Open access
Technical Papers
Jun 27, 2019

Determining Reference Evapotranspiration in Greenhouses from External Climate

Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 145, Issue 9


Estimations of Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration (EToPM) in greenhouses can benefit the operation of these intensive agricultural production systems. Meteorological variables required to calculate EToPM within greenhouses are seldom available. In this study, meteorological data for two years from two weather stations (one inside a polycarbonate greenhouse and one outdoors) were used to derive relationships between greenhouse EToPM and outdoor EToPM plus outdoor solar radiation (measured and extraterrestrial). The results were validated in another greenhouse at a different location in a different year. The two locations represent two different climatic conditions (a coastal subhumid climate and an inland semiarid climate). The results show that EToPM in ventilated greenhouses can be predicted from the outdoor EToPM, extraterrestrial solar radiation, and the ventilation rate within the greenhouse; it can also be predicted from measured solar radiation and the square root of greenhouse transmissivity using an equation developed herein. Under typical ventilated conditions, greenhouse EToPM was found equal to 60% of outdoor EToPM, with solar radiation accounting for more than 90% of the variance. Under unventilated conditions, the relationship is more complex; however, EToPM can still be estimated satisfactorily from outdoor solar radiation Rs and greenhouse transmissivity measurements. These findings have potential applications in terms of providing guidelines for predicting greenhouse EToPM from outdoor climate variables or from outdoor EToPM. The estimations could enhance climate-smart agriculture applications in subhumid and semiarid environments while minimizing in-greenhouse meteorological data requirements.


Efficient water use is a vital concern for irrigated agriculture especially in arid and semiarid regions, where increasing water demand is coupled with a decrease in water availability (FAO 2011). Irrigated agriculture continues, globally, to be the primary consumer of blue water. Thus, precision irrigation is increasingly necessary for improving crop water productivity and maintaining the sustainability of intensive agricultural systems (FAO 2013; Sánchez et al. 2015b). Greenhouse cultivation, an intensive agricultural production system, has been expanding recently in several regions of the world (Asia, the Mediterranean basin, central and northern Europe) (Castilla 2013; FAO 2013; Fernández et al. 2010; Pardossi et al. 2004). Improving water use efficiency within greenhouses requires adequate knowledge of consumptive uses within an environment that differs from open-field conditions. This has led to more research focusing on the determination of crop water requirements inside greenhouses (Jensen and Wright 1978; Liu et al. 2015; Sánchez et al. 2015a).
Whereas actual evapotranspiration is challenging to measure, reference evapotranspiration (ETo) equations such as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Penman-Monteith ETo equation (EToPM) have proven to be valuable tools for estimating crop water requirements (Allen et al. 1998). EToPM correlates well with lysimetric (Möller and Assouline 2006) and eddy covariance (Tanny et al. 2006) measurements inside screen houses (shade houses). Improvements to the FAO equation to reduce the bias in simpler solar radiation calculations were introduced when calculations of hourly EToPM were made possible (Allen et al. 2005; Irmak et al. 2005). EToPM is considered to be the benchmark for comparison with other equations and methodologies in many studies (Huo et al. 2012; Lorite et al. 2015; Luo et al. 2014; Perugu et al. 2013).
Some authors have correlated weather variables inside greenhouses with outside weather variables and then calculated ETo inside the greenhouses using reference equations (Gavilán et al. 2015; Sánchez et al. 2015b). However, many farmers in developing countries do not have access to weather data, which may restrict their use of the Penman-Monteith equation. For this reason, alternative approaches have been developed and adopted that incorporate minimal data requirements (Fazlil-Ilahi 2009), such as the Hargreaves equation (Hargreaves and Allen 2003; Shahidian et al. 2012), the simplified energy balance approach (Liu et al. 2015), linear regression (Perugu et al. 2013), weather forecasts (Lorite et al. 2015), and atmometers (Jaafar and Ahmad 2018). Although the Hargreaves equation requires local calibration because it overestimates ETo in humid climates (Trajkovic 2007), its use in semiarid climates around the world is well documented (Allen et al. 1998; Hargreaves and Allen 2003; Martınez-Cob and Tejero-Juste 2004; Samani 2000; Shahidian et al. 2012). There have also been attempts to adjust and apply the Hargreaves-Samani equation for use inside greenhouses by merely reducing the solar radiation by a factor related to greenhouse transmissivity (Fernández et al. 2010; Gavilán et al. 2015). Sánchez et al. (2015b) used solar radiation measured outside the greenhouse and the day of the year to locally calibrate FAO EToPM and calculate irrigation water requirements to assess irrigation adequacy in a broad sample of greenhouses in Spain. Local calibration is sometimes cumbersome, and more research is required in other areas in order to define how weather variables can be used to derive reference evapotranspiration within greenhouses. Greenhouses can be naturally or forcefully ventilated, and these aerodynamic conditions affect crop water requirements. However, little research has focused on the variation of ETo with aerodynamic conditions within greenhouses (ventilated or unventilated). Many greenhouses in developing countries are only naturally ventilated, especially in winter, and estimates of ETo in such conditions are a prerequisite to any efficient water management strategy.
Modeling greenhouse ETo from outdoor ETo is very promising, because many meteorological stations around the world report daily outdoor ETo, which could be utilized to estimate greenhouse ETo for the same locations. Therefore, the main goals of this study are (1) to investigate whether greenhouse (GH) ETo can be modeled from outdoor weather variables or outdoor ETo, and (2) to propose equations for estimating GH ETo under ventilated and unventilated aerodynamic conditions from suitable outdoor meteorological variables when applicable.

Materials and Methods

Two experiments were designed to test four basic ways of predicting greenhouse EToPM based on empirical relationships from outside conditions: (1) from outdoor EToPM, (2) from outdoor Hargreaves-Samani ETo, (3) from outdoor solar radiation (Rs) (measured or modeled), and (4) from a combination of outdoor EToPM and extraterrestrial solar radiation (Ra). The experiments were conducted in two environments (subhumid and semiarid) with data collected under two aerodynamic conditions within greenhouses (ventilated and unventilated). The data collected from the first experiment were used to calibrate and validate the proposed equations. The first experiment was conducted at the subhumid site. One-third of the collected data at the first location, the American University of Beirut (AUB), were used to validate the developed equations. After validating the equations, verification was done under a different set of experimental conditions at the second location, the Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC).


The study was carried out at two locations: (1) the greenhouse area of AUB in Beirut, Lebanon [33° 54′ N; 35° 28′ E and 15 m above mean sea level (AMSL)], herein referred to as the AUB site (subhumid climate), and (2) AREC in Beqaa Valley, Lebanon, around 70 km east of Beirut (33° 55′ N, 36° 4′ E and 995 m above mean sea level), herein referred to as the AREC site (semiarid climate).

AUB Site

The AUB campus in Beirut includes a 10-ha area of green vegetation cover stretching along the northern coast of Beirut. The climate at the location is subhumid to humid and Mediterranean, with average annual precipitation of 850 mm and a grass-reference EToPM of 1,150 mm (El-Asmar et al. 2017). The monthly maximum, mean, and minimum air temperatures are 27.2°C, 13°C, and 10.5°C in winter and 31.8°C, 28°C, and 14.7°C in summer, respectively. Average relative humidity in Beirut is 70%. The experiment was conducted in a steel frame prism-shaped greenhouse with an area of 72  m2 (5.25×13.7  m). Transparent double plastic polycarbonate films covered the top of the pilot greenhouse and its sidewalls. The roof slopes were east–west oriented. The greenhouse was side-ventilated using an electric suction fan (at a rate of 1.0  m3/m2/s for a period of 45  h/day) located at the edge of the southern wall during three periods: from March to April 2015, from May to November 2015, and from May to December 2016. Indoor data for the period from June 18 to July 3, 2015, were missing due to data file corruption. No artificial heating was used within the greenhouse for the duration of the experiment. Based on measurements, a constant wind speed of 0.16  m/s was assumed to dominate within the greenhouse during ventilation. During the unventilated periods, air was allowed to enter the greenhouse, and wind speed was measured periodically using a portable anemometer. Average wind speed varied between 0 and 0.02  m/s, and an average of 0.01  m/s was assumed. A drip-irrigated Origanum Syriacum crop (a perennial herb) was planted in the Beirut greenhouse at a density of 6 plants per m2 for the course of the experiment. The crop was planted in November 2014. Origanum has crop growth coefficients that are similar to grass when planted at this density (Jaafar et al. 2017).


Mean annual rainfall at the AREC site is 521 mm. The climate is semiarid, with an average annual grass reference evapotranspiration of 1,300 mm, 70% of which occurs between April and September (Jaafar et al. 2017). The experiment at AREC was conducted from August 11 to October 15, 2017.
The AREC greenhouse was a double-span greenhouse (with an area of 500  m2) planted with cucumber at a density of 2.5  plants/m2 and having a similar height (4.2 m) and orientation (south–north) to the greenhouse at Beirut but a new plastic cover. The greenhouse was force-ventilated with four large fans (at a rate of 1.0  m3/m2/s) located at the northern side walls (two on each side of the greenhouse door) during the period from August 11 to September 26, 2017. No roof vents were located in either of the two greenhouses. A cucumber crop was planted in the AREC greenhouse in June 2017 (at a farmer-practice density of 2.5  plants/m2) and harvested in late October 2017.


Four weather stations were used to collect data at each site: there were two stations per site; one was placed outdoors and the other was placed inside the greenhouse. The greenhouse weather stations at the two sites were of the same model: two WS-GP2 stations (Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, UK) connected to a data logger and controller. The loggers were set to register weather parameter readings every 30 min. The stations consisted of the same solar radiation sensor (a silicone photodiode energy flux sensor, type ES2), and a combined relative humidity (accuracy 2%) and type AT2 air temperature sensor (accuracy +/0.1°C, range 0°C–70°C) in a cylindrical louvered solar radiation shield housing to measure relative humidity and air temperature. To check the validity of the energy sensor, another higher-quality solar radiation sensor was used to measure solar radiation within the greenhouse at AUB (an LP02 pyranometer, second class WMO-No. 8, Hukseflux Thermal Sensors B.V., Delft, Netherlands). The greenhouse weather station at the AREC site was equipped with an anemometer (2 m height) to measure wind speed within the greenhouse. All solar radiation sensors were leveled and routinely cleaned from dust and other matter, and they were centered within their respective greenhouses.
Outdoor weather data used for the AUB site experiment were derived from a weather station mounted at 2 m above the ground south (upwind) of the greenhouse in an agricultural experimentation plot. Data collected from this station reflect reference conditions, that is, a healthy vegetation environment that is not water-short (Allen et al. 1998) (the outdoor station was located within 250 m of the seaside in a healthy, irrigated landscape). The outdoor weather station was a Davis weather station communicating wirelessly with a Vantage Pro 2—type logger (Davis Instruments, California, USA) set to record at 30-min intervals. The station consisted of several sensors: (1) a solar radiation sensor (a silicone photodiode energy flux sensor, type ES2, accuracy +/5%, range 01,800  W/m2); (2) a temperature sensor in a vented and shielded enclosure that minimizes solar-radiation-induced temperature errors (accuracy +/0.3°C, range 40°C  to65°C); (3) a relative humidity sensor (accuracy +/2%); (4) an anemometer that measures wind speed (accuracy +/0.5  m/s, range 089  m/s) and wind direction (accuracy +/3°); and (5) a tipping-bucket rain collector (accuracy +/0.2  mm). The weather station also calculates the dew point according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) equation that uses instantaneous outdoor temperature and relative humidity data.
The outdoor weather station at the AREC site was a Campbell Scientific (Logan, Utah) station that logs temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and rainfall at 15-min intervals. The station represents reference conditions, because it is located in an open-field grass field surrounded by irrigated agriculture. The greenhouse was located approximately 150 m northeast of the station (downwind).

Evapotranspiration Modeling

Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration

The Penman-Monteith equation (EToPM) was used to calculate daily ETo for a grass reference surface (Monteith and Unsworth 2007). The equation was considered the baseline for the comparative assessment of the Hargreaves-Samani ETo equation. The equation for EToPM is written as
where EToPM = reference evapotranspiration for grass (mm/day); Δ = saturation slope vapor pressure curve (kPa/°C); Rn = net radiation at the grass surface (MJ/m2/day); G = soil heat flux (MJ/m2/day) (assumed to be small compared to Rn and considered negligible for the daily time step used herein); ρ = air density (kg/m3); Cp = specific heat of dry air at a constant temperature; es = air saturation vapor pressure (kPa); ea = actual vapor pressure (kPa); γ = psychrometric constant (kPa/°C); rs = surface resistance, assumed to be 70  s/m (Allen et al. 1998); and ra = aerodynamic resistance (s/m); ra was calculated using Perrier (1975):
where k = Karman constant (0.4); u = wind speed at reference height (m/s); x = reference height (2 m); d = zero plane displacement (m) (Brenner and Incoll 1997); hc = mean crop height (m), estimated as for grass herein at 0.12 m; and z0 = roughness length of the crop relative to momentum transfer (m) (Brenner and Incoll 1997) estimated using
where z0 = roughness length of bare soil surface (0.01 m); cd = mean drag coefficient, taken as 0.07; and LAI = leaf area index as estimated for grass (24hc) (Allen et al. 1998).
The zero plane displacement d was estimated according to Brenner and Incoll (1997):
The surface resistance rs was estimated using
where rsc = canopy resistance, estimated as the ratio between the stomatal resistance rsT and the effective leaf area index LAIe; rsT was obtained from an exponential relationship with the solar radiation Rs (Yang et al. 1990); rss = soil resistance (s/m); and a and b = empirical coefficients taken as 1.52 and 0.05, respectively (Gong et al. 2017). LAIe was calculated as a function of LAI:
LAIe={LAIif  LAI22if  2<LAI<4LAI/2if  LAI>4
The rss was calculated using
where rsmins = minimum soil resistance when the soil water content is at field capacity, assumed to be 10  s/m (Griend and Owe 1994); θs = soil water content within the top 10 cm of the soil; and θFC = field capacity for the top 10 cm of the soil, assumed to be 80% of θs (which was the irrigation threshold used in the experiment). The soil of the AUB site was silty loam with a field capacity of 32.1% by volume, while the soils at AREC were clay with a field capacity of 42%.
The recorded data were time integrated to a daily time step for input into the ET calculator. Solar radiation measurements Rs were used to estimate the net radiation Rn used in the EToPM calculations for the respective conditions (greenhouse and outdoors); Rn was calculated as the difference between the net short-wave radiation Rns and the net outgoing long-wave radiation Rnl, calculated as per Brutsaert (1982):
The radiation balance inside the greenhouse was treated differently than that outside the greenhouse by accounting for the greenhouse transmissivity. Inside the greenhouse, Rns was calculated using
where Rs = solar radiation measured using the pyranometer, which recorded the solar radiation that passed through the greenhouse roof material; and α = grass albedo, the fraction of the incident sunlight that a surface reflects (taken as 0.23 for grass).
Rnl inside the greenhouse was estimated using
where σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (4.901×109  MJ/K4/m2/day); ea = measured actual vapor pressure in kPa (from relative humidity); Tkmax, Tkmin = maximum and minimum absolute temperature in Kelvin (as measured outdoors for outdoor EToPM and inside the greenhouse for GH EToPM) during the 24-h period; and fcd = cloudiness function (dimensionless) (limited to 0.05fcd1.0), calculated as
where Rso = incoming clear-sky solar radiation (MJ/m2/day), calculated as
where z = elevation at the measurement location (m), equal to 15 m for the AUB site and 997 m for the AREC site; Ra = extraterrestrial radiation (MJ/m2/day); and the constant 0.75 is unit-less.

Hargreaves-Samani Reference Evapotranspiration Calculations

The application of EToPM is usually limited to cases in which temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, and solar radiation measurements are available. To account for cases in which this data is lacking or unreliable, the Hargreaves and Samani (1985) empirical equation (EToH, in mm/day) was used to evaluate ETo inside and outside the greenhouse:
where Rs = solar radiation (in equivalent mm/day), either measured or calculated based on latitude; and Tmean = daily mean air temperature (°C). When measured, Rs must be converted to mm/day (Allen et al. 1998):
where ρw = density of water (1,000  kg/m3); and λ = latent heat of vaporization, calculated using Harrison (1963) (MJ/kg1):

Greenhouse Hargreaves Evapotranspiration Calculations

Greenhouse EToH was calculated using two approaches. The first approach used measured solar radiation, denoted hereinafter by a subscript m (Rsm); EToHm denotes ET calculated using this approach. In the second approach, EToH was calculated using estimates of solar radiation [as proposed by Hargreaves and Samani (1985)], denoted hereinafter by a subscript c (Rsc); EToHc denotes ET calculated using this approach. Estimated solar radiation Rsc is usually used when no solar radiation measurements are available or when measurements are not reliable:
where Rsc = modeled (calculated) solar radiation (MJ/m2/day); KRS = adjustment factor (0.16 for interior regions and 0.19 for coastal zones, accounting for climatological cloud cover conditions); Ra = extraterrestrial radiation, which is a function of a location’s latitude and the time of the year (MJ/m2/day); and ΔT = daily temperature range calculated as the difference between the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures (TmaxTmin) (°C). EToHc inside the greenhouse was calculated by using the indoor temperature range in Eqs. (13) and (16), as proposed by Fernández et al. (2010), and reducing the outdoor solar radiation by an estimate of the greenhouse transmissivity τ. Greenhouse transmissivity τ was calculated as the ratio of daily solar radiation measured inside the greenhouse to daily solar radiation measured outside the greenhouse for the period of the experiment. The integrity of the outdoor solar radiation calculations was checked against the incoming clear-sky solar radiation (Rso) (MJ/m2/day), estimated by a cloudiness function proposed by Allen et al. (1998) using Eq. (12).

Calibration, Verification, and Validation

The collected data from the AUB site was divided into a calibration period and a verification period. The resulting equations were validated at the AREC site. First, equations were developed from the calibration data. Next, the equations were verified using data collected during the verification period. Last, the verified equations were validated at the AREC site.


The relationships between outdoor and greenhouse ETo were derived from data collected during the calibration period. The calibration periods for ventilated conditions were from March 7 to April 3, 2015, from May 5 to November 6, 2015, and from May 6 to July 24, 2016 (a total of 272 days). For unventilated conditions, calibration was performed on data collected from January 1 to March 6, 2015, from April 4 to May 4, 2015, and from February 16 to April 7, 2016 (a total of 146 days). Using the data collected during the calibration periods, relationships between daily greenhouse ETo and (1) daily outdoor ETo, (2) daily outdoor solar radiation, and (3) extraterrestrial solar radiation were derived.


Verification of the developed equations was carried out by comparing the modeled ETo results to ETo calculated from the observed weather data. To eliminate bias, the data used in the verification were not included in the calibration process. Data for the verification process were collected during the following periods: from July 24 to December 2, 2016, for ventilated conditions (131 days), and from April 8 to May 5, 2016, and December 3, 2016 to January 15, 2017, for unventilated conditions (72 days). EToPM inside the greenhouse was compared to the external meteorological variables in order to identify whether any significant relationships exist between greenhouse ETo and outdoor weather variables (temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation). All derived relationships were then verified using data from the outdoor weather station. Error statistics for both the calibration and verification stages were generated for comparison.

Validation under Different Experimental Conditions

To test the representations of the relationships developed between GH and outdoor EToPM and solar radiation, the relationships between outdoor climate and GH EToPM developed from the AUB site were validated using data collected at the AREC site for 2 months. The AREC greenhouse is larger, and the site lies in a semiarid region within the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon, while the AUB site is within a coastal environment characterized by a subhumid climate. Validation of the proposed equations under these different experimental and climatic conditions was important in order to test the applicability of the proposed equations. Average wind speed within the AREC greenhouse was measured at 0.13  m/s (due to ventilation). The outdoor weather station at AREC registered an average wind speed of 1.7  m/s for the duration of the AREC experiment.

Statistical Analysis

A comparative statistical analysis was carried out between the greenhouse EToPM and the outdoor EToPM as well as solar radiation (both incident and extraterrestrial) using error analysis and regression (linear and nonlinear) for the two aerodynamic conditions within the greenhouse, ventilated and unventilated. The significance of the regression coefficients was tested using Fisher’s F-statistic at α=0.01. Error analysis was conducted by calculating the following statistical metrics (Willmott 1982): the root-mean square error (RMSE) (mm/day) [Eq. (17)], the mean absolute error (MAE) (mm/day) [Eq. (18)], the relative error (RE) (%) [Eq. (19)], and the coefficient of determination (R2) [Eq. (20)]
where N = number of observations; E = greenhouse ETo quantities predicted using the locally calibrated relationships [greenhouse ETo predicted from outdoor ETo calculated using the Penman-Monteith (PM) and the Hargreaves-Samani equations, and greenhouse ETo predicted from measured outdoor Rs or Ra]; E¯ = mean of predicted greenhouse ETo values for the period of study; O = greenhouse ETo quantities calculated using observed greenhouse weather variables; and O¯ = mean of observed greenhouse ETo values for the period of study. The foregoing equations were separately applied for each aerodynamic condition (ventilated and unventilated).

Results and Discussion

Summary of Relationships between Greenhouse and Outdoor ETo and Weather Variables

Fig. 1 shows the time series of Rsm [Figs. 1(a and b)] and EToPM [Figs. 1(c and d)] at the AUB site. Fig. 2 shows the time series of Rsm [Fig. 2(a)] and EToPM [Fig 2(b)] at the AREC site. A comparative summary between indoor and outdoor weather and ETo variables for the two sites for both aerodynamic conditions is presented in Table 1. With ventilation, greenhouse air temperatures (minimum and mean) were linearly correlated with outdoor temperature (figures not shown). Measured daily greenhouse solar radiation Rsm was lower than its outdoor counterpart by 50% at AUB [Fig. (1)] and 27% at AREC [Fig. 2(a)]. Average greenhouse transmissivity τ was 0.49 at AUB and 0.73 at AREC. This can be attributed to the newer greenhouse material at AREC (transmissivity is a function of the greenhouse cover material’s age and type). Transmissivity varied throughout the year depending on the cloudiness and the sun’s azimuth. Higher values of τ were observed in winter due to cloudiness, and this minimized the difference between outdoor and indoor incident solar radiation. Other weather variables were not correlated. More variations between outdoor and greenhouse weather variables and ETo were found at the AREC site than at the AUB site.
Fig. 1. Daily variations of measured solar radiation Rsm and incoming clear-sky solar radiation in (a) 2015; and (b) 2016; and Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration (EToPM) inside and outside the AUB greenhouse in (c) 2015; and (d) 2016. Grey indicates the ventilated period.
Fig. 2. Daily variations of (a) measured solar radiation and incoming clear-sky solar radiation; and (b) Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration (EToPM) inside and outside AREC greenhouse during 2017. The shaded areas indicate the ventilated periods.
Table 1. Summary meteorological variables at the AUB and AREC sites during ventilated and unventilated periods
Greenhouse (G)Outdoor (O)Mean % differenceO/GGreenhouse (G)Outdoor (O)Mean % differenceO/G
Tmax (°C)3430131.13333300.99
Tmin (°C)242291.08141580.92
Tmean (°C)282691.08222460.93
ΔT (°C)108291.26191861.05
RHmean (%)5968130.875537621.50
Rsm (MJ/m2/day)9.119.8530.4618.824240.77
EToPM (mm/day)2.43.9330.613.65.8380.62
EToHm (mm/day)2.34.9510.484.25.6270.74
EToHc (mm/day)2.64.5420.585.66.4130.86
Tmax (°C)3621761.723225291.29
Tmin (°C)1612281.26101010.99
Tmean (°C)2316421.411918101.10
ΔT (°C)2081552.412215521.49
RHmean (%)5670200.80495120.96
Rsm (MJ/m2/day)6.812.8450.5312.218.7340.66
EToPM (mm/day)1.52.0140.722.03.7450.54
EToHm (mm/day)1.62.5330.642.53.6310.69
EToHc (mm/day)2.62.970.904.43.9141.13

Note: Mean % difference=100×(greenhousevariableoutdoorvariable)/greenhouse variable.

Greenhouse EToPM versus Outdoor EToPM and Other Variables

Regression analysis between greenhouse EToPM and external meteorological variables reveals that outdoor Rs had the principal effect on greenhouse EToPM, regardless of the aerodynamic conditions inside the greenhouse. For both ventilated and unventilated conditions, a significant relationship was obtained between greenhouse EToPM and (1) the measured outdoor solar radiation Rsm, and (2) outdoor solar radiation Rsc computed using Eq. (16).

Ventilated Conditions

Figs. 3(a–c) show GH EToPM versus outdoor EToPM, outdoor EToHm, and outdoor Rsm, respectively (for ventilated conditions). Statistical error parameters are presented in Table 2. Mean daily GH EToPM at the AUB site was smaller than outdoor EToPM by 33%. GH EToPM and outdoor EToPM were very similar when the latter was less than 2  mm/day. At higher outdoor EToPM, GH EToPM was, on average, 41% less than outdoor EToPM. At the AREC site, mean daily greenhouse EToPM was smaller than outdoor EToPM by 38% [Fig. 3(a)]. Despite the difference in transmissivity between the greenhouses at AUB and AREC, the ratio of GH EToPM to outdoor EToPM was very close at both sites. The ratio was found to be a function of the extraterrestrial solar radiation at the site (details in the following).
Fig. 3. Regression of greenhouse EToPM with (a–c) ventilated and (d–f) unventilated conditions versus (a and d) outdoor EToPM; (b and e) outdoor EToHm; and (c and f) outdoor measured solar radiation Rsm during the calibration period (AUB site). Statistical error values are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison statistics of daily greenhouse EToPM and daily outdoor greenhouse ETo calculated using the Penman-Monteith equation, Hargreaves-Samani equation, and outdoor solar radiation (equivalent mm/day) (measured and calculated) for ventilated conditions
ProcessOutdoor variableR2RMSEMAERE
Ventilated case
Calibration (at AUB) (N=249)Penman-Monteith (EToPM)0.800.260.2110.4
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHm)0.820.250.209.7
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHc)0.610.370.3014.4
Measured solar radiation (Rsm)0.910.180.157.1
Computed solar radiation (Rsc)0.690.330.2712.9
Verification (at AUB) (N=125)Penman-Monteith (EToPM)0.960.170.138.1
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHm)0.970.220.1810.4
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHc)0.900.200.169.8
Measured solar radiation (Rsm)0.970.130.106.4
Computed solar radiation (Rsc)0.880.220.1710.4
Validation (at AREC) (N=47)Penman-Monteith (EToPM)0.710.550.4715.4
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHm)0.920.930.8626.1
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHc)0.600.530.4415.0
Measured solar radiation (Rsm)0.880.800.7322.3
Computed solar radiation (Rsc)0.620.370.3010.4
Unventilated case
Calibration (at AUB) (N=144)Penman-Monteith (EToPM)0.940.150.119.6
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHm)0.930.150.119.8
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHc)0.780.270.2018.0
Measured solar radiation (Rsm)0.920.160.1210.5
Computed solar radiation (Rsc)0.750.290.2219.1
Verification (at AUB) (N=70)Penman-Monteith (EToPM)0.980.130.099.3
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHm)0.990.100.077.1
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHc)0.880.290.1821.1
Measured solar radiation (Rsm)0.980.100.077.7
Computed solar radiation (Rsc)0.890.270.1819.8
Validation (at AREC) (N=19)Penman-Monteith (EToPM)0.660.360.3317.8
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHm)0.920.110.105.7
Hargreaves-Samani (EToHc)0.630.140.117.3
Measured solar radiation (Rsm)0.850.100.095.1
Computed solar radiation (Rsc)0.570.160.138.1

Note: RMSE = root mean square error (mm/day); MAE = mean absolute error (mm/day); RE = relative error (%); and N = number of observations.

Unventilated Conditions

Figs. 3(d–f) show GH EToPM versus outdoor EToPM, outdoor EToHm, and outdoor Rsm, respectively (for unventilated conditions). Under unventilated conditions at the AUB site, mean daily GH EToPM was 14% less than outdoor EToPM. At the AREC site, due to the large difference between the windy outdoor conditions and the unventilated conditions inside the greenhouse, mean daily greenhouse EToPM was 45% less than outdoor EToPM. Other weather variables, such as outdoor mean air temperature, were found to be unsuitable for predicting greenhouse EToPM with enough certainty (R2=0.52 for all data; R2=0.17 for ventilated conditions; and R2=0.62 for unventilated conditions).

Verification of the Modeling of Greenhouse ETo from Outdoor ETo

Results of the verification of the equations are shown in Figs. 4(a–c) for ventilated conditions and in Figs. 4(d–f) for unventilated conditions. Statistical parameters for these plots are shown in Table 2. The slopes of the zero intercept regression lines are not significantly different from unity except for EToPM derived from outdoor Rsc. RMSE and RE values indicate that the calibrated regression equations were a good fit for estimating GH ETo from outside ETo or measured outdoor solar radiation. Verification of the calibrated equations for ventilated conditions [Fig. 4(c)] shows that predicting greenhouse EToPM from outdoor Rsm gave the best results (lowest RMSE of 0.13  mm/day and lowest RE of 6.4%) (Table 2). Prediction from outdoor EToPM was also very good (Table 2). Predicting greenhouse EToPM from Rs (measured or calculated) had the lowest relative error for both ventilated and unventilated conditions as compared to predicting EToPM from other parameters.
Fig. 4. Modeled daily greenhouse EToPM from (a and d) outdoor EToPM; (b and e) outdoor Hargreaves EToHm; and (c and f) measured outdoor solar radiation Rsm versus observed daily greenhouse EToPM with (a–c) ventilated; and (d–f) unventilated conditions for calibration (AUB), verification (AUB), and validation periods (AREC). Dashed line indicates 11 fit line; statistical error values are listed in Table 2.

Validation and Generalization of Greenhouse EToPM Relationships with Outdoor Climate

The relationship of the ratio of daily greenhouse EToPM to outdoor EToPM with daily extraterrestrial solar radiation Ra (MJ/m2/day) was investigated (Fig. 5). For ventilated conditions, a significant reciprocal relationship was derived for the AUB site (R2=0.71; RE=13%); all statistical parameters were significant (p<0.0001) [Fig. 5(a)]. This relationship appears to be valid when tested under data from the AREC site greenhouse (a larger greenhouse in a different climate planted with a different crop). The RE was 12% (similar to the RE at the AUB site). A simpler equation with a slightly higher RE (15%) for the ventilated case is
Fig. 5. Ratio of daily greenhouse to outdoor ETo versus extraterrestrial solar radiation for (a) ventilated and (b) unventilated conditions (2015–2016). N = number of observations at the AUB site; and RE = relative error at the AUB site.
In the unventilated case, the relationship was not strong (a relatively high RE of 25% at the AUB site, and validation at the AREC site did not give promising results) [Fig. 5(b)]. At lower Ra, there were colder ambient temperatures outdoors compared to inside the greenhouse. This difference between outside and inside temperatures drives the vapor pressure gradient which disrupts the Greenhouse to Outdoor EToPM relationship.
To understand how Eq. (21) would vary with changes in the ventilation rate inside the greenhouse (while keeping all other factors the same), the wind speed data was theoretically changed, and the ratio of greenhouse to outdoor EToPM was recalculated for a range of possible wind velocities inside the greenhouse (0.11  m/s). This changed the value of the aerodynamic resistance in the PM equation. For simplicity, the intercept of the equation in Fig. 5(a) was set to zero, and only a first order reciprocal of the extraterrestrial solar radiation was used. The ratio of the GH to outdoor EToPM still had the same general relationship with the extraterrestrial radiation but now had the wind speed as another variable in the equation (Fig. 6). Significant relational variation was induced by varying the wind speed inside the greenhouse. Therefore, the following empirical equation was developed and is suggested for calculation of GH EToPM when both outdoor EToPM and the average ventilation rate within the greenhouse are known:
where u = average daily wind speed inside the greenhouse (m/s); and Ra = extraterrestrial solar radiation (in equivalent mm/day) (derived from the latitude of the greenhouse location and the day of the year). Confidence intervals of the constants in Eq. (22) at the 95% level are shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Generalized equation to relate the ratio of greenhouse to outdoor EToPM to extraterrestrial solar radiation Ra and wind speed u (m/s) inside the greenhouses.
Predicting greenhouse EToPM from outdoor EToPM by combining all the data (AUB data for 2015–2016 and AREC data for 2017) results in an exponential relationship: GH EToPM=e(0.2×outdoorEToPM), with high R2 (0.89), which is valid for both the AUB and AREC sites. Validation of the linear equation derived using AUB site data at the AREC site resulted in an underestimation of GH EToPM at the AREC site [Fig. 4(a)]. Validations under unventilated conditions were superior, especially when done using outdoor measured solar radiation as the predictor [Fig. 4(f)].


Penman-Monteith ETo Results

On average, daily greenhouse EToPM was less than outdoor EToPM by 25% at the AUB site and by 40% at the AREC site. These results are comparable with lysimetric ETo reported by Fernández et al. (2010) for a plastic greenhouse planted with a perennial grass crop; the authors reported a 20% reduction in EToPM as compared to outdoor EToPM within the whitened greenhouse, as well as an EToPM range of 0.74.1  mm/day in southern Spain. When outdoor EToPM values were less than 2  mm/day, greenhouse EToPM was either equal to outdoor EToPM or greater (this was mainly an air temperature effect during the cold months of December and January). This indicates that greenhouse crop irrigation requirements during these 2 months may exceed those for outdoor crops. Lower ratios of greenhouse to outdoor EToPM occurred during the spring and summer, when outdoor EToPM was higher than 2  mm/day. This can be attributed to the dominant effect of solar radiation over other weather variables. Although lower relative humidity and higher mean air temperatures favored a higher theoretical evaporative demand inside the greenhouses (as evidenced by the data during the unventilated period in the spring of both years), greenhouse Rs was much lower than outdoor Rs. This sharp gradient in solar radiation between the two settings caused the large difference in ETo between the outdoors and inside the greenhouse. These findings are in agreement with lysimetric greenhouse evapotranspiration measurements reported by Orgaz et al. (2005), who found that the actual seasonal evapotranspiration of greenhouse crops is lower than that of outdoor crops. This was attributed to a lower reference ETo rather than to lower crop coefficient values, which agrees with the results reported herein. Fernández et al. (2010) showed that greenhouse EToPM can be accurately estimated using radiation methods in humid climates when the aerodynamic term is relatively small (i.e., with high aerodynamic resistance), which is also in general agreement with the results presented herein.

Hargreaves-Samani Equation Results

Prediction of greenhouse ET using the Hargreaves equation was better validated in the unventilated case [Fig. 3(f)] than in the ventilated case [Fig. 3(b)]. In the semiarid environment at the AREC site, ventilation brought drier air into the greenhouse, which increased evapotranspiration. This was not the case for the coastal weather in Beirut; hence, the prediction using the Hargreaves equation at the AUB site could not be validated at the AREC site [Fig. 3(b)]. In the unventilated case, the relationship between greenhouse ET and the outdoor Hargreaves equation was valid regardless of the climatic conditions (i.e., the relationship did not differ between arid, semiarid, and humid environments). The same applied to the prediction using the outdoor solar radiation [Figs. 3(c and g)].

Greenhouse Transmissivity

Greenhouse transmissivity τ is another major factor in relating greenhouse EToPM to outdoor solar radiation Rs. Greenhouse transmissivity τ is an important factor in determining the energy fraction that reaches the plants in the greenhouse. Greenhouse transmissivity at the AREC site was found to be much higher than at the AUB site. Average τ was 0.49 for the AUB greenhouse (longer period of measurements) and 0.73 at the AREC greenhouse. This can be attributed to the newer greenhouse material at the AREC site. Transmissivity is usually a function of the type and age of the greenhouse material, the shading, and greenhouse geometry and orientation. Incident solar radiation also affects the daily transmissivity values because of variations in the sun’s azimuth and atmospheric cloudiness (Castilla 2013; Sánchez et al. 2015b; Von Zabeltitz 2011). The orientation of the greenhouse roofs and walls allowed more solar radiation to enter the greenhouses in winter than in summer (due to roof reflection). Also, higher values of τ were observed in winter due to cloudiness, and this minimized the difference between outdoor and indoor incident solar radiation. Greenhouse transmissivity values for the AUB site were lower than those reported by Fernández et al. (2010), who noted a reduction in solar radiation of 39% for unwhitened greenhouses. This indicates that good estimates of τ are crucial for calculating evapotranspiration inside greenhouses, and therefore τ must be taken into account when predicting greenhouse ET from outdoor Rs. The difference between τ at the two sites affected the regression equation parameters that relate greenhouse ET to outdoor Rs. GH EToPM at both sites was related to the measured outdoor Rs and the square root of the transmissivity (Table 3). The derived relationship was validated with data collected at the AREC site for ventilated conditions (with a relative error of less than 10%):
where Rsm_out = measured outdoor solar radiation in equivalent mm/day; and the constant 0.42 and the transmissivity τ are unit-less.
Table 3. Generalized equations for calculating greenhouse EToPM from outdoor solar radiation Rsm (mm/day) and greenhouse transmissivity τ (unit-less) for ventilated and unventilated conditions at both sites
AUBVentilatedGreenhouse EToPM=0.42×τ1/2×Rsm_out2490.860.2180.1698.6
ARECVentilatedGreenhouse EToPM=0.41×τ1/2×Rsm_out470.810.2530.1937.1
AUBUnventilatedGreenhouse EToPM=0.35×τ1/2×Rsm_out1440.810.2490.21416.5
ARECUnventilatedGreenhouse EToPM=0.32×τ1/2×Rsm_out190.800.0820.0534.1

Note: RMSE = root mean square error (mm/day); MAE = mean absolute error (mm/day); RE = relative error (%); and N = number of observations.

The greenhouse vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was highly correlated with the outdoor VPD under ventilated conditions [Fig. 7(a)], but not under unventilated conditions [Fig. 7(b)]. For unventilated conditions, the vapor pressure deficit in the greenhouse was correlated with the difference between the inside and outside air temperatures [Fig. 7(d)], which was not the case when the greenhouses were ventilated [Fig. 7(c)]. The radiation exchange in unventilated greenhouses is complex due to the longwave net radiation term in the energy balance equation.
Fig. 7. Variation of greenhouse VPD with outdoor VPD under (a) ventilated and (b) unventilated conditions; and variation with temperature difference between GH and outdoors under (c) ventilated and (d) unventilated conditions at the AUB site.


Estimating reference evapotranspiration inside greenhouses is crucial for improving irrigation management inside greenhouses. Ventilation, or the lack thereof, is a significant factor affecting plant water use inside greenhouses, and it should be taken into account when estimating evapotranspiration. In this research, equations were developed and validated to calculate greenhouse reference evapotranspiration from (1) calculated outdoor EToPM and wind speed inside the greenhouse, along with extraterrestrial solar radiation; and (2) measured values of solar radiation and known greenhouse transmissivities. The equations may have applicability, because they were verified at a subhumid location and then validated at another greenhouse in a semiarid environment with different experimental conditions. When outdoor EToPM is unknown, it is recommended that the equation that relates greenhouse EToPM to measured outdoor solar radiation and the square root of greenhouse transmissivity be used; greenhouse transmissivity is a critical component in estimating evapotranspiration inside greenhouses from outdoor ET measurements or solar radiation. We encourage the scientific community to further test the developed relationships herein in different locations and report their results.


This research was made possible with a grant from the American University Research Board (URB). The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers whose comments greatly enhanced the quality of this manuscript.


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Go to Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 145Issue 9September 2019


Received: Apr 21, 2018
Accepted: Mar 19, 2019
Published online: Jun 27, 2019
Published in print: Sep 1, 2019
Discussion open until: Nov 27, 2019



Assistant Professor of Irrigation Engineering and Water Management, Dept. of Agriculture, American Univ. of Beirut, P.O. Box 110236, Beirut 1100 2020, Lebanon (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Farah Ahmad
Research Assistant, Dept. of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, American Univ. of Beirut, P.O. Box 110236, Beirut 1100 2020, Lebanon.

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