 6.1 m. The mean value of Tp during these months was 7 s with a maximum of 20 s. As shown in Fig. 6, a large fraction of waves are predicted to break seaward of the berm crest at this site.
Fire Island Inlet, New York: A 2.2-km long linear nearshore berm was constructed near the 5 m depth contour adjacent to Fire Island Inlet on the southeast coast of Long Island, New York, in June 1987 (McLellan et al. 1988, 1990). The crest was approximately 300 m offshore, with an initial depth at crest of hcrest = 3.5 m relative to MSL. A bathymetric survey in December 1987 indicated that 68% of the original placement volume had been removed from the site. Over the 7-month period of June through December 1987, the mean value of H0 was 0.8 m with a maximum of 2.6 m, and the mean value of Tp was 7 s with a maximum of 13 s. Fewer than 1% of the hourly wave events are predicted to break within the placement footprint (Fig. 6).
Coos Bay, Oregon: An offshore site between the 21 and 27 m depth contours near Coos Bay has been used for dredged sediment disposal since 1979, with an average annual placement of 4.6 × 105 m3 between 1979 and 1988 (Hartman et al. 1991). The mound dimensions increased over this period due to the continued placement of sediment. In 1988, the landward and seaward boundaries were approximately 2.4 and 3.5 km offshore, respectively, and the depth at crest was 16.4 m. Although transport measurements for each individual year were not provided, Hartman et al. (1991) report an average deflation rate of 1.3 × 105 m3/year over this period. Because the mound’s cross-shore boundaries have changed through time and the site report only displays geometry at the end of the monitoring period, the present study calculates transport conditions using WIS data from January through December 1988. During calendar year 1988, the nearest WIS station reports average values of H0 = 2.5 m and Tp = 12 s. The maximum significant wave height and period were 8.4 m and 24 s, respectively. All waves are predicted to break shoreward of the berm crest.
Silver Strand, California: The Silver Strand nearshore berm was constructed in December 1988 using fine sand dredged from the San Diego Bay entrance channel (Juhnke et al. 1990; Andrassy 1991). The placement was configured as a linear bar along a 360-m span of beach, with its crest approximately 245 m offshore and hcrest = 3.9 m. Monitoring results indicated that 82% of the original placement volume was removed from the footprint after 22 months (Andrassy 1991). The nearest WIS station reports average values of H0 = 0.9 m, with a maximum value of 3.9 m. The WIS data have a bimodal distribution of Tp, with peaks at 6 and 14 s and a maximum value of Tp = 24 s. However, a temporary gauge near the placement site recorded Tp between 7 and 9 s for 53% of measurements (Andrassy 1991), likely due to sheltering by Point Loma to the northwest. To account for this wave sheltering, waves with an offshore angle θ0>280 relative to north are assumed to produce zero transport in the model. The majority of waves are predicted to break landward of the placement boundary.
South Padre Island, Texas: In January 1989, a linear berm was constructed near the 8 m depth contour approximately 1 km offshore of South Padre Island (Aidala et al. 1992; Ahrens and Hands 1998). The initial depth at crest was hcrest = 6.5 m. After 17 months of monitoring, the placement volume had been reduced by 79%. WIS data from the monitoring period indicate average values of H0 = 1.2 m and Tp = 6 s, with maximum values of 5.4 m and 19 s, respectively. Fewer than 1% of waves are predicted to break within the placement footprint (Fig. 6).
Perdido Key, Florida: In September 1991, a nearshore berm was constructed along a 4 km length of the Gulf Coast’s Perdido Key near the 6 m depth contour. The berm crest was 825 m offshore with hcrest = 4.5 m (Otay 1995; Work and Otay 1996). The placed sediment at this location displayed no significant movement over the 13-month period examined by Otay (1995). Waves at this location are smaller in amplitude and higher in frequency compared with many of the other locations, with average values of H0 = 0.6 m and Tp = 4.5 s at the nearest WIS station during the project monitoring period. The maximum value of H0 during this time was 3.7 m, and the maximum peak period was 11 s. Breaking is almost exclusively landward of the nearshore berm.
Port Canaveral, Florida: The Port Canaveral nearshore berm was constructed in July 1992 and spanned a 900 m length of coastline between the 5.8 and 7.5 m depth contours (Bodge 1994). The placement was configured as a linear bar with xcrest = 560 m and hcrest = 5.1 m. Bodge (1994) reports that 57% of the original sediment volume was removed from the initial footprint after two years. Because this site is located on the Atlantic coast of Florida, wave energy tends to be higher than sites along Florida’s Gulf Coast. During the monitoring period, average values of H0 and Tp at the nearest WIS station were 1.3 m and 9 s, respectively. The maximum value of H0 was 4.5 m, and the maximum value of Tp was 16 s. Although most waves break landward of the berm, 6% of the hourly waves are predicted to break within the control volume.
Newport Beach, California: The nearshore berm at Newport Beach was constructed in October 1992 as a series of irregular mounds spanning a 900-m length of beach. The sediment was placed between the 4 and 9 m depth contours (relative to MSL), with its crest approximately 400 m offshore and hcrest = 4.5 m at placement (Mesa 1996). Because the survey area from the original site report extends outside the initial berm footprint, the deflation rate for Newport Beach was recalculated for this study to ensure that the value was specific to the control volume of interest. Using the time series of bathymetric profiles in Mesa’s (1996) Newport Beach report, the deflation rate was calculated from the initial placement volume of 9.8 × 105 m3 and an apparent 28% reduction in the berm's vertical cross-sectional area over the 2.5-year monitoring duration. The local WIS hindcast records a bimodal distribution of Tp with peaks at 7 and 15 s and a maximum period of 24 s. The average of H0 was 0.8 m with a maximum of 3.9 m. Few waves are predicted to break within the placement boundaries.
Ocean Beach, California: At Ocean Beach, three nearshore berms were constructed at around 1-year intervals between 2005 and 2007 using dredged sediment from the San Francisco Bay shipping channel (Barnard and Hanes 2006; Barnard et al. 2009). The berms were constructed as irregular mounds occupying the same footprint, with the crest 500 to 600 m offshore and hcrest = 10 m. Because the nearshore berms did not fully deflate before subsequent placement at the same location, the initial volume of the second and third berms is defined as the sum of the reported placed volume plus any volume remaining in the study area from prior placement(s). For the second berm, tabulated values from Barnard et al. (2009) indicate an initial volume of 2.6 × 105 m3 (i.e., 9.3 × 104 m3 of newly placed sediment plus 1.6 × 105 m3 remaining from the berm that was placed a year earlier); after a year, the volume is reported to have increased to 3.7 × 105 m3. It is not clear whether the increase in volume is due to sedimentation shoreward of the berm or whether sediment was actually deposited within the berm control volume. As the present conceptual model does not accommodate berm “inflation,” in this instance it is assumed that the entire placed volume of 2.6 × 105 m3 was remaining at monitoring end for a deflation rate of ∼0 m3/year. The third berm then has an initial volume of 4.1 × 105 m3 (i.e., 1.5 × 105 m3 of new sediment plus 2.6 × 105 m3 remaining from the earlier placement). WIS data from 2005 through 2007 have average values of H0 = 1.7 m and Tp = 12 s, with maxima of 6.4 m and 27 s. All waves are predicted to break landward of the placement.
Fort Myers Beach, Florida: The Fort Myers Beach (Gulf Coast) nearshore berm was constructed in September 2009 and is the shallowest placement in this study, with hcrest = 0.5 m at a distance xcrest = 130 m from the shoreline. The placement spanned a 1.6-km length of beach and was configured as an irregular linear bar with several gaps to allow recreational vessel access to the beach (Brutsché et al. 2014). Because the control volume from the original site report extended shoreward of the placement footprint, the deflation rate for Fort Myers Beach was recalculated for the present study using digital elevation models provided by Brutsché et al. (2014). At this location, the initial placement volume was found to be 1.7 × 105 m3, with 1.0 × 105 m3 remaining in the footprint after 3.5 years (i.e., 41% volume loss). During the study period, the nearest WIS station recorded a bimodal distribution of H0 with peaks at 0.1 and 0.5 m; the average value of Tp was 4 s. However, Brutsché et al. (2014) reported that two major storm systems during the third year of monitoring caused significant transport relative to typical conditions. Both events appear in the WIS hindcast, and their effect on transport should therefore be represented by the proposed model. Within the 3.5-year monitoring period, approximately half of the waves are predicted to break seaward of the nearshore berm crest.
North Head, Washington: In September 2018, an offshore deposit of fine to medium sand was constructed approximately 3 km north of the Columbia River mouth between the 13.5 and 17.1 m depth contours (USACE Portland District, personal communication, 2020). Unlike the sites listed previously, the North Head placement had a shore-perpendicular orientation (width Δx = 1,500 m in the cross-shore direction and length Δy = 120 m in the longshore direction). The deposit was designed to have a constant thickness of 0.6 m relative to the preplacement seabed, positioning the berm crest near the landward placement boundary of xL = 1870 m with hcrest = 12.9 m. Survey results indicated that the initial placement of 3.8 × 104 m3 decreased to 1.3 × 104 m3 (65% volume loss) over a 61-day period. Because the WIS hindcast terminates in 2014, longshore transport at this location was calculated using time series of H0, θ0, and Tp collected by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) during the project monitoring period. The buoy (NDBC station #46248) was located 40 km offshore of the Columbia River mouth and recorded at 30-minute increments; these measurements were then downsampled to Δt = 1 h to mimic the format of the WIS hindcast used at the other locations. Over the duration of site monitoring, the average values of H0 and Tp were 2.1 m and 11 s with maxima of 4.5 m and 20 s. No breaking is predicted within the control volume (Fig. 6).


The performance of the transport equations is evaluated by comparing measured and predicted transport for the 11 sites described previously. To avoid skewing the results with data from a single site, values from the three Ocean Beach placements have been averaged to produce a single point for this location. These comparisons consider the average rate of transport over the monitoring duration; i.e., all values of Qberm referenced in the following section were calculated as Vloss/(tendtstart), with Vloss as defined in Eq. (12). Model performance is further quantified using the root-mean-squared error (RMSE), the measurement bias (calculated as 111i=111[Qi(p)Qi(k)], where the superscripts k and p denote the known and predicted values, respectively), and the average and maximum percent error magnitudes. In addition, performance is evaluated by the percentage of sites at which the prediction falls within a factor of two of the known value. The correlation coefficient has been omitted due to its sensitivity to outliers when the sample size is small (e.g., Aggarwal and Ranganathan 2016).
First, to examine the performance of the individual transport formulations, Fig. 7 displays the calculated transport from the longshore and cross-shore components exclusively (transport in the perpendicular direction is set to zero). If total berm deflation is a consequence of both longshore and cross-shore transport, then all points in Fig. 7 should be below the 1:1 line. With the exception of Perdido Key (site 5), the longshore transport equations KR78, MHB, and S20 display the expected systematic underprediction of transport. The longshore transport equations K91, B07, and VR14, along with the cross-shore transport equation D16, also tend towards underprediction. This is indicated by the methods’ negative bias values (Table 3). In contrast, the CERC and MHK equations display a positive bias even in the absence of superimposed cross-shore transport, and both techniques have a very high maximum-magnitude percent error.
Fig. 7. Comparison of measured and predicted deflation rates from the eight longshore transport equations (see Table 1) with Qxberm0 and from the D16 cross-shore transport formulation [Eq. (11)] with Qyberm0. In each plot, the solid gray line indicates perfect agreement between measured and predicted values, and the gray envelope shows a factor of two difference. Numeric labels correspond to the site numbers in Fig. 5. The triangular points correspond to the three Ocean Beach placements (9a, 9b, and 9c), which are averaged to generate a single point (site 9).
Table 3. Model performance metrics
 RMS errorBiasAverageMaximumPercent within
Formulation(102 m3/day)(102 m3/day)|percent error||percent error|factor of 2
Longshore transport only
Cross-shore transport only
Superimposed longshore and cross-shore transport
Note: The average and maximum percent error magnitudes do not consider the zero-valued point from Perdido Key. The three Ocean Beach placements were averaged into a single point before calculating the statistics in this table.
When including both the long- and cross-shore components, five of the eight formulations continue to display a negative bias (Fig. 8; Table 3). Among the three longshore transport equations that most closely conformed to the expected behavior in Fig. 7, the bias decreases in magnitude but remains negative after the addition of the D16 cross-shore transport. Examination of the plots for KR78+D16, MHB+D16, and S20+D16 reveals that the negative bias is largely the effect of a single point (Fire Island Inlet, site 1) where transport is vastly underpredicted; the remainder of the points display an improved tendency to plot near the 1:1 line. The RMSE and average magnitude percent error decrease slightly when the D16 results are added to KR78, MHB, and S20, with KR78+D16 displaying the lowest error values (RMSE = 3.6 × 102 m3/day; average |percenterror|=71%). The results from the five combined longshore and cross-shore transport equations with average error less than 100% (KR78+D16, K91+D16, B07+D16, MHB+D16, and S20+D16) are further analyzed in the Recommendations and Conclusions section.
Fig. 8. (Color) Comparison of measured and predicted deflation rates from the superimposed longshore and cross-shore transport equations. Sites are colored by monitoring duration; note that the color scale is nonlinear. The solid gray line indicates perfect agreement between measured and predicted values, and the gray envelope shows a factor of two difference. The triangular points correspond to the three Ocean Beach placements (9a, 9b, and 9c), which are averaged to generate a single point (site 9).
Five sensitivity tests were performed using uncertainty ranges for input parameters identified by Soulsby (1997). The uncertainty range of input parameters was used to quantify the potential variability of the results. For each of the longshore transport formulations in Table 1, the total longshore transport is proportional to the breaker height raised to a power greater than one. In addition, Hb determines the breaker location xb, which directly affects the fraction of total Qy considered for berm deflation (Fig. 3). Therefore, the nearshore berm deflation rate is very sensitive to variations in breaker height. In turn, Hb is a function of H0 and Tp [Eq. (1)], both of which have uncertainties of ±10% (Soulsby 1997). The first sensitivity test therefore considers two extreme cases in which H0 and Tp are (1) both 10% larger than the reported WIS value at all timesteps, and (2) both 10% smaller than the reported WIS value at all timesteps. All other inputs were held constant. As listed in Table 4, a systematic 10% change in H0 and Tp generated a maximum percent change between 88% (KR78+D16) and 176% (MHK+D16) of the originally predicted value.
Table 4. Maximum magnitude percent change in predicted deflation rate for parameter sensitivity tests
 H0, Tpθ0 (±15d50Beach slope mBerm position
Formulation(±10%)obliquity)(±20%)(±0.005)(half MTR)
Note: MTR = mean tide range.
The second sensitivity test considers the effect of input wave direction θ0 and the derived breaker angle θb. Soulsby (1997) reports that measured wave angle may vary by ±15, so two cases were run in which wave angle was increased and decreased in obliquity by 15 for all timesteps. The maximum percent change in predicted deflation rate ranges between 47% (MHB+D16) and 62% (MHK+D16; see Table 4).
Unlike H0, Tp, and θ0, which directly affect the calculated Qy-value for all longshore transport equations, the grain size d50 of placed sediment does not appear in the CERC or KR78 equations (Table 1). However, because d50 is used to determine the critical velocity for the D16 equation, uncertainty in d50 will produce variation in predicted transport when CERC and KR78 results are summed with D16. All methods are consequently expected to display some sensitivity to the input grain size. This was tested by increasing and decreasing d50 by 20% (Soulsby 1997). As listed in Table 4, the response to grain size changes is variable. The CERC+D16 method displays a maximum 2% change in predicted value, whereas the B07+D16 output varies by up to 36%. This is unsurprising considering that the sediment fall speed, which is calculated from d50, appears three times within the B07 formulation.
Given the ambiguity of the beach slope parameter for a nonplanar beach profile, it is also necessary to consider the effect of uncertainty in the estimated slope value, which was originally defined as m=hcrestpre/xcrest. This test involved increasing and decreasing m by 0.005. The objective of this test was not to evaluate changes in berm position, which were considered separately, but rather to examine the influence of using a different segment of the beach profile to estimate m. For example, a steeper segment landward of the control volume or a flatter segment seaward of the control volume on a concave beach profile would produce different values of m even if xcrest and hcrestpre were fixed. For the four longshore transport equations which do not directly incorporate beach slope (CERC, B07, MHB, and S20), the predicted deflation rate varies by only 3% due to the inclusion of m in the D16 cross-shore component. In contrast, the four longshore transport equations which include m as a parameter (KR78, K91, MHK, and VR14) display maximum variations between 17% and 47%.
Finally, the model’s sensitivity to the position of the control volume was tested by rigidly translating the berm along the fixed plane of the beach with no change in berm shape. The positional uncertainty was assumed to be related to the NOAA-reported local mean tide range (MTR), and the test included the following two cases: (1) all x-coordinates were shifted landward by a distance of MTR/(2m), with hcrest and hcrestpre reduced by 12MTR, and (2) all x-coordinates were shifted seaward by MTR/(2m), with hcrest and hcrestpre increased by 12MTR. The maximum-magnitude percent change in the predictions ranged between 74% (S20+D16) and 108% (MHK+D16; Table 4).


Site-specific Error and Uncertainty

As shown in Figs. 7 and 8, several validation sites display consistent errors regardless of which calculation method is selected. All formulations predict that the second Ocean Beach placement (site 9b) will lose sediment at a rate of at least 400 m3/day, although field monitoring measured zero deflation at this location. Deflation rates for the first and third Ocean Beach placements are also overpredicted by most methods, although the error tends to be smaller. One explanation for this overprediction is that the Ocean Beach control volume from Barnard and Hanes (2006) and Barnard et al. (2009) may have extended beyond the original placement footprint. If the Ocean Beach survey area included a region shoreward of the berm which was accumulating sediment from berm-induced sheltering, then the actual berm footprint deflation rate would be larger in magnitude than the reported value, resulting in a rightwards horizontal shift of points 9a, 9b, and 9c in Fig. 8.
Another site where the model performs poorly is North Head (site 11), where all methods predict near-zero deflation. Considering that the North Head site was located far offshore of the breaker position during the monitoring period [Fig. 6(k)], the error at this site may be partly attributed to the method for scaling the longshore transport [Eq. (7)]. In fact, xL was often twice as large as xb at this location, which places the site in a region where virtually no longshore transport is assumed to occur (Fig. 3). A similar pattern is observed at other sites frequently located offshore of xb (e.g., Coos Bay, South Padre Island), but to a lesser degree than the North Head site. Including the cross-shore component [Eq. (11)] slightly improves the model performance at Coos Bay and South Padre, but not at North Head. Another consideration is that North Head is approximately 4 km from the mouth of the Columbia River. Water motion at the site can be heavily influenced by plume dynamics, especially during northward winds when the plume moves north along the coastline (e.g., Hickey et al. 1998). This was the predominant wind direction during the strongest winds while North Head was being monitored.
Predicted transport at Fire Island Inlet (site 1) is likewise vastly underpredicted by all methods. At this site, 6% of waves are predicted to generate longshore deflation [Fig. 6(a)], and cross-shore deflation is likewise predicted to be greater than zero. Nevertheless, the superimposed prediction is a factor of 5 to 10 smaller than the known deflation rate of 1,180 m3/day. There is not a clear explanation for this error, although it must be noted that Fire Island Inlet is one of only four sites (along with New River Inlet, North Head, and the third Ocean Beach placement; see color scale in Fig. 8) that was monitored for less than 1 year. Of these four sites, Fire Island Inlet displays the greatest measured deflation rate in the dataset, followed by New River Inlet (600 m3/day); North Head is ranked fourth (410 m3/day). It is therefore possible that these higher short-term deflation rates reflect a rapid initial reequilibration of the beach profile immediately after placement (e.g., Dean and Dalrymple 2004; Hwung et al. 2010; Brutsché et al. 2014; Bryant and McFall 2016; Cheng et al. 2016). Because the proposed model does not consider time-varying transport behavior, the results do not account for rapid sediment migration during the early months. However, placements monitored for less than one year are not guaranteed to have higher-than-average measured deflation rates (e.g., third Ocean Beach placement, site 9c), nor is the rate of transport systematically underpredicted by the model (e.g., New River Inlet, site 2), so it is not possible to exclusively attribute the observed error at Fire Island Inlet to monitoring duration.
Although the absolute error at Perdido Key (site 5) is only approximately 100 m3/day, the percent error is effectively infinite due to the observed deflation rate of zero. As noted by Browder and Dean (2000), the depth of closure at this location is estimated to be 3 m using historical profile surveys. This is much shallower than the placement’s crest depth of hcrest = 4.5 m. The stability of this placement was accurately predicted by Priestas et al. (2019), but the present techniques show a minimal amount of transport because they do not explicitly consider the depth of closure for sediment motion. This case illustrates the importance of using multiple rapid evaluation tools (e.g., McFall et al. 2016, 2021) during the initial project planning phase to corroborate the calculated deflation rates.
Comparison of the breaking position distributions in Fig. 6 suggests a broad similarity between the relative site geometry at Fire Island Inlet, Perdido Key, South Padre Island, Coos Bay, and North Head. At all five locations, the most likely position for wave breaking is predicted to be far shoreward of the landward berm boundary, with few to no waves breaking seaward of xb/xL > 0.5. It should be noted that three of these five locations (Fire Island Inlet, Perdido Key, and North Head) also have the least-accurate deflation rate predictions. Caution is therefore advised when applying the proposed model to sites at which the nondimensional berm location is persistently deeper than the predicted limit of breaking-induced longshore transport [e.g., Fig. 3(c)], as significant over- or under-predictions appear to be common in this scenario.

Interpretation of Sensitivity Test Results

The results of the sensitivity test (Table 4) represent extreme scenarios that are unlikely to occur in practical application. For example, it is improbable that Tp and H0 would systematically increase by 10% at all timesteps when the uncertainty is drawn from a zero-mean distribution. Even so, the sensitivity test results may provide insight into several physically realistic sediment transport scenarios. With the exception of the New River Inlet placement, which predates the WIS hindcast, the predicted transport rates in this study were generated using hindcast or buoy measurements corresponding to the exact wave conditions during placement and monitoring. Implementing the model as a predictive tool will instead require the use of historical wave conditions, which may not be representative of the actual wave climate during and after the project. Owing to the model’s strong sensitivity to wave height and period, care should be taken to select historical wave conditions which are most similar to those expected at the time of placement (e.g., seasonal conditions or El Niño Southern Oscillation events).
Although it is unlikely that all wave angles would systematically increase or decrease 15 in obliquity for most real-world scenarios, the Silver Strand placement site illustrates how uncertainty in the wave angle may realistically influence the results. The Point Loma headland to the northwest of Silver Strand Beach blocks wave angles greater than 280 relative to north (Juhnke et al. 1990; Andrassy 1991), corresponding to shore-normal wave angles between −28 and −90. The results presented herein compensate for this local wave sheltering by setting transport to zero if θ0(t) exceeded 280. If all waves had been included in the calculations, the calculated transport rate would have increased by 48% to 146%. It is important to note that all the transport equations are derived for exposed coastlines. Wave sheltering should be considered if the coastline is protected.
If the placed sediment is dredged from navigation channels, as was done in all 11 historical projects, the d50 can vary greatly depending on position within the channel. Winnowing of fine sediments after placement may also cause the effective d50 to increase through time. All else being constant, uncertainty in the grain size could significantly alter the deflation rate over the lifetime of the nearshore berm. Considering the variation in the eight formulations’ response to grain size changes (Table 4), it is recommended that a method with low sensitivity to grain size changes should be selected. In addition, given the ambiguous definition of beach slope for a nonplanar beach profile, it is preferable to use a calculation method which minimizes the model’s sensitivity to m.
The sensitivity test results also demonstrated that all calculation methods are strongly affected by shifting the berm’s position along the beach profile. Although GPS technology allows for centimeter-precision geospatial positioning, tidal conditions during construction influence the vessel’s ability to place sediment along a specified depth contour, leading to irregularities in the crest position. In addition, currents can redistribute sediment falling through the water column from bottom-dumping scows and hoppers. Calculating an ensemble of deflation rates for a range of reasonable crest positions is therefore recommended to understand the variations in possible transport behavior.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Several simple sediment transport models based on a superposition of longshore and cross-shore transport have been evaluated for estimating the deflation rate of nearshore berms, which can be used to predict the lifespan of proposed placements. This rapid, order-of-magnitude estimation of the deflation rate is particularly beneficial for planning studies and initial nearshore berm design, as well as for planning renourishment cycles and construction placement templates for bottom-dumping hoppers or scows. The performance of eight longshore transport formulations was evaluated for predicting berm deflation at several historical placement sites. To efficiently calculate the percentage of total longshore transport affecting the nearshore berm, the model utilizes an averaged cross-shore distribution of the longshore transport q^y(x^) based on experimental results from Bodge and Dean (1987) and Smith et al. (2009). The cross-shore transport component was estimated using a modified method from Dronkers (2016), with stream function wave theory used to determine near-bed orbital velocity.
Five of the combined longshore and cross-shore transport techniques calculated the nearshore berm deflation with an average error magnitude below 100%. These results are within the range of reasonable values noted in prior nearshore sediment transport studies. For example, Soulsby (1997) observed that the calculated suspended sediment transport rate forced by waves and currents can vary by an order of magnitude if the grain size is changed from 0.10 to 0.12 mm. Even if the input parameters are kept constant, the transport rate can vary by a factor of five between methods (Soulsby 1997). In addition, the original Shaeri et al. (2020) study predicted the total longshore transport within a factor of two accuracy for only 51% of cases in their extensive validation dataset. This is comparable to the results obtained herein (Table 3), where 45–55% of test cases are predicted within a factor of 2.
The recommended technique should consist of longshore and cross-shore transport to account for the most relevant physical processes, require minimal input parameters, and not be excessively sensitive to specific input parameters. Of the five combined techniques with an average error below 100%, the K91 and B07 methods display the lowest-magnitude bias values in the dataset when used in conjunction with D16. The KR78 longshore transport combined with D16 displays the smallest maximum-magnitude percent error in the dataset. However, KR78+D16 and K91+D16 both require the beach slope m, which is often ambiguously estimated and changes seasonally. Meanwhile, the B07+D16 method displays an above-average sensitivity to the input grain size d50.
Combining D16 with the MHB equation also generated an average error below 100%, and the method displayed a comparatively low sensitivity to d50 and m. However, the MHB equation and the antecedent B07 equation are derived from the assumption of an equilibrium beach profile (Dean 1991). The predicted equilibrium beach profiles displayed poor agreement with measured preplacement bathymetry at many of the historical berm locations. In addition, Shaeri et al. (2020) notes that including sediment fall speed in the numerator of B07 and MHB is physically unreasonable because it suggests a positive correlation between grain size and the transport rate, even though increasing the grain size should decrease sediment transport when all other parameters are held constant.
Based on the results of this study, the S20 longshore transport formulation in conjunction with the modified D16 cross-shore transport equation is recommended for calculating nearshore berm deflation. Unlike the MHB method, S20 minimizes the underlying assumptions and represents a physically-realistic relationship between the parameters and their expected influence on transport. The S20 equation systematically underpredicts transport when used alone. When the S20 and D16 results are summed, the RMS error and bias are comparatively low at 370 and −110 m3/day, respectively. The maximum percent error magnitude for S20+D16 is 167%, and the average percent error magnitude is 72%. These values are considered acceptable for a rapid first-order estimate of sediment transport. It should be noted that the beach slope m and the median grain size d50, both of which may have a large uncertainty, appear in the S20+D16 formulation. However, the method’s sensitivity to both parameters is fairly low. Varying d50 by ±20% generated a maximum percent change of 4% in the calculated transport rate, whereas changing m by ±0.005 changed the calculations by a maximum of 3%.
This study extends the results of previous nearshore berm research by focusing on the rate at which sediment will be transported, rather than simply evaluating the probability of transport. The recommended transport methodology provides a rapid and straightforward technique for coastal planners, engineers, and operation managers to obtain an order-of-magnitude estimate of transport rates for dredged sediment placed in the nearshore. This technique can rapidly evaluate nearshore placement sites for dredged material, thereby optimizing placement construction and improving the understanding of how frequently dredged material can be placed at a site. The methods presented in this manuscript have been validated using data from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts of the United States. Future advancements could be achieved by evaluating the model’s utility at locations with differing wave climates, such as the highly asymmetric wave conditions of the Great Lakes, when new validation data are available.

Data Availability Statement

All models and code that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Some bathymetric data used during the study were provided by a third party. Direct requests for these materials may be made to the provider as indicated in the Acknowledgments.


This project was funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers through the Inlet Geomorphology Evolution Work Unit of the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP). The WIS hindcast records are available online at, whereas raw bathymetric data from Fort Myers Beach were provided by Brutsché et al. (2014). No additional datasets were used beyond values reported in the cited literature. The authors are grateful to two anonymous reviewers, whose feedback greatly improved the manuscript.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
Dean’s equilibrium beach profile shape parameter;
friction coefficient;
median grain size;
wave energy flux;
gravitational acceleration;
significant wave height at breaking;
significant wave height at crest of nearshore berm;
deep-water significant wave height;
depth profile;
depth at breaking;
minimum water depth above the berm;
water depth at xcrest before sediment placement;
CERC coefficient;
coefficient related to the percentage of low-period swell waves (see van Rijn 2014);
wavelength at offshore WIS station;
local mean tide range;
beach slope (Δhx);
nearshore berm deflation rate in the cross-shore direction;
nearshore berm deflation rate in the longshore direction;
total volumetric longshore transport rate for the entire nearshore zone;
qx(x, t)
volumetric cross-shore transport profile;
qy(x, t)
volumetric longshore transport profile;
normalized volumetric longshore transport profile;
peak wave period; and
critical velocity for sediment motion;
uw(x, t)
near-bed wave orbital velocity;
longshore current velocity, averaged over x;
sediment fall speed;
shore-perpendicular coordinate;
normalized shore-perpendicular coordinate;
breaker location relative to the still-water shoreline;
x-coordinate corresponding to hcrest;
landward boundary of placed sediment;
seaward boundary of placed sediment;
alongshore coordinate;
empirical transport parameter from Dronkers (2016);
breaker index Hb/hb;
Bayram et al. (2007) transport coefficient;
wave angle at breaking relative to shore-normal;
wave angle at xcrest;
offshore wave angle;
critical velocity scaling term;
empirical transport parameter from Dronkers (2016);
Iribarren number;
density of sediment; and
density of water.


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Go to Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 147Issue 6November 2021


Received: Sep 30, 2020
Accepted: Jun 4, 2021
Published online: Jul 22, 2021
Published in print: Nov 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Dec 22, 2021



Research Physical Scientist, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Brian McFall, M.ASCE [email protected]
Research Civil Engineer, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180. Email: [email protected]
Douglas Krafft [email protected]
Research Civil Engineer, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180. Email: [email protected]
Austin Hudson [email protected]
Hydraulic Engineer, Portland District, US Army Corps of Engineers, 333 SW First Ave., Portland, OR 97204. Email: [email protected]

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  • Morphological Analysis of a Nearshore Nourishment along the Atlantic Coast of New Jersey, USA, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10.3390/jmse10111622, 10, 11, (1622), (2022).
  • Sediment Transport and Morphological Response to Nearshore Nourishment Projects on Wave-Dominated Coasts, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10.3390/jmse9111182, 9, 11, (1182), (2021).
  • Beach Response to a Shoreface Nourishment (Aveiro, Portugal), Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10.3390/jmse9101112, 9, 10, (1112), (2021).

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