Technical Papers
Jun 26, 2018

Effect of Jet A-1/Ethanol Fuel Blend on HCCI Combustion and Exhaust Emissions

Publication: Journal of Energy Engineering
Volume 144, Issue 5


This paper deals with the effects of adding Jet A-1 fuel to ethanol (E) in proportions of 20/80 vol% in biofuel homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion. Experiments were performed with a four-stroke direct injection (DI) diesel engine, the first cylinder of which was converted to operate in HCCI mode with various air/ethanol and air/Jet20E80 mixtures characterized by relative air:fuel ratios of λ=3.012.02 and 3.84−1.90 and externally prepared in the intake manifold at the inlet air temperature of 100°C. We studied the effects of Jet20E80 fuel blends on start of combustion (SOC), maximum heat release rate, burn angle mass burn fraction (MBF) 50, combustion duration, maximum in-cylinder pressure, and temperature indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), thermal efficiency, coefficient of variation (COV) of maximum in-cylinder pressure and IMEP, as well as smoke and exhaust emissions. The air/Jet20E80 mixture improved HCCI combustion-phasing control, suggesting higher engine efficiency and ecological benefits. The start of combustion (SOC) occurred 2.2 crank angle degrees (CAD) later in the cycle, which enhanced the maximum heat release rate and the peak in-cylinder pressure by 37.2 and 23.1% and IMEP and thermal efficiency by 49.0 and 16.0%, respectively. The IMEP coefficient of variation decreased to its lowest level, 3.73%, when running with the richest air/Jet20E80 mixture, λ=1.90, at a constant speed of 1,400 rpm. The production of NOx and total unburned hydrocarbon (THC) emissions decreased 2.8 and 1.3 times, while smoke and CO emissions were 2.5 and 1.6 times higher than the amounts that HCCI combustion of neat ethanol produces under these conditions.

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The authors acknowledge AVL-AST, Graz, Austria, which, as part of the University Partnership Program of Aleksandras Stulginskis University, provided remote access connection service to AVL-BOOST, which enhanced the reliability and .accuracy of the data obtained.


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Go to Journal of Energy Engineering
Journal of Energy Engineering
Volume 144Issue 5October 2018


Received: Nov 8, 2017
Accepted: Feb 20, 2018
Published online: Jun 26, 2018
Published in print: Oct 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Nov 26, 2018


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Gvidonas Labeckas [email protected]
Professor, Power and Transport Machinery Engineering Institute, Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Student St., 15, Kaunas Academy, Akademija 53361, Lithuania (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Stasys Slavinskas [email protected]
Professor, Power and Transport Machinery Engineering Institute, Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Student St., 15, Kaunas Academy, Akademija 53361, Lithuania. Email: [email protected]
Kastytis Laurinaitis [email protected]
Lecturer, Power and Transport Machinery Engineering Institute, Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Student St., 15, Kaunas Academy, Akademija 53361, Lithuania. Email: [email protected]

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