Jun 14, 2002

Mathematical Modeling of Watershed Hydrology

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 7, Issue 4


Mathematical modeling of watershed hydrology is employed to address a wide spectrum of environmental and water resources problems. A historical perspective of hydrologic modeling is provided, and new developments and challenges in watershed models are discussed. These include data acquisition by remote sensing and space technology, digital terrain and elevation models, chemical tracers, geographic information and data management systems, topographic representation, upscaling of hydrologic conservation equations, spatial variability of hydraulic roughness, infiltration and precipitation, spatial and temporal scaling, model calibration, and linking with water quality models. Model construction, calibration, and data processing have received a great deal of attention, while model validation, error propagation, and analyses of uncertainty, risk, and reliability have not been treated as thoroughly. Finally, some remarks are made regarding the future outlook for watershed hydrology modeling.

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Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 7Issue 4July 2002
Pages: 270 - 292


Received: Jan 5, 2002
Accepted: Jan 5, 2002
Published online: Jun 14, 2002
Published in print: Jul 2002


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Vijay P. Singh, F.ASCE
A. K. Barton Professor, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6405.
David A. Woolhiser, M.ASCE
Faculty Affiliate, Dept. Civil Engineering, Colorado State Univ., 1631 Barnwood Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80525.

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