Technical Papers
Apr 8, 2013

Review of Ice Effects on Hydropower Systems

Publication: Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Volume 27, Issue 4


Hydropower is a major power source in cold region countries. It is also the largest renewable energy source offering significant potential for reduction in carbon emissions. In Norway, hydropower accounts for nearly 99% of the total electricity production. To meet winter demand, storage schemes are implemented in tandem with run-of-river schemes to a large extent in cold region hydropower systems. In these systems, ice creates operational constraints during winter that can lead to reductions in power production. The problems occur in the various phases of the ice regime, mainly due to frazil ice, ice runs, and ice jams. Counteracting these ice problems is usually a difficult task that involves expensive measures and possibly lost production. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the effects of freshwater ice on hydropower systems. It has been shown that ice in freshwater systems poses a number of operational constraints on the various components of a hydropower system at a time when energy demand is at its peak. The literature review presents a useful baseline for operators of power plants as well as showing problem areas for future research. The trends in the northern areas toward warmer and unstable winters could both alleviate and exacerbate the current challenges for cold climate hydropower operation and the findings of this paper should provide useful background for assessments of future ice impacts.

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S. Gebre was funded by the Norwegian Research Council as part of the Institution-based Strategic Project (ISP), subcomponent Sustainable Infrastructure (Project no. 81143700). We acknowledge Viggo Finset at Trønderenergi for providing data from Orkla. The authors would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that helped improve the paper.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Volume 27Issue 4December 2013
Pages: 196 - 222


Received: Oct 22, 2012
Accepted: Apr 5, 2013
Published online: Apr 8, 2013
Discussion open until: Sep 8, 2013
Published in print: Dec 1, 2013


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Solomon Gebre [email protected]
Ph.D. Research Fellow, Dept. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Knut Alfredsen
Professor, Dept. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.
Leif Lia
Professor, Dept. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.
Morten Stickler
Senior Environmental Advisor, Statkraft AS, Lilleakerveien 6, P.O. Box 200 Lilleaker, N-0216 Oslo, Norway.
Einar Tesaker
Manager, Tesaker Vann AS, Lerkevegen 8B, N-7072 Heimdal, Norway.

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