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Technical Papers
Jan 20, 2015

Evapotranspiration from Natural Vegetation in the Central Valley of California: Monthly Grass Reference-Based Vegetation Coefficients and the Dual Crop Coefficient Approach

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 20, Issue 10


Restoration activities in the Central Valley of California and elsewhere require accurate evapotranspiration information, which can then be used for a wide variety of surface and subsurface hydrologic evaluations. However, directly measuring evapotranspiration can be difficult or impossible depending on the evaluation’s time frame. Transferability of measured evapotranspiration in time and space is also necessary but typically requires a weather-based reference. For nonagricultural vegetation, there is at present time no standard reference, which makes the evaluation of a variety of vegetation types from different sources difficult and time-consuming. This paper examines several methods used to estimate evapotranspiration from native vegetation, including the use of vegetation coefficients (Kv). Vegetation coefficients are based on a standardized reference and are computed as the ratio of vegetation evapotranspiration (ETv) to the grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo). These monthly Kv values are used to compute the long-term (for this study, 1922–2009) average ETv for vegetation types documented to exist in California’s Central Valley prior to the arrival of the first European settlers in the mid-18th century. For vegetation that relies on precipitation and soil moisture storage, a calibrated daily soil–water balance with a dual crop coefficient approach was used to compute evapotranspiration regionally over the time frame.


As competition for fresh water supplies intensifies, it becomes increasingly important to accurately track fresh water supply destinations through hydrologic evaluations. In many cases, these groundwater and surface water hydrologic evaluations are used to create models to estimate water distribution under historical conditions or to predict future conditions based on assumed changes in landscape, climate, management, etc. For the hydrologic evaluations to be accurate, however, the assumptions and measurements of inflows and outflows upon which they are based must also be accurate. In arid and semiarid environments, the largest percentage of fresh water is generally expended by evapotranspiration, which is notoriously difficult to measure directly. Therefore, it is crucial that procedures be developed that can accurately estimate evapotranspiration (Milly and Dunne 2010; Zhao et al. 2013).
The current trend of restoring native vegetation and habitats requires a good understanding of these habitats’ water demands. For example, the current Bay Delta Conservation Plan includes over 85,000 acres of natural habitat restoration in the California Central Valley over the next 40 years (BDCP 2013). Planners require accurate estimates of evapotranspiration demands from vegetation throughout the year to properly design the habitats so as not to exceed available water supplies. Evapotranspiration demands are also needed by engineers to design new infrastructure to distribute water to these areas or examine if existing infrastructure can supply the additional habitat.
In this study, evapotranspiration estimates from vegetation that existed in the Central Valley of California are developed using standard procedures similar to those used for agriculture. For non-water-stressed vegetation such as riparian forests and permanent wetlands, monthly vegetation coefficients were generated from a detailed review of literature. These coefficients were developed to be used with a reference evapotranspiration computed from regional climate data. Alternative procedures are described for vegetation that relies primarily on rainfall, where evapotranspiration rates are dependent on moisture availability in the soil.

Current Measurement and Estimation Techniques

Techniques to measure and estimate evapotranspiration directly are available but have limitations. Common measurement techniques for actual evapotranspiration include weighing lysimeters, inflow–outflow tanks, Bowen ratio, eddy covariance, surface renewal, and remote sensing using a surface energy balance. There is consensus among researchers that if measurements are made using a localized measurement technique (techniques other than remote sensing using a surface energy balance), the measurement locations should be surrounded by vegetation of the same type, health, and size of the reference vegetation (i.e., “fetch”) (Allen et al. 2011). Without the proper fetch, warmer, dryer air can move more easily through the vegetation, causing what is termed the clothesline effect, whereby the resulting evapotranspiration estimates are unreasonably high (Blaney et al. 1933; Allen et al. 1998, 2011). Care must be taken when setting up the studies and when examining the results, because published data still exist that report these unusually high values.
Direct measurements of evapotranspiration are often not feasible in hydrologic evaluations. Using remote sensing to compute actual evapotranspiration [Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL), Mapping of Evapotranspiration at High Resolution with Internal Calibration (METRIC), etc.] has become popular over the last decade (Allen et al. 2007a). However, this method is time-intensive, and data may only be available for a limited period. Further, remote sensing has limitations when long-term evaluations are required, future predictions are needed, or where the vegetation types are not currently growing in the area of interest.
As a case in point, the California Central Valley has changed significantly since development began in the mid-18th century when the first European settlers arrived. Early maps and eyewitness accounts indicate that the Central Valley was formerly home to vast areas of wetland, riparian forest, and grassland habitats that no longer exist (Thompson 1961; Küchler 1977; California State University Chico 2003). It is estimated that wetland acreage in the Central Valley has declined from over 4 million acres to approximately 379,000 acres (Garone 2011).
In this study, evapotranspiration occurring in a variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitats was estimated for the portion of California’s Central Valley that drains to the San Francisco Bay, referred to here as the “Valley Floor.” California’s Central Valley has a single surface water outlet (not counting evaporation and transpiration): through the San Francisco Bay-Delta, which drains the Sacramento Basin Valley from the north and the San Joaquin Basin Valley from the south. The southern part of the San Joaquin Valley (Tulare Lake Basin) is a closed basin that rarely drains to the Delta. Water that is not consumed through evaporation or transpiration flows through the Delta and is discharged into San Francisco Bay. This is commonly referred to as Delta outflow.

Past Studies

Two studies have estimated evapotranspiration by natural vegetation within the Central Valley (Fox 1987; Shelton 1987). Fox (1987) estimated long-term annual average Delta outflow from a water balance based on unimpaired rim inflows, precipitation on the Valley Floor, and evapotranspiration from native vegetation. Shelton (1987) compared predevelopment evapotranspiration within the Central Valley with current agricultural evapotranspiration. Fox (1987) and Shelton (1987) relied on annual estimates of natural vegetation evapotranspiration from studies throughout the western United States. In some cases, these evapotranspiration measurements were conducted in the early to mid-1900s.
Bolger et al. (2011) used a 3D numerical model (HydroGeoSphere) to assess the hydraulic and hydrologic conditions in the northern San Joaquin Valley from the Kings River (south of Fresno) to Sacramento. Evapotranspiration was estimated within the model based on computed root zone soil moisture along with input information on leaf-area index, soil properties, and potential evapotranspiration (ET) (which was assumed to equal the grass reference evapotranspiration for that study). The potential ET was estimated from long-term averaged data and did not vary from year to year. Bolger acknowledges that ET was a major outflow component; however, he did not report actual evapotranspiration for each vegetation type.
With all of the past studies, a major issue in estimating evapotranspiration from natural vegetation stems from somewhat limited research of varying quality and a lack of standardization on transferability in these measurements to different locations and time frames.

Kv and Water Balance Approaches

In this study, evapotranspiration estimates were made by native vegetation type within each Planning Area [California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) 2005] in the portion of the Valley Floor that historically drained to the San Francisco Bay (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Planning Areas shown with the Valley Floor and floodplain areas used for this evaluation; Planning Area 601 within the Valley Floor is too small to show on this map
The new estimation approach presented in this paper is based on studies that measured evapotranspiration from vegetation similar to that found in the predeveloped Central Valley of California. Measured evapotranspiration was used to develop transferable grass reference-based vegetation coefficients (Kv’s). These Kv values were used to compute local evapotranspiration on a monthly or daily basis using a standardized approach assuming similar conditions. Two methods were employed to estimate evapotranspiration: (1) Kv method for vegetation with a continuous water supply throughout the growing season, and (2) water balance method for vegetation that depends solely on precipitation. Some estimated vegetation Kv values (for permanent wetlands and riparian forest) are compared to actual evapotranspiration measured using remote sensing. Meteorological conditions of water years 1922 through 2009 (an 88-year period) were used to compute annual average evapotranspiration (depth) for vegetation types in predeveloped California. Studies, currently underway, to simulate hydrologic conditions in predeveloped California (based on the 1922–2009 meteorological conditions) will use the monthly and annual evapotranspiration values developed in this study. The long-term average ET depths by region could be used for planning and design of restoration activities for similar vegetation. The Kv values and soil water balance procedures could be used with local climatic data from other regions around the world for a variety of ET evaluations.


Several studies have examined the composition of the vegetation in the Central Valley prior to development or early in the development of the region (Thompson 1957, 1961; Küchler 1977; Fox 1987; TBI 1998; California State University Chico 2003). This study relied on the California State University Chico (2003) research, supplemented by Küchler (1977) as discussed in Fox and Sears (2014). A more comprehensive list of historical studies can be found in the reference section of CSU Chico (2003) which is, for the most part, information compiled from many earlier sources used to create a spatial distribution of vegetation categories. The vegetation habitat types in the study area (Fig. 1) include wetlands, riparian forest, grasslands, valley oak/foothill hardwoods, chaparral, and other floodplain habitats. The latter category was subdivided based on the work of Küchler (1977).
The general categories identified in CSU Chico would likely have included vegetation within different ecosystems. Grassland habitat would include perennial grasses with access to moisture in the high water table as well as perennial and annual grasses that relied on precipitation stored in the root zone through winter rains. The other floodplain habitat category was stated as a mixture of riparian, wetland, and grassland vegetation (California State University Chico 2003), which was classified using the technique of Küchler (1977).
The water table in predeveloped California was at or less than 10 feet below ground surface throughout much of the Valley Floor, and artesian conditions were widespread (Williamson et al. 1989). This shallow groundwater extended from Sutter Butte to south of the Stanislaus River, covering approximately 8,000 mi2. In this region, grasslands were likely made up of perennial bunchgrass with year-round access to water from the water table (Küchler 1977; Heady 1988; Bartolome et al. 2007). As the depth to the groundwater table increased away from this region, the grasslands were likely more seasonal, relying on precipitation stored in the root zone. However, in some locations, a perched water table caused by a shallow clay layer or impermeable subsoil layers caused vernal pools to form. In these regions, some of the grasses and other vegetation would have access to water for a longer timeframe compared to the rainfed grasslands.
Similarly, some of the wetland habitat around the periphery of the floodplains, away from areas with high water tables would have relied on seasonal rainfall and flooding as the primary source of moisture. Once the floodwaters receded and the winter and spring precipitation ended, some of the wetlands would dry down until the next fall and winter when rainfalls and floods again occurred. Seasonal wetlands are another wetland classification within the Central Valley along with permanent wetlands and vernal pool wetlands (Garone 2011). The permanent and some vernal pool wetlands would have access to water for a majority of or the entire year.
The determination of Kv and ultimately the evapotranspiration rate from natural vegetation was split into two categories: evapotranspiration without water deficit (nonstressed), which comprises permanent wetlands, riparian forest, and permanent perennial grasslands; and evapotranspiration under water-stressed conditions once the source water was no longer available (e.g., rainfed grasslands, valley oak/hardwoods split into foothill hardwoods and valley oak savannas, and seasonal wetlands). Vernal pools were examined differently because of the lack of reported evapotranspiration. Once the Kv values were determined for each category, the long-term average ETv was computed for each Planning Area shown in Fig. 1.

Monthly Non-Water-Stressed Kv

An intensive review of natural vegetation evapotranspiration literature was conducted to examine studies that investigated wetland, riparian, open water evaporation, and native grasslands that had access to water throughout the growing period. There have been several reviews conducted for different native vegetation types (Johns 1989; Drexler et al. 2004; Moore et al. 2004) and it is not the intent to repeat that information here. The available reviews provided information such as who conducted the study, the vegetation type, etc. In most cases, actual results were limited to annual depth of evapotranspiration, if any results were discussed at all.
Specific information was sought for this study to develop useful, reliable Kv values. A main criterion for selection was that the study had to include at least monthly data. The authors only examined data from investigations that measured evapotranspiration from vegetation (ETv) surrounded by similar vegetation on all sides (i.e., with sufficient fetch) using a lysimeter/tank, Bowen ratio, eddy correlation, surface renewal, or remote sensing of actual evapotranspiration using an energy balance. In one case, estimates of ETv using porometer measurements were included because of the lack of alternative estimates. ETv estimates using a larger scale (field or watershed) water balance were avoided due to the inaccuracies associated with measuring inflows, outflows, and changes in internal water storage. ETv assessments using vegetative indices with empirical coefficients were also avoided since this is not an actual measurement. Several early studies were found in which ETv was measured without proper fetch, which caused significant overestimation ETv due to the aforementioned clothesline effect. The data gathered from the literature review focused on ETv investigations after 1945 unless the site conditions and experimental methods were explained in sufficient detail and the researcher had sufficient experience to provide confidence in the measurements. A majority of the studies used in this paper were conducted in the western United States, although some information from Florida was used.

Computation of Non-Water-Stressed Kv

Transferring and adjusting evapotranspiration estimates made during a specific time frame in one location to a different location during a different time frame is commonly done using a reference based on local weather conditions and an adjustment coefficient based on the vegetation and growth stage (Allen et al. 1998). Weather Bureau Class A Pan evaporation was originally used as the reference for natural vegetation. Starting in the early 1970s, the Priestley-Taylor method became popular for estimating natural vegetation ET because it required less input data. The Jensen-Haise and Blaney-Criddle methods have also been used as references (Jensen et al. 1990). However, without a standard reference, different adjustment coefficients are needed for each reference equation. Attempting to compare coefficients based on different references can be challenging and has been identified as a major drawback of reference-based computations for natural vegetation (Drexler et al. 2004).
The standard approach for agricultural crops is to use a reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) computed from specialized weather station networks along with a crop coefficient (Kc) that was developed through research for specific stages of the crop cycle. Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) can be computed using Eq. (1)
The reference crop used is generally grass (short crop) or alfalfa (tall crop). The 2005 ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith (ASCE ETo) equation is the current standard for computation for either a grass or alfalfa reference evapotranspiration (Allen et al. 2005a). Over the past several decades, specialized reference evapotranspiration weather stations have been installed throughout the western United States. This provides a great resource for weather data and reference evapotranspiration at high temporal resolution (hourly and daily values).
This study applied this standard approach to the type of natural vegetation found in California’s Central Valley predevelopment. As natural vegetation is of interest, the term crop coefficient is replaced in this work by a more general vegetation coefficient (Kv), and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) is replaced with vegetation evapotranspiration (ETv). There is debate on which reference crop, grass or alfalfa, is more appropriate. However, the authors believe that it is more important to define which reference crop was used to develop Kv or Kc values. Generally, regional decisions are made to use a particular reference crop with weather station networks. In California, grass reference evapotranspiration is used in the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather station network. Spatial, long-term daily ETo information from locations throughout California has also been developed by the California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) Cal-SIMETAW program (Orang et al. 2013). For these reasons, grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was selected for this study.
The grass reference is a hypothetical green surface with an assumed height, and fixed surface resistance and albedo (Allen et al. 1998). The reference crop is not intended to mimic the vegetation for which ETv is to be estimated. The properties of the hypothetical reference crop are used in the ASCE ETo equation along with weather information to account for regional climatic variability. The Kv values incorporate vegetation characteristics that influence evapotranspiration such as development, canopy properties, aerodynamic resistances, water availability, and ground cover. For natural vegetation, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as Eq. (2)
Using Eq. (2), the monthly Kv values were developed from the monthly ETv measurements obtained from the literature review and documented or estimated ETo using Eq. (3)
Data from some studies were rejected based on methodological issues or conditions that were not representative of the vegetation conditions within the predeveloped Central Valley. Drexler et al. (2004), for example, points out that for wetlands, a drawback to the Kv approach stems from inaccurate methodologies employed during the measurement of ETv. As previously mentioned, studies conducted without appropriate fetch (isolated stands creating a clothesline effect) were not used in this study. However, elevated ETv values for vegetation reported to be small stand (as opposed to isolated stands) are valid. As small-stand wetland areas were present along numerous sloughs and lakes within the floodplain, separate Kv values were developed for small-stand wetlands.

Grass Reference ETo_Study to Compute Kv

In several recent studies, Kv was computed based on a Penman-Monteith equation for ETo (grass reference) or ETr (alfalfa reference). Some of these studies were conducted prior to the publication of the ASCE Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration Equation, but used similar equations and standards. If the Kv was developed using a grass reference, it is reported here without modification. If the Kv was based on an alfalfa reference, it was modified to convert it to a grass-reference-based Kv. These modifications will be discussed.
In some cases, the standard grass-reference equation could not be used to compute Kv. The ETo_Study, for example, had to be estimated on a monthly basis for the time frame and the location that the study was conducted. As most ETo weather stations were not installed in the western United States until the 1980s or later, it was not possible to use the standardized reference evapotranspiration equation for some datasets. Alternatively, the Hargreaves ETo equation was used in cases where the full set of weather parameters was not available. The Hargreaves equation has been shown to provide relatively accurate ETo estimates with limited data (maximum and minimum temperature only) in arid regions (Jensen et al. 1990; Allen et al. 1998). Hargreaves ETo is computed based on temperature and extraterrestrial radiation (Ra) as Eq. (4)
where temperatures are in degrees Celsius, and Ra and ETo are in millimeters per unit time. The Hargreaves equation does not include direct information on wind speed or relative humidity, which can cause inaccuracies associated with the Hargreaves ETo. Allen et al. (1998) discusses a calibration method to improve the accuracy of the Hargreaves ETo estimate on a monthly or annual basis by comparing it to the standardized Penman-Monteith ETo for years with overlapping data.
ETo_Study was determined for each study site depending on the data availability. The list below is used to identify the method used to compute ETo for each study summarized in the results section. The methods used for determining ETo were as follows:
In cases where the vegetation coefficient was provided and ETo_Study was not needed, if the Kv provided was based on an alfalfa reference crop (ETr), these alfalfa-reference-based Kv values were multiplied by 1.15 (estimated ratio of ETr/ETo) to estimate Kv based on a grass reference. However, when possible, a conversion factor was computed on a monthly basis as actual ETr/ETo over a period of two or more years. The ratio of ETr/ETo was then averaged by month to account for seasonal variability improving the accuracy of the monthly grass-reference-based Kv;
If an ETo weather station existed near the study location during the study period, ASCE ETo was used;
If an ETo weather station was placed near the location (within 10–20 mi depending on the climate variability and terrain) of the study site after the study was conducted, a monthly calibrated Hargreaves ETo was used. Calibration was conducted based on years when weather station ETo was available;
If no ETo weather station was near the study location but monthly temperature data were provided with the study data, Hargreaves ETo was used based on these temperature data; and
If no ETo weather station was near the study location and monthly temperature data for the study period were not provided, Hargreaves ETo was used based on PRISM data for the location and time frame of the study.
If methods (4) or (5) were used to estimate ETo_Study, these ETo values were checked against the long-term (10-year) average ASCE ETo on an annual basis. The long-term average ASCE ETo used for the check was either from weather stations within 20–30 miles with similar climate conditions or, for studies in California, from Spatial CIMIS data for the location of the study site (Hart et al. 2009). The difference between the annual ETo values was set at a threshold of ±15%. This reality check ensured that gross errors in the ETo_Study were avoided. If the Hargreaves ETo was outside of this threshold, alternative means of computing ETo were attempted or the dataset was abandoned. The alternative method for computing ETo was to find a nearby NCDC weather station with temperature data for the study’s time frame and use the Hargreaves equation to compute the ETo based on these data.
The PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) system maintained by Oregon State University provides a grid of monthly temperatures (minimum and maximum) from 1895 to the present covering the United States (Daly et al. 2002, 2008). PRISM temperature data are computed based on surface weather station data and are interpolated based on factors such as location, coastal proximity, elevation, and topography (Daly et al. 2000).

Comparison of Nonstressed Kv Values from Previous Studies to Measured Values from Remote Sensing

As part of an unrelated, D. J. Howes, unpublished data, 2013, the primary author measured actual evapotranspiration from riparian and wetland habitats in Kern County, CA using a surface energy balance with remote sensing data. Monthly Kv values were computed based on computed ETo in these investigations and compared to the monthly Kv values from literature. To develop the actual evapotranspiration from the riparian and wetland vegetation, LandSAT 5 images were processed over a two-year period for each site using modified METRIC procedures (Allen et al. 2007a). The primary author has modified the original METRIC procedure to use a grass-reference evapotranspiration and use a semiautomated internal calibration procedure. The values obtained from this separate study proved useful to the research discussed here, and a comparison of the data appears in the “Results and Discussion” section of this paper.
The wetland area that was examined for the comparison is within Kern Wildlife Refuge in northern Kern County, California. The wetland vegetation consists of tules, timothy, and cattails. LandSAT 5 images (Path 42/Row 35) were processed from March through October 2011, which was an unusually wet year that resulted in a portion of the wetland within the refuge having water all season. Because of limited water supplies during the summer, in most years the Kern Wildlife Refuge wetlands are seasonal with limited water supplies during the summer months.
Kv values were computed for each image processed (one per month) using Eq. (2) where the ETv was the instantaneous value at the time of image acquisition computed with METRIC and ETo was the instantaneous grass-reference evapotranspiration. The instantaneous ETo was interpolated from hourly data collected at the CIMIS weather station near Lost Hills, California (Belridge Station, Number 146).
Riparian vegetation in the Central Valley no longer exists in large quantities. However, one of the most significant remaining cottonwood–willow forests in California is located along the Kern River east of Lake Isabella, California in the southern Sierra Nevada mountain range. LandSAT 5 images (Path 41/Row 35) from March through September 2011 and October and November 2010 were used to compute actual evapotranspiration for the riparian forest near Lake Isabella. At least one image per month was used for the evaluation. Kv values were computed as previously described; however, the instantaneous ETo was computed using the 2005 ASCE Standardized ETo equation with weather data collected at a Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) near Kernville, California (MesoWest Station KRNC1). Weather data were quality controlled prior to computing ETo based on procedures of Allen et al. (1998).

Evapotranspiration from Rainfed Vegetation

A portion of the grasslands and valley/foothill hardwood habitats and all of the chaparral along the perimeter of the predeveloped Valley Floor would have relied on precipitation because the water table was generally deeper along the higher elevation areas. The native grasslands contained primarily perennial bunchgrasses that have deeper roots than the current annual grasses and in some cases would have had access to groundwater from the high water table (Reever Morghan et al. 2007). Grasslands that have access to groundwater would not have been water stressed, and the Kv would therefore be represented by the natural grass Kv discussed in the previous section. Special consideration was given to oak savannas that had access to groundwater (termed “valley oak savannas”) as will be discussed later. However, a portion of the grasslands and valley/foothill hardwoods identified by the CSU Chico study would have relied principally on precipitation (termed “rainfed grassland” and “foothill hardwoods,” respectively).
The standard relationship shown in Eqs. (1) and (2) assumes a full water supply. Thus, it cannot be used for vegetation that depends on precipitation as the only water supply. Kv values measured during a particular year would not necessarily be representative of Kv values for a different year with different precipitation rates or in areas with different soil types. Accounting for variable precipitation both from year to year and spatially requires examining root-zone soil moisture and the plant development over the period of interest. For this evaluation, a daily soil–water balance using the dual-crop coefficient method (Allen et al. 1998) was used for the 88-year period for rainfed vegetation.
The ETv for rainfed grasslands and foothill hardwoods was estimated for this study using the soil water balance approach calibrated using data measured near Ione, CA using the eddy covariance technique (Baldocchi et al. 2004). The subject study area is within managed ranches in which brush has been removed and cattle graze the grasses and herbs. Furthermore, it no longer contains native perennial bunchgrasses believed to have once been dominant. In this oak savanna ecosystem, trees covered about 40% of the landscape, predominately blue oaks (Quercus douglasii) with occasional grey pines (Pinus sabiniana) (Miller et al. 2010). This ecosystem is used to represent “foothill hardwoods,” a subset of Chico’s (2003) “valley foothill/hardwood.” The perennial blue oaks that dominate the site have limited access to groundwater, unlike the deciduous valley oaks that dominated the Central Valley Floor prior to development. Finally, its soils and elevation are not representative of the Valley Floor study area (Fig. 1). Thus, the soil–water balance approach based on Ione data likely underestimates the evapotranspiration that would have occurred from grassland and foothill hardwood areas under natural conditions. However, it is currently the best source of data available.
The following sections discuss soil–water balance model calibration and the use of the calibrated model to examine rainfed vegetation throughout the Valley Floor. Once the soil–water balance model was calibrated, soil type and root-zone depth (for the oaks) were modified to be more representative of conditions on the Valley Floor, as will be discussed. The third section discusses special consideration for the valley oaks that had access to groundwater but were in rainfed grasslands.

Soil–Water Balance Model Calibration

The soil–water balance model requires inputs related to plant development, soil-available water-holding capacity, root-zone depth, daily grass reference evapotranspiration, daily precipitation, and basal Kv (Kv for vegetation that is nonstressed with no surface evaporation) during different development periods. While many inputs into the model could be estimated for the Valley Floor based on weather measurements and soil reports, vegetation parameters including basal Kv and plant development timing are unknown. To estimate the vegetation parameters for the grasslands and foothill hardwoods, these parameters were adjusted manually until the modeled ETv matched the measured ETv. Because only two parameters were modified during the calibration, namely vegetation development and basal Kv, manual calibration was used. However, this was a time-consuming process and in the future, an automated calibration tool may be more appropriate.
Daily grass reference evapotranspiration data were obtained from CDWR Cal-SIMETAW program for the Planning Area that included Ione, California based on the spatially averaged ETo (Orang et al. 2013). Estimated daily precipitation was also provided with ETo. However, the annual precipitation in Valley Floor Planning Area was significantly lower during that year than reported by Baldocchi et al. (2004). This is likely due to the fact that Ione, California is at a higher elevation along the Sierra Nevada foothills and receives more precipitation than other portions of the Planning Area (Planning Area #603). However, daily precipitation data from the original study were not available. To make the adjustment, on days of precipitation in the dataset, the precipitation was increased until the annual precipitation amounts matched those of Baldocchi et al. (2004). In this way, the seasonal precipitation variability was maintained.
For model calibration, the soil-available water-holding capacity (AWHC) was based on the soil retention curves measured by Baldocchi et al. (2004). The reported soil textures were silt loam to rocky silt loam (Miller et al. 2010). The AWHC was computed to be 350mm/m for the oak savanna and 190mm/m for the grassland based on the soil–water retention curves. The maximum root-zone depth used for the annual grassland was 0.6 m (Reever Morghan et al. 2007).
For the foothill oak savanna, used as a surrogate for foothill hardwoods, the depth of the root zone was assumed to be 1 m, which is equivalent to the depth of the surface soil (Miller et al. 2010). Both Baldocchi et al. (2004) and Miller et al. (2010) reported that the oaks used groundwater in the summer and fall when soil moisture was limited. While the overall ETv was significantly lower when soil moisture levels were low, a high percentage of ETv during this time can be attributed to groundwater (Miller et al. 2010). Oak roots can extend through fractured rock to depths in excess of 24 m (Lewis and Burgy 1964). The lower ETv during the summer and fall is due to the fact that a relatively shallow soil layer overlaid a fractured rock aquifer that was accessible to a smaller portion of roots. Miller et al. (2012) estimates that groundwater supplies account for approximately 20% of the annual evapotranspiration in the foothill oak savanna. The soil–water balance model did not include contributions from the groundwater in the summer and fall, thus underestimating evapotranspiration for foothill oak savanna. Therefore, the summer evapotranspiration comparison shown in Fig. 2(a) is higher for the measured values than the modeled values. In July and August 2002, the difference between measured and modeled ET was 14 mm and 16 mm, respectively. For the valley oak savanna category, groundwater availability during the summer was assumed.
Fig. 2. Measured evapotranspiration from eddy covariance compared to calibrated soil–water balance model results for foothill oak savanna and rainfed grasslands with measured values from Baldocchi et al. (2004) and chaparral with measured values from Claudi et al. (2006)
Vegetation development and basal Kv were calibrated by comparing reported ETv data from the eddy covariance stations (Baldocchi et al. 2004) to modeled ETv. The processed data for the years reported in the study were obtained from FLUXNET (ORNL DAAC 2013). The development stages and basal Kv were manually adjusted until the modeled and measured monthly average ETv followed similar patterns and had similar magnitudes, as will be discussed in more detail. The basal Kv is the potential transpiration without water stress and is generally a function of leaf area and vegetation type. The actual Kv is computed using the dual-crop coefficient method in the soil–water balance model, which accounts for vegetation stress due to limited water availability and soil evaporation from a wet soil surface. This is because basal Kv values are not available for these vegetation types and would be dependent on the vegetation cover and health. Vegetation development could be predicted initially through visual examination of the ETv from the covariance stations. Initial adjustments to the vegetation development were made until the early year trends (not magnitude) in monthly ETv agreed. The basal Kv required more adjustment during the calibration procedure and were adjusted until the magnitude of monthly modeled and measured ETv correlated. Additional fine tuning adjustments were made to the vegetative development timing but basal Kv seemed to be the most important for calibration. The root mean square error (RMSE) and normalized RMSE (NRMSE) for rainfed grassland were 6.1 mm and 8%, respectively. The RMSE and NRMSE for foothill oak savanna were 9.1 mm and 11%, respectively. The higher RMSE and NRMSE for the foothill oak savanna is in part due to the model underpredicting ETv because it was conservatively assumed that the vegetation type did not have access to groundwater. Calibrated values used for the long-term modeling are shown in Table 1. A comparison between the measured and calibration results are shown in Fig. 2.
Table 1. Final Calibrated Parameters for the Dual Crop Coefficient Modeling of Grassland and Foothill Oak Savanna Vegetation
ParameterRainfed grasslandsFoothill oak savannaChaparral
Basal Kv initial0.10.10.25
Basal Kv full0.650.50.25
Initial period length (days)7075n/a
Development period length (days)7590n/a
Date for start of initial periodDecember 1December 1January 1
Soil moisture depletion at onset of stress (%)555555
Evapotranspiration from chaparral vegetation was calibrated using a similar procedure previously discussed based on data used by Claudio et al. (2006). The chaparral leaf area and height were assumed constant throughout the year and therefore the only calibration parameter was basal Kv. This assumption, which simplified the calibration procedure, resulted in a best fit between modeled and measured data with a constant basal Kv throughout the year. This indicates that chaparral vegetation is capable of utilizing water if it becomes available and regulates its use as soil moisture depletion increases. Processed eddy covariance data from 2001 through 2002 obtained from FLUXNET (ORNL DAAC 2013) at the Sky Oaks field station located in northern San Diego County were used for the calibration. Grass reference ETo was obtained from the CIMIS Station #137 near Temecula, California (CIMIS 2013). Calibrated values used for the long-term modeling of chaparral are shown in Table 1. The RMSE and NRMSE for chaparral modeled values were 4.9 mm and 10%, respectively. A comparison between measured and calibrated-modeled ETv for chaparral is shown in Fig. 2(c).

Soil–Water Balance Model for Valley Floor ETv Computations

Once the vegetation parameters were calibrated, the other model inputs were modified to represent average conditions on the Valley Floor (as opposed to the upper foothills). The calibrated model for the rainfed grasslands, chaparral, and foothill hardwoods was used as the basis of the long-term modeling of these vegetative types for the Valley Floor. However, modifications were made to the rooting depth and soil AWHC to account for differing characteristics near the Valley Floor. A root-zone depth of 1.5 m was used for the foothill hardwood, which coincides with the measured root-zone depth of older blue oaks (Millikin and Bledsoe 1999). Oak roots in the Valley Floor can be much deeper to tap into the groundwater, but because the grassland and foothill hardwoods oaks are modeled as a system (as opposed to independently), a deeper root zone would lead to overestimation of ET from the grasslands within the foothill hardwood, while underestimating ET from the hardwood themselves. In the foothill regions on the edge of the Valley Floor, Millikin and Bledsoe (1999) found that the majority of the blue oak root biomass was in the top 0.5 to 1 m of soil, and a smaller percentage below that reached to a depth of 1.5 m. However, Miller et al. (2010) found that blue oaks reach and rely on stores of groundwater more than 10 m below the surface. Thus, the approach used here would underestimate ETv from foothill hardwoods.
The rainfed grasslands’ root zone was maintained at 0.6 m based on field studies of annual and perennial bunchgrass on the Valley Floor (Holmes and Rice 1996). Major soil types covering the grassland and valley/foothill hardwood habitat were examined in GIS by overlaying the vegetation types with a large-scale soils map of California (Soil Survey Staff 2006). The major soil texture in both vegetative categories was silt loam, covering 28% of the valley/foothill hardwood and 18% of the grassland areas. Other major soil textures in these regions included gravelly loam, sandy loam, loam, and clay loam. General published values of AWHC for these soil types range from 110 to 200mm/m (Allen et al. 1998). An average value of 150mm/m was used for the modeling of both vegetation types.

Soil–Water Balance Model for Valley Oak Savanna ETv with Contribution from Groundwater

Urbanization and agriculture have replaced the valley oak savannas that once covered a significant area within the Central Valley. Unlike the blue oaks that make up the majority of the foothill hardwood savannas, valley oaks are not as drought tolerant and studies have indicated that they have deep roots that tap into groundwater reserves (Griffin 1973; Knops and Koenig 1994). Valley oaks tend to grow in bottomlands where groundwater is available. Because the water table was much higher predevelopment, it is reasonable to assume that the valley oaks had unrestricted access to groundwater in a significant portion of the Valley Floor. However, no information on evapotranspiration for natural valley oak savannas was found during this investigation. Valley oaks are dormant from December to approximately March in California (Pavlik et al. 1991). During this time frame, the grass and scrub understory would continue to use water (rainfed). It was assumed that the evapotranspiration on the Valley Floor would be similar to the foothill hardwoods during the winter and spring until the soil moisture was depleted in the primary understory root zone. After this period, a Kv value of 0.4 was used throughout the summer and fall to account for groundwater use by the valley oaks. The value of 0.4 was selected to account for a medium density overstory with a shallower rooted understory that either senesces or has significantly reduced evapotranspiration during the summer and early fall. The tree density of the valley oaks during predevelopment was likely mixed, as it is today (Pavlik et al. 1991), having higher densities on the fringe of the riparian forests to wider spacing towards the foothills on the edge of the Valley Floor. An estimated minimum summer and fall Kv of 0.4 represents an average tree density that would underestimate the evapotranspiration in the dense oak forests. However, the distribution of valley oak tree densities throughout the Valley Floor predevelopment is currently unknown so an average density was assumed.

Seasonal Wetlands and Vernal Pools

In contrast to permanent wetlands, seasonal wetlands undergo periods of high water availability starting in late fall with the first precipitation events, through midsummer when the flooding ceases and the water table drops below the ground surface (Garone 2011). The seasonal wetland habitat would have been found in some vernal pools and between permanent wetlands and the margin of the floodplain along the rivers in the Central Valley (Whipple et al. 2012).
The U.S. Geological Survey examined the evapotranspiration from seasonal wetlands near Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon from 2008 through 2010 using eddy covariance (Stannard 2013). In this study, the water table dropped below the soil surface between mid-July and early August each year and returned to standing water conditions in late winter/early spring. On average, the water table dropped approximately 0.5 m below the ground surface for each year and each site by late September to mid-October. On the Valley Floor of California prior to development, the standing water and water table in seasonal wetlands would likely begin to drop as the river and stream flows began to recede in the late spring and summer. The standing water and water table recession in the Upper Klamath Lake coincides with the long-term average drop-off in estimated valley historical rim inflows from the peak flow occurring generally in May (Tanaka et al. 2006). The combination of surface and subsurface outflow and evapotranspiration from the seasonal wetlands would cause a drop in the water table, resulting in reduced ETv due to water stress.
Because vernal pools are found nestled within grassland areas, they have historically been classified as grasslands. However, vernal pools are functionally similar to seasonal wetlands. The literature review revealed no information on measurement of actual evapotranspiration from vernal pools. Rains et al. (2006) and Williamson et al. (2005) used potential evapotranspiration (equal to grass reference ETo) to evaluate the likelihood of seepage from vernal pools. With the lack of monthly (or annual) or more frequent evapotranspiration measurements for vernal pools, estimates were made for Kv values based on typical conditions found in existing vernal pools in California. Vernal pools have a hardpan or low permeability layer at a relatively shallow depth below the ground surface. Rainfall from within the watershed as well as streams and overland runoff feed these vernal pools through surface and subsurface flows. The pools generally fill during the rainy season and in most cases, the pools fill before the vegetation emerges. A variety of vegetation grows within and around the vernal pools. During the summer, evapotranspiration and subsurface outflow drains the pools and some of the vegetation likely senesces. The water available to the plant during the rainy season is similar to wetlands or perennial grasses with access to a high water table. During the summer, evapotranspiration would likely drop significantly because of the lack of available water. This is similar to what occurs with rainfed grasslands, but later into the summer.
Due to the lack of evapotranspiration estimates and a variety of conditions that would be inherently difficult to estimate on a daily basis, it was infeasible to use the daily soil–water balance to estimate evapotranspiration. Estimates for monthly vernal pool Kv values were made based upon reported values from Williamson et al. (2005) on pool stage and soil moisture for vernal pools in California. Williamson et al. (2005) examined the conditions at three vernal pool sites from November through May for a single year. By April–May, the pool levels were dropping. Soil moisture measurements showed further reduction in soil moisture after the pool levels declined to surface. While the soil moisture measurements in the study ended in early June, the soil moisture was still declining, indicating continued evapotranspiration.
The vernal pool Kv was estimated based on aquatic (open water) areas in the winter (December through February) and large-stand wetlands in the spring (March through May). The Kv values in early summer to midsummer during the pool and soil moisture dry-down period were estimated based on data collected by Williamson et al. (2005) and photos taken over a period of several years of vernal pool filling to vegetation senescence (Chester 2003). The Kv is assumed to drop to 0.1–0.15 in late summer and early fall until the next rainy season.

Long-Term Average ETv

The ETv for vegetation types other than rainfed grasslands, foothill hardwoods, and valley oak savannas were computed on a monthly basis using Kv values found in or computed from published studies and monthly ETo by Planning Area (Fig. 1). Thirteen Planning Areas (CDWR 2005) were examined covering the Valley Floor from the westward San Joaquin River in the south to Shasta Lake in the north. Because the majority of Planning Area 504 lies outside of the Valley Floor, ETo and precipitation from detailed analysis Units 143 and 144 (areas within 504 and the Valley Floor) were used for this area. Daily ETo data for each planning area were averaged by month for each year from January 1922 through December 2009. The ETv was computed using Eq. (2) for each month during this time period.
The ETv for rainfed grasslands, foothill hardwood, and valley oak savannas was computed on a daily basis using a daily soil–water balance model from 1922 through 2009. Daily ETo and precipitation data were developed from the CDWR Cal-SIMETAW program on a daily basis by Planning Area using procedures described in Orang et al. (2013).

Results and Discussion

Table 2 summarizes key information from the studies used to compute Kv, including occurrence of long-term winter freeze events, water table depth, location, and ETv measurement method. Table 3 shows the Kv values from each study by month, the average monthly Kv from all studies for each vegetation type, and the Kv used to compute ETv in this study. The Kv values used to compute ETv were adjusted to account for conditions that are not representative of the study area. Thus, Kv used to compute ETv differs from the average of the studies summarized in Table 3 for the reasons explained below.
Table 2. Studies Where Monthly ETv Data was Obtained for Different Vegetation Types under a Variety of Conditions
CategoryIdentifierVegetationLong-term winter freezeWater table depthLocationMeasurement methodETo methodSource
Large-stand wetland1CattailsNoStandingFort Drum, FloridaTank within vegetation1Mao et al. (2002)
2CattailsNoStandingSouthern FloridaTank within vegetation1Abtew and Obeysekera (1995)a
3Tules and CattailsNoStandingTwitchell Island, CaliforniaSurface renewal1Drexler et al. (2008)
4Tules/BulrushNoStandingBonsall, CaliforniaTank within vegetation5Muckel and Blaney (1945)
5CattailsYesStandingLogan, UtahBowen ratio1Allen (1998)
Seasonal large-stand wetland6Tules, Cattails, Wocus LillyYesStanding to 0.8 mUpper Klamath NWR, OregonEddy covariance1Stannard (2013)
7Tules/BulrushYesStanding to 0.8 mUpper Klamath NWR, OregonEddy covariance1Stannard (2013)
Small-stand wetland8CattailsNoStandingKing Island, CaliforniaTank within vegetation5Young and Blaney (1942)
9Tules/BulrushNoStandingKing Island, CaliforniaTank within vegetation5Young and Blaney (1942)
10Tules/BulrushNoStandingVictorville, CaliforniaTank within vegetation5Young and Blaney (1942)
11CattailsYesStandingLogan, UtahBowen Ratio1Allen (1998)
12Tules/BulrushYesStandingLogan, UtahBowen Ratio1Allen (1998)
Large-stand riparian13WillowNoHighSanta Ana, CaliforniaTank within vegetation4Young and Blaney (1942)
14CottonwoodYesVariableMiddle Rio Grande, New MexicoSEB/METRIC1Allen et al. (2005b)
15R.OliveYesVariableMiddle Rio Grande, New MexicoSEB/METRIC1Allen et al. (2005b)
16WillowYesVariableMiddle Rio Grande, New MexicoSEB/METRIC1Allen et al. (2005b)
Smaller-stand riparian (508 m by 120 m)17Reed, Willow, CottonwoodYes0.9 mCentral City, NebraskaBowen ratio1Irmak et al. (2013)
Large-stand perennial grassland18Native pastureYesHighAlturas, CaliforniaTank within vegetation5MacGillivray (1975)
19Native pastureYesHighShasta County, CaliforniaTank within vegetation5MacGillivray (1975)
20Irrigated pastureYes0-0.6 mCarson Valley, NevadaEddy covariance5Maurer et al. (2006)
21Irrigated pastureYes0.6-1.5 mCarson Valley, NevadaBowen ratio5Maurer et al. (2006)
22Meadow pastureYes0.3-1.2 mUpper Green River, WyomingTank within vegetation1Pochop and Burman (1987)
Large-stand saltbush23SaltbushMinor.2-.8 mOwens Valley, CaliforniaStomatal conductance1Steinwand et al. (2001)
24SaltbushMinor0.4-0.7 mOwens Valley, CaliforniaEddy covariance2Duell (1990)
25SaltbushNo1.6 mYuma, ArizonaTank within vegetation4McDonald and Hughes (1968)
26SaltbushNo1.1 mYuma, ArizonaTank within vegetation4McDonald and Hughes (1968)
Aquatic surface27Shallow open waterNo Fort Drum, FloridaTank1Mao et al. (2002)
28Shallow open waterNo Delta Region, CaliforniaTank5Matthew (1931)
29Shallow open waterNo Lake Elsinore, CaliforniaWater balance5Young (1947)
Rainfed vegetation30Oak-grass savannaNoNoNear Iona, CaliforniaEddy covariance2Baldocchi et al. (2004)
31Chaparral—old standNoN/ANear Warner Springs, CaliforniaEddy covariance2Claudio et al. (2006)
32Chaparral—young standNoN/ANear Warner Springs, CaliforniaEddy covariance2Ichii et al. (2009)
33ChaparralYesN/ASierra Ancha Forest, ArizonaTank within vegetation5Rich (1951)
Presented in (Allen 1998).
Table 3. Monthly Kv (for Grass Reference Evapotranspiration) from Monthly Measured ETv for Different Vegetation Types and Site Conditions
   Kv for grass reference ETo
Large-stand permanent wetland1Cattails0.510.610.640.730.870.870.780.760.860.780.650.56
2Cattails 0.690.731.   
3Mixed    0.800.921.  
5Cattails   0.35a0.751.271.301.300.73   
Non-Florida average0.730.660.790.841.
Used to compute ETv0.700.700.801.
Large-stand seasonal wetland6Mixed    0.921.  
7Tules/Bulrush    0.971.  
Average    0.941.  
Used to compute ETvb0.700.700.801.
Small-stand permanent wetland8Cattails1.281.471.611.181.791.461.871.431.521.701.971.36
11Cattails   0.350.961.761.811.810.97   
12Tules/Bulrush   0.350.821.602.031.540.52   
Used to compute ETvc1.001.101.501.501.601.701.901.601.501.201.151.00
Large-stand riparian13Willow 0.680.781.050.820.901.131.201.431.211.090.80
Used to compute ETvd0.800.800.800.800.901.
Smaller-stand riparian (508 m by 120 m)17Reed, Willow, Cottonwood    0.801.241.401.501.130.91  
17Reed, Willow, Cottonwood    1.001.691.751.791.971.66  
Averagee    0.901.461.571.641.551.28  
Perennial grassland18Native Pasture0.460.430.510.970.971. 
19Native Pasture0.290.290.380.900.951.
20Irrigated Pasture0.820.820.901.231.170.930.990.981.090.86  
21Irrigated Pasture0.750.700.630.761.000.840.770.560.500.48  
22Meadow Pasture    0.630.920.970.780.62   
Used to compute ETvf0.550.550.600.951.
Large-stand saltbush23Saltbush  
26Saltbush 0.500.400.280.610.460.680.690.560.440.42 
Used to compute ETv0.300.300.300.350.450.500.600.550.450.350.400.35
Aquatic surface27Shallow Water0.680.740.780.770.850.850.760.790.700.790.570.53
28Shallow Water0.600.710.750.801.
29Shallow Water0.700.720.860.790.971.
Used to compute ETv0.650.700.750.801.
Rainfed vegetationg30Oak-Grass0.540.390.490.590.550.300.
31Chaparral0.31 0.450.
EsthVernal pools0.650.700.801.001.050.850.500.
Low Kv value was likely due to low evapotranspiration from postdormant vegetation after significant winter freezing, which is typical in Utah. This value was not used to compute ETv in this study.
The authors noted errors in measured winter ETv. Data from permanent wetlands was used for December through January Kv values to compute ETv for seasonal wetlands in this study. It was assumed that the November Kv was the same as the October Kv for seasonal wetlands.
Low Kv values in April and September for the studies in Utah were likely due to colder temperatures later in the spring and earlier in the fall in addition to the significant winter freeze events causing vegetation dormancy. There was a significant amount of variability in ETv and Kv from January through May and September through December. The Kv values used to compute ETv for this study were assumed to increase and decrease relatively smoothly from January to July and July to December, respectively.
Greater weight was given to the Kv values developed for the Young and Blaney (1942) study when developing the Kv values used to compute ETv in this study especially from January through June and November and December. The other studies examined large-stand riparian forests in New Mexico, which experiences more significant winter freeze than the Central Valley of California.
It was assumed that all riparian forests on the predeveloped Valley Floor were large stand. Therefore, there are no Kv values used to compute ETv for smaller-stand riparian forests.
Kv values used to compute ETv for this study were based on studies that examined shallow water table depths within 0.6 m from the surface, as previously described.
Kv values for rainfed vegetation, other than those for vernal pools, were not used to compute ETv. They are provided here as a reference.
Vernal pool Kv used to compute ETv in this study was estimated assuming open water from December through February, permanent wetlands from March through May, and decreasing Kv from June through August as the vernal pools soil moisture dries. In November, Kv begins to increase as the rainy season begins.
First, some measurements were taken in climate conditions that were different than those in California. For example, long-term events where average temperatures are below freezing are not common in the Central Valley of California. The criteria for long-term winter freeze generally refer to multiple consecutive days with temperatures below freezing, which could result in severely reduced transpiration even into the early spring because of vegetation dormancy. Kv values from studies that did not have long-term winter freeze were used to compute ETv in this study during the winter and spring time frames. This was the case for all wetland categories and was a consideration with large-stand riparian forest. For large-stand riparian forest, more weight was given to the Young and Blaney (1942) study results during the spring and summer (through August) because the other study was conducted in New Mexico with long-term winter freeze events.
Second, for permanent grass, measurements taken where the water table was greater than 0.6 m were not used to compute ETv for this study. The perennial grasses in predeveloped California had deeper roots than the annual grasses examined in these studies. Therefore, inclusion of Kv values for studies with deeper groundwater levels would underestimate evapotranspiration. For other vegetation categories, no other adjustments were made based on water table depth. Water table depth in Table 2 is referenced from the ground surface where reported and is provided for informational purposes. A water table depth identified as “variable” was used for large-scale evapotranspiration assessments using remote sensing (surface energy balance using satellites). A water table depth referred to as “high” indicates that the actual depth was not provided but it was noted that there was the existence of a high water table.
Finally, special cases were considered that only apply to a subset of the measurements (e.g., monthly Kv values with outliers). If a study differed significantly from other studies, it was not used as significantly in the development of the Kv used to compute ETv. For example, small-stand wetland Kv values in October and November from Young and Blaney (1942) were unusually high compared to other months and studies. In addition, more recent research from reputable sources was often weighted more heavily when deciding what monthly Kv values should be used. However, the factors previously discussed, such as water table depth and absence of long-term freeze events, were given preference when applicable.
Clarification on terminology in the measurement method category is necessary. Many of the earlier studies used inflow/outflow tanks placed within vegetation. These are sometimes referred to as “lysimeters” in literature, but that term was not used here, to differentiate tank measurements with weighing lysimeters often used for measurement of evapotranspiration. The SEB/METRIC measurement method refers to a surface energy balance using remotely sensed data that were processed using the Mapping of Evapotranspiration at High Resolution with Internal Calibration procedure (Allen et al. 2007b).

Validation of Large Stand Wetland and Riparian Kv Values

Monthly Kv values for large-stand riparian forest and wetlands from Table 3 were compared to measured values using a surface energy balance (METRIC) with LandSAT 5 for similar vegetation types in California. Figs. 3 and 4 show the comparison of monthly Kv values for riparian forest and wetland vegetation, respectively.
Fig. 3. Comparison of large-stand riparian forest Kv from literature and computed using surface energy balance (METRIC) with LandSAT 5 images for an area along the Kern River near Lake Isabella (March through September 2011 and October and November 2010)
Fig. 4. Comparison of large-stand wetland vegetation Kv from literature and computed using the surface energy balance (METRIC) with LandSAT 5 images for wetlands within Kern National Wildlife Refuge from March 2011 through October 2011
In Figure 3, the average literature Kv values for riparian forest in Table 3 () were lower than those measured along the Kern River () from April through August. The majority of the investigations in this category were from the Middle Rio Grande region in New Mexico (Allen et al. 2005b), which experiences winter freezes and thus are not representative of Central Valley riparian forest. Thus, more weight was given to Kv values developed in California, which does not experience winter freezes. The Kv values measured along the Kern River for this comparison were well within the variability seen in Allen et al. (2005b). The Kv used to compute ETv in this study (Δ) closely matched the values measured at the Kern River site for the April through November analysis period except for May, when the measured Kv was higher.
A comparison of large-stand wetland habitat in Fig. 4 shows the Kv values used in this study () were below the measured values at Kern National Wildlife Refuge during the spring and fall (). In the summer, the Kv values used in the study were slightly higher than the measured. The lower values measured in the summer months could be due to various issues impacting vegetation health including existing soil conditions such as salinity and alkalinity.

Long-Term Average ETv of Predevelopment Native Vegetation

The mean annual evapotranspiration (mm/year) from 1922 through 2009 for each vegetation category by Planning Area is shown in Table 4. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by the mean) between years is shown below the annual average ETv (in italics and parentheses). As expected, the coefficient of variation is similar for vegetation categories where the same set of Kv values were used each year. This would indicate variability due only to ETo variation. These are not exactly the same for all vegetation types that use the same set of monthly Kv values (e.g., non-water-stressed) due to the fact that the Kv values were not the same each month for different vegetation types. If a Kv is higher in a month that tends to have higher variability in monthly ETo, the annual coefficient of variation would be slightly higher. An increase in the coefficient of variation, for the vegetation categories that used the daily soil–water balance to determine ETv, can be attributed to the variability in precipitation as well as ETo.
Table 4. Results of the Long-Term (1922–2009) Mean Annual Evapotranspiration (mm/year) and Coefficient of Variation between Years (Shown in Parenthesis and Italics) for Each Vegetation Category
Planning areaaRainfed grasslandPerennial grassesVernal poolsLarge-stand riparianLarge-stand wetlandSmall-stand wetlandSeasonal wetlandFoothill hardwoodValley oak savannaSaltbushChaparralAquatic surface
Small portions of additional planning areas fell within the Valley Floor and are not shown in this table. Since the majority of those planning areas fell outside of the Valley Floor, the average ETo and precipitation would not have been representative of the areas within our investigation boundaries. As a surrogate, ETv from a neighboring planning area was used. Planning Areas 502, 505, 508, 604, and 610 were assumed to have the same depth of ETv as 503, 509, 511, 510, and 609, respectively.
Grass reference evapotranspiration and precipitation for Detailed Analysis Unit (DAU) 143 and 144 was used in place of Planning Area 504 since a significant portion of 504 lies outside of the Central Valley Floor. DAU 143 and 144 cover the Valley Floor portion of Planning Area 504.
The Kv variability within each vegetation category in Table 3 is evident. If one was to select a different set of Kv values to compute ETv on the predeveloped Valley Floor, the resulting evapotranspiration depth would be different. To examine this, the lowest and highest reported Kv values (on an annual basis) from Table 3 were used to compute the long-term average ETv over the Valley Floor. The ratios of Valley Floor average ETv to the Valley Floor average ETo are shown in Fig. 5. This evaluation was focused on the Kv values that remained constant from year to year (i.e., vegetation with full access to water) since Kv is automatically adjusted on a daily basis for the rainfed vegetation. Therefore, the rainfed vegetation categories that were modeled on a daily basis were not included in Fig. 5. These averages have not been weighted based on the size of the Planning Areas.
Fig. 5. Comparison of average annual ETv/ETo using the highest and lowest Kv to the Kv used to compute ETv in this study for each vegetation category. The large-stand wetland habitat only considers non-Florida studies from Table 3
Fig. 5 shows that the Kv values used to compute ETv from Table 4 were between the highest and lowest Kv values, as expected. In some cases, the difference between the ETv/ETo for the Kv used in this study and the lowest Kv was greater than the difference with the highest Kv. This can be attributed to several factors. For perennial grasslands, the Kv used in this evaluation was selected for water table depths that did not exceed 0.6 m below ground surface. In other cases, one set of measurements was significantly lower than others (not normally distributed). For example, the Kv used for saltbush was an average; McDonald and Hughes (1968) examined ETv with the water table reaching 1.6 m in depth below the soil surface (lowest Kv). Therefore, the average ETv/ETo was skewed to the higher end because the majority of the studies had water tables closer to the soil surface. Similarly, in other cases such as large-stand riparian, wetlands, and open water evaporation, the studies resulting in the lowest Kv values over the year were outnumbered by higher values, resulting in a higher Kv used to compute ETv in this study.
The evaporation from shallow open water using the highest Kv matches closely, on an annual basis, with the standard value of 1.05 (grass reference based) for this category reported by Allen et al. (1998). The ETv/ETo for Kv used to compute the evaporation from shallow open water was closer to 0.95, which indicates that there may be a slight underestimation in evaporation. However, in some cases the open water (termed “aquatic” in the land use classifications) could be deeper than the 2 m reported for the high ETv/ETo; therefore, the lower Kv value is justified.
The most significant variation in ETv/ETo was for small-stand wetlands. This also has the highest ratio because of the clothesline effect discussed previously. It is not unexpected that there would be a significant difference in the ETv/ETo for this vegetation category since variable stand size will influence ETv due to the ability of air to move through the vegetation.
It is important to note that the annual ETv/ETo ratios shown in Fig. 5 are not transferable. Because the Kv varies by month, the annual ETv/ETo ratio will vary in regions that have higher or lower differences between winter and summer ETo than in the Central Valley of California. Monthly Kv values are generally transferable to other regions as long as vegetative conditions are similar (i.e., no water stress, similar water table depths, similar vegetation characteristics, etc.).


Grass reference evapotranspiration-based vegetation coefficients, Kv, for a variety of natural vegetation categories reported to exist in the Central Valley of California prior to its development have been computed. Two methods were developed to estimate Kv, depending upon the available water supply. For nonstressed vegetation, Kv was estimated assuming a full year-round water supply (e.g., root systems that accessed groundwater). This method was used for permanent wetlands, riparian forest, perennial grassland, saltbush, and shallow open water. For stressed vegetation that relied on available soil moisture, the vegetation coefficients were reduced using a root-zone water balance or estimated based on vegetation characteristics to reduce ETv below the potential rate due to lack of soil moisture. This method was used for foothill hardwoods, valley oak savanna, rainfed grasslands, vernal pools, seasonal grassland, and chaparral.
The resulting Kv values can be extrapolated to other climates and geographic areas by incorporating locally measured weather parameters to compute the ASCE standardized grass reference ETo (or equivalent) using Eq. (2). These Kv values are being used by the authors as input to water balances and hydraulic models to estimate natural flows from the Valley Floor (Fig. 1). The Kv values reported here could also be used to estimate evapotranspiration demands in other applications including: to evaluate the impact of climate change on water resources; to determine the effect of vegetation harvesting on stream flows; and to estimate water supplies for habitat restoration activities, just to name a few. As restoration of native vegetation and habitat continue, planners need to be able to estimate water demands from this vegetation. Planners, managers, and policy makers should be aware of the implications of increased water demands associated with potential restoration efforts in areas that may already experience water shortages. Having accurate water consumption estimates can provide insights into which type of vegetation may be most appropriate for restoration efforts. The methods developed in this work could also be extended to other types of vegetation.
This study also highlighted the importance of data made available through networks maintained by local researchers around the world such as FLUXNET. This type of information can be a great benefit to professionals as well as researchers, provided that the data are accurate, well-maintained, and presented in a useable format. Increasing this network of evapotranspiration measurement will be of considerable benefit into the future.
This work highlights areas requiring additional research. This includes: (1) field measurements of evapotranspiration of vernal pools, valley oak savannas, and woodlands, similar to the work reported by Baldocchi et al. (2004) and Miller et al. (2010); (2) validation of small-scale measurements (such as most summarized in Table 3) using surface-energy balance methods with remote-sensing data such as LandSAT; (3) field evaluations of evapotranspiration from similar vegetation but with variable density (riparian and hardwood forests) to develop relationships between density and evapotranspiration; and (4) additional measurements of open water evaporation under variable depths and climate conditions to improve estimates using remote sensing data.


This research and evaluation was supported by the San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority and the State Water Contractors. The authors would like to thank Morteza Orang, Water Use Unit Chief, California Department of Water Resources, for providing the ETo and precipitation data for the Planning Areas examined in this study. We would also like to thank Mariana Pascuet, from the Irrigation Training and Research Center, for her assistance with gathering, reviewing, and summarizing a portion of the studies reviewed during this evaluation.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 20Issue 10October 2015


Received: Mar 11, 2014
Accepted: Dec 2, 2014
Published online: Jan 20, 2015
Discussion open until: Jun 20, 2015
Published in print: Oct 1, 2015



Daniel J. Howes, M.ASCE [email protected]
Assistant Professor/Senior Engineer, Irrigation Training and Research Center, BioResource and Agricultural Engineering Dept., California Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Phyllis Fox [email protected]
Consulting Engineer, 745 White Pine Ave., Rockledge, FL 32955. E-mail: [email protected]
Paul H. Hutton [email protected]
Principal Engineer, Bay-Delta Initiatives, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 1121 L St., Suite 900, Sacramento, CA 95814-3974. E-mail: [email protected]

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