Technical Papers
Nov 13, 2019

Erodibility of Mud–Sand Bed Mixtures

Publication: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 146, Issue 1


The erodibility of mud–sand bed mixtures has been studied based on experiments in a flume and in a small, vertical tube placed on the bed (Eromes-tube of 100 mm diameter with rotating propeller). Two natural mud–sand mixtures (percentage of sand 35% and 20%) were used and artificial mixtures were made by adding fine sand to the natural mud samples; the percentage of sand was varied in the range of 30%–95%. Two types of fine sand have been used: very fine sand of about 100 μm and fine sand of 180 μm. The dry density was varied in the range of 3001,500  kg/m3 (soft to firm beds). Three types of erosion were identified (visually) during the flume experiments: particle/floc erosion, surface erosion by generation of local craters and grooves, and mass erosion (two types) by local bed collapse or by local breakout of lumps of bed material with clouds of escaping mud. Plots of the critical bed-shear stress for particle, surface, and mass erosion are given based on the data of the flume and Eromes tests. The critical bed shear for particle, surface, and mass erosion of natural mud–sand beds is found to be primarily influenced by the percentage of fines (<63  μm), percentage of clay-silt (<8  μm), and the dry bulk density of the top layer of the bed.

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All basic data generated and used during the study appear in the published article; background data (erosion descriptions, erosion photographs, flume velocities, and discharges) generated or used during the study are available from the corresponding author by request.


R. Barth and C.J. van der Made of Wiertsema soil laboratory (Tolbert, the Netherlands) and L. Perk of Waterproof Consultancy (Lelystad, the Netherlands) are gratefully acknowledged for providing support to perform flume and field experiments. R. Riethmueller of GKSS in Geesthacht, Germany is gratefully acknowledged for the supply of the Eromes-instrument. The students B. Koetsier, N. Simmes, A. Klomp, M. de Boer, T. Braaksma, R. Haagen and the staff of the Hanze Technical School in Groningen, the Netherlands are gratefully acknowledged for the execution of the many flume and field tests. All four reviewers are acknowledged for their efforts to improve the quality of the paper.


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Go to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 146Issue 1January 2020


Received: Aug 31, 2018
Accepted: Jun 17, 2019
Published online: Nov 13, 2019
Published in print: Jan 1, 2020
Discussion open until: Apr 13, 2020


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Leo C. van Rijn [email protected]
Retired, LVR-Sediment Consultancy, Domineeswal 6, 8356DS Blokzijl, Netherlands. Email: [email protected]

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