Sep 23, 2024
Chapter 6

Defining a System Architecture for Operational Digital Twins for Predictive Maintenance

Publication: Digital Twins in Construction and the Built Environment


Facilities management (FM) is a critical postconstruction discipline that ensures that facilities operate safely and efficiently. As a more recent development, digital twins (DT) have emerged as a highly customizable and scalable digital innovation that can be used in FM. To respond to the need for domain knowledge-driven use cases for DT, this chapter defines a generic system architecture for the application of DT to the operational activity of deferred maintenance decision-making based on a thorough examination of existing academic and technical knowledge on DT and maintenance management. The proposed system architecture provides a generic application framework on how to develop, implement, and evaluate operational Building Information Modeling-based DT for predictive maintenance, with deferred maintenance as an exemplar use case. The analytical capabilities of operational DT and the promise of advanced and autonomous monitoring and control by cognitive DT hold significant value for FM and more specifically maintenance management.

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Published In

Go to Digital Twins in Construction and the Built Environment
Digital Twins in Construction and the Built Environment
Pages: 131 - 158
Editors: Houtan Jebelli, Ph.D., Somayeh Asadi, Ph.D., Ivan Mutis, Ph.D., Rui Liu, Ph.D., and Jack Cheng, Ph.D.
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7844-8560-6


Published online: Sep 23, 2024


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Kofi A. B. Asare, Ph.D., Aff.M.ASCE
Rui Liu, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE
Chimay J. Anumba, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE

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