Mar 5, 2009

Distributed Hydrologic Prediction: Sensitivity to Accuracy of Initial Soil Moisture Conditions and Radar Rainfall Input

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 14, Issue 7


The aim of this study is to evaluate prediction accuracy and sensitivity of a distributed hydrologic model. Accurate predictions of runoff are needed where reservoir operations are used to control flooding and to manage water resources. The study area consists of watershed areas that are influent to reservoirs in the 967km2 Yongdam basin, and the 2,293km2 Namgang basin located on the Korean Peninsula. For these basins with complex terrain, a physics-based distributed hydrologic model is set up with geospatial data, calibrated, and used to test sensitivity to accuracy of radar and rain gauge input and initial conditions. The events studied range in magnitude from 86 to over 249mm and include two typhoons and two heavy rainfall events. Radar reflectivity is converted to rainfall rates using Z-R relationships, and then corrected for bias using a spatially variable correction derived from the rain gauge networks that cover both basins. Adjustment of assumed model parameters for the Namgang and Yongdam watersheds improves hydrograph peak and volume. The prediction accuracy of the model is also evaluated using rainfall estimated with uncorrected radar and with rain gauge data as model input. Use of gauge-corrected radar results in better prediction accuracy than was achieved with raw radar or gauge-only input. The sensitivity of the watershed response to the initial degree of saturation is dependent on event magnitude but becomes increasingly sensitive at higher degrees of initial saturation. In both watersheds, the initial saturation of the soil affects prediction accuracy more than the uncertainty caused by model parameters or gauge-only input.

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Support for this project from K-water is gratefully acknowledged.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 14Issue 7July 2009
Pages: 671 - 689


Received: May 4, 2007
Accepted: Oct 5, 2008
Published online: Mar 5, 2009
Published in print: Jul 2009


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Baxter E. Vieux, Ph.D. [email protected]
Principal, Vieux & Associates, Inc., 350 David L. Boren Blvd., Ste. 2500, Norman, OK 73072. E-mail: [email protected]
Jin-Hyeog Park, Ph.D.
Principal Researcher, Water Resources Operations Center, Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water), San 6-2 Yeonchuk-dong Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.
Boosik Kang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dankook Univ., 126 Jookjeon-dong Suji-gu Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.

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