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Technical Papers
Dec 31, 2020

Reliability-Based Verification of Serviceability Limit States of Dry Deep Mixing Columns

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 147, Issue 3


Deep mixing columns commonly are used to reduce settlement under road and railway embankments on soft soils. However, the structural behavior of the soil volume improved with columns is difficult to predict, due to the existence of considerable uncertainties in the mixing process and the structural interaction between the columns and the untreated soil. This paper probabilistically investigated two serviceability limit states of deep mixing columns from a system reliability perspective. A design framework employing the observational method is proposed that considers allowable residual settlements, excessive settlement from column yielding, and the curing time of the columns. The design framework facilitates an effective reduction of the geotechnical uncertainty during construction and promotes risk-aware decision-making during both design and construction of the embankment.


In the construction of road and railway embankments on soft clays, measures typically need to be taken to reduce the effect of consolidation settlement on the structure. Soil improvement through the installation of deep mixing columns commonly is used for this purpose. The wet deep mixing method is dominant in terms of execution, but in northern Europe, Japan, and Thailand, the dry deep mixing method is commonplace, although it also is used sparsely in other regions. The dry deep mixing method was developed mainly in Japan and the Nordic countries during the 1960s and 1970s (e.g., Broms and Boman 1975; Okumura and Terashi 1975). The difference between the two methods lies in whether the binder is distributed into the soil as a dry powder or as a slurry before the mixing. However, there is no principal difference between the methods in terms of the analysis of limit states.
The improved soil properties exhibit substantial spatial variability as an effect of the soil–binder mixing process and the subsequent chemical reactions of the curing. Numerous factors cause this variability: the binder characteristics, the soil characteristics, the mixing process, and the curing conditions. In fact, according to the Federal Highway Administration (2013), the strength of deep-mixed ground varies approximately twice as much as the strength of natural clay deposits.
The overall behavior of the structure also is influenced strongly by the difference in relative stiffness of the columns and the surrounding untreated soil. Consequently, design of dry deep mixing columns requires a rigorous understanding of the interaction between the stiff columns and the soft untreated soil. A key issue is the difficulty of predicting the strength and deformability of the improved soil, which introduces substantial uncertainty in the design process. Design procedures therefore have come to depend on field testing and quality control of the installed columns (Broms 1991; Kitazume and Terashi 2013).
One way to account for uncertainty and variability in structural design efficiently is to apply reliability-based procedures. For deep mixing, pioneering work was done by Honjo (1982). The need for reliability-based design procedures for deep mixing has been discussed by Larsson et al. (2005), Terashi and Kitazume (2009), and Pan et al. (2018), among many others.
When applying reliability-based procedures, the design of dry deep mixing columns for embankment foundations needs to consider both ultimate and serviceability limit states; both of these are little studied. Ultimate limit states were studied by Al-Naqshabandy and Larsson (2013), Wijerathna and Liyanapathirana (2018), and serviceability limit states were studied by Zheng et al. (2009), and Wijerathna and Liyanapathirana (2019). However, deterministic design of serviceability limit states, i.e., settlement issues, has been extensively studied.
From a design point of view, limit states that are affected by the same parameters may have considerable correlation in occurrence. This paper therefore investigated embankment foundation design of dry deep mixing columns by considering serviceability limit states as a probabilistic system. This included accounting for both epistemic uncertainty in the characterization of the soil and column properties and the actual variability in the soil and columns. The paper presents a framework for reliability-based analytical design of dry deep mixing columns, considering allowable residual settlement (when the embankment is in service) and the settlement effect of column yielding, as well as the influence of curing time on the deformability of the columns. The framework employs the observational method, because this method allows information from measurements during construction to be accounted for in the design. A considerable amount of epistemic uncertainty from the initial design phase therefore effectively can be eradicated. The framework was illustrated with a design example.

Serviceability Limit State Functions

Considered Limit States

Embankment foundations with dry deep mixing columns typically need to be designed with respect to the following three aspects of serviceability:
maximum allowable residual settlement (when the embankment is in service);
maximum allowable column stress with respect to yielding; and
maximum allowable differential settlement.
The framework presented accounts for the first two aspects, which are formulated as limit state functions G1 and G2. Differential settlements can occur on two scales. On the small scale, differential settlement can occur between the columns. In the authors’ opinion, a rational approach to deal with this issue simply is to repair the unevenness as it occurs during construction. On the larger scale, differential settlement can occur either across or along the embankment. Broms (1991) reported the results of a long-term field test in Skå-Edeby, Sweden, which indicated that the differential settlement across an embankment is minor, assuming that the shear strength is not attained along the perimeter of the column-reinforced soil volume under the embankment. However, differential settlement along the embankment is caused by inherent horizontal variability in the soil properties under the embankment. Evaluating this variability is a challenging engineering problem; therefore, it is left for future studies.

Analytical Model for Embankment Settlement

The occurrence of settlement of an embankment founded on dry deep mixing columns is affected by the consolidation behavior of the soft soil, the extent of the soil improvement, and the effect of the curing on the column stiffness. This section presents the modeling of these aspects.
Settlement of soft soil can be divided into three components: elastic settlement caused by elastic deformation of the soil occurring without any change in moisture content, primary consolidation settlement caused by pore water seeping out of the pressurized soil, and secondary consolidation settlement caused mainly by creep. Because the primary consolidation settlement is the most important component, this study mainly disregards the other two.
However, settlement of columns is a more complex process. The current practice is to describe the column compressibility with a modulus of elasticity; however, this is a considerable simplification for this three-phase material. Because the dry deep mixing column is not completely saturated, some compression will be due to static compaction (reduction of gas volume). The remaining compression can be described as elastic compression, primary consolidation, and secondary consolidation. Of these, the elastic component generally is negligible, and the primary consolidation is the most prominent. The effect of secondary consolidation in improved soil is a current research topic (e.g., Venda Oliveira et al. 2017).
This paper modeled the complex settlement behavior of soil reinforced by deep mixing columns with an updated version of the well-established Voigt model, which assumes an equal strain in the soil and the column as well as no lateral deformation; Broms (1991) and Han (2015) discussed these assumptions. The calculated settlement from the model is denoted primary settlement, s. The update concerns the use of a composite vertical coefficient of consolidation, derived in accordance with Wijerathna et al. (2017).
The Voigt model implies that occurring settlements are evaluated using area-weighted average values of the column modulus of elasticity, E¯c, and the constrained (oedometer) modulus of the soil, M¯s (Federal Highway Administration 2013; Han 2015). The total primary settlement after a long time can be found by integrating over the thickness of the improved soft soil stratum
where Δσ=γembhemb = load of embankment, where γemb = unit weight of embankment material, and hemb = embankment height; and az=ac/atot = area ratio of columns to total horizontal area at depth z (subsequently, a without subscript z is used for convenience when not using a varied area ratio with depth). The model assumes end-bearing columns, but extension of the model to account for floating columns, as detailed by Kitazume and Terashi (2013), should be straightforward.
To account for the effect of the curing time on the occurring settlements, and to facilitate modeling of residual settlements that occur after completion of the embankment, the rate of consolidation under the embankment needs to be established. For this purpose, Wijerathna et al. (2017) derived an expression of a composite vertical coefficients of consolidation, cv,comp, based on Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation equation and an equal strain assumption. The expression considers a potential difference in hydraulic conductivity and stiffness between the columns and the natural soil, which has been noted for dry deep mixing columns (e.g., Terashi and Tanaka 1983; Baker 2000; Åhnberg 2003), such that
where A=as/ac = ratio of area of surrounding soil to area of columns; Rk=kc/ks = ratio of hydraulic conductivity of columns to hydraulic conductivity of natural soil; and cv,c and cv,s = coefficients of vertical consolidation of columns and natural soil, respectively
where g = gravitational acceleration. According to Wijerathna et al. (2017), their proposed expression for cv,comp agreed well with the physical model tests performed by Horpibulsuk et al. (2012). The derived cv,comp can be applied straightforwardly in the expression for the adjusted time factor Tv that is used to calculate the average degree of vertical consolidation under the embankment:
where hdr = longest drainage path; and t = time.
The curing of the columns affects the occurring settlement rate because the column stiffness increases with time. In the absence of studies of this phenomenon for dry deep mixing columns, herein it was assumed that the stiffness increases proportionally to the unconfined compressive strength of the columns. [For concrete, stiffness has been shown to improve faster than the strength (De Schutter and Taerwe 1996), but this fact was not considered for reasons of simplicity.] According to measurements reported by Åhnberg (2006), the unconfined compressive strength of the columns improves according to the following empirical relationship:
where qu,28 = measured unconfined compressive strength of columns 28 days after installation; and t is measured in days. With the assumed proportionality, the average modulus of elasticity of the columns can be described by
where E¯c,28 = measured average modulus of elasticity of columns 28 days after installation. Similar empirical relationships for qu,c(t) were described by Horpibulsuk et al. (2003).
Because both the column stiffness increase and the consolidation of the soil stratum are time-dependent processes, the effect of the curing time on the developed settlements is accounted for by dividing the consolidation time into nt intermediate time steps [ti1, ti] with the residual settlement starting at the end of construction, tEC, and ending at the end of the service life, tESL. Reformulating Eq. (1), this gives a stepwise calculation of the residual settlements
where [E¯c(ti)+E¯c(ti1)]/2 = average column modulus of elasticity during time step [ti1,ti] and U(ti)U(ti1) = change in average degree of consolidation during this time step.
With this analytical model of the occurring residual settlements under the embankment, a serviceability limit state for the maximum allowable residual settlement can be described by
where sr,allow = predefined allowable settlement value; and Sr = probability distribution of predicted residual settlement, obtained by evaluating Eq. (7) with the relevant random variables.

Analytical Model for Column Yielding

Because yielding of the dry deep mixing columns may cause excessive deformation, an additional serviceability limit state can be established to avoid this issue. This effectively creates a boundary within which the settlement model of Eq. (1) is applicable. First, the compressive strength of the columns can be described with the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion as (Alén et al. 2005; Larsson 2006)
where φc = effective friction angle of columns; cc = effective cohesion of columns; coefficient of passive earth pressure Kp=(1+sinφc)/(1sinφc); and σh,c = horizontal effective stress acting on column. Assuming that the installation of the columns does not affect the stress situation, σh,c can be expressed as follows, using Rankine’s theory of lateral pressure:
where σh,c{0} = horizontal effective stress on column prior to loading, which is assumed to be equal to corresponding vertical effective stress σv,s{0} if the virgin soil is expected to behave almost like a heavy liquid; K0 = coefficient of earth pressure at rest; and Δσv,s = increase in vertical effective stress in soil due to loading. According to Alén et al. (2005), a bilinear stress–strain model can be used instead of a unilinear model to capture better the long-term stiffness reduction for high loads and thereby avoid underestimating the deformation; its application within the presented framework is straightforward.
As long as the axial stress in the columns, σv,c, does not exceed fc, the respective increases in vertical effective stress in the columns and the soil (Δσv,c and Δσv,s) will depend on the applied load Δσv, the ratio E¯c,28/M¯s, and az (Broms 1991; Baker 2000)
The equations are derived from the Voigt model’s equal-strain assumption, distributing the vertical load with respect to area ratio, i.e., Δσv=Δσv,caz+Δσv,s(1az).
Combining Eqs. (9)(11), a maximum allowable increase in column stress before yielding occurs can be described as
where σv,c{0} = vertical effective stress prior to loading. A serviceability limit state function then can be defined as
Attainment of this limit state implies that the columns are close to yielding, which may cause excessive settlement that is not captured by the other limit state, G1. Because the favorable effect of σh,c is smallest close to the surface, as typically is the column shear strength as well, it is proposed that this limit state be evaluated with respect to the geotechnical conditions just below the groundwater level.

Probabilistic Characterization of Geotechnical Parameters

To be able to evaluate the limit state functions, the uncertainty and variability related to each relevant geotechnical parameter needs to be established in terms of a probability distribution. As is common in geotechnical engineering, this paper takes a Bayesian approach to statistics, which means that calculated probabilities are interpreted as a degree of belief in an event (i.e., the exceedance of the defined serviceability limit state), as opposed to the observed relative frequency after many repeated trials that the classical approach to statistics provides (e.g., Vrouwenvelder 2002).
To assess the uncertainty and variability related to each relevant geotechnical parameter, four factors generally need to be considered: inherent variability, εinh; statistical uncertainty, εst; measurement error, εme; and errors in applied transformation models, εtr. Applications and development of uncertainty modelling in dry deep mixing were presented by Bergman et al. (2013) and Al-Naqshabandy et al. (2012).
For dry deep mixing columns, the inherent variability may be substantial. Important causative factors are the uneven distribution of binder in the column and uneven mixing. Any heterogeneity in the natural soil will affect the columns, as well as the consolidation of the soil between the columns. Statistical uncertainty occurs when the soil characterization is based on a limited amount of data. Measurement errors are caused by the use of imperfect measurement techniques. Transformation model errors are introduced when imperfect transformation models are applied to indirect measurements.
Because settlement of soil is an averaging process, the mean value of each uncertain geotechnical parameter of importance for the considered limit states is modeled as a random variable and collected in a vector X¯=[X¯1,X¯i,,X¯m]. Following the probabilistic soil characterization procedure presented by Spross and Larsson (forthcoming), each X¯i (henceforth, subscript i is deleted for convenience) is assumed to be log-normally distributed with parameters LN(lnx¯,бε{ln}2), where x¯ is the expected mean value of the probability distribution, and бε{ln}2 is the evaluated total variance of the data from the geotechnical investigations after transformation with the natural logarithm. Thus, the total uncertainty is modeled as
Transforming Eq. (14) with the natural logarithm obtains
where lnx¯ = expected value of data after their transformation with natural logarithm; and ε{ln} = associated zero-mean normally distributed error. Because many geotechnical parameters exhibit an increasing trend with depth, lnx¯ may be evaluated as a regression line; however, this was disregarded here for reasons explained in the illustrative example.
By assuming that all four error components are log-normally distributed, the magnitude of бε{ln}2 can be calculated by summing the corresponding variances of the respective error components as described by their subscripts
However, assuming that
the thickness of the soft soil stratum is large enough to make the embankment settlement a fully averaging process vertically;
stiffness differences between individual columns that are large enough to cause differential settlement are managed best by future maintenance, allowing an assumption of a fully averaging process horizontally; and
a sufficient number of measurements are taken to make the effect of the measurement error on the evaluated mean values negligible.
Eq. (16) can be reduced to
Cases not satisfying these assumptions are addressed as detailed by Spross and Larsson (forthcoming).
The statistical uncertainty, for the case of no trend with depth, is given by
where n = number of independent data points. The effect of the transformation error is accounted for straightforwardly as described in Eq. (17) as long as it can be assumed to be log-normally distributed, unbiased, and uncorrelated with the other error components. For other cases, the effect of the transformation error can be accounted for through numerical simulation of the resulting probability distribution of X¯, as detailed by Spross and Larsson (forthcoming).
The characterization of the column properties is challenging unless field data from trial columns at the site are available, in which case a probabilistic characterization can be performed as described previously. If no trial columns are installed, a reasonable initial design assumption of cc,28 is a lognormal distribution with a mean value of 45 kPa and coefficient of variation (COV) of 25%, judged by the authors based on Swedish recommendations (Larsson 2006). Rough estimations of Ec can be made based on laboratory tests of binder-admixed soil samples (Lorenzo and Bergado 2006). After the final columns have been installed, column penetration tests are used to verify the design, as described in the next section.

Reliability-Based Design with Observational Approach

System Description of Limit States

Because the two serviceability limit states concern the development of excessive settlement under the embankment, it is proposed that they should be evaluated as a correlated series system, such that the system probability of failure is
which can be evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. Generating N samples of each random variable in X¯ and collecting them in a matrix x¯, pF then is approximated as
where IF is the indicator function of limit state attainment, i.e., IF(x¯)=1 if either of the limit states Gj(X¯) is violated, and IF(x¯)=0 otherwise. This system formulation facilitates a design that avoids unsatisfactory structural behavior (excessive settlement) with a predefined acceptable target failure probability, pFT. In essence, by assigning a value to pFT, a required area ratio (a) of the columns can be computed.

Design Concept with Observational Approach

To overcome the challenge of predicting the column properties in advance, Larsson and Bergman (2015) proposed an observational design approach, in which early property estimations are verified by quality control of the actual column properties during or after construction. A column penetration test can be used to investigate the properties of dry deep mixing columns (Axelsson and Larsson 2003; Liyanapathirana and Kelly 2011; Federal Highway Administration 2013). The column penetration test measures the penetration force, Fc, as a cylindrical penetrometer with two horizontal vanes is pushed through the column; Fc is converted into tip resistance, qc, by considering the penetrating cross-sectional area of the penetrometer. These measurements can serve as indirect observations on the column strength and deformation properties through established empirical transformations.
The quality control provides new information, Q, according to which the design can be adjusted, typically by increasing or decreasing a or adjusting the binder content. This allows the designing engineer to determine an economical design that accommodates the actual ground conditions at the site. The procedure is in line with the observational method, first described by Peck (1969).
Mathematically, the effect of the new information, Q, on the calculated pF can be described with a limit state function of its own, herein denoted h (Rackwitz and Schrupp 1985). Considering epistemic uncertainties and transformation errors in the control method, the possible outcome of the planned quality control, qc{obs}, is viewed as a random variable, such that qc measurements become uncertain observations on cc,28 and Ec (Larsson 2006; Bergman et al. 2013):
where Tcc=nccεtr{cc} = empirical transformation of qc values to cc with associated transformation error εtr{cu}; and TEc=nEcεtr{Ec} = transformation of qc values to observations on Ec with associated transformation error εtr{Ec}. The factors ncc and nEc have been found to be rather uncertain. A reasonable value for ncc based on the available research literature is ncc=13/0.3=43.3, where 13 transforms empirically the measured tip resistance to undrained shear strength, based on reviews and numerical analyses by Liyanapathirana and Kelly (2011), and 0.3 is recommended in Swedish practice (Larsson 2006) to account for expected drained conditions at yielding (because the column penetration test measures undrained shear strength). The value of nEc depends on the column strength interval and the soil type (Larsson 2006); the Federal Highway Administration (2013) recommends nEc=150 as a reasonable estimate for dry deep mixing. The transformation errors were not studied explicitly in this paper, but were judged conservatively to be on the order of 20% coefficient of variation. With further research on these issues, it should be possible to reduce the transformation errors.
To accept the installed columns, a predefined quality threshold for the required tip resistance needs to be exceeded; this acceptance event can be described by the limit state function
where τreq{qc} = required threshold value of tip resistance. Therefore, the probability of unsatisfactory performance of the quality-controlled system can be written
Based on this formulation, the required threshold level that is needed to satisfy a desired pFT can be computed by solving the following equation for the only unknown, τreq{qc}:
The theoretical background of the establishment of such reliability-based alarm thresholds was presented by Spross and Gasch (2019). Conceptually, the solving of Eq. (24) implies a truncation of the probability distribution of qc{obs} at the threshold τreq{qc} in such a way that the pFT is satisfied, given that the qc measurements exceed the threshold. For a computed τreq{qc}, the probability of satisfying this threshold, i.e., the probability of verifying that the initial design acceptable, then can straightforwardly be calculated as
The design concept implies that, in principle, a substantial range of area ratios (a) is possible, but the quality control will determine whether the executed design is acceptable. A bold initial design (small a) will give a smaller initial cost but a higher probability of failing the quality control [Eq. (25)], the occurrence of which would require installation of additional columns at some cost. [In principle, the optimal initial a can be seen as a decision-theoretical problem, the solution of which is beyond the scope of this paper; Spross and Johansson (2017) gave details of this issue.] The practical implementation of the design concept to dry deep mixing columns is illustrated in the following design example.

Illustrative Design Example

Case Description

To illustrate the design procedure, a practical example based on real case data for the soil characterization is presented. The same site was used to illustrate Spross and Larsson’s (forthcoming) design procedure for surcharges on vertical drains. A 23-m-wide and 2.5-m-high road embankment was to be constructed on 8.5 m of very soft clay in the south of Stockholm County, Sweden. Fig. 1 shows a critical cross section for which the dry deep mixing column design was prepared with end-bearing columns. The example considered only the design task of selecting a single area ratio a (i.e., no variation of area ratio with depth was considered), and the establishment of threshold values τreq{qc} for the quality control, whereas other design parameters such as column radius, amount of mixing, binder recipes, and binder content were assumed to be fixed. Settlement of the dry crust and the till layer was disregarded. The result was compared with an executed quality control of dry deep mixing columns installed at the construction site.
Fig. 1. Cross section of the analyzed case.

Geotechnical Parameters and Effect of Construction Time

Soil samples were available for the critical section, from which probability distributions of the unit weight of the clay γs and the soil modulus M¯s were evaluated with Eqs. (14)(18). Their distributions represented the uncertainty of the respective mean value. Because the columns were end-bearing, Δσv,s was assumed to be constant with depth because the columns were substantially stiffer than the surrounding clay; the potential trend with depth therefore also was disregarded for the soil parameters. The other relevant geotechnical parameters were assessed as detailed in Table 1. Two-way drainage was assumed for the consolidation of the soft soil.
Table 1. Geotechnical parameters with probability distributions considered in illustrative design example
Unit weight of soil, γsLog-normally distributed with mean 14.0 kN/m3 and COV 4.9%a
Soil modulus, M¯sLog-normally distributed with mean 299 kPa and COV 16%b
Column modulus, E¯c,28Estimated from trial columns to be log-normally distributed with mean 24 MPa and COV of 25%c
Effective cohesion of columns, cc,28Assumed log-normally distributed with mean 45 kPa and COV of 25%c
Effective friction angle of columns, φcAssumed log-normally distributed with mean 32° and COV of 5%d
Hydraulic conductivity of soil, ksAssumed log-normally distributed with mean 5×1010  m/s and COV of 50%e
Hydraulic conductivity of columns, kcAssumed log-normally distributed with mean 5×1010  m/s and COV of 60%e
Unit weight of embankment, γembAssumed log-normally distributed with mean 21 kN/m3 and COV of 5%
Unit weight of dry crust, γdryAssigned 17 kN/m3 (constant)
At-rest earth pressure coefficient, K0Set to 0.5
Evaluated from four samples with Eqs. (14)(18).
Evaluated from seven constant rate of strain (CRS) tests (Larsson and Sällfors 1986) using Eqs. (14)(18).
Both Ec,28 and cc,28 were assumed to be fully correlated, because these parameters both are evaluated from column penetration tests. The mean values used are recommended characteristic values in Swedish practice (Larsson 2006).
Assumed in accordance with data presented by Åhnberg (2007).
Both ks and kc were assumed to have equal mean, following a review by Åhnberg (2006), but kc was assigned a larger COV to account for effects of mixing and binder properties. The values of ks and kc were assumed to be fully correlated, because the hydraulic conductivity of the soil can be expected to affect the hydraulic conductivity of the installed columns.
The road embankment was assumed to be completed tEC=90 days after the column installation, at which time the residual settlement started to develop [Eq. (7)]. Primary consolidation was assumed to be finished at tESL=1,000 days.

Evaluation of System Reliability

In this example, the pFT was set to 5% for the system, which corresponds to suggestions by Akbas and Kulhawy (2009). The sr,allow was set to 5 cm. For each random geotechnical parameter in Table 1, 50,000 samples were generated with crude Monte Carlo simulation. Fig. 2 shows the calculated failure probabilities for the respective limit states G1 and G2, as well as the system probability of failure pF [Eq. (19)], for a range of area ratios.
Fig. 2. Calculated pF for the limit states G1 and G2 and the system [Eq. (19)].
The value of a that corresponded to the assigned pFT was close to 0.37, indicating that the initial design should have an area ratio less than this value. This is an effect of the conditional criterion for observing a tip resistance above the established threshold, i.e., qc{obs}τreq{qc} in Eq. (24), which allows the designer to use a bolder design than the a=0.37 associated with the pFT. In this case, the bearing capacity (G2) is clearly the governing failure mode, because this limit state contributes the most to the calculated pF. This indicates that any monitoring in the quality control should be directed to gaining information about the parameters affecting this limit state. Consequently, an alarm threshold should be established for cc,28 (since there is little to gain from monitoring of E¯c,28).

Planning of Quality Control

The quality control was planned to be performed with the column penetration test, to obtain observations of cc [Eq. (21)]. In this example, the transformation error of this control method, εtr{cu}, was judged to be normally distributed with unit mean and 20% coefficient of variation.
To establish the threshold for the quality control, Eq. (24) was solved for τreq{qc}. To find τreq{qc}, the generated sample distribution of qc{obs} is truncated until the calculated pF equals pFT. In this paper, a tolerance of 10% in the error e=|pFpFT|/pFT was accepted in the derivation of τreq{qc}. Because the design parameter of interest is the area ratio a, corresponding thresholds τreq{qc} can be established for a range of potential area ratios.
The designing engineer then can choose an area ratio that corresponds to the client’s risk appetite: Fig. 3(a) shows the interdependence of τreq{qc} and a, illustrating how a bolder design (smaller a) requires higher quality of the installed columns. The probabilities of violating the threshold for the considered area ratios are shown in Fig. 3(b). The optimal combination of τreq{qc} and a depends on the cost of the prepared action plan that is put into operation if the quality control indicates substandard column quality; its complete evaluation is not part of this paper. From a risk management perspective, the final design decision of a should be made by the risk owner, i.e., the person who is financially responsible for the quality of the embankment foundation works [this can be the contractor or client, depending on contractual arrangement (Spross et al. 2018)]. In this example, a probability of success of 90%, i.e., P (alarm) =10%, was judged to be acceptable, which gives a=0.35 [Fig. 3(b)] and a corresponding τreq{qc}=1.2  MPa [Fig. 3(a)].
Fig. 3. (a) Calculated threshold values τreq{qc} for different viable area ratios a, with histogram showing the generated samples of qc with the same percentiles; and (b) probability of violating the alarm for different area ratios a.

Execution of Quality Control

The quality of six columns was investigated close to the analyzed critical embankment section using a column penetration test in predrilled, centered holes 28 days after installation. Fig. 4 shows an example of the measured Fc for one of the columns. Accounting for the penetrating area of the penetrometer (Apen=6,750  mm2), the observed tip resistances for the six columns, measured 1 m into the columns from the groundwater level, were qc{obs}=Fc/Apen=2.44, 1.63, 2.74, 3.85, 4.14, and 5.04 MPa, giving a mean value of q¯c{obs}=3.31  MPa, which was within the 1st and 99th percentiles of the qc used in the design phase [Fig. 3(a)]. Because the observed mean value exceeded the established τreq{qc}=1.2  MPa, the quality of the columns was found to be satisfactory, ensuring that the probability of violating the analyzed system of serviceability limit states was less than pFT.
Fig. 4. Measured Fc for one column. The qc{obs} is calculated from the measured Fc2  m below the ground surface (i.e., 1 m below the groundwater level).


What Is the Governing Failure Mode?

In the illustrative example, column yielding turned out to be the governing failure mode from a system perspective. However, running the same simulation for other column lengths showed that for longer columns, the residual settlement may be the governing failure mode. From the simulations in Fig. 5, it is clear that if the columns had been about 20 m or longer, the residual settlement would have had a nonnegligible effect on the pF for these geotechnical conditions. This shows that both failure modes are relevant to analyze, although yielding in the column top can be expected to be the governing failure mode for shorter columns.
Fig. 5. Calculated pF for the limit states G1 and G2 and the system [Eq. (19)] as in Fig. 2 but with different column lengths. Column yielding tends to be governing for short columns, and residual settlement tends to be governing for long columns.
It also is clear that a considerable volume of soil needs to be improved for short columns as well, to avoid column yielding and the subsequent expected excessive embankment settlement that occurs when the linear-elastic settlement model [Eq. (1)] no longer is valid. An obvious solution is to use higher a at shallow depth, alternating long and short columns. This can be accounted for straightforwardly in the model, because Eq. (7) integrates over the depth z and allows different area ratios at different depths (az) and the limit state for column yielding (G2) is evaluated at a shallow depth. There also are other options for reducing the effects of column yielding: columns combined with mass stabilization of the top layers, reinforcing columns with a stiffer core (e.g., Zhang et al. 2020), and installing T-shaped columns (e.g., Phutthananon et al. 2020).

Recommendations for Practical Application

Although all these options are viable options to reduce the issue of column yielding, they are not easy to model analytically, but rather require numerical models. Numerical models also are required to capture well the effect of secondary consolidation settlement and spatial variability. An engineer designing an embankment foundation with dry deep mixing therefore faces a considerable challenge if they want both to capture uncertainties by applying a reliability-based design method and to model structural behavior with high detail by using a numerical model. Considering the large number of simulations that is needed in a probabilistic evaluation, highly detailed models normally are not feasible in practice if reliability-based design methods are to be applied. However, some rather complex phenomena and effects can be taken into account in an analytical model, although with some degree of conservatism to err on the safe side: for example, if a sequential loading scheme is applied in a staged construction, the authors suggest assuming full loading as early as Day 28 (the day of the control measurements), because the embankment construction is expected to start after the measurements have been conducted. Moreover, the increased settlement caused by secondary consolidation possibly might be accounted for by reserving a margin for this by setting the allowable residual settlement, sr,allow, closer to 0 in the evaluation of the limit state [Eq. (8)]. On the other hand, curing of the dry deep mixing columns will with time improve the cc. The observed column quality at Day 28 therefore can serve as a conservative assumption.


A framework for reliability-based analytical design of dry deep mixing columns was presented for serviceability limit states. The procedure considers the analyzed failure modes to be a probabilistic system and employs the observational method during construction to reduce the considerable epistemic uncertainty that is present in the initial design phase. This observational approach allows a considerable flexibility in the initial design with respect to the chosen area ratio of the improved soil, but a derived threshold for limit state verification ensures that the predetermined target failure probability, pFT, of the probabilistic system is satisfied. Thus, the cost of the initial design can be adjusted with respect to the risk appetite of the risk owner in the construction project, because the procedure allows a probabilistic comparison between a bold design (using a small area ratio that gives a smaller success probability of the initial design) and a risk-averse design (using a large area ratio that gives a larger success probability). By addressing the risk explicitly in the design work, this work can become an integrated part of the project’s risk management and facilitate risk-aware decision-making.

Data Availability Statement

Some or all data used during the study were provided by a third party (soil properties and column penetration tests). Direct request for these materials may be made to the provider as indicated in the Acknowledgments. Code that support the findings of this study is available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


The authors acknowledge the Swedish Transport Administration and the Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF) for funding this research. The Swedish Transport Administration supplied data for the illustrative design example.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 147Issue 3March 2021


Received: May 16, 2020
Accepted: Sep 23, 2020
Published online: Dec 31, 2020
Published in print: Mar 1, 2021
Discussion open until: May 31, 2021



Researcher, Div. of Soil and Rock Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Niclas Bergman, Ph.D.
Senior Consultant, Kerberos Geoteknik AB, Riddargatan 17, 114 57 Stockholm, Sweden; formerly, Doctoral Student, Div. of Soil and Rock Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden.
Stefan Larsson, Ph.D.
Professor, Div. of Soil and Rock Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden.

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