Anchorage Design for Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities

Second Edition


  • Sponsored by the Energy Division of ASCE

    Anchorage Design for Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities, Second Edition, serves as a source for uniformity in design, fabrication, and installation. This second edition evaluates the impacts of published reference data, research development, and code changes that have occurred since creation of the 2012 technical report.

    Topics include

    Petrochemical and other industrial facilities anchorage design methods for tension and shear transfer into concrete with reinforcement and other embedments;

    Summary of anchorage materials and properties;

    Current practices for fabrication and installation of anchorage;

    Recommendations for post-installed anchors;

    Comprehensive recommendations for cast-in-place anchor design, which are appropriate for use in petrochemical and other industrial facilities; and

    Recommended constructability and repair practices.

    This valuable resource will assist engineers with the responsibility for designing anchorage for equipment and structures, and operating company personnel responsible for establishing internal design, fabrication, and construction practices.

For selected items: