Underwater Investigations: Standard Practice Manual


  • Underwater Investigations, MOP 101, was first published in 2001. This manual provides guidance on the underwater inspection and condition assessment of bridges, dams, discharge and intake structures, locks, port and harbor structures, waterfront and waterway structures, pipelines, and tunnels. After the publishing of MOP 101 in 2001, a new Manual of Practice, Waterfront Facilities Inspection and Assessment, MOP 130, was published in 2015 providing updated guidance and best practices. MOP 130 supersedes MOP 101 for all waterfront structures including piers and jetties, wharves and quays, dolphin, bulkheads and quaywalls, seawalls, relieving platforms, gravity block walls, caissons and cofferdams, wave screens/attenuators, marina floats boat ramps, marine railways, floating structures, single-point and multi-buoy moorings (SPMs, MPMs), and slope protection.

    ASCE MOP 130 is available online at https://ascelibrary.org/doi/book/10.1061/9780784413579.

    Sponsored by Ports and Harbors Task Committee on Underwater Investigation of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and River Institute of ASCE.

    Underwater Investigation provides guidance for those involved in underwater structural inspection. It presents guidelines representing standards of practice, documentation and reporting, and administrative considerations for various inspection types, including new construction, baseline, routine, repair design, special, repair construction, and postevent inspections. The first of several extensive appendices provides guidelines for the inspection of unique underwater structure types, including bridges, open-piled structures, gravity and retaining structures, marinas, hydraulic structures, pipelines and conduits, dry docks, locks and gates, floating structures, breakwaters, tower bases, moorings and anchors, tanks and storage facilities, and cathodic protection systems. Subsequent appendices include types and causes of defects and deterioration commonly found in underwater concrete structures, steel structures, wooden structures, masonry structures, composite structural components, and undermining and scour; references for obtaining in-depth information on the structure types; and an extensive glossary of key terms.

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