Technical Papers
May 15, 2012

Oil Sands MFT Properties and Freeze-Thaw Effects

Publication: Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Volume 26, Issue 2


This paper presents a framework for combining the chemistry and mineralogy of oil sands mature fine tailings (MFT) along with geotechnical knowledge of freeze-thaw processes, large strain consolidation and MFT behavior to develop a conceptual model incorporating the physicochemical processes associated with freeze-thaw dewatering. A conceptual model of freeze-thaw dewatering of oil sands MFT is proposed, which accounts for the release of water, change in mechanical and hydraulic properties, and alteration of the micro and macrofabric of MFT under one-dimensional conditions. Various solutions to the Neumann thermal model were examined to assess their ability to predict the rate of freezing and thawing of MFT. Models for predicting thaw and postthaw settlement were discussed as they pertain to freeze-thaw dewatering of MFT.

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Published In

Go to Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Volume 26Issue 2June 2012
Pages: 29 - 54


Received: Oct 15, 2009
Accepted: Jul 12, 2011
Published online: May 15, 2012
Published in print: Jun 1, 2012


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S. Proskin
Senior Geotechnical Engineer, EBA Engineering Consultants, 14940 123 Ave. NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5V 1B4, Canada.
D. Sego
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility, 9105 116th St., Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2W2, Canada.
Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Thurber Engineering Ltd., 180, 7330 Fisher St. SE, Calgary, Alberta T2H 2H8, Canada (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]

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