Technical Papers
May 12, 2021

Punching Shear Behavior of Synthetic Fiber–Reinforced Self-Consolidating Concrete Flat Slabs with GFRP Bars

Publication: Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 25, Issue 4


Glass fiber–reinforced polymer (GFRP)-reinforced flat slabs offer a convenient construction option that is both simple to build and highly resistant to corrosion. The relatively low thickness of the floor plates and absence of beams results in increased susceptibility to punching shear failure, which may become the governing design factor. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the use of synthetic fiber–reinforced self-consolidating concrete (SNFRSCC) to improve punching shear capacity of GFRP-reinforced flat slabs. Synthetic fiber was used because it is inert and corrosion resistant, and SCC facilitates use of fibers in relatively high dosages without adverse effects on concrete placing quality. Six large-scale interior slabs were experimentally tested for punching shear behavior assessment. Three SNFRSCC specimens with varying longitudinal reinforcement ratios were compared with their SCC control counterparts. It was confirmed experimentally that the punching shear capacity did not display high dependency on the longitudinal reinforcement spacing. However, the punching shear capacities of the SNFRSCC specimens were marginally improved in comparison with the control specimens. In addition, the SNFRSCC specimens exhibited substantial toughness improvements (2.34 times on average). Moreover, analytical expressions were developed to estimate the punching shear capacity as well as load-rotation relationships for the GFRP-reinforced SCC and SNFRSCC slabs. The analytical expressions were based on the critical shear crack theory (CSCT). The modified CSCT predictions showed a considerable agreement with the experimentally observed load-rotation behavior and punching shear capacity for SCC and SNFRSCC specimens alike.

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The authors would like to express their appreciation for the partial financial support for this work provided by the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah (AUS). The authors would also like to extend their appreciation to: Dextra Building Products Co., Ltd., Brugg Contec AG, and Emirates Stone precast factory. Their valued support of this study was in the form of providing the required materials and/or manpower. The authors would also like to thank the following individuals for their help and support during the experimental program execution: Mr. Moustafa Ahmed, Ms. Salma Mohamed, Mr. Ahmed Jabr, and Mr. Mohammad Khir Alhariri. The authors would like to thank Ms. Nermin Hegazy for her assistance in preparing the illustrations for Figs. 9 and 10 presented in this paper. Finally, the authors offer their gratitude to Prof. Janet Lees for valuable discussion over the matter of this paper.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
area of FRP reinforcement in concrete section;
projected horizontal area under critical shear crack over which σtf ­acts;
length of slab;
square column dimension;
perimeter of critical section at d/2 away from column face;
distance to neutral axis from extreme compression fiber;
effective depth of the slab;
diameter of fiber strand;
maximum aggregate size in concrete mix; taken as 0 for lightweight concrete;
reference maximum aggregate size of 16 mm;
Young's modulus of concrete;
Young's modulus of FRP reinforcement;
flexural stiffness – product of Young's modulus and second moment of area;
uncracked flexural stiffness of concrete section;
cracked flexural stiffness of concrete section;
Young's modulus of steel;
force in FRP reinforcement at a strain equivalent to concrete ultimate crushing strain ɛcu;
28-day compressive strength of concrete cylinder;
tensile strength of concrete;
force achieved in FRP bars at achievement of nominal moment;
slab total depth;
control depth from slab soffit;
ratio of depth of neutral axis to effective depth;
bond factor – 0.8 for hook ended fibers, 0.6 for crimped fibers, and 0.4 for straight fibers;
fiber-orientation factor;
length of fiber strand;
cracking moment;
equivalent plastic moment of an FRP-reinforced concrete section;
plastic moment of concrete section;
radial moment;
tangential moment;
ultimate moment of an FRP-reinforced section; nominal section moment;
Young's modulus ratio of FRP to concrete;
radius from center of slab to location of critical shear crack;
radius from center of slab to column face;
radius from center of slab to equivalent column face;
distance from center of slab to where χp,eq is achieved;
radius from center of slab to location of support;
radius from center of slab to free edge;
radius from center of slab to equivalent location of free edge;
reinforcement-type dependent variable;
distance from center of slab to where χy is achieved;
punching shear resistance of slab;
concrete contribution to resistance punching shear force of slab;
fiber contribution to resistance punching shear force;
width of concrete section – taken as 1,000 mm or 1 m for slab unit width (SI);
crack width;
factor corresponding to long-term effects on stress and to account for unfavorable load;
fiber engagement parameter – taken as 3.5;
fiber aspect ratio – ratio of fiber length to fiber diameter;
reduction factor equal to 1 for isometric reinforcement and to 0.6 for orthogonal reinforcement;
ultimate compressive concrete strain;
distance to slab soffit;
flexural reinforcement ratio;
fiber volume as a percentage of concrete volume;
tensile stress contribution of fiber;
bond stress between fiber strand and concrete;
concrete contribution to resistance punching shear stress of slab;
curvature at crack stabilization;
curvature corresponding to cracking moment;
curvature corresponding to achievement of equivalent plastic moment mp,eq;
radial curvature;
tangential curvature;
tension stiffening-compensating curvature;
curvature corresponding to achievement of FRP-reinforced section nominal moment;
curvature corresponding to achievement of plastic moment mR; and
slab rotation.


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Go to Journal of Composites for Construction
Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 25Issue 4August 2021


Received: Sep 27, 2020
Accepted: Mar 4, 2021
Published online: May 12, 2021
Published in print: Aug 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Oct 12, 2021


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Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, American Univ. of Sharjah, PO Box 26666, Sharjah 26666, UAE. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Former Undergraduate Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, American Univ. of Sharjah, PO Box 26666, Sharjah 26666, UAE; formerly, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., ZN808, Block Z, Hong Kong, China (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

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