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Technical Papers
Aug 11, 2021

Evapotranspiration and Water Stress Coefficient for Deficit-Irrigated Maize

Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 147, Issue 10


Crop evapotranspiration under deficit soil water conditions must be quantified to accurately manage deficit irrigation and crop water stress and achieve targeted water savings. A stress coefficient is commonly used to quantify the effect of inadequate soil water on crop evapotranspiration. A 6-year deficit irrigation field trial of maize in northeastern Colorado was used to derive the stress coefficient for maize. Results showed that crop evapotranspiration was affected by both the effect of current soil water deficit on water uptake and stomatal resistance and the impact of prior water stress on plant growth. Measured evapotranspiration was less than potential crop evapotranspiration when the soil water deficit exceeded 25% of the total plant available water. A curvilinear relationship modeled the measured stress coefficient better than the commonly used linear relationship. Prior water stress resulted in a reduction in canopy ground cover, which was linearly related to the basal crop coefficient. These combined effects, when incorporated into the crop coefficient times reference evapotranspiration model, were able to accurately estimate crop evapotranspiration with deficit irrigation.


The crop coefficient method as described in Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56 (FAO-56) (Allen et al. 1998) is commonly used to estimate evapotranspiration of crops and other vegetated surfaces. In this method, the evapotranspiration of a nonstressed crop (ETc) is the product of the calculated evapotranspiration of a standardized reference crop (ETref) multiplied by a crop coefficient specific to a crop, the growth stage, and growing conditions. Dual crop coefficients are used to separate the contribution of wet soil evaporation from transpiration (plus minor diffusive evaporation through a dry soil surface) of a nonstressed crop
where Kcb = basal crop coefficient for the nonstressed or standard condition; and Ke = wet soil evaporation coefficient. Under the nonstandard condition in which inadequate soil water restricts the ability of the crop to meet the evaporative potential of the atmosphere, a stress coefficient (Ks) is used to scale the depression of transpiration due to water deficit
where ETa = actual crop evapotranspiration. Plant transpiration is related to the ability of the plant to extract water from the soil into its roots and transport it to the leaves at a rate sufficient to meet the evaporative demand of the atmosphere at the stomates. When root water uptake is limited by large negative soil water potential due to soil water deficit (SWD), stomata close to preserve plant turgor. Stomata closure is represented in the Penman-Monteith combination equation by an increase in bulk surface resistance (Jensen and Allen 2016; Ortega-Farias et al. 2006).
Scientists have been studying the effects of inadequate soil water content on plant transpiration for more than 70  years. Table 1 lists several plant water stress studies that have related soil water potential (SWP) or soil water content (SWC) to ETa or Ks. The first article (Veihmeyer and Hendrickson 1955), supplemented by several discussion responses, reviews many of the studies prior to 1960. Many of the listed studies between 1960 and 1980 were conducted in lysimeters in which ETa and changes in SWC could be precisely measured. Most concluded that there is a threshold SWP above which transpiration is not affected, although the proposed threshold varied among studies. Factors that were proposed to affect the threshold other than SWP included plant species, atmospheric evaporative demand, soil type, and root distribution. Most studies concluded that ETa approached 0 as the SWP in the root zone approached about 1,500  kPa, commonly termed the permanent wilting point (PWP). Between the threshold and PWP, several studies observed that ETa decreased linearly with the logarithm of SWP.
Table 1. Literature that has related crop evapotranspiration to water stress
Veihmeyer and Hendrickson (1955)TreesSWP15 barsConstantLysimeter
Denmead and Shaw (1962)MaizeSWP, rSWD, ETref0.3 to 12 bars; 0.2–0.7CurvilinearContainers, field
Gardner and Ehlig (1963)Pea, pepperSWP, rSWD2 to 5 barsLinearContainers, greenhouse
Palmer et al. (1964)CottonSWP, rSWD5 bars; 0.5–0.7Lysimeter, greenhouse
van Bavel (1967)AlfalfaLWP, rSWD, ETref4 bars; 0.8LinearLysimeter
Ritchie et al. (1972)Cotton, sorghumrSWD, SWP0.7Lysimeter
Ritchie (1973)MaizerSWD0.2Lysimeter
Boonyatharokul and Walker (1979)AlfalfarSWD0Power curveLysimeter
Robinson and Hubbard (1990)Maize, wheat, sorghum, soybeanrSWD0.35–0.5LinearField WB
Kerr et al. (1993)WheatrSWD0.2–0.55SeveralField WB
Kang et al. (2000)MaizerSWD, LWP, SR0LogarithmicLysimeter WB
Poulovassilis et al. (2001)Maize, wheat, cottonrSWD0ExponentialField WB
Colaizzi et al. (2003)CottonrSWD, CWSI0Logarithmic and linearField CWSI
Zhang et al. (2004)WheatrSWD0LogarithmicField WB
Ortega-Farias et al. (2006)TomatorSWD0.45LinearField BREB
Morgan et al. (2006)CitrusrSWD0LinearField WB
Rosa et al. (2012)Maize, wheatrSWD0.65, 0.50LinearField WB
Rallo and Provenzano (2013)OliveSWP, rSWD4 bars; 0.8ExponentialField sap flux
Rallo et al. (2017)CitrusrSWD0.2LinearField WB

Note: Parameters refer to independent parameter(s) tested; threshold refers to value below which ETa or Ks was not affected; relationship refers to the derived or proposed shape of the Ks(rSWD) relationship; method refers to the method used to measure ETa. CWSI = crop water stress index; LWP = leaf water potential; SR = stomatal resistance; lysimeter = large weighing lysimeter; WB = field water balance; and BREB = Bowen ratio energy balance.

Although the plant’s ability to absorb water is directly related to the SWP near the roots, both SWP and soil hydraulic conductivity are related to SWC, which enables a relationship between ETa and SWC. A relationship between ETa and SWC is useful because SWC can be measured or predicted through water balance calculations. By scaling SWC between the SWP at about 30 kPa, referred to as field capacity to hold water following drainage (FC), and PWP, relationships between Ks and relative soil water deficit (rSWD) have been developed
where SWD = FC–SWC; and TAW = total available water = FC–PWP.
Most of the studies in Table 1 published after 1980 were designed to validate a Ks:rSWD relationship within the two-step (crop coefficient times ETref) approach [e.g., Eq. (2)] under water deficit conditions by comparing predicted ETa with field water balance estimated ETa. Several Ks:rSWD relationships have been proposed. Jensen et al. (1970) proposed a logarithmic stress coefficient relationship for use in irrigation scheduling
This curvilinear relationship assumes the threshold is 0 such that Ks approaches 1 as rSWD approaches 0.
Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) assumed a linear relationship between the threshold rSWD and PWP
where p = threshold rSWD; and Drel=(rSWDp)/(1p), which increases linearly from 0 at the threshold to 1.0 at PWP. This relationship was later adopted by Allen et al. (1998) in FAO-56. In both Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) and FAO-56, proposed threshold values are near 0.5 for many cereal crops, slightly less than 0.5 for sensitive, shallow-rooted crops, and slightly greater than 0.5 for stress-tolerant deep-rooted crops. Both publications propose that p is negatively related to ETc and changes by 0.04 for each 1  mmday1 deviation of ETc above or below 5  mmday1.
Boonyatharokul and Walker (1979) proposed a power curve stress coefficient relationship
in which m and n = coefficients dependent on the distribution of root water uptake, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and ETc. Like Jensen et al. (1970), they assumed no threshold (i.e., p=0) such that Ks approaches 1 as rSWD approaches 0.
The AquaCrop model (Raes et al. 2018) uses an exponential relationship to model crop stress effects, including water deficit, on ETc. The AquaCrop Ks for rSWD>p is
where sf = shape factor. As previously, for rSWD<p, Ks=1(ETa=ETc). Similar to the FAO-56 relationship, the threshold is adjusted for ETref values above or below 5  mmday1.
Past studies have shown that Kcb is related to the crop interception of solar radiation, which is related to the fractional canopy ground cover (fc) (Allen and Pereira 2009; Pereira et al. 2020). Because water stress can reduce the rate of plant growth, prior cumulative soil water deficit may reduce the canopy ground cover and plant height (Trout and DeJonge 2017). Thus, current ETa may be affected by both prior and current SWD.
The goal of this paper is to measure the impact of SWD on ETa measured by field water balance for 6  years of maize deficit irrigation field trials. Our hypothesis is that both the impact of prior water deficit on plant growth and canopy ground cover and the impact of current water deficit on stomatal resistance must be considered and can be modeled.


Experimental Site and Agronomic Practices

The field experiments were carried out at the USDA-Agricultural Research Service Limited Irrigation Research Farm (LIRF) located northeast of Greeley, Colorado (40°26′50″ N, 104°38′1″ W, and 1,425 m above sea level). The farm is located within a region of irrigated farmland, and irrigated fields surround the farm except for a 300-m-wide strip of rainfed grass east (predominately downwind) of the farm. The 16-ha facility was developed to conduct research on irrigated crop water requirements and crop response to deficit irrigation. The average annual precipitation at the semiarid site at the western edge of the central High Plains is 350 mm, with 215 mm between May 1 and September 30 (PRISM Climate Group 2015). Annual and seasonal average precipitation during the 6  years of the study (325 and 197 mm, respectively) were slightly below normal due primarily to low seasonal precipitation in 2012.
A 4-ha experimental field on the farm was divided into four equal crop sections in 2008–2011 (Fig. 1). Maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in rotation with sunflower (Helianthus annuus), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Maize was grown for 1 year in each section of the field following winter wheat. Each field section was divided into four replicate blocks with six 9×43  m plots containing 12 north–south-oriented crop rows (0.76-m row spacing) to which six irrigation treatments were randomly assigned (randomized block design). The irrigation treatments followed the same treatment of the preceding crops. The east and west edges of each crop section contained a 6-row fully irrigated buffer.
Fig. 1. Layout of the LIRF maize deficit irrigation trials in 2008–2011. (Reprinted with permission from Springer Nature: Springer, Irrigation Science, “USDA-ARS Colorado maize water productivity data set,” T. J. Trout and W. C. Bausch, © 2017.)
In 2012 and 2013, the experimental design was modified to include 12 irrigation treatments (Comas et al. 2019) and a two-crop rotation (maize and sunflower). Thus, Field Sections A and B contained maize in 2012 and Sections C and D contained maize in 2013. Of the 12 treatments, only the six treatments that most closely matched the 2008–2011 treatments were included in this study.
The largest portion of the field experimental area contains Olney fine sandy loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Ustic Haplargids). Other soils in the field are Nunn clay loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Aridic Argiustolls) (Blocks 3 and 4 of Section D), and Otero sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Aridic Ustorthents) (most of Section A) (USDA-NRCS 2015). The soils were classified predominately as sandy loams with some areas and layers of sandy clay loams and loamy sands. The field capacity water content of soil horizons averaged 0.24  m3m3 at 045  cm depth, 0.21  m3m3 at 4575  cm depth, and 0.19  m3m3 at 75105  cm depth. The effective root zone depth was assumed to be 105  cm because very little maize water uptake (less than 1% of seasonal ETc) was measured below this depth. Total plant available water (TAW) was estimated from pressure plate analysis to be 50% of field capacity, or about 114 mm in the 105-cm root zone depth. Trout and Bausch (2017) provide details of the site soils.

Crop Management

DeKalb variety DKC 52-59 (VT3) maize seed was planted in 2008–2011 and DKC 52-04 in 2012–2013 with a John Deere Maxiplex planter (Deere, Moline, Illinois) in early May at 80,00084,000  seedsha1. Final plant populations averaged 80,000  plantsha1. These similar 102-day maturity class varieties were commonly used in the region at the time of the study. The varieties allowed good herbicide-based weed control and minimized lepidopteran (ear and root borer) insect damage.
The crops were managed to achieve high yields under fully irrigated conditions. Reduced tillage (minimum tillage in 2008, no tillage in 2009, and strip tillage in 2010–2013) were used to maintain surface residue from the previous wheat crop (approximately 50% residue cover at planting) and minimize surface evaporation and precipitation runoff. Nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers were sidedress-applied at planting and additional nitrogen was applied through the irrigation water to meet fertility requirements based on expected yields at full irrigation.
In 2008, 2009, 2011, and 2012, sprinkler irrigation was applied following planting to ensure adequate soil water for seed germination and to incorporate herbicide. In the remaining years, spring rainfall was adequate for germination and herbicide incorporation.

Irrigation Treatments

The six irrigation treatments, T1–T6, were designed to meet portions of full crop water requirements. The treatments were (the 2012–2013 treatments in parentheses)
T1: 100% (100%) of crop water requirements (no stress),
T2: 85% (80%) of T1,
T3: 75% (65%) of T1,
T4: 70% (65% before anthesis, 50% after anthesis) of T1,
T5: 55% (50%) of T1, and
T6: 40% (40%) of T1.
The full irrigation treatment, T1, was irrigated such that water availability (irrigation plus precipitation plus stored soil water) was adequate to meet crop water requirements. The remaining treatments were irrigated to achieve total water applications (irrigation plus precipitation) that approximated the target relative ETa treatment amounts.
All treatments were fully irrigated until growth stage V7 (seven leaves, Abendroth et al. 2011) to ensure good crop stands and proper formation of reproductive organs. Water stress treatments were applied from V7 until crop maturity, but stress was temporarily reduced for all treatments during the reproductive and early seed formation growth stages (VT–R2) to ensure adequate pollination and seed initiation. Irrigation was terminated when the crop reached physiological maturity (R6).

Irrigation Control and Water Balance Measurements

Weather data from a Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (CoAgMet) automated ET weather station (GLY04) located on a 0.4-ha irrigated grass lawn adjacent to the research field was used to calculate hourly ASCE standardized Penman-Monteith alfalfa and grass reference evapotranspiration (ETrs and ETo, respectively) (ASCE 2005). The hourly weather data were checked for errors by comparing with expected values and data trends from nearby weather stations (ASCE 2005, Appendix D). Precipitation was measured with a tipping bucket rain gauge at the weather station and two tipping bucket gauges within the plots.
Crop water use of the fully irrigated treatment was estimated using the FAO-56 methodology (Allen et al. 1998) with the alfalfa ETrs and basal crop coefficients adapted from Table E-2 in Jensen and Allen (2016) and adjusted for measured crop canopy growth and senescence. Irrigations were applied every 414  days, depending on the projected soil water deficits and forecast precipitation. During midseason, irrigation was applied every 45  days for most treatments. Irrigation amount was based on estimated crop water use minus any precipitation amounts since the last irrigation and adjusted as needed based on measured soil water deficits to maintain rSWD<0.45 in the active root zone.
Irrigation water from a groundwater well was delivered to the end of each plot through an underground PVC pipe and applied through a surface drip irrigation system with thick-walled drip tubing (16-mm outside diameter, 2-mm wall thickness, 30-cm in-line emitter spacing, 1.1-Lh1 emitter flow rate) placed near each plant row. The tubing was installed each year after planting and removed before harvest. Irrigation applications to each treatment were measured with turbine flowmeters (Badger Recordall Turbo 160 with RTR transmitters, Badger Meters, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Meters were cross calibrated to ensure accuracy and consistency. Maximum deviation among meters was ±2% at the beginning of the experiment and ±3% at the end of the experimental period. Irrigation applications were controlled by and recorded with Campbell Scientific CR1000 data loggers (Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah). A constant-pressure water supply controlled with a variable frequency drive booster pump, low-pressure loss in the delivery system, and relatively flat topography resulted in predicted water distribution uniformity among and within plots exceeding 95%.
Soil water content was measured two or three times each week before and sometimes after irrigation in the crop row near the center of each plot. Soil water content was measured in 30-cm-depth increments between 30- and 150-cm depth, and at 200-cm depth with a neutron soil moisture meter (NMM) (CPN-503 Hydroprobe, InstroTek, San Francisco). The NMM was calibrated gravimetrically at the site and the calibration was verified annually. The calibration was used to convert instrument relative counts to volumetric SWC. The NMM measures SWC within an approximately 1530  cm radius from the measurement point and was assumed to represent the soil profile within 15  cm of the measurement depth (e.g., the 30-cm depth measurement represented the 1545  cm depth). The SWC in the surface 15  cm was measured in the row near the NMM access tube with a portable time-domain reflectometer (Minitrase, Soilmoisture Equipment, Santa Barbara, California) with 15-cm-long electrodes.
The SWC was converted to rSWD by Eq. (3). The maximum root zone depth was determined to be 1.05 m based on minimal soil water uptake measured at and below 1.2-m depth. The active root zone was estimated to increase to the maximum at growth stage R2. FC for each measurement depth was assumed to be the SWC measured 24 h after a precipitation or irrigation that caused water movement to lower soil layers.
Green canopy ground cover (fc) was measured in the center of each plot approximately weekly near solar noon with a digital camera from a nadir view 6 m above the ground surface. The camera field of view encompassed 4  rows×4  m. The digital image pixels were differentiated between green plant canopy and background (soil, surface residue, and senesced leaves) with manually trained image analysis software (DeJonge et al. 2016). The fc was calculated as ratio of green pixels to total pixels. Daily fc values were interpolated between measured values.
Additional details of field conditions and methodology used in this trial are described in Trout and Bausch (2017). Complete detailed climatic, water balance and crop phenology data for the 2008–2011 and 2012 and 2013 seasons are available from USDA-National Agricultural Library (2016, 2018).

Evapotranspiration and Ks Calculations

Crop evapotranspiration was calculated based on the water balance
where ΔS = change in soil water content in the root zone; I = irrigation application; P = precipitation; UF = upflux of water from groundwater; DP = deep percolation loss of soil water below the root zone; RO = surface runoff of precipitation or irrigation; and ETa = crop evapotranspiration, the loss of water to the atmosphere; with all units in equivalent millimeter depth. For the experimental field, UF was assumed to be zero because the groundwater table was >5  m below the surface and RO was assumed to be zero due to small field slopes, adequate soil infiltration, surface residue, and drip irrigation. Thus, for this study, ETa was estimated by rearranging Eq. (8a) as
Soil water storage in the 1.05-m root zone was calculated from the SWC measurements (average of four replications) at the 0–15, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths, converted to equivalent water depths.
Deep percolation was assumed to occur when precipitation exceeded the total SWD in the full root zone (1.05 m) at the time of precipitation and was calculated as the precipitation amount minus SWD measured before the precipitation and minus estimated ETa between the SWD measurement and the precipitation. An increase in SWC below the root zone following precipitation provided confirmation of DP. Due to the semiarid climate and careful irrigation scheduling, DP losses estimated by this methodology occurred only in 2008 following a large precipitation event (95 mm in 3 days).
Wet soil surface evaporation (E) was estimated for the field conditions by assuming that the total evaporable water between wetting events was 12 mm and that evaporation occurred only from the wetted sunlit soil surface (Allen et al. 1998, 2005). For example, if a precipitation event exceeded 12 mm when the canopy cover was 50% and effective residue cover was 20%, the total surface evaporation of the precipitation event was assumed to be 12  mm×(10.5)×(10.2)=4.8  mm. The drip irrigation system wetted between 30% and 60% of the soil surface, depending on irrigation amount, and the sunlit soil surface wetted by drip irrigation was small once the canopy began to grow because the drip emitters were under the canopy. Surface evaporation on any day was limited by a maximum evapotranspiration of 1.05×ETrs (Jensen and Allen 2016).
Crop ETa was calculated with Eq. (8b) between SWC measurements that occurred before irrigation or precipitation events. Thus, water balance calculations were made every 47  days during most of the growing season and every 714  days at the beginning and end of the season when ETa was small.
The actual basal crop evapotranspiration, ETab, for each water balance time period was calculated as ETa minus the estimated cumulative wet surface evaporation during the period. The ratio of the cumulative ETab to the cumulative ETrs over the same period represents Kcb×Ks and is referred to as Kab
where Kcb = basal crop coefficient when there is no stress (Ks=1).
Small errors (deviations from the true value) in SWC measurements result in substantial relative error in cumulative ETa calculated over short time intervals. For example, 0.01  cm3cm3 uncertainty in volumetric SWC (10 mm in a 1-m root zone) results in a 14-mm uncertainty in an ETa calculation based on the difference between two SWC measurements with no covariance between the measurements (Trout and Mackey 1988). If the ETa is 6  mmday1 or 30 mm over 5 days, the relative uncertainty in the 5-day average ETa measurement is 47%. In this study, the SWC was calculated from 16 SWC measurements (4 depth measurements × 4 replications). Assuming a 0.01  cm3  cm3 uncertainty in each measurement and no covariance among the measurements, uncertainty in the ETa calculation would still be 3.5 mm (14/16), or 12%. The effect of this uncertainty was reduced by calculating 11-day moving average daily Kab values, which were long enough to incorporate derived Kab values from two or three water balance calculation intervals, but short enough to not unduly mask Kab trends. Due to low ETab rates at the beginning and end of the season, water balance estimates of Kab values at the beginning and end of the season are undependable.
Because Treatment T1 targeted no stress (Ks=1), the Treatment T1 Kab value could be used for Kcb in Eq. (9b). However, these results will show that, because long-term deficits may reduce plant growth, the canopy of a stressed crop may be smaller than that of a nonstressed crop, and thus using T1 Kab for Kcb may not be appropriate. Trout and DeJonge (2018), using these six seasons of the T1 data, found that Kcb for maize is a linear function of the crop canopy ground cover (fc) and can be predicted from fc by
for the alfalfa reference ETrs. For this data set, this is equivalent to
for the grass reference ETo. Eqs. (10a) and (10b) are valid up to effective full cover at fc=0.8, beyond which Kcb(fc) remains constant at the maximum value [1.05 and 1.23 for Eqs. (10a) and (10b), respectively].
The stress coefficient was calculated by Eq. (9b) with Kab derived by water balance and Kcb calculated by Eq. (10a) based on measured fc for each treatment. Because Ks is calculated as the ratio Kab/Kcb, the ET reference used does not affect Ks as long as the same reference is used for all calculations. In these calculations, we used the alfalfa reference, ETrs.


Seasonal Water Balance

Table 2 lists the water balance components of the six irrigation treatments for each year. Seasonal precipitation (planting to 172 days after planting) varied from 89 to 251 mm and averaged 197 mm. Alfalfa reference ETrs during the 172-day growing season ranged between 880 and 1,129  mm and averaged 999 mm, which was 22% greater than grass reference ETo. All years had a similar near-normal seasonal precipitation and ETrs except for 2012, which was hotter and drier than normal.
Table 2. Seasonal water balance components for the LIRF 2008–2013 maize water productivity study
YearPrecip (mm)ETrs (mm)ETo (mm)TreatmentIrrig (mm)ΔS (mm)Deep perc (mm)ETa (mm)Evap (mm)ETab (mm)ETab/ETab1

Note: Precip = in-season precipitation; ETrs = alfalfa reference evapotranspiration; ETo = grass reference evapotranspiration; Irrig = amount of irrigation water applied; ΔS = change in soil water storage from planting to end of season; Deep perc = deep percolation loss of water below the root zone; ETa = actual crop evapotranspiration; Evap = estimated evaporation from wet soil surface; ETab = estimated actual crop basal evapotranspiration (ETaE); and ETab/ETab1=ETab of each treatment relative to ETab of T1. All components were cumulative between planting and 172 days after planting.

Average irrigation amounts varied from 480 mm for the T1 treatment to 192 mm for the T6 treatment. Irrigation amount was decreased by 60% for the T6 treatment to achieve the average ETa reduction of 37%. The difference between reduction in irrigation amount and ETa was because all treatments received the same amount of precipitation, deficit irrigation treatments used more stored soil water, and, in 2008, the deficit treatments lost less water to deep percolation.
The only year with estimated deep percolation was 2008 as a result of a large midseason precipitation event (95 mm over 3 days). Estimated deep percolation in 2008 varied from 80 mm in T1 to 0 mm in T6. Soil water storage declined between planting and maturity for most deficit treatments in most years. Only with the T6 treatment did soil water storage contribute more than 10% of ETa.
Seasonal cumulative ETa of the T1 treatment ranged from 616 to 770 mm and averaged 666 mm, which was 67% of seasonal ETrs and 82% of ETo. About one-third of T1 seasonal ETc was provided by in-season precipitation. Because precipitation and irrigation accounted for more than 90% of water balance calculated ETa and were accurately measured, uncertainty in seasonal ETc calculations was estimated to be less than 4% (25 mm). The strategy to fully irrigate all treatments until growth stage V7 and to temporarily relieve stress at tasseling resulted in actual average seasonal ETa of the deficit-irrigated treatments exceeding the treatment targets. The average ETa of the deficit treatments relative to T1 were 89%, 82%, 77%, 68%, and 63% for treatments T2 through T6, respectively.
The estimated wet soil evaporation component of ETa varied between 48 and 94 mm and averaged 68 mm. This amounts to about 10% of T1 and 16% of T6 ETa. Estimated soil evaporation did not increase with increased irrigation amount because treatments that received less irrigation water also had later and smaller canopies that provided less shade for wet soil, especially that portion of the soil wetted by the in-row drip emitters. The average ETab values of the deficit treatments relative to T1 were 88%, 81%, 76%, 65%, and 58% for treatments T2–T6, respectively.

Crop Development and Yield

Deficit irrigation did not substantially affect the time required for the crops to reach growth stages. Growth stages (Abendroth et al. 2011) up to R4 typically varied among treatments by no more than 3 days. Crop maturity (Growth Stage R6) was accelerated slightly by deficit irrigation. Deficit-induced stress resulted in earlier plant senescence.
Although reduced irrigation and ETa did not accelerate growth stages or reduce the numbers of leaves, it did decrease crop height, leaf size, leaf area index, canopy ground cover, final aboveground biomass, and grain yield (Table 3). The average maximum crop heights were 237, 228, 215, 199, 160, and 148  cm for the T1 through T6 treatments, respectively. Time to reach full canopy cover (fc80%) was delayed by deficit treatments and T5 and T6 never reached full cover in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Canopy ground cover of crops under stress fluctuated diurnally due to leaf curl in the afternoons when evaporative demand was high. Ground cover measurements were made prior to peak evaporative demand to reduce leaf curl impacts.
Table 3. Crop phenology and yield for the LIRF 2008–2013 maize deficit irrigation study
YearTreatmentMax cover (%)Full cover (DAP)Max LAIMax height (cm)Final biomass (Mgha1)Grain yield (Mgha1)

Source: Adapted from Trout and DeJonge (2017).

Note: Max cover = maximum canopy ground cover; Full cover = days after planting (DAP) when crop reached 80% canopy ground cover (nr = crop did not reach 80% cover); Max LAI = leaf area index at maximum cover (— = not measured); Max height = maximum canopy height (without tassel); Final biomass = final aboveground biomass (oven dried); and Grain yield = grain yield at 15.5% moisture content. Treatment means followed by the same letter in a column in a year are not significantly different (p<0.05).

In most years, the mean biomass and grain yields decreased with each decrement of ETa, although T1 and T2 grain yields were not significantly different in any year (Trout and DeJonge 2017; Comas et al. 2019). In all years, T5 and T6 had significantly lower biomass and grain yield than Treatments T1 and T2. The mean grain yield of T1 for the 6  years was 13.6  Mgha1, which exceeded the average county irrigated maize yield by about 20% (USDA-NASS 2015). In 2012 and 2013, the newer variety used produced higher maize yields than the previous years.

In-Season Data Trends

Figs. 2 and 3 show temporal Kab and rSWD data trends during the 2009 season for Treatments T1 and T6. The 2009 data were selected to illustrate trends because of the consistent rSWD separation among treatments that year. The horizontal sets of data points in Fig. 2 show water balance calculated Kab over 4- to 7-day intervals between SWC measurements. The scatter is due to sensitivity to small errors in SWC measurements as discussed previously. The solid lines in Fig. 2 show the 11-day moving average of the Kab values, which removed much of the scatter. Although such smoothing is valid for Kcb, which varies gradually over time as the crop grows and senesces, this smoothing is less appropriate for Kab for the deficit treatments, which vary over short intervals as rSWD and crop water stress status of the crop, and thus Ks, varies.
Fig. 2. Seasonal trends in the calculated basal crop coefficient (Kab) for Treatments T1 and T6 for the 2009 season. The horizontal series of data points represent Kab calculated from cumulative ETab and ETrs over 4- to 7-day intervals. The solid lines represent the 11-day moving average. DOY = day of year.
Fig. 3. Seasonal trends in the rSWD for Treatments T1 and T6 for the 2009 season. The data points represent the measured rSWD data, the solid line represents the daily interpolated rSWD, and the dashed lines represent the 11-day moving average of interpolated values. DOY = day of year.
Fig. 3 shows the measured and interpolated rSWD for T1 and T6. Interpolated daily values were generated with a calibrated water balance based on the FAO-56 method with Kcb manually adjusted so that interpolated rSWD values followed trends in measured values. Limits imposed on Kcb adjustment resulted in deviations from measurements but adequate tracking of the data in most cases. Fig. 3 also shows 11-day moving average of the interpolated rSWD data that show long-term rSWD trends but not the short-term fluctuations.

Soil Water Deficit Trends

Fig. 4 shows rSWD in the active root zone for the six irrigation levels for each of the six seasons. TAW increased through the first half of the growing season as the root zone depth increased to a full root zone depth of 1.05 m and averaged 115 mm at full root zone depth. The lines represent daily interpolation of the measured rSWD data as described previously.
Fig. 4. Interpolated rSWD in the root zone versus day of year (DOY) for six irrigation levels and six years: (a) 2008; (b) 2009; (c) 2010; (d) 2011; (e) 2012; and (f) 2013.
The rSWD values each year are similar among all treatments in the early season, then separate after about day of year (DOY) 175 when the deficit irrigation treatments were imposed. Soil water deficits in the deficit irrigation treatments tended to increase during vegetative growth until midseason (about DOY 210) when additional irrigation water was applied during the reproductive stage to partially relieve stress and promote pollination and grain formation. The trend of increasing rSWD in the deficit treatments resumed following the reproductive stage (about DOY 225) to the end of the season with the highest deficit treatments reaching 0.8–0.9 near the end of the season. The fully irrigated treatment (T1) always remained at rSWD levels below 0.5 except in 2010 when, due to irrigation scheduling error, it exceeded 0.5 for several days in midseason and during the end of the season after DOY 235. Treatment T2 also remained less than 0.5 for nearly all of the 2008, 2009, and 2011 seasons. In 2008, two large midseason precipitation events and late season precipitation reduced the rSWD in all treatments. Late season precipitation also reduced rSWD in 2013.

Kab Trends

Fig. 5 shows the effect of the irrigation treatments on Kab for each season. Because ETrs is the same for all treatments in a season, these graphs illustrate the relative effect of the deficit irrigation treatments on ETab. As expected, the treatment intent of decreasing ETa succeeded in decreasing Kab. The graphs indicate that the midseason value for T1 was near or slightly above 1.0. Trout and DeJonge (2018) presented the Kcb values for the fully irrigated treatment from this experiment and concluded the midseason value was 1.05 for the ETrs reference and 1.23 for the ETo reference. The measured values in 2013 unexpectedly exceeded this value.
Fig. 5. Maize Kab versus DOY for six irrigation levels (T1–T6) and six years: (a) 2008; (b) 2009; (c) 2010; (d) 2011; (e) 2012; and (f) 2013. Kab was calculated from 11-day moving averages of cumulative ETab/ETrs values over 4- to 7-day intervals.
The figures show similar Kab values among treatments early in the season when all treatments were fully irrigated, then separation of the values during the vegetative stage when the deficits were applied. During the midseason when irrigation amounts were temporarily increased for the deficit treatments to partially relieve reproductive stage stress, the separation remained fairly constant except in 2008 when a large precipitation event refilled the soil water profile and reduced stress in all treatments. During crop maturation, the stress levels and treatment separation increased in most years. The effect of early senescence in the stressed treatments is shown by early Kab declines in the graphs.

Canopy Ground Cover was Affected by SWD

Fig. 6 shows the trends in fractional canopy ground cover (fc) through the seasons for all treatments. Deficit irrigation–induced stress reduced the rate of maize canopy growth and accelerated plant senescence in most years. The fc of the maize variety used in 2012 and 2013 did not respond as much to the deficits as the variety used in 2008–2011 even though deficits reduced plant height (Table 2). The fc values in Fig. 6 were measured near solar noon prior to daily peak air temperatures and leaf turgor loss and thus are intended to represent reduced canopy resulting from reduced growth and early senescence due to prior deficits. However, solar noon fc measurement does include some impact of diurnal leaf curl.
Fig. 6. Maize canopy ground cover (fc) versus DOY for six irrigation levels and six seasons: (a) 2008; (b) 2009; (c) 2010; (d) 2011; (e) 2012; and (f) 2013.

Measured Kab Varied with fc and rSWD

Fig. 7 shows how Kab varied with fc for the 2009 season for each treatment. As expected, Kab increased with fc. The relationship in Eq. (10a) for unstressed Kcb versus fc, shown as the line in the figure, was derived from all 6  years of T1 data and fits the 2009 T1 data fairly well. The remaining treatments that experienced varying levels of stress tended to fall below the T1 relationship, assumedly because of the impact of increased rSWD on increased stomatal resistance and reduced evapotranspiration. The Kab trends for each treatment evident in the figure are because both Kab and fc increased with plant growth and declined with plant senescence and because the 11-day moving averages of daily Kab reduced daily fluctuations.
Fig. 7. Kab [Eq. (9b)], calculated by water balance, versus measured fc for 2009. The line represents Eq. (10a) for fully irrigated maize.
Fig. 8 shows how the ratio Kab/Kab1, where Kab1 is Kab for T1, varied with rSWD for the 2009 season for each of the treatments. This ratio would represent Ks if fc were the same for all treatments. These data include only midseason (V8–R5) values when fc was greater than 0.5 and daily ETa was relatively high. As expected, Kab/Kab1 tends to decrease as the deficit increases because of the effect of rSWD on stomatal resistance. The series of horizontal data points with equal Kab/Kab1 values are the result of using the calculated water balance Kab values over each measurement interval, while the rSWD varied over the interval, as shown in Fig. 2. The figure also shows the Jensen logarithmic [Eq. (4)] and FAO-56 linear [Eq. (5)] Ks(rSWD) relationships. The linear relationship with p=0.5 exceeded the measured values in the low- to midrange and the logarithmic relationship exceeded the data in the mid to high rSWD range.
Fig. 8. Kab [Eq. (9b)] for Treatments T2–T6, relative to Kab1 for T1 versus interpolated rSWD for year 2009. Horizontal groups of data represent the water balance calculated Kab for each time interval. Solid line represents the FAO-56 stress coefficient [Eq. (5)] with p=0.5. Dashed line shows the Jensen et al. (1970) logarithmic relationship [Eq. (4)].
Figs. 68 show that both prior and current SWD must be considered when predicting the effect of deficit irrigation management on ETab. Prior stress that reduced fc reduced the potential ETab of the crop relative to that of the fully irrigated crop. Current stress increased stomatal resistance and further reduced ETab below that predicted from fc.

Soil Water Deficit Effect on Ks

Fig. 9 shows the midseason (between Growth Stages V8 and R5, 75  days) relationship between Ks calculated by Eq. (9b) and rSWD for each year and each treatment. In these figures, Kcb was calculated with Eq. (10a) using measured and interpolated fc (Fig. 6), and thus was adjusted for prior deficits. Both daily Kab and rSWD values were calculated as 11-day moving averages. The value of Ks decreased as rSWD increased, regardless of the deficit irrigation treatment. The irrigation treatments position on the graphs was expected with low deficit treatments (T1 and T2) on the upper left and high deficit treatments (T5 and T6) on the lower right.
Fig. 9. Daily stress coefficient, Ks[Kab/Kcb(fc)] versus 11-day running average rSWD during midseason (Growth Stage V8–R5) for six treatments and six years: (a) 2008; (b) 2009; (c) 2010; (d) 2011; (e) 2012; and (f) 2013. Solid line represents the FAO-56 linear stress relationship [Eq. (5)] with p=0.5. Dashed line represents the AquaCrop exponential stress relationship [Eq. (7)] with p=0.25 and sf=1.5.
The linear Ks relationship from FAO-56 [Eq. (5) with p=0.5] is shown on the figures (solid line). Although the 2010 data followed the FAO-56 relationship fairly well, most Ks values for the other five years are to the left of this Ks relationship at low- to midrange rSWD values and are better represented by the curvilinear relationship shown on the figures. This tendency for rSWD values less than 0.5 to create mild stress that reduces ETab was also evident from the cumulative seasonal ETab of T2 being about 90% of that of T1 (Table 1), and by yields of the T2 treatment averaging about 90% of T1 yields (Table 2), even though the rSWD of T2 generally remained less than 0.5 (Fig. 4).
The curvilinear relationship shown on the figures (dashed line) is based on the AquaCrop exponential relationship [Eq. (7)] with p=0.25 and sf=1.5. The curvilinear trend can also be modeled by a power curve [Eq. (6)] with m=1.8, n=1, and p=0.2.

ETcb Prediction

Fig. 10 shows daily ETab, calculated as Ks×Kcb×ETrs with Ks from Eq. (7) with p=0.25 and sf=1.5 (dashed line in Fig. 9), and Kcb from Eq. (10a) (solid line in Fig. 7) versus water balance measured ETa minus estimated surface evaporation. The Ks values are based on interpolated daily rSWD values (Fig. 4). These data include the complete season from plant emergence to complete senescence. This model combines the effects of both prior deficits on canopy size and current deficit on stomatal resistance. The graphs show that the relationships estimated the measured ETab well in most years with the primary exceptions being a negative bias at high ETab values (midseason) in 2010 and 2013. The cause of the 2010 bias is evident in Fig. 9(c), in which the measured Ks values were higher than those predicted by Eq. (7) (dashed line). The 2013 bias is because measured midseason Kab values [Fig. 5(f)] were substantially higher than the midseason Kcb predicted by Eq. (10a). These 2013 values, especially for T1, are higher than would be expected from the energy balance.
Fig. 10. Maize daily basal ETab calculated by Eqs. (5) and (10a) versus water balance measured ETab for six years of deficit irrigation trials: (a) 2008; (b) 2009; (c) 2010; (d) 2011; (e) 2012; and (f) 2013. Solid line represents a 11 relationship and the dashed line represents best-fit linear regression relationship with the regression equation and coefficient of determination shown on the figure.
Table 4 summarizes the statistics of daily ETab estimates for each year. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) (Willmott 1981) of the modeled daily ETab for each year varied from 0.56 to 1.04. This fairly large deviation is partially because daily water balance calculated ETa (11-day moving average) did not reflect the effect of daily variations in rSWD on Ks. The model is likely better able to predict daily ETab with fluctuating rSWD than can be measured by water balance. A portion of the deviation is also the result of uncertainty in the water balance ETa measurements illustrated by the scatter in derived Kab in Fig. 2.
Table 4. Statistics of the predicted versus measured daily ETab for all treatments in each year and the cumulative seasonal error for each treatment
YearRMSD (mm)PBIAS (%)RegressionSeasonal cumulative error (mm)

Note: PBIAS = percent bias error; regression = linear regression coefficients and coefficient of determination; and seasonal cumulative error = seasonal modeled ETab deviation from measured ETab.

The cumulative seasonal ETab prediction error (modeled minus measured) was less than 8% for most of the 36 data sets (6treatments×6seasons). The error was less than 16% for all treatments in all years except 2010. The negative bias in 2010 was explained in the previous paragraph. The seasonal ETab prediction error did not vary consistently by treatment and the mean error for each treatment across all years was less than 5%. Across all treatments and seasons, the seasonal ETab was estimated within 2% (8 mm) of the measured ETab.
When Ks is calculated with the FAO-56 linear relationship [Eq. (5)] with p=0.5, modeled ETab deviations are larger than those in Table 3 for all years except 2010. Although the FAO-56 Ks relationship fits as well when the deficit is low (e.g., T1) or high (e.g., T5 and T6), at intermediate levels, ETab predictions tended to exceed measured values. This result is reflected in the graphs in Fig. 9 in which the measured Ks values deviate from the FAO-56 relationship primarily in the midrange.


Management of deficit irrigation requires estimation of ETa so that target crop water use can be achieved and soil water maintained within a range that limits stress and enables production of acceptable yields. Although current plant stress levels can be monitored through plant measurements such as leaf water potential (van Bavel 1967; Kang et al. 2000; Rallo and Provenzano 2013; Ferreira et al. 2012), stomatal resistance (Ortega-Farias et al. 2006), or canopy temperature (Jackson et al. 1981; Colaizzi et al. 2003; Maes and Steppe 2012; Kullberg et al. 2017), ETa must be estimated to manage irrigation and maintain the SWD within limits that reduce water use but do not cause excessive stress and yield loss. With accurate Kcb and Ks estimates, a daily water balance can be used to calculate ETa and SWD and schedule deficit irrigation to achieve target water savings and crop yields.
In the FAO-56 approach to estimate ETa, a stress coefficient, Ks, is used to reduce daily ETa based on rSWD. These data confirm that rSWD is a good predicter of the reduction in ETa due to water stress. However, these data indicate that ETa reductions occur at deficits less than the threshold value used in the FAO-56 linear Ks relationship. These data indicate that for the sandy loam soils at the experimental site and the semiarid US western Central Plains climate, maize reduces ETa at rSWD values above 0.25, and Ks can be best modeled as curvilinear (concave downward) relationship for rSWD>0.25. This relationship can be modeled by an exponential [Eq. (7)] or power [Eq. (6)] relationship. The logarithmic relationship of Jensen et al. (1970) [Eq. (4)] does not have sufficient flexibility to model these data. Although basing the logarithmic relationship on Drel (e.g., with a threshold) rather than rSWD would improve flexibility, the very steep logarithmic relationship at high rSWD would not fit these data.
Several authors have proposed that loss of turgor and stomatal closure is determined not only by the lack of soil water but also by high evaporative demand (Denmead and Shaw 1962; van Bavel 1967; Allen et al. 1998; Raes et al. 2018). This is based on the concept that high evaporative demand requires a high rate of water uptake and transport, which creates greater loss of energy between the water in the soil and the stomates. Because evaporative demand varies diurnally and from day to day, this data set based on water balance ETa measurement was not able to establish a correlation between Ks and evaporative demand. In this study, mean midseason daily ETo ranged between 5 and 6  mmday1 and occasionally exceeded 7.5  mmday1.
Validating a Ks:rSWD relationship is difficult. As shown by Eq. (2); to derive Ks; ETa, ETr, Kcb, and Ke (or wet soil evaporation) must all be known simultaneously. A representative rSWD value is difficult to determine in nonhomogeneous soils and with unevenly distributed soil water. These data demonstrate the difficulty of deriving Ks relationships based on field water balance calculated ETa. Without weighing lysimeters to precisely measure changes in SWC, ETa can only be estimated with required accuracy over multiday time intervals. Because rSWD varies daily, especially in coarse-textured soils when ETa is large, it is difficult to assign an appropriate time-averaged ETa value to a current rSWD value. The result is an average ETa and thus Ks value being associated with a range of rSWD values.
One result of using multiday averaged ETa is that, if there is a change in the slope of the Ks relationship during the water balance measurement interval, Ks is underestimated. Fig. 11 illustrates the effect of multiday averaged ETa on derived Ks if the true Ks relationship is the linear two-segment FAO-56 relationship [Eq. (5)]. The data were generated based on daily ETcb=6  mmday1 and TAW=100  mm with ETab calculated daily based on Ks calculated by Eq. (5) with p=0.5. The SWD was then calculated by water balance and the process repeated the following day. The daily ETab values were then averaged over the multiday interval. Each series of horizontal data points represents the daily rSWD values and average Ks=ETab/ETcb values for an initial rSWD value at the beginning of the multiday interval. These generated data are similar to the measured data in Fig. 8. Fig. 11(a) is based on an irrigation interval of 5 days, similar to that used in this study, during which the range of rSWD values is fairly narrow. Fig. 11(b) is for a 10-day irrigation interval during which the range of rSWD values is large.
Fig. 11. Ks derived from ETa calculated by water balance over (a) 5-day; and (b) 10-day intervals. Solid line is the actual Ks as defined by the linear FAO-56 model [Eq. (5)]. Data points represent the derived Ks and the daily rSWD values over the interval for a series of initial rSWD values. Dashed line shows the derived Ks value at the running average rSWD over the interval.
The average Ks values are both less than and greater than the true value during any interval when rSWD>p. If the range of rSWD values over an interval are both less than and greater than threshold p and the derived Ks value is assigned to the average rSWD value over the interval, Ks is less than the true value for the average rSWD value. This is illustrated by the curved dashed line in the figures. The effect of multiday averaging converts the abrupt slope change of the FAO-56 relationship to a gradual change. Although the effect of averaging on the Ks relationship is fairly minor for a 5-day interval, Fig. 11(b) shows that the effect is substantial for a 10-day interval. The data set in this study was based on 4- to 7-day midseason irrigation intervals and most often, 4- and 5-day intervals, such that the range of rSWD within each interval was fairly small and the error resulting from ETa calculated over intervals should be fairly small. This exercise shows that ETa based on intervals that include a wide range of rSWD values should not be used to derive a Ks relationship.
Although Ks estimates from field water balance measurements are imprecise and may be biased, the advantage of a multitreatment and multiyear field study as presented here is the wide range of concurrent soil water deficits achieved over a range of growth stages and environmental conditions and consequent robustness of the results.
These data show that deficit irrigation–induced stress reduces maize canopy growth. Because prior stress may reduce fc and ETcb is related to fc, this effect must be included in ETa calculations. Measurements or estimates of fc can be made from aerial or satellite imagery (Johnson and Trout 2012) and Kcb adjusted accordingly. Alternatively, vegetation indexes from satellite imagery have been directly related to Kcb (Neale et al. 1989; Glenn et al. 2011; Mateos et al. 2013).
Stress may not only reduce canopy growth but may also affect canopy structure and light interception through loss of turgor (leaf wilt, curl, and droop). Loss of turgor varies with the combined effect of rSWD, air temperature, and evaporative demand and may reduce fc daily with the greatest effect during hot, dry afternoons. The impacts of water stress on fc should be separated between effects of prior stress on growth and canopy size and effects of current stress on leaf turgor. The approach used in this study was to measure maize fc prior to daily peak evapotranspiration demand and loss of turgor with the intent of documenting growth impacts of prior stress. This fc was used to estimate Kcb. Current stress effects, which may include loss of turgor effects on fc as well as increased stomatal resistance, were attributed to the estimate of Ks. Further research is needed to understand the effect of water stress and evaporative demand on diurnal fc fluctuation, and how diurnal fc reduction is related to ETa.
The impacts of prior and current water stress were combined to predict Kcb and Ks and thus ETab. The model estimated ETab over multiple days with sufficient accuracy to manage deficit irrigation. Precise accuracy is not required because of feedback in the processes. If ETab is estimated greater than the true value, water uptake and the increase in SWD will also be overestimated, which will reduce predicted Ks and ETab the following days. If ETab is estimated less than the true value, the increase in SWD will also be underestimated, which will increase future predicted ETab. Occasional measurements of SWD are adequate to correct Ks and ETab projections.
Accurate predictions of ETa are also less critical under deficit irrigation conditions when in-season precipitation is small compared to seasonal ETc. Irrigation efficiency with deficit irrigation is usually high such that most applied water is used for evapotranspiration (Trout et al. 2020). If precipitation is a small portion of ETc (less than one-third), high SWD associated with deficit irrigation usually results in most precipitation being consumed as evapotranspiration. Thus, the water balance is dominated by the inputs of irrigation and precipitation with runoff and deep percolation being minor and often negligible losses. With deficit irrigation and low rainfall, accurate measurement of irrigation and precipitation and estimates of TAW and initial SWD are sufficient for accurate water balance estimates of ETa.
Prediction of ETab under stress conditions is most valuable for irrigation management when combined with a water production function (WPF) such as the WPF developed for this data set by Trout and DeJonge (2017) and Comas et al. (2019). A WPF describes the relationship between crop yield and ETa. A farm manager can use an evapotranspiration-based WPF to select an economically viable level of yield and water savings (English 1990; Trout et al. 2020). Prediction of ETa is then used to schedule irrigations to achieve the target yield and water savings appropriate to water and other input costs and availability.


Prediction of ET with deficit irrigation depends both on the impacts of prior stress on plant growth and current stress on stomatal resistance. Prior stress effects on ETc can be predicted through the reduction in canopy ground cover. Current stress effects on ETa can be predicted by the effect of the soil water deficit on the stress coefficient. These effects can be incorporated into the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach via the basal crop coefficient and stress coefficient. For maize, a linear function of canopy cover predicts unstressed Kcb well. An exponential function of rSWD predicted the stress coefficient better than the linear relationship often used. These relationships allow prediction of the basal ETa well enough for deficit irrigation management purposes.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
deep percolation loss of soil water below the root zone;
relative deficit between the threshold, p, and PWP;
wet soil evaporation;
actual crop evapotranspiration;
ETa – E, actual basal evapotranspiration (not including wet soil evaporation) of a stressed crop;
crop evapotranspiration under standard, nonstressed conditions;
basal evapotranspiration (not including wet soil evaporation) of a nonstressed crop;
grass (short crop) reference evapotranspiration calculated by ASCE standardized Penman-Monteith (equivalent to FAO-56 ETo);
reference evapotranspiration;
alfalfa (tall crop) reference evapotranspiration calculated by ASCE standardized Penman-Monteith;
field capacity;
fractional canopy ground cover;
irrigation application;
ETab/ETr=Kcb×Ks, product of basal crop coefficient and stress coefficient;
ETcb/ETr, basal crop coefficient of nonstressed crop;
wet soil evaporation coefficient;
stress coefficient (based on SWD);
permanent wilting point, assumed in this study to be 50% of FC;
threshold rSWD above which Ks is not affected;
surface runoff of precipitation or irrigation;
SWD/TAW, relative soil water deficit;
soil water deficit; field capacity minus soil water content in the crop root zone;
shape factor for Eq. (7);
total available water in a crop root zone equal to FC–PWP;
upflux of water from groundwater; and
change (increase) in soil water content in the root zone.

Data Availability Statement

All data used during the study are available in an online repository on the USDA National Agricultural Library Ag Data Commons: USDA-Agricultural Research Service Colorado Maize Water Productivity Dataset 2008–2011 ( and USDA-Agricultural Research Service Colorado Maize Water Productivity Dataset 2012–2013 (


This study was based on a very large amount of field data. The authors thank the many USDA-Agricultural Research Service scientists, technicians, and students that assisted in the data collection and summarization. The work was funded by the USDA-Agricultural Research Service.


The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the U.S. Dept. of Agri. or the Agricultural Research Service of a product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 147Issue 10October 2021


Received: Nov 24, 2020
Accepted: May 3, 2021
Published online: Aug 11, 2021
Published in print: Oct 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Jan 11, 2022



Retired, Agricultural Engineer, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Water Management and Systems Research, 2150 Centre Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80526 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Kendall C. DeJonge, M.ASCE [email protected]
Agricultural Engineer, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Water Management and Systems Research, 2150 Centre Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80526. Email: [email protected]

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