Case Studies
Mar 11, 2022

Exploration of Relationships between Flood Control Capacity and Peak Flow Reduction in a Multireservoir System Using an Optimization-Clustering-Fitting Framework

Publication: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 148, Issue 5


Quantifying the relationship between reservoir flood capacity and peak flow reduction can identify reservoirs with good flood control effect and be important for reasonably allocating flood control capacity for larger peak flow reduction. In this study, an optimization-clustering-fitting framework consisting of the Dynamic Programming-Progressive Optimality Algorithm, K-means method, and multiple linear regression, is proposed and applied to a multireservoir system in the middle and lower reaches of the Ganjiang River, China. The results reveal the law of diminishing marginal benefit in reservoir flood control capacity, which means that as reservoir capacity increases, the peak flow reduction increase is larger in low water levels than that in high ones. In this multireservoir flood control system, the Wan’an reservoir has greater flood control potential and can reduce more peak flow of the downstream flood control points than the Xiajiang reservoir when the same capacity of both reservoirs is used for flood control.

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Some or all of data, models, or code that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. The available data have been listed in Tables 13.


This study is financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2021YFC3200303), the Key Research and Development Plan of Jiangxi Province (No. 20181ACG70018), and the Science and Technology Project of Department of Water Resources of Jiangxi Province (No. 202023ZDKT02).


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Published In

Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 148Issue 5May 2022


Received: Nov 17, 2020
Accepted: Jan 6, 2022
Published online: Mar 11, 2022
Published in print: May 1, 2022
Discussion open until: Aug 11, 2022


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Di Zhu
Ph.D. Candidate, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan 430072, China.
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan 430072, China (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Yadong Mei
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan 430072, China.
Xinfa Xu
Professorate Senior Engineer, Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Water Sciences, Nanchang 330029, China.
Shenglian Guo
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan 430072, China.

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