
In this study, methods were developed to create and evaluate the performance of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in southern Peru where commonly used input data sources were not available. Soil classes were defined based on regional soil taxonomy and suitability maps combined with soil profiles. Local land cover and remotely sensed satellite data were used to develop a land cover database. Water balance analysis of the reservoir as well as satellite evapotranspiration data were used for model performance assessment. Results showed that these strategies provided reliable predictions of hydrology in this region, with the uncertainty quantified based on the range of inputs. Overall, this semiarid watershed was base flow driven and average annual surface runoff contribution to streamflow was less than 9%. Assessment of water pathways and their uncertainties based on the uncertainty of estimated inputs also showed that 62% of precipitation was removed by evapotranspiration with up to 16% uncertainty. The methods introduced in this study can be applied to other data-scarce watersheds, and findings provide insights on the hydrology of the Peruvian Andes region.


Water resources, which are scarce in western Peru, are increasingly at risk due to the impacts of population growth, economic development, and climate change (Chevallier et al. 2011). In the region of Arequipa, high-elevation mountains (up to 6,450 m above mean sea level) in the east receive more than 500 mm of precipitation annually, while the rest of the region, where most of the 1.3 million people live, is either semiarid or arid (Stensrud 2016; Censos Nacionales 2017). Between the Andean highlands and the Pacific Coast, precipitation is less than 10 mm per year (Moraes et al. 2019), but it is in this region that irrigated agriculture is rapidly expanding (Stensrud 2016). Extensive water management infrastructure has been constructed in the region since approximately 1958 to support irrigated agriculture, urban demand, and hydropower generation (diversions for hydropower first occurred around 1909). This includes four major reservoirs in the headwaters of the Quilca basin, and four additional reservoirs in the adjacent Camaná basin that provide water to the Quilca basin through approximately 200 km of canals, tunnels, and aqueducts. Such infrastructure has severely altered the natural hydrology of the region (ANA 2014).
Hydrologic information is critical for effectively managing the complex water resources in this region. Despite the large population and the agricultural and industrial sectors that depend on water, there are currently only three active streamflow monitoring stations in nonregulated catchments in the Quilca and Camaná basins to assess the current status and change in the natural hydrology in this region (Moraes et al. 2020). The active monitoring stations that are located on regulated catchments often have short, discontinuous records. The 29 active stations in these two basins have records that in theory span 3–96 years (24 years on average); however, due to the discontinuous nature of the records, only 10 of these stations have data for a 10-year period with greater than 50% of daily discharge available on a monthly basis (Moraes et al. 2020). Limited knowledge of the hydrology of the region makes water regulation decisions challenging. Knowing the amount of available water to be managed and its distribution in the region would help to determine whether water is adequate for current and planned projects and better allocate water resources among different sectors to support sustainable water resources management.
Hydrologic models are valuable tools for quantifying and comprehending hydrological processes and can be used to evaluate hydrologic response to stressors as well as alternative water management scenarios (Devia et al. 2015). In ungauged basins, where streamflow measurements that would provide an integrated measure of hydrologic cycle response to stressors are missing, models can provide hydrologic insights (Sivapalan 2003). The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a comprehensive watershed model that evaluates the impact of land use, land management, hydrologic alteration, and climate change on hydrology and water quality at the watershed scale (Neitsch et al. 2011). It is open source and free for download and so has been commonly used around the world (SWAT Literature Database 2020). Because SWAT was originally developed for the United States, its rich database, one of the advantages of using the SWAT model, is derived from data sets only available in the US. The use of SWAT in other parts of the world requires preparation of model inputs that capture local conditions, as well as measured outputs for model calibration. The dependability of model performance on the quality of data makes its use challenging in data-scarce regions.
Global databases such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)–UNESCO digital soil map of the world (FAO/UNESCO 2003), and global land cover for SWAT (George and Leon 2008) has been commonly in used in data-scarce regions including the South American Andes (i.e., Oñate-Valdivieso and Sendra 2014; García Quijano 2018; Daneshvar et al. 2018). But these coarse data sets (e.g., 5-km resolution of FAO/UNESCO digital soil map of the world) do not address spatial variations at the watershed scale. Landsat images or local land cover maps have been used as an alternative to the coarse-resolution global land cover map, but the properties of each land cover including those that control plant growth are not available through remote sensing, and therefore land cover properties from the SWAT database are often used (Oñate-Valdivieso and Sendra 2014; Jodar-Abellan et al. 2019). Similarly, local soil maps such as soil taxonomy may be used as an alternative to the coarse global soil but they do not include needed soil properties. Therefore, either equivalent soils from the SWAT database were used (Ndomba et al. 2008) or pedotransfer functions were used to estimate remaining parameters based on limited local soil sample data (Narasimhan et al. 2012; Biru and Kumar 2018). However, these methods have high uncertainty in soil properties estimation because there is a wide range of properties for soils with a similar taxonomy (Di and Kemp 1989; Quesada et al. 2010; Narasimhan et al. 2012). Global weather data for SWAT (CFSR 2019) or remotely sensed satellite data (e.g., Ercan et al. 2015) are often used to overcome the weather data scarcity problem (Dile and Srinivasan 2014; Ahmed et al. 2020). But these coarse data sets cannot capture the extreme variability with topography in places like the Peruvian Andes.
Limited observed hydrologic data is another issue in data-scarce regions that makes model performance assessment challenging. Regionalization is the most commonly used method for model calibration in data-scarce regions in which ungauged basins are assumed to have a similar hydrologic response as the neighboring gauged stations with similar physical properties; therefore, the same set of calibration parameters were applied to them as well (Gitau and Chaubey 2010; Mengistu et al. 2019). But limited hydrologic data that exist for this region are obtained in regulated basins and do not help to understand the natural hydrology based on the regionalization approach.
Overall, limited streamflow measurements and the lack of regional soil and land cover data sets have made SWAT application challenging in this region. The goal of this study was to develop data sources and methods to have a credible SWAT model for a watershed in order to better understand the hydrology of the Peruvian Andes region. Specific objectives were to (1) develop regional soil and land cover databases for SWAT, (2) evaluate model performance and uncertainty using a range of hydrologic and weather input data, and (3) provide insights about the hydrologic cycle in this region. The new databases developed have been made publicly accessible and will provide a basis for future models, and the model performance evaluation using naturalized streamflow and remotely sensed satellite evapotranspiration estimates will provide new insights for modeling in the region.

Materials and Method

Study Area

The headwaters of the Chili River draining to the El Frayle reservoir in the Arequipa Department of Peru was selected as the study area (Fig. 1). El Frayle is one of the seven water supply reservoirs located upstream of the city of Arequipa, the second-largest city in Peru (the eighth reservoir diverts water for irrigation to the Siguas River). With a total drainage area of 1,026  km2, El Frayle has the largest catchment among four reservoirs without upstream regulation (ANA 2014). El Frayle receives about 400 mm in annual precipitation, and almost 85% occurs December through March (Ministerio del Ambiente 2019). Understanding how much water is available and when it is available in headwater catchments will play an important role in water regulation for the entire region because these catchments are major sources of water for public supply, agriculture, and industrial use (Stensrud 2016).
Fig. 1. Topography of the El Frayle watershed (black line) in the Arequipa Department of Peru (shaded region of inset). Locations and elevations of the five climate stations used to provide daily precipitation and air temperature data are shown. The El Frayle station also provides pan evaporation.
SWAT performance assessment was conducted based on daily hydrologic records for the El Frayle reservoir that are available from the Autonomous Authority of Majes (AUTODEMA) from January 2009 to the present (AUTODEMA 2019). The monitoring data include reservoir water level, effective volume, and discharge, which is determined by representatives from local and regional water authorities. Evaporation, based on a Class A pan located at the El Frayle climate station (Fig. 1), is also provided each day.

Elevation and Weather Data

SWAT requires physiographic inputs including topography, soil characteristics, land cover, and climate data for model development. For elevation, the 12.5-m terrain-corrected elevation data provided by the Advanced Land Observation Satellite (ALOS)–Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) were obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earthdata (2019a). Radiometrically terrain-corrected (RTC) elevation corrects geometric distortions caused by side-looking radar (UAF-ASF 2019). The ALOS-PALSAR-RTC data set was found to provide more accurate elevation in southern Colombia compared to other global elevation data sets by Correa-Muñoz et al. (2019), and has been found useful for river network extraction in semiarid regions (Niipele and Chen 2019), which makes it suitable for this study.
Daily precipitation and temperature data for the five closest weather stations (hereafter called Station_PT) were obtained from the national meteorology and hydrology service of Peru (Ministerio del Ambiente 2019). No stations collect data inside the El Frayle watershed (Fig. 1), or at the higher elevations (>5,000  m). Therefore, a 1-km-resolution gridded, terrain-corrected precipitation and temperature data set developed by Moraes et al. (2019) based on the SENHAMI station data (hereafter called Grid_PT) was also used as an alternative to the station data [Fig. 2(a)]. The average annual precipitation of the El Frayle watershed ranged from 288 to 437 mm. Therefore, subbasins delineated based on elevation with a precipitation range greater than 44 mm (which is 10% of maximum annual average) were manually split into smaller subbasins with lower ranges, resulting in the creation of 106 subbasins (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Average annual precipitation distribution in El Frayle used by SWAT subbasins based on two climate data sets: (a) Grid_PT; and (b) Station_PT. Delineated subbasins and locations of Station_PT and Grid_PT climate data are shown on both maps.
SWAT uses climate data from the climate station nearest to a subbasin’s centroid for its hydrological processes (Neitsch et al. 2011). Therefore, using the Station_PT data set (with five stations), the same precipitation and temperature data sets were assigned to several subbasins even with different spatial climate ranges [Fig. 2(b)], while using Grid_PT, precipitation and temperature time series were obtained for pixels associated with the centroids of each subbasin, which resulted in 106 different precipitation and temperature data sets.

Streamflow Estimation

Daily streamflow [Qin(t)] was determined using a water balance of the El Frayle reservoir based on daily discharge from the reservoir [Qout(t)], reservoir water level [H(t)], and volume [V(t)], precipitation [P(t)], and pan evaporation [E(t)] available from AUTODEMA (Fig. 3) (AUTODEMA 2019). Plotting AUTODEMA records for volume versus water level showed that there is a strong polynomial relationship between volume and water level: {Vest(t)=0.3×[H(t)]22,387.7×H(t)+4,757,334}. This relationship for estimating volume [Vest(t)] was used because some volume values appeared erroneous. Then the surface area [Aest(t)] was estimated by fitting a line to the ratio of observed volume change to the change in water level
Fig. 3. El Frayle Reservoir, with hydrologic data from AUTODEMA (2019) and two estimated parameters [Aest(t) and Qin(t)]. Estimated volume [Vest(t)] was used instead of measured volume [V(t)] for streamflow calculation.
A few zeros and extremely high pan evaporation measurements that appeared to be erroneous were also replaced with the average of measured evaporation on a day before and a day after. Finally, the reservoir inflow was estimated from the water balance as

Soil Database Development

Soil information available for the El Frayle watershed includes maps of soil taxonomy and suitability and a set of soil profiles developed by the Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM 2017). Both maps use the same 59 polygons with map unit code as a common polygon field (Table 1). The soil taxonomy map provides order, suborder, group, and subgroup using the US standard soil taxonomy classification (USDA-NRCS 2015). Six dominant taxonomic subgroups (with more than 5% coverage) were present in the watershed (Table 1). The second map describes the capacidad de uso mayor, translated as soil suitability in English. The soil suitability represents the dynamic status of soil agrological quality based on the analysis of edaphic, climatic, and relief characteristics (SENACE 2009). It addresses suitability for cultivation, pasture, forest, or protection based on limitations due to soil, salt, erosion risk, drainage, flood risk, and weather (Table 1). The two soil maps were overlaid to create a map of taxonomy and suitability combinations, referred to as soil classes [Fig. 4(a)]. Soil classes representing less than 2% of the watershed area were merged into the dominant class in the same taxonomic subgroup.
Table 1. Soil taxonomy, suitability, and resulting soil classes with more than 2% coverage in the El Frayle watershed
Taxonomy subgroupMap unit codeSuitabilitySoil class nameCoverage (% of watershed)Additional soil class included
Typic HaplustandsMMP3secMM-P3sec13.5
P3sMM-P3s12.4MM-P3swc (5.4%)
Typic UstorthentsSOP2swcSO-P2swc17.0
Typic PetrogypsidsLLXslLL-Xsl15.8
Typic HapludandsCOP2secCO-P2sec7.2
Lithic HaplustollsACP3sAC-P3s2.8AC-P3sc (5.2%)
Lithic HaplustandsPAP3swPA-P3sw3.8PA-P3swc (3.3%)

Note: P = pasture; X = protected land; 2 = medium agronomic quality; 3 = low agronomic quality; c = climate limitations; e = erosion risk due to topography; l = salt limitation; s = soil limitation; and w = drainage limitation.

Fig. 4. (a) Soil classes (defined in Table 1); and (b) land cover (defined in Table 3) for the El Frayle watershed as used by SWAT.
The third type of soil information is a rich set of soil profiles that were described for 160 locations within the Arequipa Department. Profile descriptions include detailed observation and measured properties such as texture and organic matter content that are needed for SWAT simulation, and also taxonomy and suitability classes (Gobierno Regional Arequipa 2016). The challenge was identifying soil profiles that could be representative of each soil class present in the El Frayle watershed because no profile was available for soil classes in the watershed. To bridge this gap, soil profiles were assigned to polygons based on the combination of soil taxonomy and suitability. Soil classes that did not have an observed soil profile were merged with one with the same taxonomy and the most similar suitability code (Table S1).
When more than one soil profile was available for one soil class, the profiles were combined using the slicewise aggregation method (Beaudette et al. 2013). In this method, layers (slices) of a soil class were defined based on horizons of the associated soil profiles, then sand, silt, clay, organic matter, and rock content of layers from all soil profiles were averaged. For a detailed explanation of processes and examples of aggregated profiles or to access the assigned soil properties for the entire department, see Daneshvar et al. (2020b).
The SWAT model requires many soil characteristics (Arnold et al. 2013), some of which (e.g., soil texture, organic matter, and rock fragment contents) could be obtained directly from the soil profile data. Soil properties not directly available were estimated based on soil texture and other available data, using pedotransfer functions and a methodology developed by Daneshvar et al. (2020b). The final result was a set of soil properties for each soil class. Properties for an example soil class (MM-P3se) as well as the range of estimated properties for all soil profiles are given in Table 2. Estimated soil properties for the remaining eight classes (Table 1) are available in Tables S2S9. The wide spatial variations in estimated soil properties reveal the necessity for regional soil database development because global soil databases such as the FAO/UNESCO soil map of the world (FAO/UNESCO 2003) provided only one soil type for the entire El Frayle watershed.
Table 2. SWAT soil properties for Soil Class MM-P3se and the range for all soil classes in the watershed
NameValue for MM-P3seRange for all soil classes
SOL_ZMX (mm)4000–1,100
TEXTURESandy loamSandy loamSandy loamSandy loamSand to loam
SOL_Z (mm)2504008501,50050–1,500
SAND (%)70.5696371.248.0–92.0
SILT (%)21.422.925.424.26.0–40.0
CLAY (%)–24.0
SOL_CBN (%)–3.34
ROCK (%)58.768.768.750.010.3–68.7
SOL_BD (g/cm3)1.601.601.611.581.37–1.62
SOL_AWC (mm/mm)–0.13
SOL_K (mm/h)21.1020.7512.4229.634.78–108.96

Land Cover Database Development

The Ministry of Environment of Peru provides a regional land cover map and classification at three levels (Gobierno Regional Arequipa 2016). The land uses representing the largest areas in the watershed are pajonals and tolares, which are shrubs or rangeland, while the rest of the watershed includes other shrubs and grasslands (yaretales and césped de puna) in addition to wetlands, water, and bare areas [Fig. 4(b); Table 3]. The SWAT model requires many land cover properties to simulate daily and seasonal changes in evapotranspiration (Arnold et al. 2013). The SWAT land cover database includes properties for US and global land cover classes, but does not include properties specific to local vegetation around the world (Arnold et al. 2013). Daneshvar et al. (2020a) developed a methodology to establish new classes for local Peruvian land cover (Table 3) in two steps. Developing new land cover definitions rather than modifying existing ones as others have done (i.e., Uribe et al. 2013) will facilitate their use in future modeling in the region. In order to develop a regional land cover database for SWAT, the most similar SWAT land cover was chosen as a base (Table 3) by reviewing images and consulting with experts in the region (Daneshvar et al. 2020a). The new land cover class was populated using the SWAT base class parameters prior to adjustments being made to better represent local land use. Once the base class was established, three parameters related to land cover seasonal cycles were adjusted for the local vegetation: ALAI_MIN, BLAI, and T_OPT (Table 3).
Table 3. Land cover classes specific to the El Faryle watershed and their associated seasonal cycle parameters
Local nameArea (%)New SWAT land cover codeSWAT base classAdjusted land cover parameters
Césped de Puna3.9CDPNShrubland0.21.53.6
Sin Vegetación10.6SNVGBarren00.0125
Vegetación de Suelos Crioturbados1.7VDSCBarren or sparsely vegetated01.525

Note: ALAI_MIN = minimum leaf area index during the dormant period; BLAI = maximum leaf area index; and T_OPT = optimal temperature for plant growth. Parameters that were adjusted for local vegetation are shown in bold.

Minimum leaf area index (LAI) for plants during dormant period (ALAI_MIN), and maximum leaf area index (BLAI) were estimated based on the remotely sensed leaf area index of pixels representing each local vegetation. These values were extracted from 4-day, 500-m-resolution leaf area index time series from 2010 to 2017 that were obtained from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) subsets (Myneni et al. 2015; ORNL DAAC 2018a). LAI time series of locations covered by a majority of each vegetation type were used to estimate average annual LAI cycle for that type. Finally, ALAI_MIN and BLAI were obtained from the average annual LAI cycle.
The optimal temperature for plant growth (T_OPT) was updated based on the average annual temperature of locations where each vegetation occurred in the watershed (Moraes et al. 2019). For more details on the process and examples of parameters estimation see Daneshvar et al. (2020a).
Estimated ALAI_MIN and BLAI range from 0.1 to 0.2  m2/m2 and 0.2 to 1.5  m2/m2, respectively, while T_OPT varies from 0.35°C to 3.85°C (Table 3). This shows the importance of regional adjustment because SWAT default values for the original classes (shrubland and grassland) were 0  m2/m2, 22.5  m2/m2, and 25°C, respectively. Using the default values could result in very different values for maximum transpiration rates and seasonal limits for plant growth.

Model Performance Evaluation

The SWAT simulation was conducted from 2009 to 2017, with the first year of simulation used as warmup and not included in the analysis of results. First, the model was calibrated (from 2010 to 2013) and validated (from 2014 to 2017) for predicted daily streamflow into the reservoir. Then predicted evapotranspiration from water and land were compared with pan evaporation measurement of the reservoir and MODIS measurements for two dominant vegetation types, respectively. Finally, the uncertainty of simulated water balance ratios to estimated inputs were evaluated.

Daily Streamflow Calibration and Validation

The SWAT-CUP program was used to calibrate and validate daily streamflow for the two versions of weather input: Station_PT and Grid_PT. Three statistical criteria recommended by Moriasi et al. (2015) were used to quantify model performance: (1) Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), (2) percent bias (PBIAS), and (3) coefficient of determination (R2). NSE ranging from 1 (optimum) to minus infinity is a normalized measure of residual variance versus observed data variance (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970; Moriasi et al. 2007). PBIAS quantifies simulation deviation from observed data and its optimum value is zero (Gupta et al. 1999). A value of R2 ranging from 0 to 1 (optimum), measures collinearity between observed and simulated data (Moriasi et al. 2007). Initial manual calibration was conducted using all three criteria to limit the range of input parameter variations. Then the autocalibration was conducted based on the NSE as an objective function, and then R2 and PBIAS were calculated for the top-ranked scenarios with two versions of weather data.

Comparison of Observed and Simulated Evapotranspiration

Once the model was calibrated for daily streamflow, simulated evapotranspiration for reservoir and local vegetation were compared with pan evaporation provided by AUTODEMA (2019) and estimations from the MODIS global evapotranspiration (ET) project (Running et al. 2017; ORNL DAAC 2018b), respectively. Reservoir evaporation simulated by SWAT was compared to the daily pan evaporation measured by AUTODEMA after quality control was conducted using three rules including limits check, spike check (with the threshold of 4 mm), and flatliner check, adapted from Reek et al. (1992). Then monthly simulated potential evapotranspiration (PET) from the reservoir predicted by SWAT using the Penman-Monteith equation (Monteith 1965) and pan evaporation were compared.
Simulated land evapotranspiration was compared to MODIS 8-day, 500-m-resolution PET and ET data from the Terra and Aqua satellites (Earthdata 2019b). Comparison of Terra and Aqua data sets showed that on average there is less than 0.1-mm difference between the two products over the El Frayle watershed, so only Terra products were used for further analysis. MODIS Terra PET and ET time series from 2010 to 2017 were obtained for pixels representing subbasins fully covered with each of two dominant land covers (pajonal and tolares) at different elevations (ORNL DAAC 2018b) and were compared with SWAT-simulated PET and ET for the same subbasins.

Assessment of Model Uncertainty Based on the Uncertainty of Inputs

Analysis of the uncertainty in simulated water balance components was conducted to quantify the transferability of SWAT simulations based on the uncertainty of three inputs including weather, soil, and land cover data. A total of 70 scenarios were run, with the following input parameter changes:
Two weather scenarios: Uncertainty in weather inputs reflects the use of low-elevation station data in areas of complex terrain versus the inherent smoothing associated with data interpolation. Therefore, two weather scenarios were completed using Grid_PT versus Station_PT.
Sixty-four soil scenarios: Our method introduces uncertainty in the assignment of soil properties from profiles to derived soil taxonomic and suitability classes. To evaluate this, estimated properties for each soil profile (Table S1) were extended to all soil classes with the same taxonomy one at a time, resulting in 4 (for Typic Haplustands) × 8 (for Typic Hapludands) × 2 (for Lithic Haplustolls) = 64 scenarios. One soil profile was excluded because it was only 10 cm deep and belonged to a class representing less than 5% of the watershed land surface; therefore, extending it to the entire taxonomic group (Typic Hapludands) could be misleading.
Four land cover scenarios: Uncertainty exists in the assignment of land cover parameters to four sparse, perennial land covers, Therefore, estimated properties for each perennial land cover (Table 3) were applied one at a time to all perennial land covers, resulting in four scenarios in addition to the default. The barren and wetland land covers were left unchanged.
Uncertainty was quantified by assessing the resulting range of four simulated water balance parameters: (1) surface runoff, (2) base flow, (3) recharge to deep aquifer, and (4) ET. Model outputs were normalized by precipitation because Grid_PT and Station_PT provided different precipitation totals.

Results and Discussion

Model Performance Evaluation


Daily streamflow simulated using both versions of weather input—Station_PT and Grid_PT—resulted in similar hydrographs to the streamflow calculated from the observed reservoir water balance (Fig. 5). Calibration using each weather input data set resulted in the same optimum parameters except the curve number (CN_2) (Table 4). Comparison of statistical criteria showed that both Station_PT and Grid_PT provide satisfactory predictions (Moriasi et al. 2015) and had similar R2 and NSE, while using Grid_PT resulted in lower PBIAS (Table 5). This suggests that for the El Frayle watershed the nearby stations adequately represent the increased high-altitude precipitation that Grid_PT was designed to capture, and that there is not a critical need for terrain-based precipitation and temperature correction in this watershed. High R2 values (0.69–0.77) mean that calibrated streamflow has satisfactory collinearity with the naturalized observed flow, while NSE values above 0.65 confirm that both models provided a good prediction of hydrological cycle trends (Moriasi et al. 2015). Low PBIAS values (<±7%) also mean that simulated streamflow has an acceptable range of deviation from estimated flow (Moriasi et al. 2007). However, streamflow is usually below 10  m3/s except for few days in the rainy season (Fig. 5). Given the fact that both NSE and R2 are less sensitive to low flows, PBIAS was calculated for low flows (below 5  m3/s) as well. Overall low PBIAS for low flows (0.99% and 7.27%) confirm that the calibrated models provide a satisfactory prediction of low flows.
Fig. 5. (a) Comparison of naturalized observed flow estimated from the reservoir water balance with simulated daily streamflow into the reservoir based on the Station_PT and Grid_PT weather data for two water years (October 2012–September 2014); and (b) differences of simulated daily streamflow based on two weather data and naturalized observed flow for the same time period.
Table 4. SWAT parameter ranges used for model calibration, and final calibrated parameter values for Station_PT and Grid_PT simulations
ParameterDefinition (unit)RangeDefaultCalibrated value
ALPHA_BFBase flow alpha factor (1/days)0–10.0480.863
GW_DELAYGroundwater delay (days)0–500315
GWQMNThreshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur (mm)0–5,0001,0001,009
GW_REVAPGroundwater “revap” coefficient0.02–
REVAPMNThreshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for revap to occur (mm)0–1,000750734
RCHRG_DPDeep aquifer percolation fraction0–10.050.28
ESCOSoil evaporation compensation factor0–10.950.99
EPCOPlant uptake compensation factor0–110.46
CN_2Soil Conservation Service (SCS) runoff curve number for Moisture Condition 2 multiplier0.75 to 1.251Station_PT: 0.85
Grid_PT: 0.83
Table 5. Streamflow calibration metrics for SWAT simulations using the Station_PT and Grid_PT weather inputs
Weather dataCalibration (2010–2013)Validation (2014–2017)Low flow (<5  m3/s)
The model calibrated with Station_PT weather data was used as the default for further analysis because station data are more readily available for similar studies than the gridded product produced only for the Arequipa Department.
Comparison of optimum values with SWAT defaults (Table 4) showed that in addition to curve number decrease (which means lower surface runoff), the four parameters with the largest change from SWAT default values were (1) base flow alpha factor (ALPHA_BF), (2) groundwater delay (GW_DELAY), (3) deep aquifer percolation fraction (RCHRG_DP), and (4) plant uptake compensation factor (EPCO). ALPHA_BF represents the response of groundwater flow from the shallow aquifer to changes in recharge and a higher value of 0.863 (compared to the default of 0.048) means a more rapid response to change in recharge (Smedema and Rycroft 1983; Arnold et al. 2013). GW_DELAY measures the lag for water reaching from the end of soil profile to the shallow aquifer and a lower number of 5 (compared to 31) means that a more rapid transfer of water from the soil profile to the shallow aquifer is being simulated for the El Frayle watershed (Arnold et al. 2013). The increase in RCHRG_DP from 0.05 to 0.28 also means that a greater fraction of percolation from the root zone goes to the deep aquifer (Arnold et al. 2013). EPCO quantifies water uptake from lower soil layers to compensate for plant needs. The EPCO decrease from 1.0 to 0.46 means that plants have less ability to extract water from lower soil layers (Arnold et al. 2013).

Reservoir Evaporation

Comparison of monthly measured pan evaporation and simulated potential evaporation of the reservoir hydrologic response unit (HRU) showed that SWAT provides reliable prediction of reservoir evaporation (R2=0.86, NSE=0.80, and PBIAS=4.53%), while its results have a slight positive bias (model underestimation), which is expected because the measurements are based on pan evaporation with no application of a pan coefficient (Fig. 6). Monthly average values revealed that SWAT underpredicted reservoir evaporation from October to January (Fig. S1), which is the rainy summer season. Previous studies have shown that the Class A pan that was used by AUTODEMA does not capture reservoir heat storage effects and overpredicts evapotranspiration in summer (Tanny et al. 2008; Friedrich et al. 2018), which is another reason for differences between pan measurement and SWAT simulation from October to January. Because SWAT notably underpredicted reservoir evaporation during the rainy season of the first 2 years of simulation (2010–2011) (Fig. 6), the warmup period was extended from 1 to 5 years to ensure evaporation underprediction in the first 2 years was not an artifact error.
Fig. 6. Comparison of monthly measured pan evaporation reported by AUTODEMA (2019) and SWAT-simulated ET from 2010 to 2017.

Land Evapotranspiration

SWAT simulation of PET and ET matched the dynamics of MODIS Terra 8-day PET and ET measurements across two different vegetation types and for two different elevations (Figs. 7, S2, and S3). Both SWAT and MODIS showed that ET increases once the rainy season starts in December and peaks at the end of the rainy season (March). Also, PET peaks at the end of the dry season and decreases in the rainy season. These results show that the general cycles are correctly simulated. In terms of magnitude, SWAT and MODIS provided similar PET values, especially at high elevations (Fig. 7), but MODIS ET estimations were unrealistically higher than SWAT ET. For example, MODIS estimation of average annual ET was 505 mm compared to SWAT-simulated ET of 206 mm for a subbasin covered by pajonal at an elevation of 4,600 m with average annual precipitation of 353 mm (Fig. 7). SWAT predicted zero ET for some days in the dry season, meaning that there was no water for plant uptake. Maximum rooting depths were increased up to 5 m for the entire watershed to increase plant access to water, but it did not change the simulation of ET. This means that the soil was completely drained and no water was available for plant uptake in the dry season, despite MODIS measurements of continued ET.
Fig. 7. Simulated and observed (by MODIS) 8-day average PET and ET for a subbasin covered by pajonal (bushes of tall grasses and hard leaves) at an elevation of 4,600 m (2010–2017). Average annual precipitation for this site is 353 mm.

Constraining Uncertainty

Uncertainty of SWAT outputs were quantified to assess the significance of choices made when developing the model input weather, soil, and land cover data sets. For weather data, outputs of SWAT calibrated with Station_PT and Grid_PT (calibration parameters listed in Table 4) were compared, while for the assessment of soil and land cover data, outputs were used only from SWAT calibrated with Station_PT weather data. Model outputs from the two weather data sources showed that Grid_PT generated 7 mm more streamflow (82 mm instead of 75 mm) as a result of 6 mm more precipitation (402 mm instead of 396 mm), but less surface runoff (2.2 mm instead of 6.6 mm). This resulted in a 67% lower surface runoff/precipitation ratio for Grid_PT relative to Station_PT (Table 6). SWAT simulations were also run swapping the CN_2 values for Station_PT and Grid_PT, and Grid_PT still resulted in lower surface runoff. As a result of the decreased surface runoff, the Grid_PT scenario resulted in slight (less than 8%) increases in base flow, recharge to deep aquifer, and ET (Table 6). Given the minimal differences in annual average precipitation between the weather data products, the differences in surface runoff, base flow, and recharge are likely due to differences in how that precipitation is distributed across the watershed.
Table 6. Uncertainty of simulated water balance ratios based on the range of inputs to SWAT
Water balance ratiosBaseline scenarioUncertainty range (uncertainty range in percentage)
WeatherLand coverSoil
Surface runoff/precipitation0.0170.005–0.017 (67% to 0%)0.016–0.017 (3% to 0%)0.015–0.019 (7% to 11%)
Base flow/precipitation0.190.19–0.20 (0% to 8%)0.18–0.19 (6% to 0%)0.14–0.23 (25% to 21%)
Recharge to deep aquifer/precipitation0.070.07–0.08 (0% to 4%)0.069–0.074 (6% to 0%)0.07–0.09 (8% to 28%)
ET/precipitation0.620.62 (0%)0.62–0.64 (0%–3%)0.57–0.67 (8% to 8%)
Uncertainty assessment of estimated soil properties included the widest range in inputs and resulted in the widest uncertainty range for water balance components (Table 6). Broad ranges of soil texture and organic matter content in soil profiles directly affected percolation rates, which resulted in wide uncertainty ranges for base flow (up to 46%) and recharge to the deep aquifer (up to 36%). Less variation in simulated plant available water resulted in lower uncertainty (up to 16%) for ET estimation. The regression equations that were used to estimate soil hydrologic properties also have uncertainties (Saxton and Rawls 2006), which is not explored here, but would increase the overall uncertainty of model outputs.
Changes in hydrology due to land cover parameterization was assessed by replacing the three estimated plant growth parameters (ALAI_MIN, BLAI, and OPT) with values for each of the four primary land cover types in turn. This resulted in low uncertainty ranges (up to 6%) in estimated water balance ratios (Table 6). The three scenarios based on estimated properties for pajonal, tolares, and yaretales (with ALAI_MIN=0.1  m2/m2, BLAI ranging from 0.2  m2/m2 to 0.75  m2/m2, and T_OPT ranging from 0.35°C to 3.85°C) resulted in no change in the water balance components. The fourth scenario based on estimated properties for césped de puna (ALAI_MIN=0.2  m2/m2, BLAI=1.5  m2/m2, and T_OPT=3.6°C) reduced surface runoff by 3% and base flow and recharge to deep aquifer by 6%, while increasing ET by 3%. This suggests that the differences in parameters between pajonal, tolares, and yaretales were not hydrologically significant for this watershed, but the higher values for ALAI_MIN and BLAI for césped de puna were. Results showed that land cover uncertainty had a bigger impact on ET than weather uncertainty, but less on the partitioning of outflow into surface runoff and base flow. Changes in water use by land cover also affected recharge rates, but magnitude was similar to that of changing the weather data. Despite the wide range of surface runoff for two weather data, soil uncertainty had the biggest impact on water balance ratios (Fig. 8). Regional soil sampling and property measurement will significantly reduce these uncertainty ranges; however, the calibrated model provided satisfactory hydrologic predictions proving that developed methodologies for soil and land cover databases can be applied to similar watersheds in data-scarce regions.
Fig. 8. Uncertainty ranges of four major water pathways based on the uncertainty in three model inputs. The black lines show the result using default parameters.

Hydrology of the Region

The average annual water balance for an 8-year (2010–2017) simulation revealed that El Frayle watershed is a base-flow-driven watershed, where only 8% (2.4%–9.7%) of average annual streamflow (82 mm) is generated from surface runoff [Fig. 9(a)]. This is also in agreement with the observed data and the fact that no precipitation occurred for almost 7 months [Fig. 9(b)], but naturalized observed flow showed that there is a consistent low flow throughout the year [Fig. 5(a)]. Between 57% and 67% (base scenario 62%) of annual precipitation (396 or 402 mm) is removed by ET (227–267 mm; base scenario 246 mm) and only 10% of it reaches streamflow through surface runoff (2–7 mm; base scenario 7 mm) or lateral flow (19–45 mm; base scenario 35 mm). The remaining (95–133 mm; base scenario 104 mm) percolated to groundwater, some of which reaches the stream through return flow, while some percolates to deeper layers.
Fig. 9. (a) Average annual water balance; and (b) average monthly precipitation and streamflow (2010–2017).
Results presented here are limited to those from the default simulation (with Station_PT weather data), so users are directed to the results of the uncertainty analysis (Table 6; Fig. 8) presented previously to put these results in context. Surface runoff had the smallest uncertainty range (6.1–7.3 mm), though the low surface runoff, especially that associated with Grid_PT (2.2 mm), served as a constraint. Base flow ranged from 56 to 91 mm, recharge to deep aquifer could vary from 27 to 37 mm, and ET had the widest variation and ranged from 227 to 267 mm.
Precipitation in the watershed is mostly in the form of rainfall (with only about 1% snowfall) that primarily occurs between December and April (with more than 92% of annual rainfall), and the region is mostly dry for the rest of the year with less than 5 mm of precipitation in May through August [Fig. 9(b)]. This wet period corresponds to warmer conditions in the high-altitude regions. Reservoir recharge from streamflow occurs from December to April and typically peaks in February [Fig. 9(b)]. Monthly streamflow averages 0.5  mm/month from the end of the rainy season (in April) until early December. Simulated annual maxima streamflow into the reservoir ranges from 18  m3/s (in 2010) to 65  m3/s (in 2012) (with coefficient of variation of 0.4). On average, surface runoff is generated on only 38 days per year, all of which is associated with heavy precipitation days, where at least one of five stations recorded more than 8 mm of precipitation and average precipitation of the watershed was more than 1 mm. Daily streamflow into the reservoir dropped to less than 0.02  m3/s for 39 days during the dry year of 2014 (230 mm of precipitation), making this an intermittent stream despite a contributing area of more than 1,000  km2. The limited duration of the rainy season (December to April) and large variability in monthly maximum flow rates between wet years (e.g., 75 mm in February 2012) and dry years (e.g., 19 mm in February 2010) highlights the significance of reservoir storage and groundwater supply for sustainable water supply in semiarid regions of the Peruvian Andes.

Hydrologic Interpretation

The calibrated and validated model of El Frayle watershed describes a system where infiltration capacity is relatively high compared to typical precipitation intensities, so that over land flow generation is only associated with limited heavy precipitation days of the year (e.g., only 17 days in 2014).
Water moves through the root zone of the silty loam soils relatively rapidly, and due to the high land surface slopes appears to move quickly through near-surface layers to contribute to local streamflow, although we cannot say with certainty whether a perched saturated zone develops or whether it travels as interflow in the unsaturated zone. A physically significant portion (6.9%–9%) of the annual water balance is lost to the local watershed in the form of deep recharge to regional aquifers.
Vegetation is water limited for much of the year, with simulated ET rates well below potential even during the wet season. The model was not sensitive to changes in transpiration potential, as evaluated through changes to LAI, because actual ET is instead controlled by water availability. However, sensitivity to some of the controls that limit transpiration during periods of low humidity was not evaluated and may be important here. In these experiments, ET estimation is most sensitive to the soil parameters that control how much water is held in the root zone as plant available water versus how much percolates through the root zone to the shallow aquifer.
Precipitation product choice is a challenge in this data-sparse region. The low-elevation station network likely underestimates watershed average precipitation by approximately 1.5% (6 mm), but their distribution across the watershed resulted in a 67% (5 mm) increase in surface runoff compared to the Grid_PT data set. Grid_PT predicted more precipitation than Station_PT for lower-elevation river valley areas to the north and east of the reservoir, but less precipitation on steep slopes in the north and south of the watershed (Figs. 1 and 2). The higher precipitation on steeper slopes, in particular, can help explain the higher surface runoff generation of the model that used Station_PT. Precipitation falling on steeper slopes is more likely to result in surface runoff, while precipitation falling on the flatter river valley is more likely to infiltrate. There was minimal temporal variation between the two data sets because Grid_PT was developed based on the Station_PT data set, but because Grid_PT is highly correlated with the elevation, there are some differences in snow versus rain (Fig. S4). Because the model was recalibrated, the choice of precipitation data set did not impact the estimate of available water, merely the flow path, with the estimate of groundwater recharge being the most sensitive.
Groundwater resources are largely undeveloped in this region and there is high uncertainty regarding their yields, but this study simulates an average annual groundwater recharge of 29  mm/year (or 290  m3/ha). Annual water balance analysis found that only 20% of annual precipitation resulted in local streamflow. Several recent global assessments have considered a basin to experience water scarcity when total withdrawals for human uses approach 40% of streamflow (e.g., Kummu et al. 2016). For this basin, that implies that only 8% of average annual precipitation is available for allocation. Such thresholds should be considered in water management planning with respect to future climate, urban growth, and irrigation projections. In terms of agricultural production, total annual water yield with respect to environmental water need in the region is 320  m3/ha, meaning that a drainage area the size of the El Frayle watershed (102,600 ha, which covers 8% of the Quilca watershed), located in the elevation range of 3,000–5,000 m, can support water needed for up to 5,259 ha of garlic or 14,149 ha of peas (which are two common crops in the region) (Mekonnen and Hoekstra 2011; FAO 2019).


The goal of this study was to increase our understanding of the hydrologic water balance of the El Frayle watershed in Arequipa, Peru, through the development of a credible SWAT model database despite limited data availability. The developed SWAT model provided predictions of streamflow, reservoir evaporation, and land evapotranspiration. The calibrated model provided satisfactory estimations of daily streamflow. Gridded weather data also had satisfactory performance with even lower bias compared to station data. However, gridded weather data generated less surface runoff due to the difference in precipitation distribution in the watershed. Comparison of simulated reservoir evaporation with pan measurement and land evapotranspiration with MODIS data showed that SWAT results are reasonable and able to capture the same seasonal dynamics as the observed data.
Overall, the hydrologic and water balance analysis of model simulations for this semiarid watershed showed that surface runoff is low and base flow is the main driver of streamflow. There is limited surface runoff generation and rapid transfer of water through near-surface layers to support local streamflow generation during the wet season, with little carryover of local groundwater storage to support base flow during the dry season. The uncertainty of estimated inputs resulted in an uncertainty range of 16% (for ET) to 46% (for base flow) estimation. Estimates of recharge to regional groundwater are less sensitive to model parameters and vary from 27 to 37  mm/year on average. This suggests that when model calibration is constrained by streamflow observations, most of the uncertainty results in uncertainty in estimates of ET, which may be less critical for water allocation. Therefore, the proposed methodologies for model development and performance assessment can be extended to similar data-scarce watersheds. This study also provides a valuable baseline for future regional hydrologic modeling and water management studies in the Peruvian Andes.

Supplemental Materials

File (supplemental_materials_he.1943-5584.0002086_daneshvar.pdf)

Data Availability Statement

All input data used in this research are publicly available. All data, models, or code generated during the study are available from the corresponding author by request. Soil and land cover data sets developed for this project are available online (Daneshvar et al. 2020a, b).


Funds to support research in the Arequipa Nexus Institute for Food, Energy, Water, and the Environment were provided by the Universidad Nacional de San Agustin.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 26Issue 7July 2021


Received: Jun 21, 2020
Accepted: Jan 12, 2021
Published online: May 11, 2021
Published in print: Jul 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Oct 11, 2021



Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907 (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8375-4697. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2781-0041. Email: [email protected]
Laura C. Bowling [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6938-5303. Email: [email protected]
Andre G. de Lima Moraes [email protected]
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907. Email: [email protected]

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