
Community engagement is a growing area of attention within civil engineering education due to student interest and evidence of its benefits in supporting learning outcomes, among other factors. At Purdue University, a large curricular community-engaged design program, Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS), has partnered with Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) to give students academic credit for international civil engineering projects. EPICS and EWB-USA align in their utilization of multi-year partnerships between communities and vertically-integrated student project teams. The EPICS EWB-USA course section served as the capstone experience environment for a team of senior design students from the Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering in the 2019–2020 academic year. This paper provides a case study to illustrate how to meet the new ABET Criterion 3 (student outcomes), in the broad space of civil engineering and related fields, with experiences that incorporate community-engaged learning. The pedagogical techniques and assessment methods utilized to support the development and measurement of the student’s outcomes are described. Discussion is presented on the interplay of course components and specific student learning outcomes. We believe this example can serve as a reference for others working to integrate senior design and community-engaged engineering design, to support student learning outcomes as well as positive community partnerships and impact.


Engineering graduates are expected to work with others to address ill-defined problems that incorporate technical, social, environmental, professional, ethical, and other considerations. Examples are reflected in the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE 2008) Grand Challenges, such as “provide access to clean water” and “restore and improve urban infrastructure” (p. 1). The nature of such contemporary problems is often open, complex, dynamic, and networked (Dorst 2015, p. 11). Identifying, framing, and solving these ill-defined and wicked problems is a core purpose of design as a discipline (Cross 2006).
The ABET criteria for accrediting engineering programs reflects the need for design competencies in engineering graduates in a number of ways, including through mandating a “culminating major engineering design experience” (ABET 2018, p. 8), and in its definition of required student outcomes, as the organization strives to provide “assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates” (ABET, n.d.). ABET is a significant part of the undergraduate engineering education ecosystem, and its current process is based on evidence of student learning, with the majority of such evidence coming from student assessments. As part of the organization’s continuous improvement efforts, it updated Criterion 3, Student Outcomes, for the 2019–2020 academic year, from the previous a-k list (ABET 2017) to the new 1–7 list (ABET 2018, pp. 5–6):
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions; and
An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
One promising avenue for achieving these outcomes and robust professional preparation has emerged through applying community-engaged experiential learning in capstone design courses. A 2015 survey found that nearly a third of civil and environmental capstone programs sourced at least one of their projects from community-engaged opportunities (Howe and Goldberg 2019, p. 127). Capstone design courses have long-served as critical spaces to develop and demonstrate ABET student outcomes. With the growing interest in incorporating community engagement, it is valuable to share information as educational practitioners develop such capstone design experiences appropriate to their specific contexts.
This paper considers the question of how the new ABET Criterion 3, Student Outcomes, may be met in the broad space of civil engineering and related fields through capstone experiences that incorporate community-engaged learning. It presents a case study of a group of three Environmental and Ecological Engineering students who participated in the multidisciplinary and vertically-integrated EPICS Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) course at Purdue University in the 2019–2020 school year to satisfy their capstone design requirements under the new ABET criteria. This paper describes the pedagogical techniques and assessment methods utilized to appropriately support the development and measurement of all the students’ required ABET outcomes.


Community-Engaged Learning

One subset of experiential learning is the pedagogy of community-engaged learning, which has also been called service-learning, as well as learning through service. Community-engaged learning is an umbrella term encompassing a broad range of engagement experiences with the goal of enhancing academic learning outcomes (Bielefeldt et al. 2013; Pierrakos et al. 2012). In STEM fields, this often takes a form that can be described by the Model of Project-Based Community Engagement (Leidig and Oakes 2021b). Its characteristics include community partnerships (Bielefeldt et al. 2010) and authentic contexts that include real community needs (Coyle et al. 2005). Within the engineering space, community engagement programs have grown substantially during the past thirty years (Munoz and Mitcham 2012; Schneider et al. 2009; Shuman et al. 2005). Over this time, these activities have drawn large numbers of participants and been perceived as powerful recruitment tools for the profession (Amadei and Sandekian 2010; Budny and Gradoville 2011; Moskal et al. 2008; Paterson and Fuchs 2008), particularly for women and underrepresented minorities (Swan et al. 2014).
Community engagement programs have been demonstrated to motivate students to work harder than in traditional classes, and to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter while gaining insights into the complexity of social issues (Eyler and Giles 1999). A study of more than 22,000 undergraduates also showed a connection with higher college GPAs, as well as increased critical thinking and writing skills (Astin et al. 2000). Within engineering specifically, studies have shown benefits in developing professional and technical skills, including teamwork and communication (Coyle et al. 2005), self-directed life-long learning (Jiusto and DiBiasio 2006), and design skills (Zoltowski et al. 2012). Bielefeldt et al. (2010) have further claimed that project-based learning and project-based community engagement “are both effective pedagogies to achieve a broad array of core knowledge and skills that are critical for engineers” (p. 542).
A number of examples illustrating the application of community engagement in civil engineering education are available in the literature. Many institutions, such as the University of Pittsburgh (Budny et al. 2016; Gradoville and Budny 2011), Mississippi State University (El-adaway et al. 2015), and the United States Military Academy (Wambeke 2020), have conducted such projects, especially within capstone design courses. While the details of their findings vary somewhat, their results generally indicate that community engagement projects are well-suited to support students to meet or exceed ABET outcomes, and note the perceived benefits of real-world project contexts in particular toward bridging the gap between education and industry. Key lessons learned include: Projects depend on strong partnerships that require time to develop and continuous attention to be paid to each stakeholder’s interests (Pando et al. 2014); up-front evaluation of possible projects, their potential impact, location, safety concerns, and resource constraints are critical (Ellzey et al. 2019); and no two service-learning projects are the same, thus requiring adaptation in each case (Mostafavi et al. 2016).
Two exemplars of community-engaged engineering organizations, EWB-USA and the EPICS program, are at the heart of this case study.

Engineers without Borders USA

The largest community-engaged engineering organization in the US, EWB-USA is a 9,500-volunteer-strong organization founded in 2002 with the mission of “build[ing] a better world through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs and equip leaders to solve the world’s most pressing challenges” (EWB-USA 2020). It has pursued these ends largely through implementing international infrastructure engineering projects as part of programs that are developed as full partnerships between a host community, one or more local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and an EWB-USA chapter. The organization is well-known for the impressive gender diversity of its volunteers, with over 40% of its 5,600 student participants identifying as female, particularly in comparison to the overall gender misbalance in the field. Its members are spread over 165 student and 74 professional chapters in the United States. In 2019, these chapters collectively worked on 452 projects in 29 countries and 26 US states and territories, impacting one million people (EWB-USA 2020).
Previous studies have argued that the EWB-USA experience helps develop skills and attributes valuable for the engineer of 2020 and beyond, including teamwork and leadership (Savage and Knight 2018); effective communication and decision-making (Wittig 2013); and appreciation for other cultures and increased awareness of the role of ethics in engineering (Jaeger and LaRochelle 2009). It is also claimed that “EWB-USA serves as an example for multi-faceted retention of engineers, particularly females” (Litchfield and Javernick-Will 2014, p. 8). A large mixed-methods study of students and professionals both with and without experience in EWB-USA found that “[e]ngineers involved with engineering service may gain strong professional engineering skills that do not compromise their technical skills” (Litchfield et al. 2016). The authors indicate this may be attributable to the “realistic, complex, and contextualized learning experiences within engineering service activities” (p. 70).

Engineering Projects in Community Service

Founded at Purdue University in 1995, EPICS is a curricular service-learning design program in which students work on multi-disciplinary vertically-integrated teams, partnering with community not-for-profit organizations (Coyle et al. 2005) to participate in highly mentored, long-term, large-scale design projects. Since its founding, the program at Purdue has grown to engage more than 1,100 students per academic year, working on more than 130 projects with 57 local and global community partners (Oakes et al. 2014, 2018; Zoltowski and Oakes 2014). The EPICS courses and advising structure are supported by common processes and resources across the program, allowing for standardized and efficient implementation that still offers flexibility to individual instructors. In the spring of 2019, 42% of the participants were female, and 43% were non-Caucasian. More than 50 other institutions have likewise incorporated EPICS into their curriculum in some manner (EPICS, n.d.-a). The curriculum structure is constructed to allow students to enroll over multiple semesters, satisfy different graduation requirements including technical electives in each engineering discipline, and provide the opportunity to pursue the work as a capstone project in one of four disciplines currently available: electrical, computer, multidisciplinary, or environmental and ecological engineering (Oakes et al. 2019). Between 30 and 45 students per semester choose this capstone option, which includes oversight from faculty in their home department to ensure all requirements are met. The EPICS program has been mapped to the Model of Project-Based Community Engagement by Leidig and Oakes (2021a), documenting the resources provided and benefits gained by its many stakeholder groups. Huff et al. (2016) found that alumni of the EPICS program believed their participation in the program bridged the gap between coursework and workforce, served as a means of gaining workplace experience, and helped them develop a variety of professional skills.


At Purdue University, the EWB-USA student chapter began a partnership with EPICS in 2014, eventually becoming fully integrated into the curricular system (Oakes et al. 2019). This was made especially practical by Purdue’s block tuition model, which allows students to take EPICS for one or two credits without paying additional tuition. While typical EPICS sections are limited to a maximum of 25 students, the EPICS EWB section has registered over 40 students in recent semesters.
Within the EPICS program and EWB-USA, community partnerships are formed to last for a minimum of five years. Within this period, the length of individual projects can vary, and students engage with the portion of the project that is active in the particular semesters in which they are enrolled, transitioning onto or off of the team as needed. The Purdue EWB-USA chapter, along with the EPICS program, committed to the program covered in this case study in 2018 (Oakes et al. 2019). The program’s project focused on working with the members of a rural community in Bolivia to co-design and construct a potable water supply and distribution system for thirty-two homes from a combination of spring and surface water sources. The program stakeholders include the community members, their community water board, in-country NGO Engineers in Action (EIA), EPICS EWB-USA at Purdue, and EWB-USA. At the beginning of the 2019 fall semester, the chapter had completed two on-site assessment trips and was working on an analysis of design alternatives.

Capstone Design Case Study Experience

Capstone design courses are an integral part of an engineering student’s academic career. They focus on professional preparation, while often seeking a balance between emphasis on the product, and emphasis on the process (Howe et al. 2017, p. 1418). Some students participating in the EPICS program have fulfilled their capstone design requirements in connection with an EPICS project. EPICS projects involve students from first-year to senior year, and not all work is appropriate for capstone. The process to identify appropriate projects involves a project proposal, developed by the students in consultation with the team’s advisors (instructors). The proposal includes information on the overall community engagement project, as well as anticipated capstone-specific products and deliverables, design and testing approaches, timelines, and plans for demonstrating each of the seven ABET student outcomes. The proposal is shared with the student’s home department.
This paper’s case study covers the 2019–2020 academic year, following a group of three Environmental and Ecological Engineering students who participated in the Purdue EPICS EWB-USA class as their two-semester capstone experience. The class involved approximately forty students from first-year to seniors, and drew students from seven majors, who each typically took the course for a single credit. The capstone students took the course for one credit the first semester and two credits the second semester, in order to match the three credits in the traditional environmental and ecological engineering capstone. One of the capstone students had previously been active in Purdue EPICS EWB-USA, while the other two were new to the organization.
The students’ senior design experience was advised by a civil engineering faculty member, while the EPICS course was led by the Director of the EPICS Program and faculty advisor for the EWB-USA club (Mechanical P.E.), a staff member from Civil Engineering (Civil P.E., S.E.), and a graduate student in Engineering Education (Civil P.E.). These three instructors formed a team based on mutual trust, all serving in a similar role for the capstone students, while each provided oversight in specialty areas, such as leadership and business development, structures, and construction, to the overall class. Each instructor was empowered to provide guidance to the capstone students independently, and the others would build on the guidance provided moving forward. The EPICS Director has thirty-five years of experience in community service and engagement as a professional, and twenty-five years as a faculty member, having facilitated more than 100 teacher and faculty workshops as well as published more than 100 refereed papers on the topic “Service-Learning.” The Civil staff member has over fourteen years of experience in community-engaged engineering design and implementation, over 16 years of experience as a structural engineer in practice, and over five years as a course advisor and instructor. The graduate student has approximately seven years of experience in structural and construction engineering consulting as well as over fifteen years of experience in community-engaged engineering and design, serving in many local, regional, and national leadership roles, including project manager and course instructor.
The logistics of the advising process included a two-hour EPICS lab course meeting each week, regularly scheduled meetings between the students and the EPICS instructors outside of lab time, and students checking in with their home department advisors as needed. The capstone students also had access to resources outside of Purdue, such as an EWB-USA project mentor, the EWB-USA project’s responsible engineer in charge (REIC), and persons in their wider network, including professional connections from internships.
The EPICS course standard assessment practices (EPICS, n.d.-b) are applied to capstone students. They include notebook documentation of work and accomplishments, weekly and summative reflections, design review presentations, transitions documents, and peer evaluations. The notebook is filled in repeatedly with data on all the project-related activities the student is actively involved in, often with links to specific work artifacts, explanations of them, and concise narratives explaining the student’s specific individual contribution to them. The weekly and summative semester reflections ask students to write briefly about their experiences and learning through addressing three components: reflective observation of their experience to spark reflection (Consider: Identify an experience and its context and/or impact); conceptualizing and connecting their observation to a broader concept in one of the four reflection themes (Consider: What did I learn? How did I learn it? Why does the learning matter?); and connecting how they will use their experience and learning in the future, inside and outside EPICS (Consider: What will/could I or others do in light of this learning?). Design review presentations are given twice per semester to a group of outside volunteer reviewers, including industry professionals and community partners, with the goal of gathering feedback on how best to proceed with the project work. Transition documents are completed at the end of each semester, providing guidance to the next semester of students joining or returning to the project team on where the partnerships and projects stand, as well as suggested next steps. Peer evaluations ask students to rate their teammates on a number of factors and provide written notes on their strengths and weaknesses.
On top of this is a layered and integrated process dictating a set of capstone-specific requirements and deliverables. This process consists of the project proposal, project description, outcomes matrix, final reflection, and project demonstration (demo), which are all reflected in the senior design outcomes rubric (EPICS, n.d.-c). The project proposal ensures the project concept is appropriate, plans the path to achievement of all the capstone design learning outcomes, and details the anticipated design approach. The project description reports the work completed, including details of the final product and its purpose; the engineering design process utilized and constraints reflected in the project’s specifications; how each consideration from the ABET Criterion 3 Outcome 2 has been addressed; the engineering standards referenced; and the final status of the capstone deliverables. The outcomes matrix documents how each of the ABET Criterion 3 (Student Outcomes), have been fulfilled and points to appropriate evidence in artifacts produced by the students. The final reflection presents contemplations on personal contributions to the project and how these built on skills acquired in previous course work, new knowledge acquired and applied to the project, learning strategies employed, ethical and professional responsibilities, and informed judgments regarding product impacts in various contexts. The project demo is a one-hour live meeting in which the senior design student team presents proof of the functionality of the senior design project’s deliverable. The project proposal is completed in the first semester of the capstone course, while the project report, outcomes matrix, final reflection, and project demo are completed by the end of the second semester. The senior design outcomes rubric is used to determine final course grades. Table 1 indicates when capstone deliverables are due.
Table 1. Capstone deliverable deadlines (for 16-week semesters)
Semester 1
 Week 7Project proposal draft #1
 Week 11Project proposal draft #2
 Week 15Final project proposal
Outcomes matrix (first draft)
Semester 2
 Week 7Project description draft #1
Outcomes matrix (updated)
 Week 11Project description draft #2
Updated project proposal
Outcomes matrix (updated)
Final reflection draft
 Week 15Final project description
Final outcomes matrix
Final reflection
Project demonstration
Outside of EPICS, the Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering also required the students to give a short individual technical presentation, participate in a team presentation, and display a professional project poster at the end of the semester school event.

Capstone Project Scope

In the EWB-USA Purdue chapter, the three capstone students formed a sub-group within the larger technical design team that focused on developing models of the water flow and distribution in the water supply project introduced previously. Three community home clusters were proposed to be fed by three independent sources, each with its own separate catchment, storage, and piping subsystems. This naturally led to the capstone students to dividing up the work, with each focused primarily on one of these subsystems. In the project description, the students summarized their deliverables as follows.
Original Objectives:
Three ideal pipeline routes for each spring system; and
Three feasible tank locations for each spring system.
Updated Objectives:
Determine technically feasible pipeline routes for each spring system that delivers water directly to residents’ homes;
Identify a spatial and elevation range for tank placement that ensures adequate output pressures (to be further investigated during assessment); and
Develop informational and educational materials to pass down knowledge gained of hydraulic modeling, and this Senior Design project.
As indicated, the objectives were refined over time. The original items are those that were laid out in the project proposal, while the updated list reflects the work eventually completed and documented. These shifts were precipitated by the goals and process planning of the overall project adapting to new information becoming available over the time period of the capstone project. As the students explained in their project description: “By providing one route per spring system that already takes into account cultural, technical, and environmental factors, we can reduce the amount of time the travel team spends investigating during the next assessment trip.” And, “Currently, the EWB-Purdue team is looking at contingency plans that utilize pumps or connecting spring subsystems during the dry season. So, our team decided it would be beneficial to create a set of informational and educational materials for the EWB team so that they can understand how to use and update the [hydraulic] models when new information becomes available.” This type of evolution in response to external events reflects the types of situations the capstone students will face and need to effectively respond to as they continue working on design projects during their professional careers.

Achieving ABET Outcomes

The documented achievement of all seven ABET Criterion 3 student outcomes and their sub-component indicators is required to complete the capstone experience. This is formally tracked through the outcomes matrix, in which each outcome is listed in a separate row of a table. In this form, students provide short statements indicating the ways they have demonstrated meeting that outcome, followed by links to references where evidence of the work is recorded. Some of the outcomes are comprised of multiple subcomponents called indicators, and they are separated to provide structure to the reporting process and reviews. Students add items to the outcomes matrix over time, beginning in the first semester of their capstone experience. Based on this, they receive feedback, which sets and communicates the expectations for achievement in the course. Iteration on the document continues until the advisors have signed off on each outcome as having attained at least an adequate/acceptable status. The students may continue to update the table beyond this, as they attempt to raise their grade in the course beyond the minimum requirements to pass. From this interactive process, the number and type of items listed in each section varies depending on project demands and individual student participation.
Table 2 shows the distribution of source material types used by the students in their outcomes matrices to provide proof of their competencies. This is intended to give a sense of how the various assessments and student work tied into and supported the different student outcomes. This data reflects the self-reported connections the students made in their final documentation, but it should not be seen as limiting opportunities for further connections in the future. A stronger connection between the project proposal and ABET Criterion 3, Student Outcomes, Outcome 5’s call to establish goals and plan tasks could be more explicitly documented in a future course, for example. It should also be noted that many different types of work are primarily documented in the notebook, from weekly project work items to reports for EWB-USA, scheduling documents, meeting notes, or even record of a hydraulics lesson the capstone students planned and delivered to other EPICS students. Individual artifacts could be used to show achievement in multiple outcomes, where appropriate.
Table 2. ABET Criterion 3 student outcomes documented by assessment type
AssessmentABET student outcome, capstone grade factor, and number of students with at least one reference in outcome matrix
Weekly reflections2333333
Design review1230110
Project proposal1030000
Project description3332101
Final project demonstration1122112
Transition document1112211
Peer evaluations0000300
Final reflection2213023
Table 3 presents examples of documentation provided by the students towards their demonstrated attainment of each of the ABET Student Outcomes. See Fig. 1 for the pictures mentioned in the ABET Student Outcome 7 evidence excerpt.
Table 3. Examples from Documentation by ABET Student Outcome
Outcomes Matrix Entry ExampleAssociated Evidence Excerpt Example
ABET Student Outcome 1
“This design experience contained elements associated with complex engineering problems (see definitions).“Personally, I didn’t learn until this week that our calculated storage capacities would need to be rounded up to the nearest size for a prefabricated storage tank. This of course makes sense, because it would not be efficient for us to build tanks from scratch when large tanks for this exact purpose are already in existence. […] the storage tank needs to hold 40% of the peak demand. […] Now that we know our tanks are going to be much bigger than we originally planned, we can input that difference into the model. […] We had to use our best judgement and learn from those around us to get this information, which is an important part of the engineering process. We applied this new knowledge in our models and will present about it in Design Review.”
  “1. Notebook Week 5 Reflection”
ABET Student Outcome 2
“Explanation of how public health, safety, and welfare, cultural, social, environmental, and global factors were considered in our design specifications. I personally wrote the sections about global and economic factors and helped [the other capstone students] brainstorm talking points for their sections.“The main economic factors that affected our design specifications were resource availability and the cost of materials in the Bolivian market. Both pipe material and size were affected by this difference […]. Additionally, the pipeline routes were optimized to be the most effective, direct route possible in an attempt to minimize the total pipe length needed for the system. Economic constraints also encouraged us to minimize road crossings to lower the cost of materials needed to properly execute pipe burying (i.e., concrete encasements under the road).”
  “• Project Description Document—section (d) “Specifications & Constraints”
ABET Student Outcome 3
“Sub-component indicator: The quality of the student’s contributions to the written report(s) associated with this senior design experience was excellent.“The community is split into three separate systems, each including a spring that services a particular cluster. Each spring system has its own [hydraulic] model detailing an ideal pipeline route and tank location range. Each model contains scenarios depicting the system using the lowest recommended tank location and the highest recommended tank location within its range. The tanks in each model were sized using the methods described in section B below.
“Worked with other senior design members to create a Transition Document that outlined all the work we have completed, next steps, and educational/informational materials. I created the outline and wrote the following sections: Objectives, Specifications (including the table provided), Project Deliverables, and Spring 4 Alternatives. Created the outline for the “Next Steps/Recommendations” section and helped [another capstone student] write it.“Spring 4 will be servicing Cluster 2 in the community. Based on the most recent data, Spring 4 is producing 6,750  L/day and is projected to meet future demand as seen in section B below. Note: Cluster 2 contains one home that is located only 8 m below the spring source. Generally, a minimum of 18 m of elevation difference is needed between a water source and a home to provide adequate pressure. So, the following alternatives show the tank locations (minimum and maximum elevation) needed to service this home. It also provides an alternative for where the tank could be placed if this home did not have to be serviced by Spring 4 (and was instead serviced by Spring 1 or 2).”
  “• Spring 2020 Transition Document”
ABET Student Outcome 4
“Subcomponent indicator: Student demonstrated an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities associated with this engineering design experience.“[H]ighlights one of the standards of the Water Resources/Environmental Engineering Code of Ethics which states to work only in areas of competence. Because I am still a student, I need to use all the resources I have available to me to ensure I am competent in the design I am doing. I have done this by consulting with our REIC, EIA representative, team members and advisors which help to provide insight/knowledge in areas I am unfamiliar with.
  “4. Senior Design Final Reflection Section D. about ethical and professional responsibilities.”“Part of being a professional is understanding the importance of teamwork and communication between team members to ensure a quality product. I consider communication part of my professional responsibility because it allows the other EWB members, design leads, and senior design members to be aware of project progress. This can include important information that needs to be shared or alerting your team members of an absence. Additionally, as a member of the senior design team I have professional responsibilities to extend my knowledge of the project to younger/newer members. The biggest is that I need to ensure that my knowledge of the model is passed down to other EWB members so it may be useful in future semesters. This was accomplished this semester through skill sessions and video tutorials explaining how to use and interpret the model.“
ABET Student Outcome 5
“I communicate clearly with all my team members including senior design members, technical team members, and cultural team members.“[Checked] in with cultural team about the new tank location you’re proposing to see if they have any info on what type of property lines it may interfere with or if there are other practical/cultural/geographical problems with this location.
  “I have communicated with the other technical team members and the cultural team to share information that aids our design. An example of this is demonstrated in my Spring 2020 Notebook Work and Accomplishments; this link will take you directly to my week 2 accomplishments where I have a statement in bold outlining a request for information from the spring 1 team which I fulfilled by examining data in my [hydraulic] model.“Provided data to spring 1 about elevation difference between highest house (House 8) and lowest house (house 7) = 38.5 m”
“To further support these accomplishments, I have included comments I received from my team members through our peer evaluations that touch on the previously mentioned documentation and effective communication:
  “’[student], your documentation for the team each week has been helpful.’
  “’[student] is very organized and easy to get a hold of in team settings.’”
ABET Student Outcome 6
“Sub-component indicator: Student demonstrated a strong ability to develop and conduct experimentation, analyze and interpret data in the context of this senior design experience.“This week I began running simulations on my hydraulic model. In the weeks leading up, I had been inputting necessary data to make sure the model would run—junction elevations, pipe material, pipe size, junction demands, tank size, reservoir restrictions, etc. […] I saw immediately after running the model that I had low pressures at the beginning of the system closest to the source (around 20 psi) and higher pressures as the system continued to slope downward in the community (around 80 psi at the end). Running this simulation also allowed me to see that I had an issue with how I modeled my source catchment. The results showed that my system was pulling more water than the source was providing in real life. I assumed this was because I modeled the source as a reservoir and the model was assuming it had infinite flow. However, we know from our last assessment trip that this source only outputs about 5  L/min. After talking with a PE at my internship, he recommended I restrict the model with a flow control valve (FCV) to accurately depict the amount of water coming from the source. From there, I continued to use the data coming from my model to make adjustments that would give me better junction pressures. Running these simulations can be considered a form of experimentation […] I also was able to use my knowledge of elevation head to determine where I could put the tank that would allow it to distribute water throughout the system with acceptable pressures. Our team understands that our model needs to be checked with hand calculations to ensure accuracy so that will be our next step in interpreting and evaluating our results.”
“Discussed experimentation process and how I interpreted the results to make decisions related to our design.
  “• Fall 2019 Notebook Week 13—p. 63 “Reflection”
ABET Student Outcome 7
“Met with [a] professor in Civil Engineering department, to discuss hand calculations verifying results from the model. Used this information to identify what simplifying assumptions we could make and how to increase pressure at certain junctions. We also used his suggestion of modeling our system after a textbook problem (as a hydraulics refresher). Referenced a problem from the textbook he used to teach CE 340—Hydraulics.“Pictures [Fig. 1] of our hand calculation discussion. We took an example out of a hydraulics textbook and we are going to modify it to fit our needs. How perfect!”
  “• Spring 2020 Week 4 Meeting with [Professor]
  “• Spring 2020 Lab 5 Meeting Notes—p. 3–4 “Problem 7.67”
Fig. 1. Example hand calculations.


The EPICS method of integrating capstone design experiences into the community-engaged design program worked well for the inaugural set of environmental and ecological engineering students. The approaches used were able to provide meaningful opportunities to develop and demonstrate meeting high expectations for all the ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes. This result is aligned with previous findings in the literature for other civil engineering community engagement projects in capstone courses. Perhaps unsurprising from a capstone design experience, ABET Student Outcome 2 shined through by far the brightest in the student group’s performance. Outcome 1 was the second most pronounced, leading a gradient of performance on the other outcomes.
As members of the team of EPICS advisors (instructors), we believe a number of key pedagogical and assessment elements helped drive this success. These include structured reflection activities, genuinely partnering with community members and other stakeholders, as well as utilizing an existing program-wide and adaptable documentation and assessment scheme. Structured reflections precipitated student’s sense-making of their experiences in the design work, revealed new understandings, and served as important evidence of their growing competencies. They also helped in fostering openness to change and willingness to iterate. Partnering on a real project that could deeply impact those involved bolstered students’ motivation and provided ample opportunities for them to explore ethical considerations related to their work. The long-term and evolving nature of such partnerships also provided concrete examples of why implementing the high-quality professional and design skills they were developing were so important in authentic design work. For the adaptable documentation scheme, the team used available common resources applicable to this and many other sections of EPICS, including capstone students and diverse project, team, and partnership environments. This reduced the effort required in facilitating the learning and assessment elements of the course. On the one hand, students learned about the types of documentation that will be required in professional engineering settings, where work needs to be recorded and teams often have turnover within the life of a project. On the other hand, this same documentation provided concise communication vehicles to the course instructors, who used this information to effectively and efficiently assess the students’ performance and achievement in the ABET Criterion 3 Student Outcomes.
Other lessons learned included the importance of having at least one capstone student participate on the overall project team in the semesters leading up to when the group started the capstone phase. Having a student who already understood both the project and the course procedures made the transition much easier, and allowed the students and faculty to more efficiently craft a plan for the capstone contributions that aligned with the broader project goals. Additionally, a critical number of capstone students working together (in this case three) allowed them to build off one another, progress further in the project work, and gain more value from the course. One more or maybe one fewer could have worked as well, but an isolated capstone student would not have had the same experience. Looking at the composition and structure of the wider project team and course participants, this integration with a large group of younger students participating through overlapping semesters, and sometimes years, allowed the results of the capstone students’ efforts to be utilized in later phases of the design, amplifying its impact by not artificially constraining the overall project timeline to that of the capstone experience. Reflecting on the project, the capstone students were integrated at the appropriate phase of the design process, when there was a strong technical need appropriate for their capstone. In other phases of the design, it would have been more challenging to elicit the capstone outcomes.
It was also helpful that the EPICS program had a capstone system in place that could be customized for this project and that a new system did not have to be invented. The program’s preexisting relationship with the students’ home department allowed their capstone projects and experiences to fulfill the departmental requirements that had been mapped into the EPICS process, necessitating only the minor addition of two student presentations and a faculty review. The early planning at the program level made the experience easier to start and complete for both students and faculty, providing guardrails and guidelines that allowed the instructors to incorporate components in addition to the project work to meet outcomes that were not organically emerging from the base project. The system’s format as a two-semester capstone experience provided adequate time to ensure that all student outcomes were satisfied, while allowing the project to meaningfully progress towards the community objectives.
This course brought the type of activity conducted by EWB-USA student chapters, which might typically be outside the curriculum, into one of its core components. This move paid dividends in situations such as when the learning needed to transition to online formats on short notice and a planned summer trip to the community project site was canceled due to Covid-19 in the spring of 2020. [The broader transition of the EPICS program to remote work due to COVID-19 has been published separately (Oakes et al. 2021)].
The course structure provided significant scaffolding for as well as flexibility in making these shifts. The class requirements kept students engaged, propelling them to come up with creative solutions in the face of new constraints, even as many other EWB-USA chapters in extra-curricular formats were informally reporting significant dips in engagement from their student volunteers. The transition for the environmental and ecological engineering capstone students was very smooth.

Conclusion and Future Work

This case study can serve as reference for others as one way to successfully integrate community-engaged engineering design with the capstone experience in order to support development and assessment of the new ABET Criterion 3 student outcomes while also producing positive community impact. As we have shown here, providing these types of options for capstone experiences can generate excellent opportunities to complete senior design requirements without overburdening the faculty or the instructional system. The integration of such community engagement alternatives also provides for a promising vision of increased student motivation and support for diversity.
Future work incudes efforts for continuous improvement in the EPICS program and exploring how it might accommodate larger numbers of students from civil engineering and related disciplines. Additionally, working with EWB-USA to increase opportunities for students to earn credit, including in capstone design, for their design and engagement experiences would be of benefit. Creating a larger scholarly community and literature around activating community engagement in capstone courses is also called for.

Data Availability Statement

All data, models, or code that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Civil Engineering Education
Journal of Civil Engineering Education
Volume 149Issue 2April 2023


Received: Sep 23, 2021
Accepted: May 25, 2022
Published online: Nov 16, 2022
Published in print: Apr 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Apr 16, 2023



Ph.D. Candidate, School of Engineering Education, Purdue Univ., 701 West Stadium Ave., West Lafayette, IN 47907 (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6667-5719. Email: [email protected]
Susan M. Khalifah, M.ASCE [email protected]
Student Experience Director, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue Univ., 550 Stadium Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907. Email: [email protected]
150th Anniversary Professor, School of Engineering Education, Purdue Univ., 701 West Stadium Ave., West Lafayette, IN 47907. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6183-045X. Email: [email protected]

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