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Case Studies
Jul 8, 2017

Comparison of Two Watershed Models for Addressing Stakeholder Flood Mitigation Strategies: Case Study of Hurricane Alex in Monterrey, México

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 22, Issue 9


Extreme flooding in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, México has led to an interest from local stakeholders in potential mitigation strategies in the Santa Catarina watershed. The authors analyze a set of hydraulic infrastructure options using two hydrologic models of varying complexity in the context of a major flood caused by the landfall of Hurricane Alex in 2010. A consistent approach was used to provide terrain, soil, vegetation, and meteorological data to each model—hydrological modeling system (HEC-HMS), and triangulated irregular network (TIN)–based real-time integrated basin simulator (tRIBS)—and to test the models with streamflow and water level observations. Simulation analyses focus on the differential ability of the two models in capturing precipitation and watershed properties and its effects on the hydrologic response in the presence of hydraulic infrastructure options. A scenario with a single, large dam reduced the flood peak more favorably than three smaller structures. The model comparison is effective in addressing stakeholder-driven mitigation strategies and revealing the added value of spatially-distributed approaches.


Inland flooding during hurricane landfalls produces considerable economic impacts and loss of life (e.g., Kunkel et al. 1999; Ashley and Ashley 2008). In México, an important fraction of the annual precipitation is received from hurricane landfalls, in particular along the Pacific Coast and Gulf of México (Breña-Naranjo et al. 2015; Farfán et al. 2015). Flood hazards can be severe when hurricanes interact with abrupt changes in topography near population centers (e.g., Farfán et al. 2012). Underestimation of the potential threats from hurricane-induced flooding in México has led to large urban areas developing near floodplains (Ferriño-Fierro et al. 2010). As a case in point, the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, has developed along the Santa Catarina River and downstream of a mountainous basin subject to tropical storms stemming from the Gulf of México (Sisto and Ramírez 2015). Extreme recent flooding from Hurricanes Gilbert (1988), Emily (2005), and Alex (2010) caused severe impacts in Monterrey, with an estimated loss of US$2 billion and 22 fatalities during Hurricane Alex in northeastern México (Sánchez-Rodríguez and Cavazos 2015). Furthermore, Farfán et al. (2015) indicate that impacts of climate change on landfalling hurricanes in México have yet to be identified because of the large number of dynamical factors involved. However, recent hurricane damages have been partially reduced by the completion in 2004 of a large flood control structure in the mountainous basin upstream of Monterrey, as depicted in Fig. 1 near the peak flood stage of Hurricane Alex in July 2010.
Fig. 1. Photograph of Rompepicos Dam near the time of the flood peak during Hurricane Alex (reprinted from Maiz 2010, with permission)
Massive losses from Hurricane Alex generated significant media coverage, disaster, and relief responses and reconstruction and planning activities across all government levels (e.g., CERNL 2010; Ramírez 2010, 2011). In the aftermath of the flood event, a series of workshops was convened by Tec de Monterrey and Arizona State University (ASU) to bring together university research units, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations from Monterrey to identify potential flood mitigation strategies for the metropolitan area and the downstream regions. Given the current protection from a flood control dam (Fig. 1), stakeholder suggestions included the implementation of additional hydraulic infrastructure in the Santa Catarina River, an ephemeral system with large river flows during the rainy season (Escalante-Sandoval and García-Espinoza 2014). The primary role of these options would be to reduce the peak discharge and delay the flood wave generated in the mountainous basin, thus reducing the need for reconstruction efforts in transportation, water, and sewage systems after each flood (Sisto and Ramírez 2015). Analyzing these options required the implementation of a modeling framework able to account for the meteorological characteristics of Hurricane Alex, the hydrologic response within the mountainous basin and metropolitan area of Monterrey and the effects of existing and proposed hydraulic infrastructure on the flood event propagation. While the focus was on the Santa Catarina River, additional flood damages and impacts on reservoir operations occurred downstream of Monterrey in the San Juan River, which drains into the Rio Grande.
Since the stakeholder engagement activities were facilitated (White et al. 2010), iterative exchanges on the modeling framework occurred between local stakeholders and researchers. In this process, the authors implemented a model comparison approach for addressing the dual need for a detailed investigation of hydrologic processes and the planning of mitigation strategies in a watershed management context. The modeling framework consisted of the application of a semidistributed model (Hydrological Modeling System, HEC-HMS, HEC 2015) and a fully-distributed model (triangulated irregular network–based real-time integrated basin simulator, tRIBS, Ivanov et al. 2004a) in a commensurate fashion and taking advantage of the merits of each method (see Singh and Woolhiser 2002 for description of various modeling approaches). While hydrologic models have been compared previously in México (e.g., Cisneros-Iturbe et al. 2007; Velázquez et al. 2015), this is the first attempt to analyze the comparative utility of semidistributed and fully-distributed models in the design and evaluation of flood mitigation strategies in a Mexican watershed. As noted by Fatichi et al. (2016), computational advances, data availability, and improved process coupling have increased the use of fully-distributed models in a wider set of engineering problems, including for watershed management and infrastructure design.
In this study, the authors evaluate the watershed flood response to Hurricane Alex using two hydrologic models of varying complexity applied using a similar set of landscape properties and meteorological conditions. Extensive efforts to conduct commensurate simulations were intended to reveal the underlying differences between semidistributed and fully-distributed approaches for the analysis of extreme hydrologic events and the effects of hydraulic infrastructure options. In particular, the role of spatial aggregation within individual subbasins on modifying the flood response was assessed to determine the value added by fully-distributed hydrologic modeling despite the higher computational demand. Comparisons to the semidistributed model were also important to increase stakeholder confidence in the fully-distributed approach, given that local watershed planning, design, and management decisions in México have relied on simpler alternatives (e.g., Bojórquez-Tapia et al. 2009; Ramírez 2010; Hernández et al. 2014). This topic is of broad importance to the hydrologic modeling community given the wide number of options for conducting watershed simulations (Singh and Woolhiser 2002; Kampf and Burges 2007). In addition, demonstrating the utility of fully-distributed models as tools for evaluating flood mitigation strategies to hurricane landfalls and other extreme events opens up their broader adoption in other regions (e.g., Gutiérrez-López and Ramírez 2005; Slutzman and Smith 2006; Fang et al. 2011; Karamouz et al. 2015).


Study Watershed and Its Hydraulic Infrastructure

The study region is the Santa Catarina watershed (SCW) (1,831  km2) in northeastern México, which encompasses Monterrey, capital of Nuevo León [Fig. 2(a)]. A subtropical, semiarid climate characterizes the watershed (Návar and Synnott 2000), which is a subbasin of the San Juan River (33,538  km2) that provides water to Monterrey through reservoir operations at El Cuchillo Dam (Scott et al. 2007). The metropolitan area occupies the lower areas of the SCW and has a population of nearly 4 million, with an annual growth rate of 1.3% from 1990 to 2010 (INEGI 2011). As an important city in México (INEGI 2009), Monterrey has a diversified economy that supports a sprawling amount of urban land cover on relatively mild slopes. In contrast, the upper reaches of the SCW are predominantly rural areas because of the highly-sloped mountain ranges [Fig. 2(b)] that form part of the 1,000 km long Sierra Madre Oriental in northeastern México (e.g., Maqueda et al. 2008; Ferriño-Fierro et al. 2010). Table 1 lists the areal coverage of soil classes from the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and land cover classes in the SCW, with the majority of the urban area and human settlements occurring in the lower reaches of the basin [Fig. 2(c)]. While only a small fraction of the SCW is used for agriculture, downstream areas in the San Juan River support important activities in this sector that are also subject to flood hazards (Scott et al. 2007). The primary land covers in the upper reaches of the SCW are submountainous shrublands and secondary shrublands at low to midelevations, and mixed woodlands on the higher mountain slopes. The sequence of folded ridges in the SCW leads to a trellis-like stream network consisting of ephemeral channels that increases flood hazards upstream of the city during storm events (Ramírez 2010).
Fig. 2. (a) City of Monterrey in Nuevo León, México; (b) Santa Catarina watershed based on a 30 m digital elevation model and the locations of rain gauges, current hydraulic infrastructure (Rompepicos Dam located at 25.556°N and 100.397°W), and the stream gauge at the basin outlet (Cadereyta Station); (c) land cover classes and the definition of basin units used in the flood event diagnosis; geographical data is in a projected coordinated system of UTM Zone 14N and a datum of WGS 1984
Table 1. Watershed Areal Coverage for Soil and Land Cover Classifications
TypeCoverage (%)
Soil classa
Land cover classb
Human settlements6.57
Mixed woodlands20.83
Secondary shrublands23.09
Urban areas10.48

Note: 2.12% of the watershed area has soils classified as not available.

Data from ISRIC (2013).
Data from INEGI (1993).
Recurring floods from hurricane landfalls prompted the construction of a flood control structure at Corral de Palmas, known more commonly as Rompepicos Dam [Fig. 2(b)]. The dam has a gravity curtain composed of roller-compacted concrete, an elevation of 70 m and a length of 240 m (Ramírez 2011). The structure has two outlet structures: a secondary rectangular opening of 6 × 6 m at the base of the dam with a maximum capacity of 838  m3/s and a main Creager spillway with a crest length of 60 m and a capacity of 3,376  m3/s at maximum water level (Ramírez 2011). Completed in 2004, Rompepicos Dam controls flooding generated in the uppermost reaches of the SCW and has served its design purposes during Hurricane Emily in 2005 and Hurricane Alex in 2010. For Hurricane Alex, only two hydrologic observations were available: a visually-estimated maximum water level behind Rompepicos Dam (2.5 m below the spillway or 650  m3/s) and the continuous discharge record at the basin outlet (Cadereyta Station) by the Comisión Nacional de Agua (CONAGUA). However, both of these observations are considered to be uncertain given the flood damages occurring along the measured river reach at the Cadereyta Station and the visual inspection of the maximum level in the reservoir rather than a measured water depth. All other streamflow observations were compromised during the flood.

Rainfall and Meteorological Characteristics of Hurricane Alex

Hurricane Alex was the first tropical cyclone of 2010, having initiated in the Caribbean Sea and intensified in the Gulf of México to a Category 2 Hurricane before landfall in Tamaulipas, México (see Pasch 2010; Vitale et al. 2015 for event descriptions). Interactions of the tropical moisture with the orographic barriers in the Sierra Madre Oriental led to widespread rainfall in Nuevo León from June 28 to July 2 (Hernández and Bravo 2010). Large rainfall accumulations were observed in the sparse network of rain gauge sites near Monterrey [Fig. 2(b)], with 72-h totals ranging from 250 to 800 mm, and in some locations exceeding the mean annual precipitation in the semiarid region (SMN 2010). Ramírez (2010) estimated daily return periods between 20 and >100  years at daily CONAGUA sites, though these tended to underestimate rainfall as compared to several automated stations. Furthermore, Hurricane Alex made landfall prior to the primary rainy season occurring in August and September in northeastern México (Shreve 1944). The low number of rain gauges (11 from daily CONAGUA sites, and 8 from automated stations) in the SCW limited the ability to characterize the spatiotemporal distribution of meteorological conditions during Hurricane Alex. For this purpose, the authors obtained meteorological fields from the North American land data assimilation system (NLDAS, Mitchell et al. 2004), a reanalysis product at 12 km, hourly resolution consisting of rainfall, air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, pressure, and relative humidity. Following Robles-Morua et al. (2012, 2015), the authors applied a daily, mean-field bias correction to the NLDAS rainfall field over the period June 1 to July 31, 2010 for forcing both models in a similar fashion. Fig. 3(a) compares the daily total precipitation averaged over the SCW from rain gauges and NLDAS, indicating a general underestimation in the NLDAS fields. A mean-field, daily bias correction (Cázares-Rodríguez 2016) avoided the sharp discontinuities in the rain gauge patterns [Fig. 3(b)] and resulted in a large improvement in precipitation magnitude in NLDAS [Fig. 3(c)]. Nevertheless, inconsistencies in the subdaily timing of precipitation and other meteorological variables remain within the NLDAS fields used as forcing to the two hydrologic models.
Fig. 3. (a) Time series of the basin-averaged daily precipitation (mm/day) from the rain gauge network and the original NLDAS product (12 km, 1 h resolution); spatial distribution of total precipitation (mm) for June and July 2010 obtained from (b) rain gauges using a Thiessen polygon interpolation; (c) bias-corrected NLDAS product

Simulation Approaches

Model Descriptions

HEC-HMS is a semidistributed hydrologic model that is widely used in watershed management and planning because of its ease of implementation, flexible number of hydrologic representations, and low computational demand (HEC 2015). Prior applications include assessments of proposed reservoirs in decision-making contexts (e.g., Emerson et al. 2003; Ganoulis et al. 2008; Tingsanchali and Tanmanee 2012; Robles-Morua et al. 2015). Among the various options, the authors selected the soil moisture accounting scheme for infiltration to carry out continuous simulations in response to Hurricane Alex that also required representations of canopy interception and evapotranspiration. Table 2 describes the hydrologic processes selected in HEC-HMS that were guided by prior applications (Fleming and Neary 2004; Robles-Morua et al. 2015) with the aim to be as consistent as possible with the second modeling approach. The tRIBS model is a fully-distributed hydrologic model that uses a triangulated irregular network (TIN) to represent a watershed at multiple resolutions (Vivoni et al. 2004), as opposed to the subbasin areas used in HEC-HMS. Fully-distributed models capture spatial variations of landscape and meteorological conditions more faithfully, but at the cost of a larger computational demand, and thus with more limitations in decision-making contexts. Several prior applications of tRIBS have focused on flood event simulations (e.g., Vivoni et al. 2006; Nikolopoulus et al. 2011; Moreno et al. 2013; Hawkins et al. 2015) and have demonstrated skill in representing the spatially-distributed basin response. Table 2 describes the physical processes represented in tRIBS, including the level-pool reservoir routing (Mays 2010) developed by the authors to match the formulation in HEC-HMS. Overall, the selection of physical processes in each model captured the continuous soil moisture dynamics influenced by precipitation events and the effects of vegetation on interception and evapotranspiration as well as kinematic wave routing through the stream network and the effects of reservoirs on the flood wave using level-pool routing.
Table 2. Hydrological Processes and Components for the tRIBS and HEC-HMS Models
Model processDescription
Rainfall interceptionRutter canopy water balance model
Surface energy balancePenman-Monteith equation, force-restore equation
Surface radiation modelShortwave and longwave components accounting for terrain variability
EvapotranspirationBare soil evaporation, transpiration and evaporation from wet canopy
InfiltrationKinematic approximation with capillary effects; single infiltration wave with top and wetting fronts
Lateral moisture flowTopography-driven lateral unsaturated and saturated zone flow
Runoff productionInfiltration-excess, saturation-excess, perched subsurface stormflow, groundwater exfiltration
Groundwater flowTwo-dimensional flow in multiple directions, dynamic water table
Overland routingNonlinear hydrologic method
Channel routingKinematic wave method
ReservoirLevel-pool routing method
Rainfall interceptionSimple canopy storage method
Surface detentionDepression storage method
EvapotranspirationPriestley-Taylor method
InfiltrationSoil moisture accounting scheme
Subbasin routingKinematic wave method
Channel routingKinematic wave method
ReservoirLevel-pool routing method

Model Domain, Parameterization, and Calibration

A common set of topographic, soil, and vegetation products were used for setting up and parameterizing the two hydrologic models in the SCW. The watershed domain was delineated from a 30 m digital elevation model (DEM) obtained from the advance spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) [Fig. 2(b)] for both modeling approaches. The authors applied terrain analysis procedures from the HEC-GeoHMS (HEC 2013) package to derive the basin boundary upstream of the Cadereyta Station and the stream networks for use in both models. A stream cell threshold of 10  km2 was used to maintain a low number of subbasins in HEC-HMS (a total of 61), as depicted in Fig. 4(a), an enhancement with respect to prior modeling efforts in the SCW where 19 subbasins had been specified (Ramírez 2010). The hydrographic procedure of Vivoni et al. (2004) was applied to derive the multiple-resolution TIN domain, resulting in 580,434 Voronoi polygons used in tRIBS as computational elements and an equivalent cell size of 56 m (Ivanov et al. 2004a; Vivoni et al. 2005). Fig. 4 shows differences in the domain representation in the two models through the spatial distribution of the terrain slope. The complex terrain of the SCW yields variations in slope that are captured well in tRIBS, whereas only the mean slope in each subbasin is retained in HEC-HMS, leading to large slope overestimates in the upper reaches. While the computational effort for HEC-HMS was possible on a single processor within a desktop computer (Dell Precision T7500, 2.8 GHz Intel processor with 6 GB of RAM), the tRIBS simulations were performed using 16 processors in the ASU Ocotillo computing cluster (2.9 GHz Intel processors with 4 GB of RAM per core) and the application of the parallel processing capabilities described by Vivoni et al. (2011).
Fig. 4. (a) HEC-HMS subbasin definition with the mean aggregated slope for each subbasin and schematic network representation; (b) tRIBS Voronoi polygon network with the slope field and the stream network captured in the model; hydraulic infrastructure used in the simulations (Rompepicos Dam, Entry to the City Dam, Detention Dams) and the stream gauge at the basin outlet (Cadereyta Station) are displayed in each model representation
Identical geospatial datasets were used to describe the spatial variations of soil (ISRIC 2013) and vegetation (INEGI 1993) properties in each model (Table 1) (see Cázares-Rodríguez 2016 for spatial maps). Given the low spatial variations in soil types, the authors used the land cover polygons [Fig. 2(c)] as an aggregation scale for specifying landscape properties to both models, following Ivanov et al. (2004b). As a result, gridded soil parameters from ISRIC (2013) were averaged within land cover polygons, as were vegetation parameters derived from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. Cázares-Rodríguez (2016) further describes the use of pedotransfer functions (Van Genuchten 1980) and vegetation relations (Méndez-Barroso et al. 2014) within the model parameterizations. While this procedure reduced the native resolution of the original soil and vegetation products (available at 1  km), it provided a consistent means to input landscape properties to both models. Additional aggregation at the level of subbasins was performed in HEC-HMS, as shown for terrain slope in Fig. 4(a). Table 3 lists the vegetation, soil, and routing parameters, their range of values, and sources used in the HEC-HMS and tRIBS simulations for the SCW. The range of values represents the variations across the land cover polygons within the watershed. The spatial resolution and classification fidelity represented in the models exceed those in previous regional studies (e.g., Maqueda et al. 2008; Ramírez 2010; Návar 2012).
Table 3. Model Parameter Definitions, Final Value Ranges, and Source for the tRIBS and HEC-HMS Models
Parameter (unit)DescriptionRangeSource
Vegetation parameters—tRIBS
pFree throughfall coefficient0.3–0.65L
S (mm)Canopy capacity0.01–2.5RS
K (mm/h)Canopy drainage rate coefficient0.1–0.2L
g (mm1)Canopy drainage exponent3.7–4L
aSurface albedo0.105–0.3RS
Hv (m)Vegetation height0.1–20L
KtOptical transmission coefficient0.45–0.95L
rs (s/m)Average canopy stomatal resistance20–135L
vfVegetation fraction0.103–0.7RS
LAICanopy leaf area index0.01–6RS
Vegetation Parameters—HEC-HMS
C (mm)Maximum canopy storage0.01–2.5RS
D (mm)Maximum depression storage0.176–2.36L
Soil Parameters—tRIBS
Ks (mm/h)Saturated hydraulic conductivity0.01–34.74L
θsSaturated soil moisture content0.4–0.44L
θrResidual soil moisture content0.06–0.07L
λ0Pore distribution index0.165–0.277L
Ψb (m)Air entry bubbling pressure1.5 to 0.12L
f (mm1)Conductivity decay parameter0.0008–0.011C
arAnisotropy ratio25–90C
nTotal porosity0.44–0.49L
ks (J/msK)Volumetric heat conductivity1.33C
Cs (J/m3K)Soil heat capacity2,400,000C
Soil parameters—HEC-HMS
K (mm/h)Maximum infiltration rate0.01–13.57C
Ss (mm)Soil storage50–150C
Ts (mm)Tension storage25–50C
GWs (mm)Groundwater storage50–150C
Sp (mm/h)Soil percolation rate1.27–5.4L
GWp (mm/h)Groundwater percolation rate1–5.4C
GWc (h)Groundwater coefficient100C
Routing parameters—tRIBS
nManning’s channel roughness0.35L
aBChannel width-area coefficient2C
bBChannel width-area exponent0.5C
cvHillslope velocity coefficient2.45C
rHillslope velocity exponent0.4C
Routing parameters—HEC-HMS
nManning’s channel roughness0.35L
nfFlow plane roughness0.1–0.32L
cl (%)Channel losses0.02–0.1C

Note: For sources, C = model calibration; L = literature review; and RS = remote sensing. Additional details on sources provided in Cázares-Rodríguez (2016).

Model calibration of soil and vegetation parameters (Table 3) followed previous HEC-HMS and tRIBS model applications where values were obtained from literature (L) or remote sensing (RS) products for similar site conditions (e.g., Van Genuchten 1980; Schaap et al. 1999; Mitchell et al. 2004; Ivanov et al. 2004a, b; Mays 2010; Robles-Morua et al. 2012, 2015; Singh and Jain 2015) assumed to be spatially uniform within each land cover polygon and considered to be a reliable means for reducing the overall parameter space to be sampled in the model calibration exercise. As shown in Table 3, the number of soil and vegetation parameter values is large for each model given the spatial variations represented across the land cover polygons, whereas the routing parameter values are spatially uniform within the stream networks depicted in each model. Model initialization was aided by the dry conditions prior to the arrival of Hurricane Alex. As discussed by Vivoni et al. (2010), semiarid regions in northern México are characterized by ephemeral rivers within alluvial basins with deep groundwater tables. High evaporative demands and low rainfall during the early summer effectively reset the conditions of hydrologic systems to dry states prior to the rainy period occurring later in the summer season. This is in contrast to more humid settings with smaller degrees of seasonality (e.g., Nikolopoulos et al. 2011; Nied et al. 2013; Massari et al. 2014) where time-variable initial conditions need to be accounted for accurately. As such, a dry state was assumed in each model following prior flood forecasting efforts (e.g., Chu and Steinman 2009; Hawkins et al. 2015).
A manual calibration exercise was conducted with respect to the streamflow record at Cadereyta Station where observations were available at 1–6 h intervals by using the peak error as an objective function given the uncertainties present in other aspects of the streamflow observation and the emphasis of this metric in the stakeholder engagement process. The authors also inspected the streamflow volume of the simulations for the Cadereyta Station during the manual calibration exercise. Simulations were tested in a validation activity against the maximum water levels recorded at the Rompepicos Dam included as a hydraulic infrastructure during the exercise (see Fig. 4 for its location). As such, the model calibration and validation approaches are based on streamflow data at the basin outlet and the maximum reservoir level at an internal location, respectively, exceeding prior efforts in model testing for the extreme event under analysis (Ramírez 2010), but still focusing attention on the primary concern for stakeholders—the peak discharge—with less emphasis resulting in the other characteristics of the calibrated hydrographs. Model calibration involved varying a limited set of soil and vegetation parameters (labeled C in Table 3) to which the simulated streamflow at the basin outlet was found to be most sensitive through a one-at-a-time analysis using parameter value ranges representing different percentage changes (e.g., +200% to 200%) from nominal values (e.g., Forman et al. 2008; Nikolopoulos et al. 2011) as reported in Cázares-Rodríguez (2016). Using a similar approach, the authors identified the model parameters that most affected the simulated discharge for this extreme event as K, Ss, and Ts for HEC-HMS and f, ar, and cv for tRIBS (see Table 3 for definitions). In the case of HEC-HMS, calibrated parameters controlled the runoff volume via modification of soil infiltration and storage properties, while for tRIBS the calibrated parameters served a similar purpose (Ivanov et al. 2004b) and also yielded modifications to the timing of lateral flows. Parameter values that were established well through observations, pedotransfer functions, or remote sensing were not varied during calibration, whereas the sensitive parameters identified earlier could not be derived easily through these methods. This is consistent with the goal of reducing the over-parameterization of semidistributed and fully-distributed hydrologic models which are often criticized for having an excessive number of variable parameters during a calibration process (see discussion in Fatichi et al. 2016).

Hydraulic Infrastructure Scenarios

Using the calibrated models, the authors evaluated the sensitivity of the flood response in the SCW during Hurricane Alex to the presence of hydraulic infrastructure. Based on stakeholder suggestions during two workshops, four scenarios were considered in a consistent fashion for each model: (1) removal of current hydraulic infrastructure (Rompepicos Dam); (2) evaluation of current conditions (i.e., calibration case); (3) inclusion of an additional large dam at the Entry to the City location; and (4) inclusion of three small detention dams at locations with no current hydraulic infrastructure (i.e., uncontrolled flow). Fig. 4 presents the locations of the proposed hydraulic infrastructure, with the same level-pool routing methodology applied in both models for the scenarios. To include the large dam at the Entry to the City site considered by CERNL (2010), the authors created a conceptual engineering design for the new dam based on adjusting the elevation-discharge-storage relations of Rompepicos Dam (Ramírez 2011) using the topographic conditions of the new location and retaining the overall dimensions of Rompepicos Dam. This site is attractive because of its location upstream of Monterrey and its ability to contain both uncontrolled flows and the discharge from Rompepicos Dam. As a lower cost alternative, the three small detention dams were located in key sites where important contributions were simulated to the overall flood response during Hurricane Alex. The authors conceptualized the design of smaller, concrete detention structures with a spillway to apply the level-pool routing at the three sites using local information on topography, channel dimensions, and upstream contributing areas. These sites are intended to collectively reduce and delay the flood contributions from uncontrolled subbasins upstream of Monterrey. Comparisons of the scenarios were carried out for different units in the SCW exhibiting varying terrain properties (labeled Sites I, II, and III) and along various main channel locations (labeled Sites A, B, C, and D) to determine the flood sensitivity in both models.

Results and Discussion

Hydrologic Model Performances

Numerical experiments using the two hydrologic models were conducted over the period of June 28 to July 7, 2010. Rainfall in the SCW began on June 28, with the primary storm accumulations from June 30 to July 2. The flood peak at the basin outlet (Cadereyta Station) was estimated at nearly 4,300  m3/s on July 2, with an estimated return period of 200–500 years based on historical analyses (Ramírez 2010). Fig. 5 compares the simulated streamflow at the hourly resolution used in both models at the basin outlet and Rompepicos Dam to the available observations. Because of uncertainty in the subdaily precipitation timing, cumulative discharge (106  m3) at the Cadereyta Station is shown in all cases [Fig. 5(a)] [see Cázares-Rodríguez (2016) for actual discharge]. Note the close match to the observed streamflow volume (i.e., cumulative discharge of 700×106  m3) by tRIBS and the underestimation by HEC-HMS, as quantified by the bias (B) in Table 4. While both models have earlier flood peaks than the observations, the simulations exhibit high correlation coefficients (CC) of 0.70 (HEC-HMS) and 0.84 (tRIBS) with the streamflow record and relatively small peak errors (Table 4) amounting to 0.83% (HEC-HMS) and 5.84% (tRIBS) of the peak discharge. In addition, the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) of 0.66 (tRIBS) and 0.38 (HEC-HMS) indicate a better model performance for the fully-distributed approach. Overall, the authors consider that the calibration exercise applied to each model yielded a good agreement to the CONAGUA records at the basin outlet when considering: (1) losses of streamflow data and their uncertain values during a destructive flood event, (2) differences in precipitation timing among rain gauges and NLDAS, and (3) similarities achieved in both model responses given their underlying differences. Having built confidence in the calibration at the basin outlet, testing at Rompepicos Dam shows that the models matched well the estimated peak outflow of 650  m3/s (dashed horizontal line) and have a similar peak inflow to the reservoir of 1,500  m3/s, thus achieving a peak reduction of 43% by the dam in both models. Unfortunately, there were no streamflow observation into the Rompepicos Dam for model evaluation purposes. Note that semidistributed and fully-distributed hydrologic model evaluations are not commonly conducted at internal locations in a basin (see Ivanov et al. 2004b). In addition, the close correspondence in the reservoir inflow and outflow behavior in the two models indicates the adequacy of the level-pool routing method developed for this study. Nevertheless, a few differences are noted between the models, namely an earlier rising limb and quicker recession limb in HEC-HMS, as explored subsequently.
Fig. 5. (a) Cumulative discharge at the basin outlet (Cadereyta Station, in 106  m3) from observations and model simulations along with the basin-averaged precipitation from rain gauges and the bias-corrected NLDAS fields; (b) simulated inflow and outflow discharges (m3/s) at the Rompepicos Dam from both models with the reported peak outflow labeled as “Observed”
Table 4. Model Performance Metrics for Simulations as Compared to the Observed Discharge at the Cadereyta Station
Peak Error (m3/s)251.7235.94
Peak Error (%)5.840.83
Mean Error (m3/s)103.15260.73
Mean Error (%)10.3426.15
RMSE (m3/s)747.511,011.06

Note: Metrics are defined following Vivoni et al. (2006). Peak error (m3/s) is the error between observed and simulated peak discharges, whereas mean error (m3/s) is the error between observed and simulated mean discharge over the entire period. Peak and mean error (%) are normalized with respect to the observed values. B = bias between the simulated and observed total runoff volume for the entire simulation; CC = correlation coefficient; NSE = Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency; and RMSE = root mean squared error.

Comparisons of Internal Hydrologic Variability

The internal variability of the flood response in the two hydrologic models was compared by delineating three units (labeled Units 1, 2, and 3) and selecting a representative channel site (labeled Site I, II, and III) in each area. Fig. 6 presents the spatial location of the units and sites, while Table 5 summarizes the topographic, land cover, and infrastructure properties for each unit (also see the unit boundaries in Figs. 2 and 3). This delineation afforded the ability to separate regions in the SCW according to their contributions to the Hurricane Alex flood event: (1) Unit 1 is upstream of Rompepicos Dam and consists of high forest cover and complex terrain, (2) Unit 2 is a region with uncontrolled flow between Rompepicos Dam and the Entry to the City and is characterized by intermediate forest cover and terrain ruggedness, and (3) Unit 3 contains flatter areas with high amounts of impervious areas located downstream of the Entry to the City. The landscape differences between the three units help to explain the variations in the flood response between the hydrologic models at the three sites as quantified in Table 6. Note that Site I (Unit 1) exhibits the same pattern identified at the inflow of Rompepicos Dam, where HEC-HMS has a quicker response characterized by a lower time lag (10.9 h) as compared to tRIBS (17.4 h). In addition, Site I shows a large difference in the peak discharge between the two models (729  m3/s in HEC-HMS and 533  m3/s in tRIBS). At Sites II and III, differences between HEC-HMS and tRIBS are progressively reduced, with nearly indistinguishable flood metrics for Site III (Table 6). This is explained by the different representations of slope (Fig. 4) in the two models, with the milder slopes in Unit 3 leading to smaller differences than the more variable slope conditions in Unit 1. As a result, the simulated flood response is more sensitive to the selection of a semidistributed or fully-distributed approach in areas where a greater aggregation of terrain properties is performed.
Fig. 6. Comparison of the hydrologic responses from HEC-HMS and tRIBS at (a) the three internal sites, along with hourly precipitation upstream of each location; (b) Site I in Unit 1; (c) Site II in Unit 2; (d) Site III in Unit 3
Table 5. Terrain Properties and Land Cover Characteristics for Three Units (Units 1, 2, and 3)
ParameterStatisticUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3
Area (km2)732397702
Elevation (m)Mean2,1081,617720
Standard deviation492521345
Slope (degrees)Mean26.9426.5111.42
Standard deviation12.5913.8212.73
Impervious area (%)0044.6
Forested area (%)32.215.511.2
Hydraulic infrastructure100
Table 6. Simulated Flood Metrics at Interior Sites, Along the Main Channel, and the Basin Outlet
LocationModelPeak discharge (m3/s)Time lag (h)Volume (106  m3)
Interior sites
Site ItRIBS53317.4275.49
Site IItRIBS24717.3034.54
Site IIItRIBS335.411.4939.61
Main channel
Site AtRIBS1,44918.86202.87
Site BtRIBS1,41519.11360.51
Site CtRIBS2,10416.86457.29
Site DtRIBS3,80318.11685.16

Note: Peak discharge (m3/s) is the maximum streamflow value. Time lag (h) is the time difference between the flood peak and the centroid of the basin-averaged rainfall. Volume (106  m3) is the total amount of streamflow over the entire flood period.

Larger differences between HEC-HMS and tRIBS in areas of complex terrain (Unit 1) as compared to flatter regions (Unit 3) were consistently found at other internal sites. To evaluate if other factors, such as impervious urban cover, might cause differences between the models, the authors evaluated the flood response along a set of main channel sites. Fig. 7 shows the locations and simulated flood events at four sites (Sites A, B, C, and D), while Table 6 provides a set of flood metrics for each model at these sites and the basin outlet. The HEC-HMS and tRIBS models show consistent differences along the main channel, with a noticeable decrease in the differences in peak timing among sites and an increase in the difference in peak discharge as the contributing area grows (i.e., from Sites A to D). An important change in the flood response occurs between Sites C and D located upstream and downstream of the main metropolitan area of Monterrey. The substantial growth in streamflow volume is attributed to runoff produced in the impervious regions in each model. Despite this contribution, the overall differences in flood peak amount and timing between the two models only varies moderately (Table 6). This suggests that the amount of urban cover does not explain the flood response differences between the semidistributed and fully-distributed models such that there is more sensitivity to the aggregation of terrain properties (slope) as compared to land cover conditions (impervious cover). Fig. 7 also demonstrates a few important features of the flood response represented in both models, namely (1) the contribution of Unit 1 (Site A) to the basin outlet is muted by Rompepicos Dam; (2) Unit 2 (Site B) has an important amount of uncontrolled flows (49 and 78% of the reservoir outflow volume in HEC-HMS and tRIBS); and (3) the urban area (between Site C and D) has a smaller contribution to the flood volume downstream of the city (Site D) as compared to the mountainous basin (only 42% of the total flood volume at the Cadereyta Station is produced in the urban area in both models). This latter finding is significant because stakeholder perceptions varied widely as to the relative importance of the mountainous basin and metropolitan area in generating the flood. In addition, both models consistently indicated the importance of uncontrolled flows from natural and urban tributaries downstream of Rompepicos Dam to the overall flood magnitude at the basin outlet.
Fig. 7. Comparison of the hydrologic responses from HEC-HMS and tRIBS at the four locations along the main channel as shown in the inset along with hourly basin-averaged precipitation; Site A is the outflow from Rompepicos Dam, Site B is at the Entry to the City, Site C is upstream of the urban area, and Site D is downstream of the urban area

Spatial Patterns of Hydrologic Model Response

Next, the authors compared the spatial variability of the hydrologic response in each model to identify the areas in the SCW with the highest contributions to the flood event. It is well known that interactions between terrain, soil, and vegetation patterns with meteorological forcing create preferential areas of soil moisture accumulation and runoff production (e.g., Smith and Hebbert 1979; Sivapalan and Wood 1986; Ivanov et al. 2004b; Mascaro et al. 2015). Fig. 8 presents a comparison of the time-averaged soil moisture conditions during the entire simulation period (June 28 to July 7, 2010) for the HEC-HMS and tRIBS models. Because the variables of interest are different for each formulation (i.e., saturation fraction in HEC-HMS, and root-zone relative moisture in tRIBS) the values shown in the colorbars do not match. Despite this, qualitative comparisons can be made among the semidistributed and fully-distributed models and the spatial patterns within each model can be assessed relative to the landscape properties and meteorological data. The primary trends captured in both models are (1) relatively drier soils in areas upstream of Rompepicos Dam (Unit 1) due to lower rainfall accumulations [Fig. 3(c)]; (2) a large contrast between impervious urban areas and surrounding rural lands exhibiting higher wetness [Fig. 2(c)]; and (3) relatively wetter soils in valley bottoms consisting of shrublands and secondary shrublands. Notably, the representation of soil moisture is more highly resolved in tRIBS, where spatial differences between drier mountain ridges and wetter valley bottoms are depicted well.
Fig. 8. Comparison of the spatial distribution of time-averaged soil moisture as (a) saturation fraction distribution from HEC-HMS; (b) root zone amount in the top 1 m from tRIBS
Fig. 9 presents a comparison of the total runoff (mm) produced during the simulation by each model and the runoff associated with two of the primary mechanisms in tRIBS (infiltration-excess and saturation-excess runoff) (Ivanov et al. 2004a; Vivoni et al. 2007). Overall, a similar runoff pattern was produced in the semidistributed and fully-distributed approaches, driven in large part by the rainfall accumulation [Fig. 3(c)]. Note that the NLDAS 12 km pixels are visible in the runoff distribution from tRIBS as the computational elements are much smaller than the meteorological forcing, as opposed to the rainfall aggregation occurring in HEC-HMS. Nevertheless, the close correspondence between the approaches builds confidence in the runoff capabilities of the fully-distributed model with respect to the modeling tool commonly accepted by local stakeholders (Ramírez 2010). In addition, tRIBS adds a considerable amount of spatial detail that captures the high-resolution interaction of rainfall characteristics with soil and terrain properties in the SCW, which ultimately leads to runoff production in a landscape and discharge in the stream network. Aggregation of the watershed soil and terrain information in HEC-HMS results in a substantial loss of information. Furthermore, the fully-distributed model is able to simulate spatial patterns of different runoff mechanisms indicating that (1) the metropolitan area of Monterrey produces runoff via the infiltration-excess mechanism due to the large amounts of impervious surfaces, (2) drier areas in the upper basin [Fig. 8(b)] have moderate amounts of infiltration-excess runoff due to the formation of shallow layer of surface saturation in regions of moderate to high slope (also see Ivanov et al. 2004a), and (3) wetter areas in valley bottoms and mountain ridges [Fig. 8(b)] that reach saturation of the entire soil profile primarily produce saturation-excess runoff. The ability to distinguish between these runoff mechanisms can help select among different flood mitigation strategies and identify key locations for the placement of hydraulic infrastructure options.
Fig. 9. Spatial distribution of the total runoff (mm) generated during the simulation period from (a) HEC-HMS; (b) tRIBS; spatial distribution of the runoff (mm) generated from (c) infiltration-excess and (d) saturation-excess mechanisms simulated in tRIBS

Impacts of Flood Mitigation Strategies

The authors assessed the impact of the current hydraulic infrastructure in the SCW and the potential for flood mitigation afforded by the proposed scenarios. While similar efforts have been conducted with HEC-HMS (e.g., Emerson et al. 2003; Robles-Morua et al. 2015), this study reports the first use of reservoir routing and infrastructure scenarios with tRIBS. Fig. 10 shows the locations and upstream contributing areas (CA) of the hydraulic infrastructure scenarios, with additional details on the site locations presented in Cázares-Rodríguez (2016). The large dam at the Entry to the City has a high upstream CA (1,129  km2 or 62% of the SCW area) and serves as a clear demarcation between the upper rural area (Unit 1 upstream of Rompepicos Dam and Unit 2) and the lower urban (Unit 3) area of the watershed. The location of the large dam (also labeled as Site B in Fig. 7 and Table 6) coincides with a switch between wet valley areas producing saturation-excess runoff and downstream urban areas where infiltration-excess runoff is the dominant mechanism. In contrast, the three small detention dams have much lower CA ranging from 106 to 170  km2, placed at strategic locations in terms of uncontrolled runoff production during Hurricane Alex as simulated by the two hydrologic models. Two of the three detention dams correspond to analysis locations (Site II and III) in Fig. 6 and Table 6. Both stakeholder strategies (large dam at the Entry to the City dam and three small detention dams) retained the existing Rompepicos Dam within the two models.
Fig. 10. Location of Rompepicos Dam and the hydraulic infrastructure scenarios with a large dam at the Entry to the City and three small detention dams; for each site, the contributing area is shown within the context of the HEC-HMS subbasins and tRIBS stream network
Fig. 11 summarizes the effects of the hydraulic infrastructure scenarios from both models at three watershed locations of increasing CA that are relevant to the Monterrey metropolitan area: (1) Entry to the City, (2) Site C, a confluence upstream of the main urban areas (Fig. 7), and (3) Cadereyta Station at the basin outlet. The scenario labeled Current Conditions refers to the calibrated flood responses from the semidistributed and fully-distributed approaches that contain the flood mitigation achieved by the Rompepicos Dam. The favorable effects of the existing infrastructure are captured in the scenario labeled No Dams, where Rompepicos Dam results in a reduction of the peak discharge of approximately 39% at the Entry to the City and 14% at Cadereyta Station, an indication that the Hurricane Alex flood event would have been more severe (i.e., exceeding 5,000  m3/s at the basin outlet) without the existing hydraulic infrastructure. The two stakeholder-driven mitigation strategies varied in their effectiveness upstream of the Monterrey metropolitan area (Entry to the City and Site C), whereas differences were reduced at the Cadereyta Station because of the contributions from impervious urban areas downstream of the hydraulic infrastructure. The inclusion of a large dam at the Entry to the City had the effect of decreasing and delaying the flood peak at all downstream locations in both models because of its capacity to separate in time the contributions from upper areas (Units 1 and 2) and lower areas (Unit 3) to the overall flood wave. At the Cadereyta Station, a reduction of the peak discharge of 17% (tRIBS) and 23% (HEC-HMS) was obtained due to the proposed dam at the Entry to the City. Note that Hurricane Alex would have led to a water level exceeding the main Creager spillway at the Entry to the City site (see sharp discharge rise in Large Dam scenario on July 2) if similar characteristics to the Rompepicos Dam were used in the design. As a comparison, inclusion of the small detention dams had a smaller mitigation effect at the three downstream locations, with a lower peak reduction at the Cadereyta Station (12% in tRIBS and 10% in HEC-HMS) and a lower overall effect on the flood peak timing. At Site C where the effects of all three structures can be determined, the flood peak discharge was reduced by 17% (tRIBS) and 20% (HEC-HMS) relative to the current conditions. Thus, the strategic placement of smaller hydraulic structures in regions with uncontrolled flows, as illustrated through the example of the three small detention dams (see additional details in Cázares-Rodríguez 2016), holds promise in collectively achieving an important degree of flood mitigation upstream of Monterrey as shown through this model comparison.
Fig. 11. Comparison of flood responses from (a, c, and e) HEC-HMS and (b, d, and f) tRIBS for different hydraulic infrastructure scenarios at (a and b) Entry to the City; (c and d) Site C, a confluence upstream of the urban area; (e and f) Basin Outlet at Cadereyta Station; the scenarios are labeled No Dam (removal of Rompepicos Dam), Current Conditions (with Rompepicos Dam), and Detention Dams and Large Dam, both in addition to Rompepicos Dam; the hourly basin-averaged precipitation from the bias-corrected NLDAS product is shown in all cases

Summary and Conclusions

The authors analyzed a major flood event caused by Hurricane Alex in 2010 in Monterrey, México and quantified different flood mitigation strategies using two hydrologic models of varying complexity but setup in a commensurate fashion using similar underlying datasets. The modeling activities were the outcome of a stakeholder engagement process revealing that credibility in the fully-distributed model could be established via comparisons to the semidistributed model that already had attained a level of familiarity and trust by the participants. The model comparison also served the dual purposes of providing a detailed investigation of the spatiotemporal flood response and the evaluation of mitigation strategies in a watershed management context. The application of the semidistributed and fully-distributed models was challenging because of the sparse ground observations and the limited number of hydrologic modeling studies in México. In addition, the limited number of hydrologic observations (e.g., streamflow, soil moisture, groundwater depth) during Hurricane Alex prevented a more detailed set of model evaluation exercises, as performed when more extensive data is available (c.f., Xiang et al. 2014; Robles-Morua et al. 2015; Mascaro et al. 2015). Nevertheless, the authors applied a commensurate set of spatiotemporal datasets, hydrologic process representations, and calibration efforts in HEC-HMS and tRIBS to enable a fair comparison of the two approaches and closely match the limited set of hydrologic observations during Hurricane Alex (see additional details in Cázares-Rodríguez 2016). For instance, both models utilized the same topographic and land cover datasets, employed a continuous representation of soil moisture dynamics, and included a level-pool routing scheme to depict the effects of hydraulic infrastructure on the flood wave propagation. By applying HEC-HMS with improved processes and datasets commensurate with tRIBS, significant enhancements were made to the application of the model for Hurricane Alex as compared to prior efforts (Ramírez 2010, 2011). In addition, the overall good agreement between the two models, in particular with respect to the spatial distribution of total runoff, the reservoir inflow and outflow dynamics, and the cumulative discharge at the basin outlet, yielded a level of confidence in the ability of both models to be relevant for watershed planning and management. Furthermore, the model comparison showed that fully-distributed approaches add significant value to the representation of the basin hydrology and its practical use for infrastructure planning as summarized in the following:
Aggregation of landscape properties and meteorological forcing in semidistributed hydrologic models yields more significant discrepancies in regions of complex terrain as compared to fully-distributed approaches. Specifically, HEC-HMS simulations exhibited an earlier rising limb and a quicker recession limb in areas where the subbasin slope overestimated the actual slope distribution represented in tRIBS. Furthermore, the hydrologic response in semidistributed models is less sensitive to the effects of aggregation of impervious urban cover;
The semidistributed and fully-distributed models allowed for a spatiotemporal evaluation of the Hurricane Alex flood event, resulting in new insights on the runoff generation sites and the flood wave propagation. For instance, urban areas in Monterrey had a smaller flood contribution (42%) than the mountainous basin (58%) to the flood volume at the basin outlet, resolving an important source of conflict among stakeholders participating in the workshops. Similarly, the flood control derived from the Rompepicos Dam (39% at the Entry to the City and 14% at Cadereyta Station for Hurricane Alex) is critical for mitigating hurricane-induced flooding in the region; and
Two stakeholder-driven flood mitigation strategies varied in effectiveness upstream of Monterrey. A single, large dam at the Entry to the City reduced and delayed the flood peak more favorably than three smaller detention dams placed in regions with uncontrolled flow. The overall reduction of the flood peak at the basin outlet across all scenarios ranged from 10 to 23%, indicating the extreme events generated during hurricane landfall are difficult to fully contain. Nevertheless, the strategic use of small detention dams in concert with the existing infrastructure holds promise as a collective measure to minimize flood reconstruction efforts in Monterrey.
These results suggest that fully-distributed hydrologic models are amenable tools for watershed planning and management purposes, including the evaluation of proposed hydraulic infrastructure, that have distinct advantages over more commonly applied semidistributed modeling packages such as HEC-HMS. These advantages included: (1) an increased model resolution capturing spatial details of soil moisture and runoff generation in regions of complex terrain, (2) a higher fidelity of hydrologic processes allowing for the spatial characterization of runoff generation mechanisms, and (3) an improved ability to identify and evaluate potential sites for hydraulic infrastructure given the additional spatial detail. While hydrologic measurements (e.g., streamflow, soil moisture, groundwater depth) at internal locations were not available for model evaluation, the physically-consistent model response from the fully-distributed approach indicate a superior ability to depict spatial patterns of soil saturation and surface runoff production as well as the flood propagation through the stream network. In addition, the commensurate application of HEC-HMS and tRIBS in the Santa Catarina watershed during a destructive flood event shows that the limitations of data availability, often cited as drawbacks in fully-distributed approaches (Singh and Woolhiser 2002; Fatichi et al. 2016), are present for both approaches and can be overcome to some extent using remote sensing and reanalysis products. In this sense, the application of the fully-distributed model in this setting yielded innovations in (1) the implementation of level-pool routing scheme to depict the effects of hydraulic infrastructure on flood wave propagation, (2) the use of remotely-sensed land cover data from MODIS and soil property data from ISRIC for yielding static parameters in a data sparse region, and (3) the bias-correction of NLDAS meteorological forcing with ground-based data for a hurricane event.
Model comparisons also show promise as frameworks for stakeholder engagement activities that build confidence in hydrologic models of varying complexity as complementary tools for evaluating scenarios, resolving conflicts, and enhancing decision making (e.g., Starkl et al. 2013; Robles-Morua et al. 2014). For instance, the evaluation of Hurricane Alex conducted by the authors in this study could serve for subsequent stakeholder workshops in Monterrey designed to explore other flood mitigation alternatives, such as different hydraulic infrastructure configurations or the impact of green infrastructure projects in urban and rural areas (e.g., Porse 2014; Galicia et al. 2015), including the trade-offs between costs and benefits of different options. As such, a formal set of recommendations for flood adaptation or mitigation strategies could be derived as future steps. Furthermore, the authors are interested in evaluating how the model comparison can serve as a platform for assessing how uncertainties in commensurate model forcing, parameters, and initial conditions are propagated to the simulated flood response and the effectiveness of varying flood mitigation strategies by taking advantage of the different model structures. For these analyses, a wider number and magnitude of meteorological events should be considered in order to quantify the benefits of the flood mitigation efforts under smaller floods occurring during the rainy season and higher magnitude events derived from the probable maximum precipitation (PMP). For instance, analyses of historical hurricane-induced flood events in the region (Hurricanes Gilbert, Emily, and Alex) could yield an estimate of an appropriate PMP or design storm (see Ramírez 2010) that could be formally used for engineering design. Processing and bias-correcting meteorological fields from NLDAS for prior hurricane events can also extend the calibration and validation efforts carried out with the two models. Furthermore, the model comparison could be extended to include simplified and complex hydraulic schemes (e.g., Kim et al. 2013; Che and Mays 2015) that represent flood interactions with transportation infrastructure in the urban reaches of the Santa Catarina River and the built environment in the Monterrey metropolitan area.


The authors would like to thank funding from the National Science Foundation (SES-0951366, DMUU: Decision Center for a Desert City II: Urban Climate Adaptation) as well as the Inter-American Development Bank and The Nature Conservancy for supplementary funds. The authors appreciate the contributions of the following individuals during various stages of the efforts leading to this work: Alexander Baish, Dave D. White, Robert Pahle, George Basile, Elizabeth Tellman, Aldo I. Ramírez, Daniel Che, and Jurgen Mahlknecht. Enrique Vivoni would like to thank the U.S. Fulbright-Garcia Robles and Mexican CONACYT fellowships for support. The authors acknowledge computing resources from the ASU Advanced Computing Center (A2C2). The authors also thank several reviewers and the editorial team who provided useful comments that substantially improved earlier versions of the manuscript.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 22Issue 9September 2017


Received: Aug 15, 2016
Accepted: Apr 5, 2017
Published online: Jul 8, 2017
Published in print: Sep 1, 2017
Discussion open until: Dec 8, 2017



Jorge E. Cázares-Rodríguez
Graduate Research Assistant, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State Univ., 781 E. Terrace Mall, ISTB4, Room 768, Tempe, AZ 85287.
Enrique R. Vivoni, Ph.D., M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment and School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State Univ., 781 E. Terrace Mall, ISTB4, Room 769, Tempe, AZ 85287 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Giuseppe Mascaro, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State Univ., 781 E. Terrace Mall, ISTB4, Room 395C, Tempe, AZ 85287.

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