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Case Studies
Dec 8, 2021

Performance Monitoring and Sustainable Management of Piped Water Supply Infrastructure in Developing Communities

Publication: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 148, Issue 2


The sustainable management of water infrastructure in low-income communities is a development objective that cuts across several global development goals, including poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. The monitoring of water infrastructure in developing communities is essential to ensuring the reliability of services and is a requisite for long-term sustainability. Development organizations, government agencies, and communities, however, lack tools to measure reliability and evaluate performance characteristics. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate an innovative approach to performance monitoring and show evidence that water quantity performance is linked to water management. This study included the monitoring of 17 piped water systems in Madagascar and Nicaragua, wherein the reliability and availability of water was evaluated. A strength of management analysis reveals that good management improves both reliability and the availability of water. The conclusions from this study show scientific evidence that good management prevents system failure and that development agencies should focus efforts to improve local capacity. Recommendations associated with this study support the need for remote monitoring and better evaluation tools to ensure the sustainable management of water infrastructure.


The objectives of this paper are to present a novel approach to monitoring the performance of water infrastructure and to establish links between the reliability of services and management characteristics within developing communities. The international development water sector employs several types of monitoring when evaluating the sustainable development of water supply infrastructure.
Progress monitoring of development goals related to water began with the League of Nations Health Organization in the 1930s and continued with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) through several global development initiatives. The Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) is an intergovernmental organization that was created in 1990 to monitor global water development goals. Since that time, the JMP has been leading progress monitoring, which employs census data, household surveys, and proxy indicators to evaluate access to improved services (JMP 2000). In 2012 it was reported that Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Target 7.C to “halve the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water” was met, five years ahead of schedule (JMP 2012).
Other types of monitoring include project monitoring and impact monitoring. Project monitoring simply assesses the state of a project wherein goals and objectives are independently verified in terms of being on target, time, and budget. Very often, however, water projects are integrated into a more comprehensive development program with objectives related to health and economic outcomes. As a result, impact monitoring often gets employed, which establishes a baseline to compare outcomes related to changes in health or economic indicators wherein improved access to water is linked to reductions in incidence of diarrhea, child morbidity, skin infections, dehydration, and others (WHO 2020; Bartram et al. 2005).
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set out the United Nation’s vision for ensuring sustainable development and eradicating poverty worldwide by 2030. Specifically, SDG 6 calls for ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. It includes eight targets that highlight sustainable development challenges related to water, including affordability, pollution, water-use efficiency, natural resources management, environmental protection, capacity building, technology, and local stakeholder engagement (UN 2015, 2018). Previous development initiatives, the MDG (2000–2015) and the International Decade for Water and Sanitation (1980–1990), have significantly increased access to improved water (JMP 2015). Monitoring sustainability, however, has several challenges wherein discrete monitoring of progress at a single point in time and proxy indicators that substitute access to improved water services to evaluate the MDGs do not truly measure sustainability. Furthermore, monitoring the sustainable management of services has unique data needs and requires metrics specific to technical performance and management characteristics.
As the international development sector transitions to monitoring SDG 6, it is important to recognize the continuous, complex nature of sustainable development. Whereas SDG 6 sets out to both “achieve universal equitable access” and “ensure the sustainability management” of water service, these unique objectives have the potential to create tension within the development community (Thomson and Koehler 2016). Traditional development uses a project cycle approach to increasing access to services through capital investments in new infrastructure. Ensuring the sustainable management of services, however, requires operation, maintenance, and long-term external support that is often beyond the scope of traditional development programs. When coupled with capacity building on water management, performance monitoring can address potential tensions within SDG 6 by providing objective evidence of sustainability that is continuous and beyond the timeframe of project implementation. Furthermore, performance monitoring supports the needs of donor agencies who require evidence-based solutions to sustainable development, national ministries who are tasked with overseeing services, and local operators who need to mitigate problems in real time.
The JMP explicitly recognizes the need for improved metrics that “measure the actual sustainability of water and sanitation facilities” (JMP 2015). Progress monitoring measures the number of people served using proxy indicators that more closely represent access to technology rather than water services (Lockwood 2010). For example, the presence or absence of a piped water system in a community assumes that there is water flowing through the system and that the service meets the needs of the community, and neglects to recognize that the reliability of services changes over time. Impact monitoring, which could evaluate changes in health, requires a long-term commitment that is often beyond the scope of a particular project, and it can be difficult to link specific development intervention in a causal relationship.
Project monitoring is the traditional approach within the sector and has the primary purpose of documenting the project itself, which supports the needs of donors who require evidence of improved services. More recently, donors are looking for evidence of sustainability wherein neglected systems have failed to provide reliable services. This further supports the need for new metrics to evaluate water services that are both objective and continuous (Koestler et al. 2010) wherein sustainable development is complex and the quality of services change over time. At the present time, a shift toward performance monitoring that measures functionality is emerging, with the added rational that new methods could provide local water operators with tools to better manage water services (Lockwood and Smits 2011; Ermilio et al. 2014; Bartram et al. 2014). Innovations in performance monitoring should adapt existing technologies to provide low-cost solutions to the monitoring needs of local operators in low-income developing communities.
This study demonstrates performance monitoring through the installation of pressure transducers to measure water levels within storage tanks and evaluate per-capita water availability and system reliability. Other system monitoring needs could include water quality measurements, precipitation, and customer satisfaction, which could provide an objective view of system performance on a continuous basis, if information were accessible to water operators on a timely basis. Furthermore, monitoring of watershed management and environmental sustainability is an ongoing challenge, particularly as it relates to integrated water resources management, which would account for water demand beyond domestic consumption. As a result, precision with respect to terminology and delineating between sustainability, sustainable development, and sustainable management is essential when evaluating development goals. This study proposes that sustainability with respect to environmental issues, infrastructure development, and management of services are different. In this regard, sustainable management entails the actual provision of water services and the water development sector should prioritize performance monitoring with the intended outcome of addressing the needs of local water operators and improving water management.

Performance Monitoring Methods

Performance monitoring objectively evaluates systems in terms of water quantity and strength of management (SoM) characteristics. Water quantity characteristics are measured with respect to per-capita availability of water and system reliability. Water management characteristics are defined using a SoM index, evaluating local utility management based on human resources, system administration, operation and maintenance, asset management, and financial management.

Water Quantity

Water quantity data was collected through the installation of In-situ Rugged Troll pressure transducers on the bottom of water storage tanks within the systems being investigated. These submersible titanium instruments were programmed to measure and record absolute pressure on a 15-min time interval and were calibrated to NIST certification standards at ±0.1% at 9.0 m of water. The continuous monitoring of water levels within system storage tanks was then used to evaluate the availability and reliability of services. Water level data included seven sites in Madagascar and 10 sites in Nicaragua for a period ranging from 400 to 1,373 days [mean=735  days, standard deviation (SD)=313.8]. Data was collected from the systems during periodic site visits where the device was removed from the tank, data was extracted from the logger, and the device was reinstalled. Storage tank specifications along with water level data were used to determine the per-capita availability of water over time [Vpc, liters/person/day (L/p/d)], calculated as a function of daily availability of water in storage (VT/td), supply flow rate (Qs), and total number of people (p) being served
The availability of water in terms of storage volume (Vs, m3) was determined by multiplying the average daily water level (havg, m) by the cross-sectional area of the tank (AT, m2). The supply flow rate was determined by isolating data where the rate of change in water level was greater than zero (Δh/Δt>0) and identifying the maximum change in water level (Δhmax) daily. The daily maximum change in water level is isolated and used to determine the supply flow rate (Qs) into the system, which assumes that there is a 15-min period where outflow (Qout), or the water demand on the system, equals zero. The total water availability is then determined after accounting for and eliminating overflow, using a binary multiplier (1,0)
A probability exceedance function is used to show the percentage of days that each system met various thresholds of per-capita water availability. From this, the system capacity (SC, %) was defined as the average percentage of days (PD) that each system met the 20, 50, and 80  L/p/d threshold, where n equals the total days in the study
The system reliability (η) was analyzed daily by determining the percentage of time that the water storage facility was empty. A sensitivity analysis of various tank conditions revealed that water levels of less than 25% full showed the largest variation, which provided better resolution when evaluating system reliability (Ermilio et al. 2014; Hunt 2015). As a result, tank empty conditions were defined as less than 25% full (PE25). The daily system reliability (η) was then determined by analyzing the proportion of time that tank conditions were less than the 25% full condition. The total system reliability (ηsys) was determined by averaging the daily reliability scores for the entire study period, where n is the total number of days in the study
Water quantity characterization combined the system reliability with per-capita availability to classify the system performance. In these terms, four types of systems were classified: a reliable supply (ηsys>80%) of high-volume water (Vpc>50  L/p/d), a reliable supply (ηsys>80%) of low-volume water (Vpc<50  L/p/d), an unreliable supply (ηsys<80%) of high-volume water (Vpc>50  L/p/d), and an unreliable supply (ηsys<80%) of low-volume water (Vpc<50  L/p/d).

Strength of Management

Participatory methods, which included input from local water professionals and partners, were used to investigate SoM characteristics. As a result, different surveys were employed to evaluate SoM characteristics, with input from partners being unique in each country. In Madagascar, program partners used a donor-approved sustainable index tool (Lockwood 2010; Ermilio 2019) that included a series of presence/absence indicators. In Nicaragua, workshops were conducted with partner organizations to develop the survey, and key stakeholder interviews were used to evaluate community resources for managing the system in terms of time and money (Hunt 2015; Ermilio 2019). In both cases, the data were consolidated into five categories of management: human resources (HR), system administration (SA), operation and maintenance (O&M), asset management (AM), and financial management (FM). The analysis of SoM included converting individual categories into a percent score, where n is the total number of indicators within each category
In Madagascar, the sustainable index tool was modified to evaluate management characteristics based on presence/absence indicators. Human resources included indicators for external support, community involvement, and water management personnel. Operation and maintenance included indicators for the frequency of maintenance activities associated with the source intake, storage tank, and treatment systems, as well as capital maintenance, system expansion, and communications with customers. System administration was evaluated based on evidence of reporting and record keeping in terms of customer accounts, complaints, maintenance activities, water consumption, and the presence of a business plan. Asset management was evaluated based on initial investments into the infrastructure, office space, tools, and equipment, as well as watershed management initiatives. Financial management was evaluated based on evidence of monthly income, total income, annual expenses, tax payments, and overall savings. To prevent artificially weighing subindicators, an average of the indicators for each variable was used.
In Nicaragua, the SoM analysis was based on the same five variables; however, the results were monetized with respect to per-capita investments into the water supply infrastructure. Each variable was monetized by calculating time and money spent managing the system and was normalized using the range of results to establish a percent value. Investments in human resources were determined based on the number of committee members, the number of committee meetings annually, the number of assembly meetings, and the election frequency of committee members. Investments in operation and maintenance were monetized using the cleaning frequency of the source intake, storage tank, and treatment system as well as capital investments for large repairs. System administration was monetized using the actual operational expenses associated with managing the system, including payment of administrative staff, payment to local operators and plumbers, as well as repairs and other overhead expenses. Asset management investments were evaluated based on the presence/absence of an office space; storage space for supplies, tools, and equipment; land ownership; and watershed management. These assets were monetized equally across all sites using office space and land valuation. Financial management was evaluated based on records of actual savings with or without interest depending on banking in the area. The total available savings was adjusted for the age of the system and an annual savings was determined. For all the SoM variables in Nicaragua, the total monetized values were adjusted for per-capita values by dividing the investments by the total number of customers being served by the system.
In both cases the variables in Eq. (6) were normalized to a percent score, and then an average of the individual variables was used to determine the percent SoM score. The difference in the averages between the SoM results in Madagascar and Nicaragua suggests that the per-capita monetized SoM test used in Nicaragua was more difficult than the presence/absence SoM test used in Madagascar. Therefore, calibration of the survey was needed prior to conducting further analysis. The calibration process included three steps. A common point of analysis was identified wherein household customer satisfaction (CS) surveys were implemented at selected sites and plots of CS versus SoM were created. Then a probability distribution plot of the two SoM tests was created to confirm normal distribution, and the SoM surveys were transformed using the common point of analysis and the average difference. Refer to the Data Availability Statement for access to additional details about the SoM calibration.

Context Analysis

Whereas the objective of this study was to explore relationships between water quantity and water management, understanding contextual differences between Madagascar and Nicaragua is essential when interpreting the results. In Madagascar, the sector had difficulty meeting MDG water targets with an alarming rate of failure and systems in rural towns being abandoned (CRS 2014). As a result, a shift from community management to public-private partnerships (PPP) has emerged (Annis and Razafinjato 2012). In Nicaragua, the water sector has focused on strengthening community management with legal authorization of local water committees through the Comunidad Aqua Potable Saneamiento (CAPS) law. Within this framework, the National Water Authority is responsible for overseeing the management of water resources within the country (ANA 2010), and local authorities at the community level are responsible for managing water and sanitation in rural areas (INAA 2010). This context includes a paradigm of community management with legal recognition of the right to title land, open accounts, and charge for water services (Hunt 2015).
In Madagascar, the national water sector has made moderate progress toward meeting water development goals, with a large difference in progress between urban and rural areas. In Nicaragua, progress toward water development goals has been on pace with national targets. Despite this, the large difference between urban and rural areas also presents challenges. In both Madagascar and Nicaragua, limited progress with respect to increasing access to piped water supply presents challenges in the sector (Table 1). More specifically, as the water sector continues to move toward providing universal access to sustainably managed drinking water (SDG 6.1), the need to simultaneously accelerate progress and increase capacity in rural areas is essential.
Table 1. Progress toward water development goals in Madagascar and Nicaragua: Percentage of people with access to an improved water source

Source: Data from JMP (2017).

The political, social, and economic contexts within each country are additional considerations when understanding the results presented in this study. In Madagascar, the systems investigated were implemented as a part of a national initiative and were located throughout the eastern portion of the country. In Nicaragua, the systems included in this study were located within the Matagalpa region through several different initiatives and different organizations. In addition, the extent to which the systems could be classified as rural and differences in the system specifications should be considered.
In Madagascar, the systems investigated provided services to rural towns, and in Nicaragua the systems provided services to both rural towns and rural villages (Fig. 1). The average number of users per system in Madagascar was 4,383 (SD=4,059, median=2,921) and the average number of users per system in Nicaragua was 980 (SD=761, median=673). In addition, the systems in Madagascar had, on average, larger storage capacities (AVG=80,143  L, SD=40,884) and larger distribution systems (AVG=10.1  km, SD=7.6) than the systems in Nicaragua (AVG=33,290  L, SD=14,372; AVG=8.7  km, SD=4.9). The largest system in this study was in Mananara, Madagascar; it provided water to over 13,000 people and had a storage capacity of 170,000 L with 24.7 km of piping. The smallest system included in this study was in La Cieba, Nicaragua, with 175 users, 7,700 L of storage, and 2.4 km of piping.
Fig. 1. Geographic distribution of site locations. (Map data sources: Esri, USGS, NOAA; Sources: Esri, Garmin, USGS, NPS.)
Another notable difference was the average number of users per connection between the systems in Madagascar (AVG=24.2, SD=22.6) and Nicaragua (AVG=6.7, SD=0.9). This difference is largely attributed to the nature of the systems in Madagascar, which employed different types of service connections using both shared and private connections. In addition, the difference between the water payment schemes should be highlighted. In Madagascar, the PPP management model included water payments that consider the financial sustainability of the utility, and in Nicaragua the community management model primarily considered water fees to recover operational expenses.
The potential for contextual differences to influence performance characteristics should be noted wherein details that are specific to each community would warrant further investigation. Studies have identified relationships between access to secondary water availability and decreased consumption from piped water services (Bakalian and Wakeman 2009). In Madagascar, the systems were in small towns and some households had access to secondary water resources in the form of hand-dug wells. Consistent with access to secondary water resources, which is often free of charge, is the reality that affordability also influences water consumption. The difference in economic conditions between Madagascar and Nicaragua, per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) of $527.50 and $2028.89, respectively (World Bank 2018), would suggest that affordability of water could influence the performance characteristics used in this study. Differences in payment schemes have been shown to influence consumption, wherein volumetric charges used in Madagascar could incentivize water conservation as compared to flat monthly fees used in Nicaragua. In addition, system reliability could be influenced by behavior, if limited confidence in water services resulted in secondary storage at the household level. The presence of secondary storage would ultimately influence the demand schedule, which further influences system reliability as measured by water levels in storage tanks.

System Performance Characteristics

System performance characteristics were explored in terms of water quantity and SoM. The results from this analysis show measurable differences in system performance in terms of both availability and reliability of water. Furthermore, these differences correlate with SoM, which is shown to influence the availability of minimum basic needs of water, reliability of services, and preventing system failure.

Water Quantity

A comparative analysis of water quantity reveals measurable differences in system performance. Probability distribution functions (PDFs) provide detailed performance characteristics and can be used to delineate between systems. On average, the systems in Madagascar provided minimum basic needs of water (20  L/p/d) during 89.8% of the days investigated with a range from 72.9% to 98.4% (SD=10.1%), Fig. 2. In Nicaragua, the minimum basic needs threshold (20  L/p/d) was provided 97.7% of days, with a range from 79.3% to 100% (SD=6.0%), Fig. 3. Using an upper threshold of 80  L/p/d, the comparison between systems in Madagascar and Nicaragua shows an average of 3.6% (SD=7.0%) and 67.0% (SD=24.7%), respectively, which reveals that the systems in Nicaragua are providing a higher volume of water. In fact, on average, the community-managed systems in Nicaragua provided 68.1  L/p/d more than the privately managed systems in Madagascar (p=0.0001).
Fig. 2. PDF curves Madagascar.
Fig. 3. PDF curves Nicaragua.
When the average per-capita availability results are combined with system reliability, further delineation of system performance is accomplished. Using the 50  L/p/d and 80% reliability thresholds, systems are classified using quadrants, Fig. 4. Category A systems are highly successful in terms of both reliability and availability of water. Category B systems are highly successful in terms of reliability and are providing minimum availability. Category C systems are highly successful in terms of availability but are not reliable, and Category D systems are vulnerable to failure wherein reliability and availability of water services are low. An important identifying characteristic for all the systems investigated is that the average availability of water was above the minimum basic minimum needs (20  L/p/d), which would have an expected outcome of improved health within a community (WHO 2011; Nicol 2000).
Fig. 4. Quadrant classification using reliability and availability.

Sustainable Management

Understanding management characteristics is essential to ensuring the sustainability of water infrastructure. Measurable differences in SoM suggests that strategic initiatives can improve management of water services in developing communities, Fig. 5. A summary of SoM results shows that on average, management in Nicaragua (79.4%, n=11, SD=0.125) is stronger than in Madagascar (72.7%, n=6, SD=0.231) but that this difference is statistically insignificant (p=0.438). The largest difference in management characteristics between countries is within the SA category, where systems in Nicaragua were, on average, 17.6% (p=0.164) stronger than the systems in Madagascar. In addition, the AM category for systems in Nicaragua was 13.6% stronger (p=0.279) than in Madagascar. In terms of SoM variables, three indicator variables (HR, SA, and O&M) have mean values greater than, and two (AM and FM) have mean values less than, the composite SoM score.
Fig. 5. SoM characteristics: Madagascar and Nicaragua.
An exploration of these results is used to investigate the influence that management has on water quantity performance characteristics, employing mean and quartile values as well as quadrant classifications as points of comparison (Table 2). The composite mean value for all systems studied (77.1%, n=17, SD=0.166) provides a point of comparative analysis when evaluating the impact that above-average (good) management and below-average (poor) management has on overall system performance. The upper SoM quartile value (88.3%) is used to delineate very good management and the lower SoM quartile value (67.6%) is used to delineate very poor management.
Table 2. Summary of SoM results from Nicaragua and Madagascar (n=17)
SoM variableMean (%)Median (%)Standard deviation (%)Upper quartile (%)Lower quartile (%)
Composite SoM77.179.916.688.367.6

Comparative Analysis

An exploratory analysis is used to identify mechanisms by which SoM influences performance so that improvements in water management practices can result in increased performance and long-term sustainability. Initial exploration delineated the results in terms of the mean SoM result, to identify differences in performance characteristics with respect to the overall composite management scores (Table 3). This analysis shows influences across all water quantity performance criteria, with the composite of system reliability and system capacity having the most significant (p=0.008) influence, wherein a change in 21.6% performance score is seen between systems that have good management (above average) and poor management (below average). This result, when combined with the independent influence on both system reliability (Δηsys=20.7%, p=0.045) and overall water availability (ΔV˙pc=34.4  L/p/d, p=0.045) shows clear evidence that system performance is influenced by good management.
Table 3. Comparative analysis of performance, where good management is above average and poor management is below average, mean SoM (n=17)
Water quantity performance characteristicChange in performance good management versus poor management
Delta performancet-test significance p-value
ηsys (%)20.7%0.045
V˙pc (L/p/d)34.40.045
PD-20 (%)8.5%0.025
PD-50 (%)26.3%0.096
PD-80 (%)32.9%0.032
SC (%)22.6%0.042
Composite ηsys - SC (%)21.6%0.008
Delineating the SoM results in terms of quartiles is useful when evaluating the influence that very good (upper quartile) and very poor management (lower quartile) has on system performance. The results of this analysis (Table 4) show that very good management has no real influence on water quantity performance (as compared to not very good) and even show a reduction in the percentage of days that systems provided 50  L/p/d (PD-50). In addition, some evidence is shown that very poor management influences performance, with the most significant evidence being that very poor management negatively influences the composite of reliability and the system capacity score (ΔηsysSC=14.4%, p=0.087), and overall system reliability (Δηsys=21.6%, p=0.116). In simple terms, this analysis reveals that good management is essential to ensuring system performance, but that very good management has no additional impact on performance. At the same time, poor and very poor management have a negative influence on the reliability and availability of services.
Table 4. Comparative analysis of performance, where great management is greater than upper quartile and poor management is below lower quartile (n=17)
Water quantity performance characteristicChange in performance very good (n=5) versus less than very good (n=12) upper quartile SoMChange in performance very poor (n=5) versus above very poor (n=12) lower quartile SoM
Delta performancet-test significance p-valueDelta performancet-test significance p-value
ηsys (%)9.5%0.23321.6%0.116
V˙pc (L/p/d)3.70.43714.70.263
PD-20 (%)5.5%0.0323.7%0.201
PD-50 (%)6.9%0.3811.3%0.477
PD-80 (%)1.1%0.47916.3%0.212
SC (%)0.1%0.4977.1%0.318
Composite ηsys - SC (%)4.7%0.28814.4%0.087
Delineating SoM results using quadrant classifications further verifies and supports these results (Table 5). Using the 80% reliability performance classification (A-B versus C-D), SoM influences on reliability are isolated, wherein a difference of 17.5% in composite SoM shows evidence that management has a significant influence (p=0.022) on performance. Delineating SoM using the water availability threshold of 50  L/p/d (A-C versus B-D), however, shows that the management does not have a significant influence on the amount of water provided in the system with a SoM difference of 6.5% (p=0.230).
Table 5. Comparative analysis of SoM using quadrant classifications of water quantity performance
Water quantity performance classificationnNet difference in SoM score (%)t-test significance p-value
A-B versus C-D12/517.50.022
A-C versus B-D11/66.50.230
A versus B-C-D8/97.30.190
To further investigate relationships between SoM and performance characteristics, a correlation matrix (Table 6) between ηsys,V˙pc, and the individual SoM categories was created. The largest linear correlation (R=0.612, p=0.009) is between the percentage of days that the systems provided 20  L/p/d (PD-20) and the SoM indicator for HR management, which is followed closely by the linear correlation (R=0.566, p=0.018) between ηsys and FM. Relationships between ηsys,V˙pc, and composite SoM were also investigated to explore the extent to which overall management influences performance. In this regard, the largest linear correlation (R=0.482, p=0.05) is between the PD-20 and composite SoM. In addition to this, the overall reliability and the combined composite water quantity score (ηsysSC) shows a positive linear correlation (R=0.420, p=0.093) with composite SoM.
Table 6. SoM indicator correlation coefficients for reliability and availability
Strength of management variable (n=17)Pearson correlation coefficients linear regression
Reliability ηsysAvailability of water (percentage of days)Composite score ηdel - SC
PD-20>20 (L/p/d)PD-50>50 (L/p/d)PD-80>80 (L/p/d)System capacity score
Composite - SoM0.4190.4820.1180.3000.2440.420
Setting a criterion (R=0.5 and p=0.05) for linear correlation helps to identify relationships that are more influential than others. Based on this, further exploration in terms of HR and PD-20, SA and PD-20, and FM and ηsys is justified (Table 7). Additional analysis reveals the influence that individual SoM categories (in terms of HR, SA, and FM) have on system reliability and the availability of minimum basic needs of water (20  L/p/d). Using the same threshold criteria for mean and quartile values shows that poor FM has the largest negative influence on system reliability (Δηsys=33.0%, p=0.035) and that this influence is statistically significant. In addition, above-average FM results in a positive influence on reliability (Δηsys=22.2%, p=0.015). The results also show strong evidence (p=0.002) that poor HR has a negative influence on the availability of minimum basic needs of water (ΔPD-20=11.3%).
Table 7. Comparative analysis of performance using HR, SA, and FM indicators, where good management is greater than the mean, great management is greater than the upper quartile, and poor management is less than the lower quartile
SoM categoryCriteriaSystem reliability ηsys (%)Water availability PD-20
Delta (%)p-valueDelta (%)p-value


Performance monitoring of piped water supply infrastructure in developing communities is essential to ensuring the sustainable management of services. The results from this study identify links between SoM and water quantity performance, and key findings suggest that good management prevents system failure, but very good management does not ensure higher levels of success. Conclusive evidence that good management results in higher reliability (20.7% increase in performance, p=0.045) and per-capita availability (34.4  L/p/d increase in performance, p=0.045) of water suggests that improvements in water management are essential to ensuring long-term sustainability of services. Further investigation into the relationship between SoM and water availability revealed that very poor management directly influences the reliability of services with a 21.6% reduction in system performance (p=0.116). With respect to individual SoM variables, HR (R=0.612, p=0.009) and SA (R=0.533, p=0.018) showed a strong correlation with minimum basic needs of water, and FM (R=0.566, p=0.018) showed a strong correlation with SR.
Whereas this study explores relationships using statistical tools for analysis, a brief discussion on the mechanisms by which the SoM indicators may influence performance is important. One of the largest and most statistically conclusive findings from this study showed that poor FM has a negative influence on the SR with a difference in 33.0% performance (p=0.035). In addition, good FM showed an increase of 22.2% (p=0.015) in reliability. Whereas causation has not been established within this study, it is logical that similar skill sets would exist between FM and service reliability. Another statistically conclusive finding shows that poor HR has a negative influence on the availability of minimum basic needs of water, with a difference of 11.3% (p=0.002) in performance. In this regard, HR used three indicators in its evaluation: technical support, community involvement, and water utility staffing, with subindicators ranging from visits from external visits to gender balance on the water committee.
This analysis provides insight into potential mechanisms where management influence performance and contributes to the body of knowledge wherein previous studies have identified influential indicators. More specifically, the results from this analysis provide conclusive evidence that increasing the capacity of water management in low-income developing communities is essential to ensuring sustainability of services. In addition, the need for improvements in FM and HR is strongly supported through this investigation. These results are consistent with other studies that suggest that external support (Bakalian and Wakeman 2009), community participation (Kayaga et al. 2013; Franceys and Pezon 2010), and gender balance on water committees (Fisher 2008) are all important factors that influence sustainability. Furthermore, this analysis supports previous studies that reference planning and record keeping as being key elements of utility management and long-term sustainability (Sansom and Coates 2011; Baietti et al. 2006). This study is unique, however, in that objective evidence of the relationship between management factors and water quantity characteristics has been demonstrated using continuous performance monitoring.
The conclusions from this study have raised some important questions with respect to differences between monitoring progress and measuring performance. Given the unique nature of each system and the nondiscrete nature of sustainability, a shift is needed to more objective and continuous monitoring techniques. Furthermore, the need to measure the availability and sustainable management of water justifies developing new tools that empower local operators to improve water services. Also, a shift in the focus from progress to performance should coincide with a change in the dialog from beneficiaries to customers in that customer satisfaction is essential for long-term sustainability and could be an effective way to monitor both progress and performance.
Recommendations associated with this study include developing remote monitoring tools and investigating customer satisfaction as a strategy for monitoring SDGs related to water. In addition, essential to the success of meeting SDG water development targets is monitoring that includes enabling technologies to improve local management of services, which include system performance and environmental monitoring. Whereas precipitation was not considered in this study, watershed-monitoring and surveillance technologies are an important enabler of long-term environmental sustainability. Where technological advancements in monitoring can simultaneously address the needs of local operators, development organizations, and donors, the tension between ensuring sustainability and increasing access to water services can be alleviated. As a result, a shift toward performance monitoring that considers the needs of local operators is essential. In addition to the implementation of new systems, development organizations, government agencies, and donors should recognize the needs of local operators by focusing resources on the performance monitoring of existing infrastructure.

Data Availability Statement

All data, models, and code that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request, including raw and graphical results of water level data, tabulated SoM data, calibration of SoM, individual country analysis of SoM influences, and statistical analysis. These materials can also be found in Ermilio (2019).


This work received funding from Villanova University’s Falvey Memorial Library Scholarship Open Access Reserve (SOAR) Fund.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 148Issue 2February 2022


Received: Jan 23, 2021
Accepted: Jul 13, 2021
Published online: Dec 8, 2021
Published in print: Feb 1, 2022
Discussion open until: May 8, 2022



J. Ermilio, M.ASCE [email protected]
Director, Center for Humanitarian Engineering and International Development, Villanova Univ., Villanova, PA 19085; Associate Professor of Practice, College of Engineering, Villanova Univ., Villanova, PA 19085 (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor in Physical Geography, Heriot Watt Univ., Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland. ORCID:
Professor of Sustainable Infrastructure, Loughborough Univ., Loughborough LE11 3TU, England. ORCID:

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