Technical Papers
Aug 20, 2021

Water Vapor Sorption Behavior of Wildfire-Burnt Soil

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 147, Issue 11


Wildfires and associated wetting-induced slope stability issues (i.e., erosion, shallow landslides, and debris flows) are common problems all around the world. The water-retention mechanism of the burnt soil after a severe wildfire is adsorption followed by capillary condensation as saturation increases. During this time, soil is more susceptible to runoff-dominated erosion and associated debris flows. The water vapor sorption behavior of wildfire-burnt soil and wildfire ash is not fully known. This study investigates the evolution of water vapor sorption behavior of wildfire-burnt soil over a year and the impact of wildfire ash on the sorption behavior of burnt soil. Soil samples were collected from the surface and from 50-cm depth, and ash samples were collected from the surface at varying times after the 2019 Williams Flats Wildfire in Colville Indian Reservation, Washington State. Soil water retention curves of the surface soil and 50-cm soil were measured using a potentiometer. Hysteretic water vapor sorption isotherms were obtained along adsorption and desorption paths using a dynamic water vapor sorption analyzer. Several different parameters including maximum adsorbed water content, degree of hysteresis, specific surface area, and transition relative humidity were calculated from water vapor sorption isotherms and used to evaluate the sorption behavior of wildfire-burnt soil and wildfire ash. The results indicate that (1) wildfire ash is hydrophilic, has an active surface, and contributes to water retention; and (2) spatial redistribution of ash may result in fluctuations in the water retention of burnt soil over time.

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Some or all data, models, or code that supports the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant CMMI 1932129. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. We would like to thank Colville Indian Reservation for providing access to the site and Dr. Peter R. Robichaud and Robert E. Brown for their help with site selection and field work.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 147Issue 11November 2021


Received: Jan 1, 2021
Accepted: Jun 21, 2021
Published online: Aug 20, 2021
Published in print: Nov 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Jan 20, 2022


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Assistant Professor and Colf Distinguished Professor in Geotechnical Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Taiwo O. Akinleye, S.M.ASCE
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164.

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  • Changes in Soil Properties over Time after a Wildfire and Implications to Slope Stability, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-11348, 149, 7, (2023).
  • Evaluation of Water Vapor Sorption Isotherms to Quantify Wildfire Ash in Soil, Geo-Congress 2023, 10.1061/9780784484654.061, (619-629), (2023).

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