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Aug 8, 2022

NRCS Curve Number Method: Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Curve Number from Rainfall-Runoff Data

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This article has a reply.
Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 27, Issue 10


A data set comprising rainfall-runoff data gathered at 31 Agricultural Research Service experimental watersheds was used to explore curve number calibration. This exploration focused on the calibrated value and goodness-of-fit as a function of several items: calibration approach, precipitation event threshold, data ordering approach, and initial abstraction value. Calibration methods explored were least-squares, the National Engineering Handbook (NEH) median, and an asymptotic approach. Results were quantified for events exceeding two precipitation thresholds: 0 and 25.4 mm. Natural and frequency-matched data ordering methods were analyzed. Initial abstraction ratios of 0.05 and 0.20 were examined. Findings showed that the least-squares calibration approach applied directly to rainfall-runoff data performed best. Initial abstraction ratios clearly influenced the magnitude of the calibrated curve number. However, neither ratio outperformed the other in terms of goodness-of-fit of predicted runoff to observed runoff. Precipitation threshold experiments produced mixed results, with neither threshold level producing a clearly superior model fit. Frequency-matching was not considered to be a valid analysis approach, but was contrasted with naturally ordered results, indicating a bias toward producing calibrated curve numbers that were 5–10 points larger.


Rainfall-runoff methods from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) have served the hydrologic community for many decades. These methods estimate runoff from actual and synthetic rainfall for purposes ranging from flood forecasting to hydrologic design. The first step in using these methods is to determine the curve number (CN), which is a value between 1 and 100, for the modeled watershed. The CN modulates the conversion of rainfall volume into runoff volume, with larger CNs estimating greater runoff. Forested watersheds and other natural systems that allow considerable infiltration may have CNs as low as the 40s and 50s, whereas highly urbanized systems with impervious surfaces may have CNs in the 80s or 90s. Determination of the NRCS CN is often the first of several calculations required in rainfall-runoff modeling, with subsequent modeling seeking to quantify the timing of the runoff peak and/or the shape of the overall runoff hydrograph resulting from a rainfall event. If the CN poorly models the runoff volume, the subsequent modeling of the peak discharge will be poor.
Although tables quantifying CNs as a function of land use and underlying soil type have long existed (SCS 1973, 1986), there is new interest in CN quantification, resulting primarily from efforts over the last decade to revisit the long-standing initial abstraction ratio, λ (Fu et al. 2011; Galbetti et al. 2022; Lal et al. 2017; Lim et al. 2006; Menberu et al. 2015; Yuan et al. 2014). The observation commonly made to support a smaller initial abstraction ratio is that the long-standing value of λ=0.20 underpredicts runoff for small precipitation events. The initial abstraction ratio and CN are not independent. A smaller (larger) initial abstraction ratio will result in a smaller (larger) calibrated CN value for a given rainfall-runoff data set.
This paper examined multiple elements that collectively contribute to the calibration of a CN value from a set of rainfall-runoff observations. Decisions about what elements to employ and how to apply them influence the CN that is calibrated. Goodness-of-fit, bias, and defensibility of the methods used were analyzed. This paper discusses the core principles that should guide a recommended approach for future CN calibration efforts.


The NRCS curve number method dates to 1954, and was developed and calibrated using observations of rainfall-runoff data gathered from small, primarily agricultural watersheds instrumented by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
The central equation of the NRCS rainfall-runoff method is
Q=(PλS)2P+(1λ)S,if  P>λSQ=0,otherwise
where Q = runoff (mm); P = precipitation, i.e., rainfall depth, originally and commonly taken over a 24-h duration (mm); and S = storage (mm). The term λS represents the initial abstraction, which is the depth of rainfall captured by depression storage, leaf litter, and watershed surfaces. The parameter λ is the initial abstraction ratio. This fraction of the precipitation is not available for runoff. If P is less than λS, then Eq. (1) does not apply, and Q is zero. The long-standing value of λ is 0.20, although studies have proposed that λ is smaller, with a value of 0.05 the most commonly suggested alternative (D’Asaro et al. 2014; Galbetti et al. 2022; Hawkins et al. 2009; Lal et al. 2017). Proposals to formally change λ to 0.05 also include a redefinition of S (and its directly associated CN value), which partially compensates for the reduced value of λ (USDA 2017a, b).
The value of CN is related directly to storage through
Values of CN were determined and tabulated (SCS 1973, 1986) by calibration methods that often were poorly documented (Hawkins et al. 2009). These tables present curve numbers as a function of land use and underlying soil type. With the advent of GIS, such tables commonly are used to infer pixel-scale CN values from commonly available sources of land use–land cover and soil maps.
The NRCS method for estimating runoff has been criticized (e.g., Ogden et al. 2017). It is empirical, and generally is applied in a coarse or lumped approach to determine runoff. However, this method remains popular because of its ease of application, its ability to quantify effects caused by land-use change, and the fact that it satisfies the basic engineering need to estimate watershed response at ungauged locations for purposes of hydrologic and hydraulic design. Owing to its widespread application and ongoing use as a design tool, an examination of the elements selected when performing a CN calibration is valuable and needed.


This paper explored four elements that comprise the CN calibration for a specific set of observed rainfall and runoff data: calibration approach, precipitation event threshold, data ordering approach, and initial abstraction value. This paper demonstrated how these different elements influence the CN value that is calibrated and the goodness-of-fit between the observed and predicted runoff data set.

Calibration Approach

Three calibration approaches were examined: least-squares optimization, the NEH median, and the asymptotic approach. The essential elements of each approach are described in this section.

Least-Squares Calibration of Curve Number

A straightforward approach for calibration of CNs draws simply and directly on Eq. (1). An objective function, Z, is defined as
where Qobs,i = observed runoff from precipitation event i; and Qi = modeled runoff for this same event as determined from Eq. (1). The storage, S, in Eq. (1) is the source of variation that is being calibrated; S is varied, creating a modeled set of Qi for each event in a watershed. The objective function is a simple sum of squared errors determined from the analysis of n rainfall-runoff events occurring within the watershed. The value of S that minimizes Z represents the least-squares optimum value of storage. Fig. 1(a) plots the observed rainfall and runoff from a watershed in Hastings, Nebraska. The dotted lines in Fig. 1(a) show the individual errors between Eq. (1) and observed data. Eq. (2) was used to transform S into a value of CN that corresponded to the least-squares optimum curve number for that watershed. This approach hereafter is referred to as LS.
Fig. 1. Least-squares calibration of curve number for Hastings, Nebraska (4) watershed for λ=0.20, and PT=25.4  mm: (a) naturally ordered data; and (b) frequency-matched data. Dotted lines show magnitude of prediction errors for each data point.
The quality of the fit of the least-squares model is quantified by the relative standard error, RSE, defined as
where Eq. (4) applies when one predictor is present (precipitation depth, in this case). The quantity σ in the denominator is the standard deviation of the observed runoff depths for the watershed in question. If RSE is greater than 1, the model is poorer at estimating the runoff than the mean of the observations, and therefore the runoff model is not a useful prediction tool. A unique RSE value was produced for individual watershed calibration performed in this study. The distribution of RSE values for each experiment is examined and discussed subsequently.

Median Value Approach for Curve Number Calibration

The National Engineering Handbook (NRCS 2004) describes a graphical approach in which the analyst of a rainfall-runoff data set is directed to “[d]etermine the curve … that divides the plotted points into two equal groups. That is the median curve number.” Alternatively, the NEH-4 procedure: Median CN approach described by Mishra et al. (2007) proposes that for a set of observed rainfall and runoff data, a root-finding exercise is used to determine the value of S that satisfies Eq. (1) for each individual observation in the data set. A set of n estimates of S or CN is produced, assuming n events. The median of these values is used in Eq. (2) to estimate the median CN value for that watershed. This process is repeated for all watersheds.
Fig. 2 shows the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for the set of CNs determined for the same P-Q data in Fig. 1(a). The value of CN determined for a unique P-Q pair is a function of λ, as indicated in Eq. (1). Fig. 2 shows CDFs for this data set for both λ=0.05 and 0.20. The median is the value at which the CDF equals 0.5. Fig. 2 also shows the 25th and 75th quantiles for both values of λ, providing an estimate of the variability in CN within the watershed for that assumed λ value. As with the least-squares approach, RSE is determined for each data set using Eq. (4). This approach hereafter is referred to as NEH median.
Fig. 2. NEH median calibration of curve number for Hastings, Nebraska (4) watershed for naturally ordered data and PT=25.4  mm. Cumulative distribution functions and quantiles and medians are for λ=0.05 and 0.20.

Asymptotic Approach for Curve Number Calibration

A third approach for calibrating the watershed curve number takes advantage of an observed declining relationship in event-derived curve numbers as a function of rainfall depth (Hawkins 1993; Sneller 1985; Zevenbergen 1985). In this approach, the function
is determined for all i observations in a watershed data set. Parameter pi is the precipitation associated with each observed CN value, CN is the asymptotic value for CNi when pi is large, and k is a parameter that controls how quickly CNi reaches its CN asymptote. Eq. (5) is fit to the set of observed CNs, minimizing the sum of squared errors, as was the case in Eq. (3).
Fig. 3 plots the set of individual event CNs versus their causal precipitation for a watershed in Safford, Arizona. The fitted curve follows the functional form indicated in Eq. (5). The parameter CN=38.7 for the data in Fig. 3. The structure of this method inherently places more weight on the larger precipitation events in the data set. This approach hereafter is referred to as ASYMP. As with the LS and NEH median approaches, RSE is determined for each data set using Eq. (4).
Fig. 3. Asymptotic calibration of curve number for Safford, Arizona (3) watershed for naturally ordered data, λ=0.05, and PT=0  mm. Dotted lines show magnitude of prediction errors for each data point.
Consider the data in Fig. 3. The CN value for each data point was determined using Eqs. (1) and (2) and the known P-Q values for that point. Fig. 3, which shows CN versus P, presents CN (which was originally calculated as a function of P) versus P. Therefore, the CN is not an independent quantity. Using CN and P to fit the characteristic exponential decay structure of these graphs results in a phenomenon called spurious correlation (e.g., Benson 1965; Kenney 1982; Berges 1997; Shivers and Moglen 2008). Hawkins (1993) acknowledged that this method led to the presence of “some spurious correlation.” This calibration approach is presented in this study for completeness because of its widespread use, despite its flawed construction.

Precipitation Event Threshold

Historical rainfall-runoff data, stored as pairs of P and Q, and compiled by the ARS, exclusively were used in this analysis. A total of 31 watersheds from 11 locations across the US were used in this study. Table 1 summarizes these data, and Fig. 4 shows the locations of these watersheds. To be consistent with the original process associated with the development of the CN method, rainfall depths were aggregated into 24-h periods. Effects of antecedent rainfall were minimized by using only the first day’s rainfall and runoff when multiday events were encountered in the observational record. Additionally, days in which rainfall was reported without runoff and in which runoff was reported without rainfall were removed from the data sets. Very rarely, more runoff was reported than rainfall. These events also were deleted. More than 12,700 rainfall-runoff pairs were used, with a median period of record of 23 years and a minimum of 10 years of record. There was a median of 344 rainfall-runoff observations per site after the aforementioned data removals. Data used were derived from the data sets found in the ARS Water Database (Moglen 2017). The previously described process produced a unique rainfall-runoff data set for each of the 31 watersheds, and collectively amounted to a sizeable data set from which to derive general conclusions.
Table 1. Summary of study watershed properties
Site and locationWatershed area (ha)Period of recordYearsNumber of observationsNumber of observations with P25.4  mm
Safford, Arizona (1)2101939–19693111020
Safford, Arizona (2)2761940–19693010421
Safford, Arizona (3)3091939–1969319016
Tifton, Georgia (1)33,4001971–19801029754
Tifton, Georgia (2)1,5701970–19801144187
Tifton, Georgia (3)1,5901968–198013552105
Reynolds, Idaho (1)23,4001963–1981197854
Reynolds, Idaho (2)3,1801968–1981144923
Monticello, Illinois (1)33.21949–198133222124
Monticello, Illinois (2)18.41949–198133344138
Treynor, Iowa (1)60.71964–19862360290
Treynor, Iowa (2)43.31964–19862386693
Treynor, Iowa (3)33.51964–19862376296
Hastings, Nebraska (1)1951940–19622329397
Hastings, Nebraska (2)1661939–196729332110
Hastings, Nebraska (3)8441938–196730293104
Hastings, Nebraska (4)1,4101939–196729303111
Albuquerque, New Mexico (1)99.61939–19693117517
Albuquerque, New Mexico (2)16.21939–19693117616
Albuquerque, New Mexico (3)62.71939–19693111013
Coshocton, Ohio (1)0.5101939–199254214118
Coshocton, Ohio (2)1.061938–199255531180
Coshocton, Ohio (3)0.5141942–199251427147
Riesel, Texas (1)7.971968–19811421085
Riesel, Texas (2)1251968–19811437879
Riesel, Texas (3)53.41968–19811427582
Danville, Vermont (1)59.11961–19711154622
Danville, Vermont (2)8361960–19792084460
Blacksburg, Virginia (1)3611957–19721678139
Blacksburg, Virginia (2)73.71958–19681149657
Blacksburg, Virginia (3)5951958–19721573475
Fig. 4. Location of the study watersheds.
There is considerable variability in watershed behavior, especially among smaller precipitation events. Typically, only a subset of the largest events is used in calibration. In this study, the overall set of observations and the subset that exceeded a precipitation threshold, PT, of 25.4 mm were examined. Fig. 5 shows the effect of this precipitation threshold for the data for Hastings, Nebraska (Fig. 1). The left-hand CDF of individually calibrated CNs in Fig. 5 corresponds to CNs derived from those rainfall events in which PT=25.4  mm. The right-hand CDF is for all (PT=0  mm) runoff-producing rainfall events, regardless of size, from this same data set. For the NEH median method, imposing a precipitation threshold produced a substantial difference in the CDFs of event CNs in this watershed; the calibrated CN for events exceeding 25.4 mm was smaller than the CN derived from the full set of rainfall-runoff events (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. NEH median calibration of curve number for Hastings, Nebraska (4) watershed for naturally ordered data and λ=0.20. Cumulative distribution functions and quantiles and medians are for PT=0 and 25.4 mm.

Data Set Ordering: Natural Order versus Frequency-Matching

Frequency-matching is an approach developed to reduce the inherent noise in rainfall-runoff observations. The reasoning for supporting this approach is the tacit assumption in hydrologic design that the n-year rainfall event will produce the n-year runoff event. Schaake et al. (1967) provided one of the first examples of applying this method, using it in the context of determining runoff coefficients for the rational method. Since then, the frequency-matching method has been employed in the context of CN calibration from observations (Ajmal and Kim 2015; D’Asaro et al. 2014; Galbetti et al. 2022; Hawkins 1993; Hawkins et al. 2009; Hjelmfelt 1980; Lal et al. 2017).
Reactions to the frequency-matching method by individual hydrologists vary. Some researchers accept the method as a valid and useful approach to reduce variability or dispersion (Galbetti et al. 2022) in rainfall-runoff response, in essence amplifying the signal in the observational record. Other researchers are considerably skeptical about the validity of the approach, and express concerns about its growing application. This study sides with those expressing skepticism of this method. The act of performing frequency-matching removes causality between the rainfall and runoff observations. In the authors’ view, the scientific basis for this procedure is challenging to defend, although it certainly produces better model fit and more aesthetically appealing figures. Frequency-matching was used in this study only to demonstrate and quantify the effects of this approach relative to naturally ordered data. The implementation of frequency-matching here is not an endorsement of its application.
As a first example of demonstrating the effects of frequency-matching, Fig. 1(a) shows the LS calibration of CN for naturally ordered P-Q observations from a watershed in Hastings, Nebraska. These naturally ordered data were sorted independently for P and for Q. These data then were joined back into P-Q pairs such that the largest Q value was associated with the largest P value, the second largest Q with the second largest P, and so on, resulting in a frequency-matched set of P-Q data. The LS approach was repeated for this revised data set. Two things immediately are apparent: (1) the scatter evident in Fig. 1(a) is considerably greater than the scatter in Fig. 1(b); and (2) the calibrated CN value increased from 65.6 to 69.2. Both features are typical consequences of the frequency-matching approach.
This study used the 31 study watershed data sets to explore the frequency-matching approach in its specific application to the NRCS rainfall-runoff method and curve number calibration. Results obtained from frequency-matched data were contrasted with those resulting from naturally ordered data to examine bias in calibrated CN values and to demonstrate implications for goodness-of-fit.

Initial Abstraction Ratio

As described previously, the long-standing value of the initial abstraction parameter, λ=0.20 [Eq. (1)], has come into question. This study examined two values: λ=0.20 and 0.05. This study focused on the impact of this parameter on the calibrated CN value and associated goodness-of-fit statistics.
Fig. 2 shows the effect of λ for the data for Hastings, Nebraska (Fig. 1). The left-hand CDF of individually calibrated CNs in Fig. 2 corresponds to CN values derived from λ=0.05. The right-hand CDF is for λ=0.20. As stated previously, different values of λ produced a sizeable difference in the CDFs of CNs in this watershed, with the NEH median calibrated CN for λ=0.05 is considerably smaller than the NEH median calibrated CN for λ=0.20. Regardless of calibration approach, CN values determined for λ=0.05 always were smaller than the corresponding CN value determined for λ=0.20.


A total of 12(3×2×2) experiments were performed in this study, defined by all permutations of three calibration approaches, two precipitation thresholds, and two initial abstraction fractions (Table 2). Furthermore, these 12 experiments were repeated for both naturally ordered and frequency-matched data. Within an experiment, individual calibrations were performed for each of the 31 study watersheds. For all naturally ordered data experiments, Figs. 6 and 7 present box-and-whisker plots of the distribution of calibrated CNs and RSE values, respectively. Figs. 8 and 9 provide box-and-whisker plots of calibrated CNs and RSE values for the frequency-matched data sets for the same watersheds and experiments. Finally, Figs. 10 and 11 show side-by-side box-and-whisker plots for direct comparison of the LS calibration findings for CNs and RSE, respectively, for naturally ordered and frequency-matched data. The box part of these plots shows the first and third quartiles, with the median represented by the horizontal line within the box. Outliers, defined as being more than 1.5 times the interquartile range, are graphed individually. The whisker part of these plots shows the extremes of the observations that were not determined to be outliers. In Figs. 7 and 9, the box plots for RSE>2 are truncated to show more-important detail for RSE<2.
Table 2. Elements of calibration experiments performed in this study
Calibration approachPrecipitation threshold, PT (mm)Initial abstraction fraction, λData ordering approach
Least-squares, NEH median, and asymptotic0 and 25.40.05 and 0.20Naturally ordered and frequency-matched
Fig. 6. Box-and-whisker plots showing distribution of calibrated curve numbers across the 31 study watersheds for naturally ordered data for all calibration experiments. (a) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.05; (b) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.20; (c) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.05; and (d) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.20.
Fig. 7. Box-and-whisker plots showing distribution of relative standard error, RSE, across the 31 study watersheds for naturally ordered data for all calibration experiments. (a) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.05; (b) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.20; (c) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.05; and (d) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.20.
Fig. 8. Box-and-whisker plots showing distribution of calibrated curve numbers across the 31 study watersheds for frequency-matched data for all calibration experiments. (a) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.05; (b) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.20; (c) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.05; and (d) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.20.
Fig. 9. Box-and-whisker plots showing distribution of relative standard error, RSE, across the 31 study watersheds for frequency-matched data for all calibration experiments. (a) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.05; (b) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.20; (c) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.05; and (d) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.20.
Fig. 10. Box-and-whisker plots contrasting distributions of least-squares calibrated curve numbers across the 31 study watersheds for naturally ordered and frequency-matched data. (a) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.05; (b) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.20; (c) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.05; and (d) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.20.
Fig. 11. Box-and-whisker plots contrasting distributions of least-squares values of relative standard error, RSE, across the 31 study watersheds for naturally ordered and frequency-matched data. (a) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.05; (b) indicates PT=0  mm, λ=0.20; (c) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.05; and (d) indicates PT=25.4  mm, λ=0.20.
The major findings deriving from the naturally ordered data experiments are summarized in Table 3. The largest CNs were calibrated from the NEH median method, and the smallest CNs were calibrated from the ASYMP method. Similarly, the largest RSE values resulted from the NEH median method and the smallest RSE values resulted from the ASYMP method. Although the LS method ranked in the middle for both measures, it produced both CN and RSE values that are much more comparable in magnitude to those of the ASYMP method than to those of the NEH median method. If the quality of a calibration method is determined from the magnitude of the RSE values it produces, the ASYMP method performed best and the NEH median method performed the worst. If robustness of a calibration method is determined from the outlier results it produces, the LS method was the most robust, and the NEH median method was the least robust. Again, whether quality or robustness is the measure, the ASYMP and LS methods were very comparable, and the NEH median method performed much more poorly.
Table 3. Summary of calibration experiment findings
Calibration methodCalibrated curve numbersaGoodness of fita
PT: little effectPT:RSE(25.4)>RSE(0)
Method is robust, no outliers calibratedMethod is robust, no outliers calibrated
 Some individual calibrations have RSE>1
NEH medianCalibrated CNs are largest of the three methodsLargest RSE values of the three methods
Method produces outliersMethod produces outliers
Many individual calibrations
 have RSE>1
AsymptoticCalibrated CNs are smallest of the three methodsSmallest RSE values of the three methods
λ:CN(0.2)>CN(0.05)λ: little effect
Method is mostly robust, with a few outliersMethod is mostly robust, with a few outliers
A few individual calibrations have RSE>1
Numbers appearing in parentheses correspond to either λ values or precipitation threshold values, depending on the context of the statement. Boldface indicates strong differences.
A universal result was that the calibrated CNs were larger for λ=0.20 than for λ=0.05. This was true regardless of calibration method or precipitation threshold. The effect of precipitation threshold varied in strength as a function of calibration method: for LS, PT essentially had no effect; for the NEH median, PT had a strong effect, with larger CNs resulting from PT=0  mm; for ASYMP, PT had a modest impact, with larger CNs resulting from PT=0  mm. Concerning RSE, λ caused modestly larger RSE values for the LS and NEH median methods, but essentially had no effect for the ASYMP method. Precipitation threshold produced mixed results leading to modestly larger RSE for PT=25.4  mm than for PT=0  mm for both the LS and ASYMP methods. However, the opposite was observed for the NEH median method, for which PT produced much larger RSE values for PT=0  mm than for PT=25.4  mm (Fig. 5).
An additional point regarding Fig. 7 is merited. Hawkins et al. (2009) identified three different potential behaviors of the ASYMP fitting method: standard, violent, and complacent. The analyses presented in the present paper did not censor watersheds according to these behaviors, although Hawkins et al. (2009) expressly described complacent watersheds as not being “suitable for CN definition.” A rigorous definition of complacent watershed behavior could not be located, but seven watersheds in the data set were identified that did not reach their respective CN values over the range of observed rainfall values. A reduced 24-watershed data set was created that removed these watersheds and repeated all analyses. A uniform reduction of the RSE values in all distributions in Fig. 7 was observed—indicating that the relative standard error for the 24-watershed data set improved by about 0.1 compared with that of the overall 31-watershed data set. All other changes to the reported findings were small and were not specific to any of the four elements of the calibration processes that were investigated. That the changes in RSE were observed across all experiment permutations indicates that the reported findings with regards to calibration methods, λ values, and precipitation thresholds were insensitive to the absence or presence of the seven censored watersheds. The remainder of this paper presents findings for the full 31-watershed data set.
The frequency-matched data analyses summarized in Figs. 8 and 9 mirror the preceding statements for the naturally ordered data and the findings summarized in Table 3. Across calibration methods, precipitation thresholds, and λ values, the calibrated CN values resulting from frequency-matched observations consistently were 5–10 points larger, depending on the experiment.
Notable findings followed from comparing like experiments for naturally ordered versus frequency-matched data. Figs. 10 and 11 provide a visual, side-by-side comparison of the LS experiment outcomes. Focusing on the data marked (a) (PT=0.  mm, λ=0.05) in Fig. 10, the median CN increased from 56 for the naturally ordered results to 61 for the frequency-matched results. The interquartile ranges similarly shifted from 45<CN<63 (naturally ordered) to 55<CN<72 (frequency-matched). The RSE for the LS experiments marked (a) had medians of 0.8 (naturally ordered) and 0.29 (frequency-matched). A similar shift in the quantile boundaries is also observed (Fig. 11). This result is not surprising, given the data manipulations associated with the frequency-matching process, and the consequences for the goodness-of-fit [Figs. 1(a and b)].

Interpretation and Discussion

The findings presented here suggest best practices for CN calibration and operational use of the CN method.
Regarding calibration approach selection, the LS and ASYMP approaches performed comparably and both were demonstrably superior to the NEH median approach in terms of their ability to produce smaller RSE values and robust results across many different data sets. Based on the results in this analysis, a clear choice between the LS and ASYMP approaches cannot be made; however, the spurious correlation associated with the ASYMP approach is problematic. Therefore, the authors recommend the LS approach for calibrating S, and thus CN, directly from P-Q data.
Regarding precipitation threshold, two of the three approaches (NEH median and ASYMP) had a bias of smaller calibrated CNs for PT=25.4  mm than for PT=0  mm. The LS method was unaffected by PT. The two recommended calibration approaches (LS and ASYMP) exhibited slightly larger RSE values for PT=25.4  mm than for PT=0  mm. The NEH median approach produced the opposite result. No clear recommendation is possible based on these findings, but the effects of choosing to impose a PT value, both on the calibrated CN and on the goodness-of-fit of that CN, should be considered.
Given the long-standing history of λ=0.20 and arguments made more recently in favor of λ=0.05, examining these results is critical and also must be more nuanced. As noted previously, the chosen value of λ universally leads to trends in the calibrated curve number, with larger CNs resulting from λ=0.20 versus λ=0.05. This result follows naturally from the runoff equation [Eq. (1)] in which, for a given P-Q pair, if λ decreases, then S must increase for the equation to hold. Because S and CN are inversely related, a smaller λ means that a smaller CN is calibrated, and a larger λ means that a larger CN is calibrated. Although this result is important to understand, it does not indicate which value of λ is superior. In terms of the goodness-of-fit indicated by RSE, the LS approach produced slightly better (smaller) RSE values for λ=0.05 than for λ=0.20. For the NEH median approach, the opposite was true, and for the ASYMP approach, λ had little effect on RSE. These mixed results indicate a draw as to which value of λ should be selected.
On this last point regarding λ selection, one critical additional fact must be considered. If the proper λ value were being selected de novo, then the draw between the goodness-of-fit performance of the two λ values described previously would be difficult to resolve. However, that is not the case. The CN method has been in use for more than 60 years, and considerable infrastructure has been erected in support of λ=0.20 in the form of widely published tables of CN values and existing computer programs (NRCS 2017; SCS 1986). Additionally, λ=0.20 is understood widely by practicing engineers not as a parameter, λ, but simply as the value, 0.20 in Eq. (1). If a recommendation is to be made based on the findings presented here, the recommendation would be to remain with λ=0.20, with the rationale that the performance of λ=0.05 relative to λ=0.20 is not sufficient to merit the effort necessary to change this value. Considering the potential for confusion and possible erroneous use of CN tables derived for one value for λ while using the other value of λ in Eq. (1), the argument for remaining with λ=0.20 becomes even stronger.
This argument in favor of holding firm with the value of λ=0.20 disagrees with much of the more-recent curve number literature that has examined this question. Numerous studies and reports (D’Asaro et al. 2014; Galbetti et al. 2022; Hawkins et al. 2009; Lal et al. 2017) noted that λ=0.05 gives a better fit to observations from smaller rainfall-runoff events and claimed that λ=0.20 leads to overestimation of runoff and thus to unnecessarily costly engineering designs. This study argues that observed differences in goodness-of-fit are minimal at best, and therefore are not sufficient to justify a shift to λ=0.05.
A final consideration is one of the trade-offs between cost and safety in engineering design, as presented by Moglen et al. (2018). If the long-standing value of λ=0.20 produces less accurate overdesign, as proponents for shifting to λ=0.05 argue, the result is unnecessarily costly designs. However, if the opposite is true, that using λ=0.05 leads to underdesign (especially for storm depths corresponding to longer return periods), then potentially unsafe designs will follow. This is the classic engineering trade-off, and safety considerations favor remaining with λ=0.20.


This study used rainfall-runoff data from 31 Agricultural Research Service watersheds to examine how several different elements of the calibration process affect both the calibrated CN value and the goodness-of-fit of that value to observations.
Results showed that the calibration of CN values using a least-squares approach either to the NRCS runoff equation (LS) itself or to a decaying exponential (ASYMP) model of curve number as a function of precipitation both were superior to the NEH median approach. Based on concerns for spurious correlation associated with the ASYMP approach, this study recommends the use of the LS approach applied directly to rainfall-runoff (P-Q) data to calibrate the watershed CN.
For precipitation threshold, results were inconclusive, with a downward bias in the calibrated CN noted for the NEH median and ASYMP approaches when using rainfall-runoff events for which P>25.4  mm rather than all observations. No bias in PT results was found for the LS method. In terms of goodness-of-fit, the relative standard error, RSE, was slightly larger when only the P>25.4  mm events were used in the calibration rather than all events for both the LS and ASYMP approaches. For the NEH median approach, larger RSE values were observed when the precipitation threshold was 0 mm rather than 25.4 mm.
Although not investigated as a valid element of CN calibration, this study did examine the consequences of using frequency-matched data in the calibration process. The primary findings were that frequency-matching results in calibrated CN values about 5–10 points larger and in much improved goodness-of-fit, quantified by much smaller relative standard error values. The reader should be aware of how frequency-matching influences the CN calibration process, but should not interpret the greatly improved goodness-of-fit as evidence that this method should be used. Although goodness-of-fit is improved, this improvement is the result of removing the causality link between observed rainfall and runoff.
Like the precipitation threshold, the use of λ=0.05 or 0.20 produced mixed results, and it was not possible to determine the clear superiority of one value of λ. The decades of use of λ=0.20 and associated publication of CN tables and software favors remaining with λ=0.20. Staying with λ=0.20 also avoids confusion or erroneous mismatching of CN values and their corresponding λ values in the NRCS rainfall-runoff equation. Finally, erring on the side of safety favors remaining with λ=0.20 because λ=0.05 estimates smaller runoff volumes for storm depths corresponding to larger return periods.

Data Availability Statement

Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


Some of the authors of this paper are members of the Curve Number Hydrology Committee, a task committee organized under the Watershed Management technical committee within the Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE. The views presented here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire Curve Number Hydrology Committee, EWRI, or ASCE. Additionally, this paper benefitted from the careful review and comments provided by three anonymous reviewers. The authors thank them for their efforts.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 27Issue 10October 2022


Received: Apr 5, 2022
Accepted: Jun 10, 2022
Published online: Aug 8, 2022
Published in print: Oct 1, 2022
Discussion open until: Jan 8, 2023



Supervisory Research Hydrologist, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD 20705 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
H. Sadeq
Student, Dept. of Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21250.
L. H. Hughes II
Student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Howard Univ., Washington, DC 20060.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29206. ORCID:
J. J. Miller, M.ASCE
Research Hydrologist, Division of Hydrologic Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas NV 89119.
J. J. Ramirez-Avila, M.ASCE
Associate Professor, Watersheds and Water Quality Research Lab, Richard A. Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State, MS 39762.
Professor, Dept. of Environmental, Civil, Agricultural, and Mechanical, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. ORCID:

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