Technical Papers
Aug 25, 2012

Ladle Furnace Slag in the Construction of Embankments: Expansive Behavior

Publication: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Volume 25, Issue 8


This paper examines the use of ladle furnace steelmaking slag (LFS) as a material for the construction of embankments in civil works. It reports the chemical, mineralogical, and geotechnical properties of two soils, two LFS, and various mixtures thereof, in addition to their volumetric stability. The findings show that lengthy periods of time are required to achieve the potential expansion of LFS because of the hydration of certain aluminates and calcium oxide in addition to the slow hydrocarbonation reactions of magnesium oxide. The expansion test on the soil-LFS mixtures revealed slight swelling, attributable to the pozzolanic reactions of clay minerals with portlandite and brucite in addition to accommodation within the soil-slag pore structure. The cation exchange capacity of clay minerals affects the interaction between soil and LFS; minerals such as montmorillonite, with a high cation exchange capacity, improve the California bearing ratio and reduce the potential expansion. Not all soils are suitable for improvement with LFS because of the mineral compounds of their clay fraction.

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The authors thank the Ministerio de Fomento del Gobierno de España (Spanish Government Ministry of Public Works) for providing the University of León (Spain) with the funds to conduct the research project “Improvement of unsuitable soils by means of ladle furnace slag in embankment construction” (Ref. 80029/A04), the results of which are reported in this paper. The writers make a special note in the memory of Professor Sánchez Alciturri, after whom the geotechnical laboratory of the University of Cantabria (UC) has been named, in addition to Professor Sagaseta Millán (UC), for their support to the University of León research group, which laid the groundwork for the authors’ research.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Volume 25Issue 8August 2013
Pages: 972 - 979


Received: Aug 23, 2011
Accepted: Jul 31, 2012
Published online: Aug 25, 2012
Discussion open until: Jan 25, 2013
Published in print: Aug 1, 2013


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J. M. Montenegro
Constructor Civil, Universidad de León, Avenida de Portugal, 41, León 24071, Spain.
M. Celemín-Matachana, Ph.D. [email protected]
Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad de León, Ave. de Portugal, 41, León 24071, Spain (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
J. Cañizal, Ph.D.
Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad de Cantabria, 39005, Spain.
J. Setién, Ph.D.
Physicist, Universidad de Cantabria, 39005, Spain.

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