Technical Papers
Aug 1, 2018

Site Response in a Layered Liquefiable Deposit: Evaluation of Different Numerical Tools and Methodologies with Centrifuge Experimental Results

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 144, Issue 10


Results of a centrifuge experiment simulating seismic site response in a layered level liquefiable soil profile are used to evaluate and systematically compare the predictive capabilities of two common numerical platforms and two classes of advanced soil constitutive models (multiyield and bounding surface) used by three different teams. The pressure-dependent multiyield (PDMY02) and simple anisotropic SAND (SANISAND) constitutive models, implemented in open source and commercially available software, were independently calibrated by three teams using the same set of monotonic and cyclic triaxial test results. Class C predictions of the elastoplastic soil response in centrifuge following verification and initial calibration showed excessive dilative tendencies in all constitutive models to different degrees. These tendencies led to a notable overestimation of acceleration spikes at higher frequencies and an underestimation of net excess pore pressures in dense sand. The second calibration phase focused primarily on reducing soil’s dilative tendencies to match centrifuge tests, even at the cost of slightly sacrificing aspects of the response at an element level or abandoning the number of cycles to liquefaction. Despite differences in calibration methodologies and priorities among three modelers, the results show that small element tests and centrifuge experiments do not always lead to the same calibrated soil parameters. Further, although current numerical platforms and advanced constitutive models were capable of reproducing many aspects of seismic site response observed in the centrifuge, they still need fundamental improvements to capture volumetric settlements. This is an old problem that needs attention in future numerical and physical model studies.

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The authors acknowledge support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. 1362696 and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporting organizations. The authors would also like to acknowledge Mr. Mahir Badanagki and Dr. Peter Kirkwood at the Center for Infrastructure, Energy, and Space Testing of University of Colorado Boulder, who conducted the triaxial and centrifuge tests, respectively, the results of which were used extensively in this study.


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Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 144Issue 10October 2018


Received: Jun 17, 2017
Accepted: Apr 17, 2018
Published online: Aug 1, 2018
Published in print: Oct 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Jan 1, 2019


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Jenny Ramirez, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Univ. of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309. Email: [email protected]
Andres R. Barrero, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. Email: [email protected]
Long Chen, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Email: [email protected]
Shideh Dashti, M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Univ. of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Alborz Ghofrani, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Email: [email protected]
Mahdi Taiebat, M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4. Email: [email protected]
Pedro Arduino, M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Email: [email protected]

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