
Engineered log jams (ELJs) are used widely in practice as a river restoration measure. One desired feature of an ELJ is its porous nature, which plays an important role in hydrodynamics and sediment response. Currently there are very limited studies of porous hydraulic structures such as ELJs, and ELJs often are treated as solid obstructions for the purpose of flow and scour predictions. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to examine flow and bathymetric response near porous versus nonporous ELJ structures emplaced in an experimental flume. Time-averaged velocity, turbulent fluctuations, and the initial and final bathymetry were measured for four cases of porous and nonporous structures. Alterations in the flow field near the porous structure resulted in reduced maximum scour depths and lower total transport of bed material. It was found that existing predictive equations for scour geometry fail to match experimental data for the porous structures due to the lack of consideration of porosity’s role in altering the flow conditions. Conceptual models of the flow zones and the stages of erosion were presented and discussed. A simple predictive model for scour depth around ELJs was developed.

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All data generated during the study are available in a HydroShare online repository in accordance with funder data-retention policies (http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/fe25e569e32e43bb8cd1378406f1d965).


This work is partially supported by National Science Foundation (Award No. 1935243). Yuncheng Xu and Xiaofeng Liu are partially supported by the US Bureau of Reclamation (Award Nos. R14AC00015 and R17AC00025).


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Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 147Issue 1January 2021


Received: Feb 11, 2020
Accepted: Jul 24, 2020
Published online: Oct 29, 2020
Published in print: Jan 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Mar 29, 2021


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Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA 16802. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3703-2201. Email: [email protected]
Yuncheng Xu, Ph.D. [email protected]
Lecturer, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA 16802. Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Computational and Data Sciences, Pennsylvania State Univ., 223B Sackett, State College, PA 16802 (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8296-7076. Email: [email protected]

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