Nov 15, 2011

Earthen Embankment Breaching

Publication: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 137, Issue 12
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The ASCE/EWRI Task Committee on Dam/Levee Breaching (Break Fluvial Processes) is chaired by Weiming Wu, University of Mississippi, and consists of the following members: Mustafa S. Altinakar (University of Mississippi), Mahmoud Al-Riffai (University of Ottawa, Canada), Nathaniel Bergman (The Building & Infrastructure Testing Laboratory Ltd., Israel), Scott F. Bradford (Naval Research Laboratory), Zhixian Cao (Wuhan University, China), Qin J. Chen (Louisiana State University), Serban G. Constantinescu (University of Iowa), Jennifer G. Duan (University of Arizona), D. Michael Gee (HEC, Army Corp of Engineers), Blair Greimann (Bureau of Reclamation), Greg Hanson (USDA-ARS-HERU), Zhiguo He (Zhejiang University, China), Pal Hegedus (RBF Consulting), Thomas Van Hoestenberghe (Soresma, Belgium), David Huddleston (Tennessee University of Technology), Steven A. Hughes (ERDC, Army Corp of Engineers), Jasim Imran (University of South Carolina), Yafei Jia (University of Mississippi), Jeffrey D. Jorgeson (ERDC, Army Corp of Engineers), René Kahawita (HydroQuebec, Canada), Cassie C. Klumpp (Bureau of Reclamation), Yong Lai (Bureau of Reclamation), Eddy J. Langendoen (National Sedimentation Laboratory), Shielan Liu (BGC Engineering Inc., Canada), Fekadu Moreda (National Weather Service, NOAA), Mark Morris (HR Wallingford, U.K.), Hervé Morvan (University of Nottingham, U.K.), Bryan Orendorff (McCormick Rankin Corporation, Canada), Jay Pak (HEC, Army Corp of Engineers), Patrik Peeters (Flanders Hydraulics Research, Belgium), Seann Reed (National Weather Service, NOAA), Brett F. Sanders (University of California at Irvine), Steve H. Scott (ERDC, Army Corp of Engineers), Sandra Soares-Frazao (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), Chung R. Song (University of Mississippi), James Sutherland (HR Wallingford, U.K.), Martin J. Teal (WEST Consultants, Inc.), Ryota Tsubaki (Hiroshima Univ., Japan), Tony L. Wahl (Bureau of Reclamation), David M. Weston (Army Corp of Engineers), David T. Williams (David T. Williams and Associates, Colorado), Yves Zech (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), and Limin Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China).


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 137Issue 12December 2011
Pages: 1549 - 1564


Received: Apr 27, 2010
Accepted: Jul 29, 2011
Published online: Nov 15, 2011
Published in print: Dec 1, 2011


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ASCE/EWRI Task Committee on Dam/Levee Breaching
Corresponding author: Weiming Wu, National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering, Univ. of Mississippi, University, MS 38677. E-mail: [email protected]

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