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Apr 1, 2008

Engineering Professional Growth and Quality and Cultivating the Next Generation

Publication: Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 8, Issue 2


An ancient African proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” The truth behind this statement is that success in nearly any endeavor requires people who care, who pitch in to help when life becomes challenging. The same concept can be applied to the role of various professions in our modern world. That is, it takes a variety of dedicated professionals working as a team and in their respective disciplines to deliver services that enhance the quality of life. Note: This article is derived from a presentation Professor Russell delivered in a May 2007 Chicago Section APWA meeting on workforce development and leadership.
What exactly is a profession? Typically defined, a profession has some type of organization, an ethic of professional service, and a body of knowledge. Specifically, Lawson (2004) has noted that professionalism should consist of:
Knowledge, as expressed and reflected in a body of theory, professional authority, and higher education;
Organization, as expressed in professional associations, monopoly and licensing, and professional autonomy; and
Ethic of professional service, as expressed in the service ideal, codes of ethics, and the career concept.
As an example, there is little disagreement that engineering qualifies as a true profession. Those who are engaged as engineers have based their careers on specialized training, continued learning, and professional licensure. Their work carries profound responsibilities to the public and improves quality of life, and the work of engineers revolves around a complex body of knowledge. Today, the body of knowledge has grown in complexity and in its breadth and depth on a global scale.
What has engineering done to keep pace? In a general sense, the profession is beginning to pay attention and changes are being made, but there is much to do. Consider these observations.
At the turn of the nineteenth century engineering required four years of education—one of the longest professional education programs. Today, accounting, architecture, law, medicine, and pharmacy all require formal education beyond a four-year degree. Not surprisingly, over the last decade engineering salaries have lagged in comparison to these other professions.
McMasters (2004) has noted that employers report that new engineering hires have poor teamwork and communication skills and do not appreciate the social and nontechnical influences on engineering solutions and quality processes.
Nonengineers are increasingly relied upon to lead and manage engineering projects or lead typical engineering departments. The principal reason for this is that nonengineers are more practiced at leadership and communication and have better business sense.
While the profession of engineering has deep roots and has been instrumental in building our contemporary quality of life, threats to the strength and vitality of engineering are on the horizon. A profession is linked to a certain type of work. Andrew Abbott (1998) in The System of Professions described this as a profession’s jurisdiction.
A central thesis of Abbott’s book is that the professions comprise an interdependent system in which the activities of each profession fall within certain prescribed jurisdictions. And these jurisdictional boundaries are always in motion as professions compete with one another for occupational territory, authority, and power. Abbott continues his discussion of jurisdictions with insightful observations of external forces that open or close areas for jurisdiction, the social structures of a profession, and the manner in which new technologies create new tasks and thus new jurisdictions.
Abbott uses engineering as an example. He writes that civil engineering first became recognized as a profession in late eighteenth century France after decades of civil and military service in designing fortifications, bridges, and canals. The professional evolution occurred as these tasks became more technical and complex. Mechanical and electrical engineering, Abbott says, followed similar progressions as manufacturing processes became more complicated.
Technological advancement in the information age has created its own set of professions and accompanying jurisdictions. The succession of computer-based professions is rapid and constantly changing, according to Abbott. Few professional groups have any form of stable existence. Thus, jurisdictions are often absorbed by existing professions and their already strong organizations.
The link between civil engineering and its work—its jurisdiction—is nothing less than a definition of our modern-day quality of life. Many of the greatest engineering achievements of all time, from roads and rails to water supply and water-control systems, represent some of the finest work of the profession. Yet, we see civil engineering as a profession in danger, of civil engineers being regarded as technicians, and the value of their work considered routine.
Abbott is clear in many cases in The System of Professions that professions can lose power, jurisdiction, and the control of work. He notes that at various times professions have varied degrees of dominance that reflect the strength of their jurisdictions and the conversion of those jurisdictions into legal and public power. The challenge for engineering to recreate itself is here and now. It is a challenge to focus jointly on the technical aspects of the profession as well as on nontechnical aspects such as management, communication, and leadership. It is a challenge to recreate engineering that is as diverse as the people who live and work in the communities in which engineers work. And, it is a challenge fueled by the immediate, pervasive, and global nature of information technology that affects all of our personal and professional lives.
For engineers, this is the bottom line: we need to work collaboratively to develop individual professionals, to strengthen the future of the profession, and maintain our focus on our obligations to society.


The debate continues between qualifications-based selection and cost-based selection. Think of it this way: If cost were the foremost determining factor we’d all be driving Yugos today. Fortunately, quality triumphed over cost. Make no mistake about it, the marketplace demands attention to cost but the wisest consumer places greater emphasis on quality.
There is much debate today on this issue regarding the procurement of professional engineering services. One cannot procure professional services solely on the basis of price. Price-based procurement is counter to protecting the public health, safety, and welfare. Purchasers of professional engineering service should be making their decisions through a qualifications-based selection. Such a quality-driven process does much more than help ensure quality work: It reinforces the value of engineering to society, and it helps attract young people to the profession—much more than if engineering were viewed and priced as a commodity.
In 1972 the U.S. Congress established the Brooks Act, a federal law requiring engineers and architects to be selected on the basis of their professional qualifications and to be compensated in a fair and reasonable manner for their services. Many states followed and enacted similar legislation, but local governments and school boards have been reluctant to follow suit. Among many local officials a misperception exists that all engineers provide the same level of service, and localities can thus save money by simply using competitive pricing as a primary source of selecting engineering consultants.
Certainly, one could have purchased half a dozen Yugos in 1985, but it is doubtful any of them would be serviceable today. Making such a purchase would have been shortsighted, just as it is shortsighted to purchase engineering services based on cost alone. The design and construction of an infrastructure project often requires a significant capital expenditure, and in most cases the initial design and construction costs are just the beginning. Using life-cycle calculations, the design and construction costs of a major project are often much less than overall maintenance and operation costs of the project.
Focusing too much on cost of engineering services can have an effect on more than just project outcomes and project futures. Such a narrow perspective also risks alienating young people who might have interest in the profession. Once they perceive that such services are regarded as a commodity, they may opt for a career other than engineering.

Cultivating the Next Generation

Encouraging the next generation of engineers is something in which we all have a vital role to play. Specifically, here are four steps to follow:
Strive to make postsecondary education affordable and accessible. A recent report by the U.S. Department of Education (“A test of leadership” 2006) stated, “[A]ccess to American higher education is unduly limited by the complex interplay of inadequate preparation, lack of information about college opportunities, and persistent financial barriers.” Specifically, the report noted that college costs have outpaced inflation for the past two decades, making the affordability issue paramount for students and families. To keep America competitive and the engineering profession vital, we need to work together to engineer solutions to make higher education affordable and accessible. Our efforts as educators and practicing engineers are in line with those of the U.S. Department of Education, which has worked to increase need-based aid, simplify the financial aid process, and hold costs in line.
Communicate what engineering is all about and what we do. Take every opportunity to speak to student clubs and organizations. Sponsor and staff exhibit booths at career fairs and employment expos whenever possible. The profession of engineering has a history full of achievement and accomplishment. This is no surprise to those of us within engineering, but it may be news to those outside the profession, and such insight may be helpful to young people as they formulate their career goals and aspirations. Take every opportunity you can to talk about what you do, and about how engineers contribute to our modern quality of life.
Revitalize the engineering curriculum to be more attractive to a broader group of students. The engineering body of knowledge (BOK) has grown considerably and educational institutions must meet these new challenges. Today’s increasingly complex world is challenging engineers like never before, and engineer interns must be exposed to a broader BOK that includes professional topics such as business and marketing, leadership development, and effective communications. Fortunately, the profession is not standing still. Steps are being taken to make curricula more relevant to today’s world. Observers can point to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and its outcome-based requirements that must be met by accredited programs. According to ABET/Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology’s (2004) Engineering Criteria 2000, academic programs must define their outcomes and show that their graduates meet these criteria. The outcome-based objectives include the appropriate technical foundation in math, science and engineering as one might expect. The objectives also prescribe outcomes to help prepare tomorrow’s engineer for a new world, such as:
Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
Understanding of professional and ethical problems;
Ability to communicate effectively;
Knowledge of contemporary issues; and
Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
The question is, will these changes be sufficient to prepare the young engineer of tomorrow for a global, technology-oriented world? There is evidence of progress. For example, an ABET study conducted by Pennsylvania State University and published in Engineering Change—A Study of the Impact of EC2000, compared 1994 and 2004 engineering students’ self-reported learning outcomes. The report states, “The greatest differences in student learning before and after EC2000 are in recent graduates’ better understanding of societal and global issues, their ability to apply engineering skills, groups skills, and understanding of ethics and professional issues” (ABET 2004). As a profession we are taking many appropriate steps. We wish we could take them faster because America is losing a decades-long leadership position and engineering has lost its competitive edge.
Reach out to build a profession that is robust, diverse, and representative of the rich mix of cultures and traditions that define America and the world today. Changes in the makeup of American society have been remarkable in just the last fifteen years, and engineering has not reflected this change. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 1990 Caucasians accounted for 75.6 percent of the U.S. population. At the same time, African Americans accounted for 11.8 percent and Hispanics 9 percent. By 2010, Caucasians will stand at 67.7 percent, African Americans at 12.6 percent, and Hispanics at 13.5 percent. While we acknowledge that America has changed in recent decades, the profession of engineering must continue its efforts in building a cadre of practitioners that reflect the demographic changes in American society.
Recent figures indicate that women or minorities make up just 10 percent of engineering faculty. More alarming, engineering enrollments continue to drop or remain unchanged in underrepresented groups. For example, since the early 1990s, enrollment in engineering programs by African Americans has dropped 17 percent, and has remained relatively flat, at about 20 percent, for women. As a profession, we must do more, and we must do a better job of creating a more diverse workforce. Our profession can succeed in this vital endeavor. It does not require sophisticated technology or ahead-of-the-art advances in engineering theory or materials development. Instead, it requires a time-honored approach: helping prepare the next generation through mentoring. Mentoring, and its time-honored approach of one-on-one advice and consultation, can broaden the reach, effectiveness and appeal of engineering. Mentoring is intensely personal, interactive, and rewarding, and can be achieved through a variety of methods. Here’s how you can get started:
Identify three to four students or young professionals who could benefit from your insights and experiences. Ask them if they have questions about the scope of engineering and how they might fit in.
Help your students evaluate employment opportunities that they might not otherwise consider. Encourage them to think about many facets within the profession, and help them secure rewarding summer experiences.
Encourage students to become involved with local, regional, and national professional associations. Membership and involvement in such organizations provides students with priceless leadership opportunities and helps students develop a variety of valuable workplace skills.
Remember that a student or young engineer may have a different or even a better idea in solving a problem. The young engineer may well bring a perspective that is much more than fresh—it may well be of the “why didn’t we think of that” variety.
Seek out students where they exist. Get involved with local high schools and help them establish an engineering club. Seek involvement with community organizations such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters or Habitat for Humanity.
There is little if any magic in all of this. And, not every student we mentor will become an engineer. Some will venture into other career paths, however, they will still benefit from a deeper understanding of the role of engineers and the interplay between engineering and other disciplines. In addition, such direct personal involvement in a young person’s life pays dividends to society at large and to the mentor as well. Your efforts as a mentor will be satisfying and rewarding as we work together to make the profession more robust and vibrant for these complex and challenging times.
In summary, many professional occupations have changed with the times. Some, it appears, may change faster than others. The engineering profession, much the subject of this article, is continually challenged to keep abreast of technological innovation, the need for a robust and diverse workforce, and the challenges of helping design, build, and maintain our contemporary quality of life. As previously, four steps may help the engineering profession secure its position in the modern world: (1) work together to make postsecondary education accessible and affordable; (2) seek every opportunity to explain what engineers do; (3) revitalize the engineering curriculum; and (4) continue every effort to build a robust, diverse profession.


Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). (2004). “Engineering change—A study of the impact of EC2000.” The Pennsylvania State University and Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology, Baltimore, Md.
Abbott, A. (1998). The system of professions: An essay on the division of expert labor, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Lawson, W. D. (2004). “Professionalism: The golden years.” J. Profl. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract., 130(1), 26–36.
McMasters, J. H. (2004). “Influencing engineering education: One (aerospace) industry perspective.” Int. J. Eng. Educ., 20(3), 353–371.
U.S. Department of Education. (2006). “A test of leadership: Charting the future of U.S. higher education.” Report of the Commission Appointed by Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.


Jeffrey S. Russell is chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].

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Published In

Go to Leadership and Management in Engineering
Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 8Issue 2April 2008
Pages: 57 - 60


Published online: Apr 1, 2008
Published in print: Apr 2008


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Jeffrey S. Russell, Ph.D.

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