Technical Papers
Mar 31, 2020

Performance Evaluation of Microbial Fuel Cell Operated with Pd or MnO2 as Cathode Catalyst and Chaetoceros Pretreated Anodic Inoculum

Publication: Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste
Volume 24, Issue 3


A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bioelectrochemical system that can recover bioelectricity from wastewater, with simultaneous organic matter removal from the wastewater. However, due to the inferior power production of MFCs and the higher fabrication cost, successful field-scale demonstration of this novel technology is still to be accomplished. Power production of MFCs can be improved by employing a cathode catalyst to overcome the sluggish oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on bare carbon-based electrodes. In this regard, to enhance the power generation in a MFC, three MFCs inoculated with marine algae Chaetoceros pretreated mixed bacterial culture were operated with different cathode catalysts. To examine the effect of cathode catalyst on power generation, Pd and MnO2 were used as cathode catalysts in the MFC-Pd and MFC-Mn, respectively, while the third MFC (MFC-C) was devoid of any catalyst. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was estimated to be 63.3% ± 1.83%, 62.8% ± 2.15%, and 61.3% ± 1.76% for MFC-C, MFC-Mn and MFC-Pd, respectively. The MFC-Pd exhibited highest coulombic efficiency of 25.82% ± 2.1%, followed by MFC-Mn (17.47 ± 1.6%) and MFC-C (10.68% ± 2.8%). The power density of MFC-Pd, MFC-Mn, and MFC-C was estimated to be 63.94, 27.12, and 10.46 mW/m2, respectively. The results exhibited that the application of Pd as a cathode catalyst yields higher power in a MFC. Furthermore, the maximum power density of MFC-Mn, with MnO2 as cathode catalyst, was 2.36 fold lesser than that obtained from the MFC-Pd and 2.59 times higher than MFC-C. In addition, the wastewater treatment efficiency measured in terms of COD removal efficiency was similar for all the MFCs given that similar operating conditions (Chaetoceros pretreatment on the anodic inoculum) were maintained in the anodic chamber of all these MFCs. However, as MnO2 is a low-priced material, the energy recovered per dollar spent on the catalyst is six times higher for MnO2 than for Pd. Thus, the combination of MnO2 as cathode catalyst and Chaetoceros as a methanogenesis inhibitor demonstrated a low-cost, sustainable solution for power enhancement in MFCs.

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This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India (SAP17_IITKGP_05).


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Go to Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste
Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste
Volume 24Issue 3July 2020


Received: Sep 24, 2019
Accepted: Dec 3, 2019
Published online: Mar 31, 2020
Published in print: Jul 1, 2020
Discussion open until: Aug 31, 2020


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Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Indrajit Chakraborty [email protected]
Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India. Email: [email protected]
P. P. Rajesh [email protected]
Former Ph.D. Scholar, PK Sinha Centre for Bioenergy and Renewables, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, and Head, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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