
This study investigated the potential of methods from information science to detect hydrological alterations caused by human activity. In particular, the influence of the construction of a cascade of dams and reservoirs on the daily streamflow of the São Francisco River in Brazil is investigated by using the sample entropy (SampEn) method and its generalization, the multiscale entropy (MSE). A long daily-streamflow time series at locations upstream and downstream of a cascade of dams, recorded during the period 1929–2015, encompassing the Sobradinho dam (1979) and the Xingó dam (1994), were analyzed. It was found that reservoir operations changed the temporal variability of both the original and deseasonalized streamflow series by decreasing the degree of regularity, as indicated by higher SampEn values. In the MSE analysis, this was held for the small time scales, while larger scales reservoir operations induced a more regular streamflow regime (lower entropy values). The time variation of the streamflow regularity was also analyzed using the time-dependent sample entropy, which confirmed the preceding finding. In both the MSE and time-dependent SampEn analyses, the streamflow recorded at the São Francisco station, which is located upstream of dams and reservoirs, did not exhibit any change in entropy values due to reservoir operation, while the deseasonalized series showed a similar (although less pronounced) behavior as that for the downstream stations, indicating that, in addition to the reservoir operations, some other natural factors could have coinduced, such as a shift toward the lower regularity of the streamflow regime. These results provide the evidence that methods from information science can be useful in assessing hydrological alterations caused by human activities.

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Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the study are available in a repository or online in accordance with funder data retention policies (http://hidroweb.ana.gov.br.).


We acknowledge the support from the Brazilian agency CNPq (Grant Nos. 307445/2018-6 and 304497/2019-3).


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Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 25Issue 10October 2020


Received: Apr 5, 2019
Accepted: May 18, 2020
Published online: Jul 31, 2020
Published in print: Oct 1, 2020
Discussion open until: Dec 31, 2020


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Doctoral Candidate, Departamento de Estatística e Informática, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife/PE 52171-900, Brazil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7253-806X. Email: [email protected]
Tatijana Stosic [email protected]
Associate Professor, Departamento de Estatística e Informática, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife/PE 52171-900, Brazil. Email: [email protected]
Moacyr Cunha Filho [email protected]
Associate Professor, Departamento de Estatística e Informática, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife/PE 52171-900, Brazil. Email: [email protected]
Claudio Delrieux [email protected]
Full Professor, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Avda. Alem 1253, Bahía Blanca B8000CPB, Argentina. Email: [email protected]
Vijay P. Singh, Dist.M.ASCE [email protected]
Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor and Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair, Water Engineering, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Zachry Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ., 321 Scoates Hall, 2117 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2117. Email: [email protected]
Titular Professor, Departamento de Estatística e Informática, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife/PE 52171-900, Brazil (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5031-6968. Email: [email protected]

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