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Nov 26, 2010

Centrifuge Modeling of Seismically Induced Uplift for the BART Transbay Tube

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 137, Issue 8


The BART Transbay Tube (TBT) is an immersed cut-and-cover subway tunnel that runs from Oakland to San Francisco, California. The loose sand and gravel backfills placed around the tunnel are considered to be liquefiable, and the clays under the backfill are soft in some zones along the alignment. These conditions could potentially result in uplift of the tunnel during strong earthquake shaking. This paper describes centrifuge model tests performed to verify numerical methods used to assess the stability and to evaluate the potential uplift mechanisms of the TBT. The observed mechanisms of uplift were a ratcheting mechanism (sand migrating under the tunnel with each cycle of relative movement), a pore water migration mechanism (water flowing under the tunnel), and a bottom heave mechanism, involving soft soils below the base of the trench. A fourth potential mechanism, viscous flow of liquefied soil, was not observed. The volume of the tunnel relative to the volume of the trench and the densities and permeabilities of the nonhomogeneous backfill were important parameters affecting the uplift of the tunnel. From the experiments reported here and analyses reported by the designers, it was concluded that the magnitude of uplift is limited and, hence, that an expensive ground improvement project to densify the backfill was unwarranted.


The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Offshore Transbay Tube (TBT), constructed in the 1960s, is a heavily used commuter rail system in a cut-and-cover tunnel that connects Oakland to San Francisco, California (a map showing the BART system is shown in the electronic supplement for this paper in Fig. S1). During the construction, much of the gravelly backfill material around the tunnel was placed loosely under water at a relative density less than 50%. Because of the low density, liquefaction of the backfill material is expected to occur during design level earthquakes. The unit weight of the tunnel is significantly less than the unit weight of the surrounding backfill material. The need for ground improvement to mitigate seismically induced deformations of the tunnel and the deformations caused by uplift of the tunnel in the liquefied backfill were assessed using centrifuge modeling and numerical analysis.
Preliminary numerical analysis suggested that liquefaction-induced tunnel uplift is associated with a displacement-limited mechanism involving movement of soil around the tunnel and is not controlled by viscous flow (Fugro West, Inc. 2008; Travasarou and Chacko 2008; Travasarou et al. 2011; Chang et al. 2008). The analyses showed that uplift tunnel movements would be limited. Because of the importance of the project, numerical analyses and deformation mechanisms were confirmed by two centrifuge model tests and incorporated into the design.
Based on preliminary numerical evaluations (Fugro West, Inc. 2008), four potential uplift mechanisms were considered in the design of the model tests:
Ratcheting mechanism—as illustrated in Fig. 1(a), during shaking, the tunnel will move back and forth relative to the backfill because of horizontal shaking. When the tunnel moves to the north, an active soil wedge may develop on the south, funneling sand toward the base of the tunnel. When the tunnel reverses direction, some of this sand wedges under the edge of the tunnel, and hence, it “ratchets” up with each cycle of horizontal displacement. If there is significant relative movement between the tunnel and the soil beneath it, the soil that works its way under the tunnel may be spread and smoothed along the base of the tunnel.
Pore water migration mechanism—it is well known that excess pore pressure builds up during shaking in loose granular materials. Because of the difference of the overburden pressure under the tunnel and beside the tunnel, the excess pore pressure beside the tunnel is expected to be greater than that under the tunnel, as indicated by the piezometers sketched in Fig. 1(b). Therefore, the pore water flows under the tunnel, as indicated by the flow net sketched in Fig. 1(b). By conservation of volume, the flow causes tunnel uplift. Large hydraulic gradients may cause piping and erosion that could tend to fill in a water-filled gap along the base of the tunnel. The method used to estimate the amount of uplift associated with flow of pore water and sand flow will be introduced in this paper.
Bottom heave mechanism—similar to the mechanism of heave at the base of a braced excavation, or a slope instability problem, the shearing of soft ground below the liquefiable material could contribute to upward movement of the tunnel.
Viscous flow mechanism—after liquefaction of the backfill, the tunnel may “float” up as a result of viscous flow of the liquefied soil, as illustrated in Fig. 1(d). If viscous flow was significant, one would expect parabolic velocity profiles in the soil and vertical movement of the tunnel to continue after shaking stops. The viscous flow mechanism was not apparent in the model tests.
Fig. 1. Four uplift mechanisms considered: (a) ratcheting mechanism associated with cyclic movement of tunnel relative to backfill; (b) migration of pore water mechanism; (c) bottom heave mechanism resulting from shear failure in deeper soft soil; (d) viscous flow of liquefied soil
The team considered an option to perform a large number of simple and small model tests to investigate each of the above mechanisms individually or a small number of large-scale detailed model tests that allowed for all of the above mechanisms in one experiment. Another consideration was that some features of the geometry (e.g., the thickness of the foundation course under the tunnel) were small in dimension relative to the tunnel. In order to accurately include geometrically small but important features, it was considered preferable to test a large model. Two large-scale detailed model tests were performed in which all of the above mechanisms were evaluated. The geometry of the tunnel and properties of all materials were modeled as accurately as practical. The detailed experiments were also valuable in the sense that they bore an accurate visual resemblance to the real tunnel, and the correspondence of the results to the prototype problem was straightforward for academics, consultants, and the sponsor to understand.

Related Case Histories and Literature

Based on several shaking table model tests on partially buried and completely buried box structures, manholes and underground pipes, Koseki et al.(1997) categorized the behavior of the underground structures and the surrounding soils in three components: (1) lateral soil deformation; (2) movement of pore fluid; and (3) reconsolidation. The uplift of underground structures is first caused by the lateral deformation of the surrounding soil and subsequently by movement of pore fluid. The dilation of the soil during shearing reduces excess pore pressure and may contribute to additional resistance against uplift of completely buried structures.
Three centrifuge tests were performed by Adalier et al. (2003) to investigate the seismic performance and potential liquefaction remediation concepts for the George Massey Tunnel in British Columbia, Canada. The Massey tunnel is located in a deep natural deposit of liquefiable sandy soil. One test simulated existing field conditions, and the other two investigated the effectiveness of different retrofit schemes. During post-test dissection of the model most closely representing existing conditions, a significant amount of sand was observed to move toward the tunnel at the tunnel base elevation by the lateral deformation of the surrounding soil (First mechanism in Koseki et al. 1997). Also, several small pools of pore fluid were observed between the tunnel base and the foundation soil layer underneath the tunnel base, indicating that water collected under the tunnel (Adalier et al. 2003) by the movement of pore fluid (Second mechanism in Koseki et al. 1997).
The above studies, as well as others by Yasuda et al. (1994), Tamura et al. (1997), and Sasaki and Tamura (2004) provide valuable information about the uplift of underground structures as a result of liquefaction. Yasuda et al. (1994) conducted several shaking table tests to study the flotation mechanism of manholes and sewage pipes. Results showed that (1) the magnitude and rate of uplift decrease as the unit weight of the pipe and the relative density of the liquefiable soil increases; (2) more volume of the liquefiable soil around and below the pipe caused more uplift of the pipes; and (3) allowing the excess pore pressure dissipation of the liquefiable soil around the pipe greatly decreases the uplift magnitude. Nine cases of shaking table experiments were conducted by Tamura et al. (1997) to study the floating characteristics of pipes and manholes located in liquefiable soils. Results showed that the materials and relative density of the backfills affect the floating characteristics of the pipe and the manhole. A series of centrifugal model tests performed by Sasaki and Tamura (2004) showed that (1) most of the uplift displacement is accumulated during the shaking; (2) the increase of the thickness of the liquefiable soil underneath the structure and of the volume ratio between the liquefiable soil and the underground structure will increase the uplift of the underground structure; (3) the higher relative density of the soil makes the uplift of the underground structure decrease; and (4) the unit weight of the structure and elevation of the groundwater table did not have significant effects on the uplift displacement.
Several aspects of the BART TBT problem are quite different from the uplift problems considered in these previous studies. In particular, the BART TBT is a relatively large structure compared to the volume of the liquefiable soil in and under the trench. The previous studies, including the Massey Tunnel study, involved smaller structures or much larger liquefiable soil deposits. The gravel backfill materials for the BART TBT are relatively permeable, hence pore water redistribution is expected to be relatively fast. Also for the BART TBT, the permeable soils are capped by less permeable soils that may trap pore water at the interface. Finally, the design ground motions for the Massey Tunnel (the motions in the centrifuge were approximately 0.15–0.25 g) were much smaller than those for the BART TBT (design ground motions are approximately 0.6 g). Therefore, it was concluded that additional centrifuge testing would be valuable for the assessment of the potential deformations of BART TBT.

Centrifuge Experiments

Experiment Design

The in situ cone penetration tests (CPT) and sampling of the fill materials around the tunnel are described by Fugro West, Inc. (2007a, b, 2008). Along with data from these investigations and analysis of the documented original construction procedures and specifications, the properties of the backfill materials and the idealized longitudinal cross sections along the TBT were determined and are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Field Soil Properties and Target Properties for Model Tests
PropertySand fill range (target)Gravel fill range (target)Gravel foundation range (target)
USCS soil classificationSP-SMGP-SPGP-SP
Permeability (cm/s)0.01–0.1 (0.05)0.8–5.0 (1.0)0.8–5.0 (1.0)
Median grain size (mm)0.81212
% finer than 0.075 mm2 to 101 to 21 to 2
Cone tip resistance (MPa)5.8–6.7 (6.2)2.8–3.8 (3.4)2.8–3.8 (3.4)
Relative density (%)a(45±5)(35±5)(35±5)
Unit weight (kN/m3)(20.4)(18.9)(18.9)
Cone tip resistance was converted to relative density using the relationships proposed by Kulhawy and Mayne, and Jamiolkowski et al. (published in Kulhawy and Mayne 1990).
Because the tunnel is approximately 5.8 km in length, and it passes near a port facility, Yerba Buena Island, and a shipping channel, there is a variety of geological conditions along the alignment of the tunnel. For the purpose of evaluating the TBT vulnerability to uplift, the alignment was divided according to the prevailing soil conditions into five primary zones. The zoning mainly reflected differences in the stiffness of the clay surrounding the trench and the thickness, depth, and type of overburden. The two centrifuge tests, JCC01 and JCC02, were designed to model two different subsurface conditions representative of the majority of the alignment. Fig. 2 shows the idealized cross section for the purpose of centrifuge testing. The primary difference between the two tests is the natural material (labeled “Trench Clay” in Fig. 2) into which the trench was excavated. For JCC01, the native prototype soil is a stiff, overconsolidated, low-plasticity silty clay in the Merritt-Posey San Antonio (MPSA) formation. For JCC02, the native “Trench Clay” is a normally consolidated to lightly overconsolidated, high-plasticity clay known as Young Bay Mud (YBM). The difference in strength of these two materials was very significant; the Young Bay Mud was soft enough that the bottom heave mechanism [Fig. 1(c)] was expected to be significant, whereas the MPSA material was not expected to undergo significant permanent deformations.
Fig. 2. Idealized prototype cross section used for design of centrifuge model. Soil surrounding the trench (Trench Clay) was stiff clay in JCC01 and soft clay in JCC02
To decide the scale factor of the centrifuge tests, several goals were considered: (1) the model dimensions should be as large as possible so that important details could be included in the experiment; (2) the model must fit in the selected model container; and (3) boundary effects owing to the container boundaries should not dominate the model behavior. Considering these factors, a scale factor of 140 was chosen for these two centrifuge tests. Table 2 lists the scale factors for different physical quantities. All results presented in this paper are presented in prototype scale units unless otherwise indicated.
Table 2. Scale Factors
QuantityPrototype dimension/model dimension
Displacement, length40/1
Acceleration, gravity1/40
Pressure, stress1/1
Two model containers at the UC Davis Centrifuge facility—the rigid container and a flexible shear beam container—were considered in the experiment design phase. FLAC version 6.0 (Fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC)) simulations were performed to assess the extent of boundary effects for both types of containers. The FLAC mesh for the simulation in a “stiff” zone is shown in Fig. S2. Preliminary numerical analyses performed to facilitate experiment design indicated that the model in the rigid container would capture the key features of the system’s response, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The rigid container was selected because it has transparent side windows that would enable cameras to record the tunnel movement during the test.

Model Construction

The model tunnel segments were machined from solid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to the shape of the prototype tunnel. Because there were concerns about the effect of side wall friction from the model container on uplift behavior, the tunnel was made of three independent segments (east, central, and west), separated from each other and the windows by grease and a sheet of Teflon. Grease was retained in the gap between the segments and windows by bands of latex visible in Fig. 3. Placement of the central segment is shown in Fig. 3. It is difficult to precisely quantify the undesirable wall friction. Since the displacements of each segment were not identical, however, and the observed relative movement at the tunnel-window interface was greater than the relative movement between the adjacent tunnel segments, it appears that the friction at the windows was not excessive. Before being placed in the model container, the unit weights of the tunnel segments were measured by submersion in water to be 10.62kN/m3 for the central segment, 10.41kN/m3 for the east segment, and 10.67kN/m3 for west segment.
Fig. 3. Middle segment of tunnel being installed
In the first centrifuge test, JCC01, the trench material was modeled after the stiff MPSA silty clay. This stiff clay was modeled by compacted Yolo Loam, a locally available low-plasticity silty clay. The requirements for the compaction were to achieve (1) an undrained shear strength (su) greater than 100 kPa; (2) low swell potential to avoid strength loss while the trench materials were being saturated; and (3) a high degree of saturation so that the compacted clay would not swell under the vacuum applied during saturation of the fill materials. Compaction tests, pocket penetrometer tests, and a trial to monitor swelling resulting from the vacuum saturation procedure were performed on the Yolo Loam. These tests showed that compaction at a water content of 16% using a commercially available pneumatic compaction tool would provide 98.3% saturation, sufficient strength, and negligible swell potential under vacuum saturation. The Yolo Loam was compacted in 100 mm lifts. The trench slope was carved to the desired geometry after the compaction was completed.
In the second centrifuge test, JCC02, the trench material was made of Young Bay Mud obtained from the Hamilton Air Force Base site. The clay was consolidated from slurry inside the model container using a large hydraulic consolidation press to achieve the target strength profile. Vertical wick drains, made from 8-mm-diameter rope, at 100 mm center to center spacing to facilitate consolidation. There were two layers of YBM, with the final height of each lift being about 280 mm. After the consolidation was completed, the rope/wick drains were removed, and the trench was carved into the YBM to the desired geometry. The consolidation pressures for the bottom and top layer were 150 kPa and 85 kPa, respectively, to produce a lightly overconsolidated soil profile.
The gravel foundation course and gravel fill were modeled using Monterey 0/30 sand, and the sand fill was modeled with Nevada sand. Key properties and element cyclic behavior of both sands have been characterized by others including Arulmoli et al. (1992) and Kammerer et al. (2000, 2004). Dry pluviation techniques were used to place the backfill materials. The sand was overpluviated into the trench, and then excess sand was removed using a vacuum to achieve the desired geometry. Table 3 lists the properties of Nevada and Monterey 0/30 sand in JCC01 and JCC02. The as-built relative densities were slightly different from the targeted relative densities in both centrifuge tests, but the as-built relative densities were less than 50%.
Table 3. Sand Properties in JCC01 and JCC02
PropertySand fill JCC01|JCC02Gravel fill JCC01|JCC02Gravel foundation JCC01|JCC02
NameNevada sandMonterey 0/30Monterey 0/30
USCS soil classificationSPSPSP
Conventional permeability (cm/s)0.0140.220.22
Model viscosity scale factor11|1211|1211|12
Prototype permeability (cm/s)a0.0570.880.88
Median grain size (mm)b0.150.350.35
% finer than 0.075(mm)b1 to 2<1<1
Cone tip resistance, qc1 (MPa)
Target relative density (%)40|4035|3535|35
Target void ratio, e0.68|0.680.76|0.870.76|0.87
Relative density (as-built) (%)c32|4050|3540|35
Target dry unit weight (kN/m3)15.5|15.514.8|14.414.8|14.4
Prototype permeability is obtained from conventional permeability times model scale factor (40) divided by viscosity scale factor.
Balakrishnan (2000) and Wu et al. (2003).
Cone tip resistance was converted to relative density using the relationships proposed by Kulhawy and, Mayne and Jamiolkowski et al. (published in (Kulhawy and Mayne 1990).
After placement of backfill sands, the sands were saturated with a viscous pore fluid consisting of a dilute solution of hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose in water. The target viscosity was 10 times greater than that of the pure water. Achieved viscosities determined by testing the pore fluids with a viscometer are reported in Table 3. In preliminary numerical analyses, the tunnel uplift was found to be sensitive to the ratio of the permeabilities of the gravel fill and sand fill. The target ratio based on site investigations and preliminary numerical analyses was 20 (1/0.05 from Table 1), and the achieved ratio was 15 (0.88/0.057 from Table 3). The saturation process is described in the electronic Supplemental Data section of this paper; saturation tubes are shown in Fig. S3.
The surficial mud layer in Fig. 2 is a barrier that prevents water pressure dissipation from the top of the backfill materials. Yolo Loam mixed in a slurry/paste with tap water as the pore fluid at a water content of 1.2 times the liquid limit was used to model this layer. This layer was placed after the sand was saturated, and it was allowed to become normally consolidated during the spinning of the centrifuge prior to shaking the model.


The strategy for placement of accelerometers, pore pressure transducers, displacement transducers, colored sand columns, colored sand layers, and cameras is described as follows: (1) the vertical and horizontal movements of all three segments of the model tunnel were recorded using vertical and horizontal displacement transducers. The bodies of displacement transducers (DTV1 to DTV4) were attached to an instrumentation rack which, in turn, was attached to the model container; the probes of the displacement sensors were attached to “flags” (as shown in Fig. 4), which consisted of fairly stiff sheet metal attached to the top surface of the tunnel segments; (2) the deformation pattern of backfill materials surrounding the model tunnel was documented by photographing the colored sand columns and layers during posttest excavations; (3) a vertical array of pore pressure transducers was used to measure the distribution and dissipation of pore pressures in the trench backfill materials; (4) a dense array of pore pressure sensors installed in the central tunnel segment was used to compute hydraulic gradients and flow of water under the tunnel; (5) dynamic response of the backfill materials was monitored using a vertical array of accelerometers from bottom to top of the backfill materials; (6) dynamic response of each tunnel segment was monitored by a sufficient number of accelerometers to define the six degrees of freedom; and (7) in JCC02, displacement transducers were used to monitor the bottom heave of the trench material (clay below the foundation course). A pad with an extension rod was placed on top of the clay and the extension rod passed through a 20-mm-diameter vertical hole drilled through the middle of the tunnel. The rod extended through the tunnel and above the ground surface. Linear potentiometers mounted on the instrumentation rack monitored the vertical movement of this rod to determine the bottom heave of the clay. The 20-mm-hole allowed for lateral movements of the tunnel relative to the rod and was backfilled with bentonite mud to seal it around the rod and prevent drainage of pore pressures through the hole.
Fig. 4. Layout of sensors in JCC02 (units are in model scale)—middle segment; results from labeled sensors are presented in this paper
Locations of all sensors in JCC01 are nearly identical to those in JCC02. Hence, the sensor locations for JCC02 shown in Fig. 4 adequately represent the sensor locations for both tests. Fig. 4 includes names of sensors for which data are presented in this paper. The detailed locations of all sensors in both tests are reported by Chou et al. (2008a, b).

Shaking Events

During both centrifuge tests, the models were shaken by several different shaking events. The event number, name, and PGA for each shaking event are listed in Table 4. A small step wave event in both tests was used to verify that all systems and sensors were properly functioning. The models were also subject to a ground motion named “LP,” which simulated the shaking from the 1989 Loma Prieta event that the actual BART TBT experienced without suffering damage. The “TCU” event is the main target ground motion for this project and was obtained by spectral matching of the recordings from the TCU078 station during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan to the design spectrum for the project (Mark Salmon, personal communication, Jun. 30, 2006). The motion was further modified for use in the centrifuge experiment by filtering out the range of frequencies in which resonance of the centrifuge arm could occur. The Joshua Tree event, obtained by processing (filtering and scaling) motions at the Joshua Tree station during the 1992 Landers earthquake, was used in the second model test to check the behavior during a different long-duration design ground motion. Before the full amplitude LP, TCU and Joshua Tree events, smaller amplitude versions of these shaking events were applied to the models in order to calibrate the shaker controllers.
Table 4. Input Ground Motion Information
Event no.NamePGA (g)Event no.NamePGA (g)
E1Step wave0.015E1Step wave0.013
E2Small LP0.013E2Small LP0.0066
E4Small TCU10.053E4Small TCU0.07
E5Small TCU20.141E5TCU0.66
E6TCU0.649E6Small Joshua Tree0.05
 E7Joshua Tree0.36
Note: LP = 1989 Loma Prieta–YBI; TCU = 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan, TCU078; Joshua Tree = Joshua Tree recording from the 1992 Landers earthquake.
Fig. 5 shows data obtained from one pore pressure sensor and one displacement transducer in JCC01 (see Fig. 4 for sensor location) to illustrate the sequence of events in model time scale. Fig. S4 presents similar results for JCC02.
Fig. 5. Vertical tunnel displacement and pore pressures in middle of gravel foundation course during JCC01

Observations from Model Excavation

Figs. 6 and 7 and Figs. S5, S6, and S7 are pictures taken during the model dissection after JCC01 and JCC02. Fig. 6 shows the blue colored sand columns that were installed vertically during model construction in JCC01; it is apparent that soil near the bottom of the tunnel moved toward the bottom of the tunnel during shaking. Fig. S5 shows the blue colored sand columns in JCC02. This deformation pattern is consistent with the ratcheting mechanism [Fig. 1(a)] and the first mechanism described in Koseki et al. (1997). Because of uplift of the tunnel, the soil near the top of the tunnel moved away from the tunnel. Fig. 7 shows photographs of the gravel foundation course after removal of the central segment of the model tunnel. In Fig. 7(b) (JCC02) a 3-m-wide (8-cm-model scale) water gap (see shadow under ruler) apparently developed under the centerline of the tunnel, but no water gap was apparent in JCC01 [Fig. 7(a)]. This observation is consistent with the pore water migration mechanism described by Koseki et al. (1997) and illustrated in Fig. 1(b). In JCC01, the clayey soil below the trench was a stiff clay for which bottom heave was insignificant during the test. The bottom heave mechanism was significant in JCC02 because of the relatively soft Young Bay Mud trench material. Fig. S6 shows the excavated trench and a plot of the trench surface elevation before and after testing. Fig. S7 shows the model configuration and deformations caused by the earthquakes in before and after photographs for test JCC01. Fig. S7 clearly shows that the tube moved up, and soil beside the tube settled down.
Fig. 6. Colored sand columns indicate deformation pattern of sand in JCC01 (vertical black lines indicate initial locations of colored sand columns)
Fig. 7. Gravel foundation course: (a) JCC01; (b) JCC02. No gap was seen under tunnel in JCC01, but there was in JCC02; gap is indicated by width of shadow under the ruler (from 1.5 cm to 9.5 cm)
Fig. 7 also shows black colored sand lines that originated at the bottom corner of the tunnel, indicating approximately 3 m in JCC01 and 1 m in JCC02 of maximum lateral soil deformation toward the tunnel centerline. In Fig. 7(a), the maximum movement of the black colored sand along the surface of the gravel foundation course was about 3 m. The black colored sand may have been carried along the interface between the tunnel and the gravel foundation course by erosion and smearing. The average movement of the black sand along the surface was significantly less than 3 m. The large movement of the sand at the interface between the tunnel and the gravel foundation course for both JCC01 and JCC02 is evidence that flow was a result of ratcheting and not the viscous flow of liquefied sand mechanism. If the flow was viscous, the displacement profiles would be approximately parabolic with zero relative displacement at the interface.

Observations from Sensors

Fig. 8 shows isochrones and time histories from selected sensors during the TCU event in JCC01. Fig. S8 shows a similar set of plots for JCC02; although results are similar, there are some notable differences in behavior of JCC01 and JCC02, but both plots could not be included in the printed paper because of space limitations. Figs. 8(a-d) show isochrones of the excess pore pressure at selected times indicated in the legend, and time series plots are shown in Figs. 8(e-h). Fig. 8(a) presents data from the vertical array (P4, P9, P10, P12, and P18) in the soil near the tunnel; the pore pressure is observed to oscillate, and the peak values are very close to the initial effective overburden stress beside the tunnel indicated by the black straight line. Figs. 8(b) (PT1, 8, 10, 11, and 12) and 8(d) (PT7, 9, and 13) show that pore pressure recorded at the sides of the tunnel oscillate and approach the free field initial overburden and that the bottom sensor records a smaller pressure because it is under the corner of the tunnel where the overburden is lower owing to the low density of the tunnel; this would result in water flow toward the bottom of the tunnel. Fig. 8(c) shows pore pressure distributions on the base of the tunnel (PT1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) which generally had a U shape during the shaking, indicative of a hydraulic gradient toward the middle of the base of the model tunnel; water (and soil) are drawn under the tunnel to fill the space vacated by the uplifting tunnel. The selected isochrones times from Time=15.1 to 15.3 s were chosen to illustrate that pore pressures oscillated significantly and quite rapidly during shaking, and the one for 117.8 s shows that the less permeable backfill maintains high pore pressures long (about 70 s, in this case) after shaking, but excess water pressures [see Figs. 8(a-c)] are very uniform in the more permeable fill (gravel in prototype). After shaking, at times of 100 to 120 s, the distribution became a flat line very close to the average initial vertical effective stress under the tunnel, indicated by the dashed black line in Fig. 8(c). The pore pressure at the centerline (PT5) in Fig. 8(c) actually increases after shaking because the hydraulic gradient drawing water under the tunnel nearly vanishes when the upward velocity of the tunnel reduces [see DTV1 in Fig. 8(f)]. Figs. 8(e, f) show horizontal accelerations which extend over about 35 s of strong shaking. The horizontal acceleration of the tunnel (Sensor AH13) is much smaller than the base acceleration for JCC01. Similar behavior in JCC02 is shown in Figs. S8(e) and (f). Especially for JCC02, however, the tunnel acceleration (curve labeled “Tube Hor Acc”) is quite similar to the acceleration of the liquefied soil (Sensor AH19 for JCC01 and AH9 for JCC02). This indicates that the relative movement between the tunnel and the backfill was relatively small in JCC02. The U-shaped pore pressure profiles along the base of the tunnel with a stiff clay trench [Fig. 8(c)] are more exaggerated than those for the soft clay trench [Fig. S8(c)]; this difference is attributed to the smaller strain demands in the foundation course of JCC02 owing to isolation by the soft clay. Figs. 8(g, h) show vertical displacement of the tunnel (DTV1) and excess pore pressures at two points along the base of the tunnel at two different time scales. DCV1 in Figs. S8(g) and (h) shows the heave of the soft clay at the base of the trench; a noticeable part of the uplift of the tunnel was caused by the clay heave. Fig. 8(h) shows the generation and dissipation of excess pore pressure underneath the model tunnel before and after the shaking event. The uplift of the tunnel during shaking and the settlement of the tunnel caused by the dissipation of excess pore pressure after shaking are also indicated in Fig. 8(h).
Fig. 8. JCC01 result plots: (a) pore pressure in fill; (b) excess pore pressure at PT1, 8, 10, 11, and 12; (c) excess pore pressure at PT1 to PT7; (d) excess pore pressure at PT 7, 9, and 13; (e–h) short- and long-term plots of acceleration (AH19, average of AH10 and AH13, and base accelerometer), vertical tunnel displacement, and pore pressure as a function of time
Fig. 9 shows calculated displacement trajectories for the major shaking events in JCC01 and JCC02. In Fig. 9, the vertical axis represents the vertical movement recorded from the vertical displacement transducers, and the horizontal axis represents the horizontal movement of the tunnel obtained by integration of relative horizontal acceleration of the tunnel with respect to the top of the clay just below the trench. Because the accelerometers can only provide accurate data at frequencies greater than 0.2 Hz (prototype scale), a high-pass, zero phase shift filter was applied in the frequency domain to eliminate the inaccurate low frequency data. The resulting data present an accurate view of cyclic behavior of the tunnel but do not indicate the permanent horizontal displacements; permanent horizontal displacements were 4 mm and 160 mm for JCC01 and JCC02, respectively. Fig. 9 shows that the resultant uplifts in the large TCU events were similar in JCC01 and JCC02, even though the dynamic horizontal relative displacements are quite different. It should be noted that the horizontal displacement of the tunnel relative to the trench is proportional to the average shear strain in the gravel foundation course layer. From Fig. 9, cyclic horizontal relative displacements are seen to be about 0.12 m for JCC01 and about 0.05 m for JCC02. As the gravel foundation course is about 1 m thick, the shear strains may be estimated by the ratio of lateral displacement to layer thickness, which comes to ±12% in JCC01 and about ±5% in JCC02. Strains are thought to be smaller in JCC02 because yielding of the soft clay in JCC02 attenuated ground accelerations below the trench. The stronger stiff clay made the trench material move intensely along with the container in JCC01. As mentioned in a previous section, a water gap was found in JCC02 but not in JCC01. Figs. 8 and S8(c) indicate hydraulic gradients toward the centerline of the tunnel, so water gaps might have been expected in both JCC01 and JCC02. A possible explanation for the lack of a water gap in JCC01 is that large shear strains of the gravel foundation course in JCC01 smeared out the water gap [as indicated in Fig. 1(a)] and/or caused shear-induced dilation that absorbed the pore water as it flowed into the foundation course beneath the tunnel. Another possible explanation for the lack of a water gap in JCC01 could be that the water gap was developed in the Joshua Tree event of JCC02. The Joshua Tree event was longer but less intense than the TCU event, and the Joshua Tree motion was not imposed on JCC01. The difference in duration and intensity might have allowed more uplift owing to pore water migration and less smearing to smooth out the gap [see Fig. 1(a)]. The trajectories during the smaller shaking events (Loma Prieta, small TCU, and small Joshua Tree) are also plotted in Fig. 9 (see oval labeled “Other Events”), but the relative movements are so small that they are not apparent.
Fig. 9. Trajectory of vertical movement of center of tunnel relative to container base as a function of horizontal displacement of tunnel relative to clay trench: (a) JCC01; (b) JCC02
Figs. 10 and S11 show the spectral accelerations at different elevations for selected events in JCC01 and JCC02. From these figures, it is clear just how small the Loma Prieta event was compared with the design motions (TCU and Joshua Tree) for the tunnel. From Fig. 10, there appears to be amplification of the base motion between the base and the top of the clay (trench) below the tunnel. At the period range around 1.2 s, there is a large difference between the tunnel motion and the trench motion for JCC01, but the motions are quite similar for JCC02. This observation agrees with behavior discussed previously: the shear strains in the soft clay in JCC02 isolated the trench from the intense shaking, resulting in smaller shear strains in the gravel foundation course in JCC02 than in JCC01.
Fig. 10. Acceleration response spectra (2% damping ratio) of container base, trench (AH3), and tube (average of AH10 and AH13) for JCC01 in (a) Loma Prieta; and (b) TCU motions

Analyses of Movement of Soil and Water under Tunnel

In the beginning of this paper, we asserted that the uplift of the tunnel is caused by a (1) ratcheting mechanism; (2) pore water migration mechanism; and (3) bottom heave mechanism. This section quantifies the relative contributions of each of these mechanisms. The total uplift and the uplift resulting from the heave of the base of the trench were directly measured. The uplift from ratcheting is determined by subtracting the uplift resulting from base heave and pore pressure flow from the total uplift.
The uplift from flow of pore water under the tunnel was calculated using Darcy’s law and measured hydraulic gradients from sensors embedded in the tunnel base (PT1–7). Because the excess pore pressure under the edge of the tunnel tends to be higher than the pore pressure under the middle of the tunnel [Figs. 8 and S8(c) and (f)], the hydraulic gradient causes pore water to flow from the edge to the middle. The following equations are used to calculate the uplift from the water flow:
qjk = horizontal volume of flow through the gravel foundation course per unit time at the midpoint between two sensors located at points indicated by the subscripts j and k. The excess pore pressure, uj is recorded by the sensor at point j, and xj = distance from point j to the centerline of the tunnel. The permeability of the gravel foundation course is indicated by k; h = thickness of the gravel foundation course; and sjk = uplift of the tunnel deduced from pore pressure sensors at points j and k.
The first expression for q is basically an expression of Darcy’s law. The second expression in Eq. (1) that includes s assumes that the tunnel does not tilt and that the horizontal hydraulic gradient at the centerline is zero, so that the rate of vertical movement with time multiplied by the distance from the midpoint between the sensors to the centerline of the tunnel must equal the volumetric flow rate of water. The vertical movement is then obtained by time integration of the rate of vertical movement [Eq. (2)]. As explained by Kutter et al. (2008), calculated uplift resulting from water flow independently calculated from a few different combinations of PT sensors is averaged to obtain sWater(t).
Finally, uplift from the sand flow, sSand(t), can be estimated using the following equation:
The subscript Total = total uplift for each event; Water = uplift from pore water migration; and Clay = bottom heave that was monitored using DTs (DCV1 in Fig. 4). The time history of each of these contributions to settlement is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Comparison of uplift owing to sand flow and uplift directly measured from vertical displacement sensors in TCU motion: (a) JCC01; (b) JCC02
In Table 5, the uplifts from water flow of TCU and Joshua Tree motions in both tests are about 20–25% of the total uplift of each motion, and uplifts from ratcheting are about 65–80% of the total uplift of each motion. In Table 5, the total amount of uplift is the average of the differences between the initial and final values from sensors DTV1 and DTV2 for all of the shaking events. From water flow calculation and the posttest measurement, the water flow can be divided into two categories: (1) water gap; and (2) dilation of sand. In Table 5, the uplift during the whole test was estimated from the difference between the initial and final voltages of displacement transducers in each centrifuge test, and the uplift of each shaking event was estimated from the voltage difference of displacement transducers just before and after the shaking event. Because of this, the pore pressure dissipation is included in the uplift of each shaking event. Therefore, the sum of the uplift from each event is larger than the uplift of the whole centrifuge test in Table 5.
Table 5. Amount of Uplift Displacement for Different Events and Whole Tests
Event nameTotal uplift (m) (sTotal)Water flow (m) (sWater)Clay heave (m) (sClay)Ratcheting (m) (sSand)
LP JCC01-0.003-0.0005Less than 0.004-0.0025
TCU JCC010.220.054Less than 0.0040.1620.166
LP JCC02-0.003-0.0004-0.002-0.0006
TCU JCC020.240.0470.040.153
Joshua JCC020.110.027-0.0030.086
JCC010.160|0.054aLess than 0.004
Note: Positive values represent upward displacement.
Values are sum of the amount of the water flow of each event.
Values are measured during centrifuge model dissection.


The high permeability of the gravel fill and the gravel foundation course and the permeability contrast between the sand fill and the gravel fill were determined to be important factors limiting the tunnel uplift. The high permeability of the gravel fill and gravel foundation course allow water to quickly flow upward under the vertical hydraulic gradient apparent in Figs. 8 and S8(a). The water that flows upward may not be available to flow under the tunnel and cause uplift. The lower permeability of sand fill will slow the escape of some excess water pressure, but the sand fill cannot contain pore pressures greater than the total overburden at the interface between the sand fill and the gravel fill. For these reasons, the elevation of the interface between the sand and the gravel fill, as well as the permeability contrast, may affect the flow of the excess pore pressure around the tunnel during shaking events. The volume of the liquefiable soil that can produce pore pressures large enough to cause uplift is another important factor affecting the magnitude of uplift. The amount of water that flows under the tunnel may be limited by the volume of water that is produced by densification of the liquefying soil beside the tunnel. In the case of the BART Transbay Tube, the volume of the liquefiable gravel fill beside the tunnel is less than the volume of the tunnel (see Fig. 2), hence, the amount of water produced by densification of the gravel fill will be limited.
Consistent with findings of Sasaki and Tamura (2004) and Koseki et al. (1997), the limited thickness of the gravel foundation course was found to be an important factor in the numerical analyses reported by Fugro West, Inc. (2008). To cause uplift, water or soil has to flow through this limited space to cause uplift. For tunnels underlain by thicker deposits of liquefiable soil, there would be more area underneath through which water and soil can flow and cause uplift of the tunnel. For the George Massey Tunnel studied by Adalier et al. (2003), the tunnel was underlain by a relatively deep deposit of liquefiable soil, and hence, they found that ground remediation would be required to limit the uplift of that tunnel.
Uplifts of the models of the BART tunnel associated with the liquefied soil were observed to occur when two criteria were met: (1) average pore pressures under the tunnel are approximately equal to the overburden pressure on the base of the tunnel; and (2) the tunnel is moving horizontally relative to the liquefied soil beside it. In the Loma Prieta events, large pore pressures were generated, but large horizontal movements were not obtained. Net settlements, not uplifts, were observed in the model tests using the Loma Prieta input motion. In the large shaking events (TCU and Joshua Tree), the pore pressures were large, and horizontal strains in the gravel foundation course were significant enough to cause uplift associated with the ratcheting mechanism described in the “Introduction.” After shaking ceased, pore pressures remained high, but only a small fraction of the uplift occurred after strong shaking. The uplift after shaking can be attributed to pore water migration.


This paper presents the design of and results from the two centrifuge tests that were conducted for the BART Offshore Transbay Tube Seismic Retrofit project. The tests were designed and performed to support the numerical analyses performed at the early stages of the project, in (a) studying the mechanisms of uplift of a tunnel submerged in liquefiable soil; and (b) providing the data necessary to refine and validate the numerical methods used for the analyses of the existing BART TBT. The model tunnel consisted of PVC segments that had a density similar to the real tunnel. Segments were isolated from each other and the walls of the model container in an effort to eliminate effects of wall friction. A large number of sensors in the experiments allowed pore pressure gradients to be quantified and allowed computation of the volume of water flowing under the tunnel. These two centrifuge models were designed and constructed with as much detail as possible to duplicate the real tunnel conditions in the field.
The limited volume of liquefied soil, the high permeability of the soils around the base of the tunnel, and the limited thickness of the gravel foundation course were found to be important parameters that would limit the uplift of the tunnel.
The uplift of the model tunnels during the target ground motion (the TCU events) for these two centrifuge tests are 0.22 and 0.24 m, for the case where the soil below the trench is stiff clay and soft clay, respectively. Consistent with the findings of numerical analyses (Fugro West, Inc. (2008), the factors observed to contribute to tunnel uplift in the two centrifuge experiments were (1) ratcheting; (2) pore water migration; and (3) bottom heave. The ratcheting of soil under the bottom corner of the tunnel occurred during cyclic shearing of the foundation course—a small volume of soil worked its way under the tunnel with each cycle of lateral deformation. The flow of soil as a viscous liquid was not observed. During relatively small shaking events, even in cases where the pore pressure was large, the tunnel settled. Uplift only occurred in large events, when the pore pressure was large and the shaking intensity was large enough to initiate the ratcheting mechanism. Base heave was negligible for the case with stiff clay below the trench. However, for the case where the clay below the trench was soft, base heave became significant but was not the dominant deformation mechanism. The soft clay also yielded and attenuated the ground motion, resulting in smaller displacements of the tunnel relative to the base of the trench. Thus, for the case with the greatest base heave, the effects of ratcheting and water flow were reduced. As a result the net uplift was similar for the cases with and without soft clay.
With regard to the integrity of the tunnel, differential movements along the tunnel alignment may be more significant than total movements on any cross section, such as the ones modeled in the centrifuge tests. The results shown in Fig. 9 demonstrate that horizontal movements of the tunnel may be just as significant as vertical movements. Fugro West, Inc.(2008) performed 3D analyses to assess the effects of differential vertical and lateral movements of the tunnel.
One of the purposes of performing these two centrifuge tests was to help evaluate the need for improvement of the liquefiable backfill materials around the tunnel. This decision was ultimately based on the results of the centrifuge model tests in combination with results from two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical analyses, including extensive sensitivity analyses performed by Fugro West, Inc. (2008). The two centrifuge model tests were a key to the understanding of the mechanisms that govern the uplift of immersed tube tunnels (such as the BART TBT) in particular, but the findings may be applicable to other types of tunnels. Also, the tests provided quantitative estimates of the anticipated tunnel uplift for the design earthquake, suggesting that the expected amount of uplift is limited. The centrifuge tests were instrumental in corroborating the findings from numerical analysis and in guiding the decision that proposed expensive offshore ground improvement work is unwarranted.

Supplemental Data

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This project was funded by a subcontract to UC Davis from Fugro West, Inc. Fugro West was a subcontractor of the Bechtel Infrastructure Corporation, with funds originating from the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District.
Anthony Hitchings, Tom Horton, and Kathy Mayo of BART and Mark Salmon and Ken Mark from the Bechtel team must be credited for having the courage and vision to go beyond conventional engineering procedures to use the most advanced tools available to address this difficult problem. BART’s Peer Review Panel and Design Review Board provided valuable guidance and oversight to the project. In particular, Jonathan Bray, Raymond Seed, and I.M. Idriss provided important input to the centrifuge model tests as part of this study.
Dan Wilson and Ross Boulanger of UC Davis participated in the design and testing. Stephen Coulter of Fugro West, Inc., participated in every phase of the model construction and testing. Yan Lucille of Fugro West, Inc. participated in the early phase of model construction and testing. Lijun Deng and M. Ilankatharan, UC Davis graduate students, assisted with instrumentation, sample preparation, testing, and data processing. Lars Pedersen, Chad Justice, Ray Gerhard, Mark Hannum, Peter Rojas, Nick Sinikas, and Joel Mireles, staff of the UCD Center for Geotechnical Modeling, provided necessary assistance and valuable expertise. Although this work and equipment maintenance costs were entirely funded by industry, the support to develop the centrifuge equipment by the National Science Foundation through the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (current award number NSFCMS-0402490) over several years was a prerequisite for this work.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 137Issue 8August 2011
Pages: 754 - 765


Received: Feb 5, 2010
Accepted: Nov 24, 2010
Published online: Nov 26, 2010
Published in print: Aug 1, 2011


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Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of California at Davis, Davis, CA 95616 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
B. L. Kutter [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA 95616. E-mail: [email protected]
T. Travasarou [email protected]
Senior Engineer, Fugro West, Inc., Oakland, CA 94607. E-mail: [email protected]
J. M. Chacko [email protected]
Principal Engineer, Fugro West, Inc., Oakland, CA 94607. E-mail: [email protected]

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